/GOT/ General

Lannister Edition

poo pee, poo poo, poo pee pee poo,
poo pee pee poo poo poo...
peepee pee poo poopoo pee pee poo,
poo pee pee poo poo poo...
poopoo pee, poo poo, poo pee pee poo,
poo pee pee poo poo poo,
pee, poo poo, poo pee pee poo,
poo pee poo poo poo poo.

poo peepee poo, poo peepee poo,
poo peepee poo-py poo
poo peepee poo pee pee poo poo
pee poo poopy peepee poopy poo.
poo peepee poo pee pee poo poo
pee poo poopy peepee poopy poo.

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Other urls found in this thread:




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My aunt/wife's eyebrows are so cute...

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>promise me, ned

Nice backlink faggot

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So if Valyrian steel can kill white walkers or whatever how come they don't react to it like fire or dragon glass? For instance, Jon stabbed that white walker in Lord Commander Mormont's chambers with that Valyrian steel sword and it came back to life and he had to kill it with fire.

Is Stannis' virtue of always being first at the front lines at all realistic or reminiscent of any kings from our history?

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should I post the Wario got collection?

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Fuck Stannis

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>le quotes man

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I have this saved I don't really know why

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You forgot cock and balls

>I need this thread to be GRAPED Yea Forums

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Kino scenes

Doesn't happen like that in the books

what is it, Bran? Not one of your fantasies again?

>Ramsay and his group of 20 good men


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How many episodes have been leaked so far? I want to know when its safe to browse these threads.

All from Season 1, makes you think

>all from season 1
really makes you think

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Absolute pottery. It shows the Songs were wrong. No one sings about the men shitting themselves and crying for their mother whilst being eviscerated by shrapnel. Of course Selmy could never be half the man the songs painted him to be.

So, how will Arya meet Melisandre?

Proof that you can coast by on reputation and boasting alone. Are we to actually believe an old decrepit guy who hadn't seen any real action in decades could still swing his sword let alone be one move above the rest?



robb was cool

fuck off bran

haha I bet Bran shits himself on his wheelchair constantly haha imagine the person who has to clean up his stinky cripple shit haha just a funny thought haha

Could they not redo the scene in the crypt to give Ned the proper hair?

>the songs
nigga, countless expert swordsmen have seen him fight and sing him praises

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jaime got real old

>the songs
were you dropped on the head or are you baiting me?

yer grace...

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based Carl Doughgo

The dinner/feast scene with Benjen/Jaime also has Ned with wrong hair


SO they’re gonna fugg right? Imagine the babies...

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In the Benjen scene it looks like they've been partying hard at the feast

Caesar famously charge with his personal guard into the breach in his line at the Battle of Alesia and Alexander the Great was notorious for leading the cavalry charges that won him an empire.

Yes reddit will love it

Actual Proper /got/ Thread:

Is this the intro song?

this one feels like home already

Pay the Iron Price is a fantastic track.

>Imagine the babies...
Tormund has great genes.

>Kino scenes
hardmode: post kino scenes after season 4 and no hardhome allowed

i just copied it from the other thread. I think it's the lannister themesong

>You want cavalry and infantry, buy them. You want elephants, earn them.

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Jaime scenes unironically.
Almost all of em


Reminder that based Jamie is probably going to kill the night king getting mortally wounded in the process and die in that giant bitchs arms thus making the title kingslayer a positive one in the future when people remember him

you know the guy in the other thread was right, he does have negroid features



>Tywin and Roose never had a scene together

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Why does everyone say the dialogue has worsened when that Stannis vs Renly showdown reads like poor fanfiction?

LF comes back, what's your reaction

Good god.

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you're a cool cunt.


Alexander the Great did ride with his cavaliers, I guess Anaxerxes of Persia also lead from the front (from Xenon's story, but he got fucked). Generally in Hoplite Formations of Ancient Greek the leader, not always the King, sometimes elected generals, would march in step with their men but not at the front of the line. Harold Godwinson led his mean from the front but got killed for it. Richard III, the hunchback supposedly, use to ride out with his men as wel. The last Roman Emperor, Constantine XI, went out with his men into the last battle against the Turks as well. Generally a lot of Kings were mounted, so I guess if riding in with the boys counts then a lot probably did.

>tfw you realize Bran is actually the Night King posing as Jaqen H'ghar posing as the Night King posing as Bran

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It wouldn't have made any sense but I would've like to see Melisandre and the High Sparrow interact

good scene, too bad it ends with jaime proclaiming his love for cersei

the rape, sansa

>this was worth a continent-wide civil war, decades of consequences, tens of thousands of deaths, and almost completely erasing an entire royal bloodline from existence

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holy fuck this show used to be kino

First for my nigga Howland HOWLIN' MAD REED

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I'd have liked to see Stannis interact with Robert and Cersei.

muh dik

in the books, Rhaegar is obsessed with a prophecy he feels is his duty to follow
in the show, he just comes off as a petty cheating asshole who just wanted to bang someone else



Mark Addy and Sean Bean are truly great together

So at what point did all of this become unavoidable? Because you could argue that the second the Mad King started burning liege lords alive in his court this was never going to end another way

Charlie Day should have been Howland Reed

>Cersie's bringing back disenfranchised Westerosi to defend their homeland from the Brown Horde
She truly is the best. She could have hired a gang of rapists like Dany, but knew it's important to get support from her own people to protect the plebs.



My favorite S1 scene. Only two episodes in and it feels like they've been friends forever

Imagine being Rhaegar Targaryen in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Lyanna, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your short body and unremarkable face. I would totally start a war for you, against both the northerners and the Others." when all he really wants to do is fuck Elia Martell again. Like seriously imagine having to be Rhaegar and not only stand next to Lyanna Stark while she flaunts her curveless body in front of you, the favorable sunshine barely concealing her fat arms and leathery skin, and just stand there, minute after minute, vow after vow, while she agreed to that marriage. Not only having to tolerate her annoying northern accent but also Robert Baratheon marching to the capital, shouting HE'S STILL GOT IT and DAMN, LYANNA'S BOYFRIEND LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because he's not the one that has to stand there and watch her puffy northern gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of Dornish girls and prostitutes and later Elia Martell for your ENTIRE LIFE coming straight out of the boonies in Summerhall. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's covering her dimpled cheeks as she smiles to wink suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to marry her and revel in her "wild (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she practiced so much in front of a mirror. And then Lyanna says another vow, and you know you could kill every single person in Westeros before your father could put you down, but you stand there and endure, because you're fucking Rhaegar Targaryen. You're not going to fail the prophecy over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

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Is this rains of fucking castamere



based ink poisoning cosplay

DnD has raped the series to an incredible extent over the years, but this scenario was hardly worth consideration in the list of their other fuck ups.

>65 year old man
>surrounded in a dark hallway by 10+ faggots with knives
>he still manages to kill almost all of them

How is this in any way a shameful death? I'm aware that he was supposed to be wearing his armor. but even if he had been, 10 to 1 as a geriatric is not good odds.

"rains" indeed

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Did you miss the part where he was disemboweled by unarmored aristocrats with daggers? yes, he was good, but the claims of "cutting through 7 kingsguard like cake" is just a boast. If anything he could duel of them, but not two at once. Anyone can be stabbed in the back. Fookin Eddard and Howland took down Arthur Dayne.

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It was just pure laziness and shock value.

Something tells me this wasn't his idea.

I haven't seen the first few seasons in forever, did they even mention Dayne in the show before this scene?

>Sons of the Harpy
wow im on the edge of my seat

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briene of shit almost killed the hound and countless other womyn beating men every episode and this is the shit that gets you man.


>mfw i teach a blacksmith that he should adapt armor for winter
>mfw i don't trust a woman that is utterly insane and fucks over everyone
>mfw i ask questions about logistics and provide no answers

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When king shitcunt was reading the book of brothers he was briefly mentioned


how about dem taxes

The reveal is unironically kino as fuck. Much better than the expository one in season 7. No dialogue needed. Just the music and cutting between baby Jon and Adult Jon

This, dying because you took multiple wounds from opponents behind you whilst outnumbered isn't shameful but realistic. I think it's because Greyworm got to walk out without a scratch right next to him it came off like hack favoritism.

the music is what sealed it for me.

>Only good scene in entire episode is also the only scene with a man-to-man conversation
What did they mean by this?

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I find Lyanna cute, I don't care what the naysayers nay.

the music is pretty much the only part of game of thrones that is consistently good, i think the lannister and greyjoy themes are some of ramin djawadi's best work

>leather is warmer than wool

Did they get John Cena, throw a blonde wig on him and call it a day?

it's just me or s8e1 was considerably worst than all episodes of s7, which were already crap?

>But what do dragons eat anyway
>Smiles smugly

Can somebody post the copypasta from the latest episode with all the cringe dialogue? thanks lads here's a pic as payment

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>I did not fight beside you on the field, and I will regret that til my dying day
>new raven who dis

what was sansa's tax policy?

Makes sense why my girl was crazy about this guy

8.01 was seriously lacking.

there was a few scenes that could've been elevated from shit to ok with that sort of music

i saved it in notepad after maing it

>you take great offense at dwarf jokes, but love telling eunuch jokes, why is that ?
>because I have balls... and you don't :^)

>how did you survive a knife to the chest
>i didn't :^)

>what do dragons eat, anyway?
>whatever they want :^)

>Iive never ridden a dragon
>you learn by riding a dragon :^)

>what do I hold onto
>whatever you can :^)

>we could be a thousand years here :^)
>we would be pretty old

>it's cold
>so keep your queen warm :^)

>If you want a whore, buy one, ff you want a Queen, earn her :^)
>whores herself about 30 seconds after saying that

>they're stubborn as goats
>a goat bleets on screen

>she thinks she's smarter than everyone else
>she's the smartest person i know :^)

>you left me to die
>first I robbed you :^)

>always knew you were just another rich girl
>you don't know any other rich girls :^)
>*walks away*

>joffrey's wedding, dismal affair
>it had its moments :^)

>jon and dany make out
>drogon watches intensely
>jon look nervous

>glovers betrayed us
>*angrily throws his gloves at the table*

>theon rescues yara
>she headbutts him the moment she's set free because female dominance :^)


Harald Hardrada did, and promply got an arrow in his throat

>that tiny tap in the cup Varys accidentaly does

he doesnt even flinch lol
good acting


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I think Sansa gets a bad shake because she's absolutely right. Daenerys did as she always has done aka rolled up into somebody's ancestral home with her 2 armies and 3 [addendum: 2] dragons and said "my way or the highway." After being told for an entire season that Northmen don't work that way. And Sansa, along with the rest of the Northern Lords, are saying "who the fuck are you, where did you come from, and how are we supposed to feed and accommodate you?" And I hear people calling her an asshole for asking questions that should've been answered before she got there.

thanks friend

>cercei is evil now so she wears black and has spike armor on her shoulders
>sansa is evil now so she wears black and wears metal chains and two sinister looking direwolves
I want disney to leave

The fighting pits are so shit compared to Gladiator.

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one of the most important revelations of the series is blurted out by a fatty who's just overly emotional after learning his asshole family was BBQ'D, all so he can spite Dany, bravo

That Jon and Sam have a enough trust in each other to have an honest, uncomfortable conversation without getting weird about it

Probably around the time Rhaegar divorced Elia. Bobby B and the Starks might be pissed off that Lyanna's ran off to marry in secret, but they'd soon get over it.

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>comparing Ridley's Kino to DnD's shitshow
what the fuck did you expect?

He also only has the conversation because he falls over and makes a loud noise.

It was a wright. basically a human raised the necromantic powers of a White Walker so he doesn't have the same weakness, it's still has a body of hi properties.

Someone in the other thread pointed out that Edmure looks like Terry A. Davis and I can't get the thought out of my mind

people aren't shitting on sansa for being unwelcoming to dany, she is correct to be careful, people are shitting on the writers for forcing the '4000 IQ SANSA' bullshit by either making other characters dumber to make her look good, or making other characters constantly talk about how smart and what a survivor she is. show, don't tell.

Harold Godwinson also got an arrow in the eye
1066 was a good year for archers

Guy was like 6'6, he was a big target.

Where were you when you realized Bran is going to warg into Stannis and avoid Brienne's off-screen slash?


i'd never miss an opportunity to shit on the mess the show has become, friend

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does anyone have a favorite character right now?
i think they're all shit and just wish they all die even with the night king.
just like have someone nuke earth.

>inb4 jamie .
no he isn't Ned,Stannis,Robb,,,Ramsay,Joffrey tier.


> all this hate on D&D
I'm not condoning their writing but you're all missing the point.
They were never talented writers and never strived to be. If they were, they wouldn't be on TV. They're tv producers, that's what they are. The primary creative source of the show has always lied on the hands of the fatman. He is the one that signed a contract with HBO for the adaptation of the series claiming that he would finish the books in ten years. He was the one that allowed the show to continue progressing while he couldn't meet the demands or due dates. He is the one behind schedule. He is the one that should be at least half way across the last book, that was planned to be launched alongside the last season. He is the writer that should be guiding the series, he is to blame. When the series surpassed the books, D&D were lost, and who could blame them? Could you write something on par with the books without Martin's lore and prose to guide you? That's literally not what they signed up for. They are doing a bad job, but such job wasn't supposed to be theirs to complete after all. If the show is shit now, the Fatman is to blame. The reason the plots are being butchered to serve an ending is obvious: Martin might have an idea of how the stories will end, but he has clearly no clue about how to get there. That's why he hasn't finished the books.
The only one deserving all of your hatred is the fatman and his creative blockage, alongside his greed for money that stopped him from doing the right thing: refusing to sign a contract with HBO if he had no idea on how to finish his story.

>>inb4 jamie .
>no he isn't Ned,Stannis,Robb,,,Ramsay,Joffrey tier.
jaime has always been a better, or at least more interesting, character than ned, robb, ramsay or joffrey. maybe not stannis in the book, but definitely in the show

>only five episodes left before /got/ is killed off forever
I don't want you lads to go. Every single one of you. I've enjoyed us being back together so much, but it's all so fleeting. /got/ will be gone again and we'll be fractured and scattered in the wind.

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>Winter is coming?
Bring it in bro!

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I have a guy in mind.

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i blame the fatman as well as d&d, how do you explain great scenes that weren't written by the fatman?

Not even IMDb thought is was very good, the only season 7 episode rated lower was also its premier which was nothing but Dany rubbing surfaces in Dragonstone. I've been seeing a surprisingly amount of criticism of the show in that long wait between seasons, even normies are waking up from their honeymoon phase and balancing out the mindless hype.

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She's like a 4/10

Why didn't she kill him?
Why did she come back, just to say a snarky one liner and leave?
Why did Jaqen smile as if it was all part of his plan?

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They're not writers, but even they should realize that some of the schlock they're serving is retarded

it was unusual to see threads on got-related subreddit front pages have heavily upvoted comments that speak directly about how shit the writing has become

Will Jamie kill the Night king and then become the next night king in a weird twist to put a good spin on the " Kingslayer " title and keep the remaining wights in check as jailer of the damned?

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>people are shitting on the writers for forcing the '4000 IQ SANSA' bullshit by either making other characters dumber to make her look good, or making other characters constantly talk about how smart and what a survivor she is. show, don't tell.
You know what? I've never heard it said better. Sansa becoming Keikaku-sama happened way too fucking fast. I don't have a problem with her being Littlefinger 2.0. But she went from whimpering child in one season to 8 dimensional chess player the next. Which is fine but why did that happen at the expense of Tyrion becoming an impotent dumbass? I mean he is one of the best players of the games in the country... right?

why can't it be like an anime where they fucking wait for the author to finish

I don't want to be mean but you should always expect this kind of shit from fat people, even smart fat people like Martin.

I wish him a healthy life and I hope that he finish his books but holy shit, I fear that the man might turn into the ultimate hack of history by finishing the whole saga in winds of winter (and that's maybe why he's delaying it) and shove this trashy fanfiction ending into it.


Because by then Arya was already dead.

Harry Strickland

So is he.

There must always be... a night king...


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Then tyrion winks at the camera and says and then it goes directly into Sam's face and he smiles and says " Fuck you " and then it ends.

Who are you...

I'm enjoying this rendition of the Rains of Castamere in my head very much

So then filler of Jaime fucking around in the Riverlands?

>but why did that happen at the expense of Tyrion becoming an impotent dumbass? I mean he is one of the best players of the games in the country... right?
because the writers are not capable of making sansa seem genuinely intelligent and have a knack for good decision-making, so they make scenes like 'i used to think you were the smartest man alive :^)' or the infamous 'shouldn't there be leather on those breastplates?' it's because they've done nothing to actually show sansa being smart, so they do it now in a way that hurts the writing quality (makes tyrion, one of the most cunning people remaining, look like a moron)

New leak: near the end of the Battle of Winterfell things are going poorly and it seems like the living will lose. An engine is revved in the distance and Radmure appears on a snowboard being towed by Roslin on an ATV. He snowboards through the dead doing sick jumps to a live performance of Danger Zone by Mace the Ace and the Reachmen. When he arrives at the center of the battle he beats the Night King to death with his Valyrian steel nunchucks

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azor preston

that's what I would do if I were him. Just hire a ghost writer to novelize season 8 and be done with it.
The last book was shit

See the pattern?

would you rather have jaime die a heroic death defeating the night king or die a heroic death killing cersei?

tyrion isn't that cunning

no, the filler arc would be bronn

How did Sam not know about his father / brother anyways? Did he travel back to the north via ship, or via the kingsroad?

If by ship I guess I could understand if he left oldtown and sailed along the west coast of westeros to get to winterfell, but at the same time that doesn't make sense because most ships would not go that way as there's no major ports on that side of westeros in the north, everything would go through white harbor.

If he travelled by road, there's no way the news of what happened to his family wouldn't spread like wildfire in the reach as he travelled through it, taking several months of travel just to get to winterfell by road.

This show treats travel like people have automobiles or trains to travel across westeros it's fucking ridiculous and annoying, especially when how long it takes to travel across the realm has ALREADY BEEN ESTABLISHED in the tv series in the first fucking episode.

>not a skidoo
And that's when I knew, user was full of it

second one without the death, him, Tyrion and Bronn go to live in Essos and start a sitcom

don't know if this opinion is retarded, but i think no other season is as bad as season 5
he's supposed to be, it's one of his defining traits in the books, despite him being bitter and spiraling into depression

Fucking and strangling Cersei at the same time

Honestly how are they even trying to pass her off as a smart character? The closest she came to reading was when she pretended to read some pieces of paper in Season 7 to get Brienne to leave.

Outside of that she was taught how to knit dresses, curtsy, style her hair, complain about her handmaidens, and eat lemon cakes like a fat pig.

People don't magically become smart overnight just because they get tricked by Littlefinger for the 100th time.

As far as character intelligence goes, I think she is realistically around the same level as Gilly.


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Arya is Littlefinger in disguise, who killed Arya after shoving her in a Littlefinger disguise

So, like the lich King, someone will wear the crown (like the helm of Dominion) to keep the Others in check? Awful

he should die like a dog for the crimes he committed in life. nothing heroic or to be celebrated about a man who just recently realized that his entire life was spent being an asshole.

he's played like a fool by varys and littlefinger in the books

his wife is asian

we /fasttravel/ now, didn't you get the memo last season

So, is Arya and Gendry a thing? If so, then I feel bad for Joe Dempsie having to act attracted to that dumpster fire of a woman

Have sex

>he doesn't know about Jaime's book Riverlands redemption arc

but this isn't book!Jaime

Arya kills Dany
Jamie kill Cersei
Bran killing the nightkingbloodraven[/spoiler

Stop reminding me of how WoW shit all over the Lich King storyline

Azor Cersei


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Brienne's "victory" over the hound was the biggest joke in the entire series. If the SJW brigade thought about it for more than 5 minutes they would probably start getting pissed at DnD for just how many steps they took in that situation for her victory to be possible:

>The hound hadn't eaten or slept properly in weeks
>Brienne was sleeping and eating at Inn's the whole time leading up to that encounter
>The hound had debilitating infection that was growing worse by the day
>Brienne was at the peak of her health and had a brand spanking new set of armor and a valyrian bullshit blade

They even had to throw in a line about The hound having to take a shit and getting interrupted. it was ridiculous, and anyone that touts that moment as some badass thing for brienne is retarded.

well the op has like 100 poo's in it...

post good soundtrack

Who else

This is till a really good song imo. It was really great during the show too, even if the show was kind of shit by then.

Shes very cute.

Why didn't Ned tell Jon the truth after he took the vows?

Its not like he could have ran away?

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Imagine having a turd half-way out of your asshole and then having to cut the log in half only to fight a turbodyke, occasionally feeling your sphincter quiver while you exchange blows with the ultimate butch
I feel bad for the Hound, for not properly taking a shit, the rest of it probably came out while he was slowly dying, truly an awful way to almost go

so this is the power of lyanna's "wild beauty"? pretty sure half of the girls from my high school class were more attractive

from what game is this?

Interrupting a shit is the most painful thing ever. js

why didn't ned tell catelyn so she stops being pissed at jon? surely she wouldn't tell robert.

Thats not the same actress from Bran's flashback of winterfell is it?
I recall that Lyanna was much cuter


Warcraft 3.

You cannot trust a woman.

She is less than five desu

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true, it's very patronizing when you think about it

What's Euron's endgame?

Quick post your favourite sex scene

Who will definitely die before the season ends?

Arya is definitely marked for death. The faceless men will kill her at some point. The theory that she is already dead is kind of dumb since the girl wearing her face would not care about killing anyone on her list.

LMAO@Jonfag, even if his guy Jon didn’t bend the knee like a cuck he never could have been King in the North for as long as Robb just going by the episode lengths of seasons 2 and 3 compared to 7 and 8. And Robb doesn’t die until the ninth episode of season 3 and that’s more than either of King Cuck’s seasons. Based Robb forever young and eternally btfo of of Jonfag.

aged like wine

i'm still mad.

my guess? grey worm, bran, jaime (sadly), euron, cersei, mountain, qyburn, melisandre, dany

if greyworm had also died this scene would have been fine

still aged more gracefully than any woman in the show

Getting rebbit senpai girls wet with his doughy body and yag sparrow impersonation

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add varys and tyrion

Missandei and literally all the other nonwhite characters are all just as hot as their first scene


Upon rewatching, that episode keeps getting worse. There’s lot of shit said, but really there’s little substance and characters have to act stupid and get tongue tied just to maintain any sense of drama. Jon in particular just has his jaw hanging when people are having a go at him when he can easily counter.

missandei hasn't aged yet, i don't think she's even 30 yet
besides, non-white women seem to age better than white women

Ramsay and Myranda

>literally all the other nonwhite characters
sooo missandei

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>talking about white walkers
>Euron: can they swin?
>Jon: No
>white walkers pulled a fucking dragon from the bottom of a frozen lake or ocean or whatever the fuck with chains earlier in s7 so someone had to swin down and attach the chains
what did D&D mean by this?

qyburn, cersei, euron, grey worm, the mountain, everyone that went north to capture the zombie, dany.

Because ned does have a kid out there the stark children are actually bastards because he wa already married


Killed by an independent stronk woman.

they sunk to the bottom and hooked the chains

Nope, different actress, the child one is an Instathot now and really doesn't look the part anymore so I understand why they didn't bring her back.

the nights king did it with telekinesis

And a "man" with no balls crying

Brienne in general is the most over-hyped turd in the whole show. When people talk about her big victories that are supposed to substantiate her status as a warrior, they generally mention The hound, Jamie, and Stannis. a tired, infected man that had to take a shit. a malnourished man with no shoes in chains, and a man bleeding out from multiple stab wounds collapsed on the ground. How is she considered to be a fucking badass?

Why the fuck even use Euron if you aren't going to bother with the Godhead plotline?

Why the fuck wasn't he just Victorian going 'not muh' when Asha tried the Kingsmoot?

Who the fuck approved this?

>Jon in particular just has his jaw hanging when people are having a go at him when he can easily counter.
The Wall which has been around for effectively ever to these people has fallen, they've seen firsthand proof the Wights are coming, but FUCK THAT

they didnt know they did that

I remember back in probably 2013 an user talking about how he thought Howland killed Dayne and it was something about a net and frog powers or something that sounded dope and then a few years later it turns out he just stabbed him in the back.

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Well its well known that white women peak at like 19 and age like milk. Sansa is an easy example, they are definitely around the same age and Sansa might actually be younger

Is this from the TT game?

There is no way in hell this dude doesn’t get fucked up badly. They had him coerce Cersei into sex she would’ve rather avoided. That’s a death sentence on this show.

fitting in a way that no one ever really beat the guy in a fight

You can see the raven message now
>ohmygods Lysa...u wudnt believe what ned just told me about Jon, he says he's actually our Lyanna's with that blond lad from down souf, Raygar or summat...carnt trust em as far as u can throw em these days I swear down! Anyway he sez that big fat bastard robbie wud bash his hed in wiv a hammer if he fount out, ad say he deserves it the thick cunt!

>"you'll always be my firstborn"
>kills his dad
What did Ramsay mean by this?

Fucking kek

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White women age bad, white man don't.

The only male characters that are currently not pussywhipped within the entire show are Tormund and Euron.

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Does anyone know where I can stream season 8?


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Okay so Daenearys is imune to fire but does that mean that she's immune to heat itself? Does that mean that she can swim in lava and that she doesnt ever sweat because shes never hot?

>avenge Oberyn
>by murdering Oberyn's family and plunging Dorne into anarchy

hardhome is absolute d&d fanfiction, so how is it so fucking good? probably the best episode out of seasons 5, 6 and 7

Don't forget eddison and the hound

WAIT IS JOHN SNOW IMMUNE TO FIRE TOO? He's a targaryen now isnt he?!?!!

>Okay so Daenearys is imune to fire
It was a one time blood magic sacrifice thing, the second time was pure DABID

Henry V famously took an axe blow to the crown on his helmet during the Battle of Agincourt. That poor french fuck who took that swing must have been the most stabbed man ever to exist.

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Have sex with your aunt

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>and that she doesn't ever sweat because shes never hot
certainly not. her skin is a perfect insulator therefore she must sweat profusely

e1 making of video

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Varus I guess. Can't wait to disappointed when we never find out what the fire said to him.

This was the best part of that entire season. It was honestly far too good to waste on a scene of blowing up hobos.

why is /got/ so gay?

>so how is it so fucking good?
Miguel Sapochnik

God damn she was so cute on the show. Fuck go from her most recent picture to her oldest, that’s fucking tragic. Why would she paint her self up like that and clog up her pores? She looks like a fucking space clown or something. She’s legitimately a gorgeous human why look like a piece of plastic? She can’t pissibly think she is more valuable as an actress to woman in general like this right?

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addendum: she might also pant like a dog.

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Henry had a lucky escape at the Battle of Shrewsbury when an arrow went into his helmet visor and scarred his cheek.
His opponent, Harry Hotspur, also had an arrow through his raised helmet visor which killed him

cute granny

Roose was a cunning leader, but I get the feeling both he and Tywin would sense that Tywin is far more competent as a whole with running a house. He's a rich southern Lord, he's not going to bro up with a northern lord who flays people in a dirty cold castle.

I know it's a drama show, but it just feels so inorganic and forced. The Wall is down but nobody really seems to care or anything to stir up drama.

D&D got away with writing generic fantasy shit where Jon and Dany beat up people for 2 seasons, so now they try to reconnect the story lines and it just feels like a mess now that they're trying to write politics again, while they buy time for the zombies to get there.

the lake wasn't that deep?

Yeah but only cause Howland warged into dayne and killed himself

just for jaime

all of this aging discussion leads me to understand why they can't wait for the fatman to actually write the story.

nobody cares about your books fagt

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women are dumb

Jorah Momo

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There were tens or hundreds of thousands when Jon fought them with the wildings beyond the wall and not a single one even got foot deep in the water

this is a good way to get b&

>he hasn't read the books
how much of a retard are you

She likes taking baths in super hot water and doesn't burn herself when picking up super hot stuff, so probably

robb is goat
after stannis that is

Roose's relationship with Ramsay was not unlike Ramsay's relationship with his hounds. He raised a wild dog that he only fleetingly placated, but never had the love or loyalty of. Ramsay's hounds were starved of food, so they consumed him. Ramsay felt starved of validation and his birthright by Roose's new trueborn and threat of disinheriting Ramsay, so Ramsay "consumed" succession by killing them all.

lol why?

You're right, but i get the feeling the writers might turn him into cerceis lackey.

Eddison is kind of neutral, neither based nor whipped. And The Hound, well he's still based but not as based as he was in the beginning.

In a scenario where everyone is wearing plate armour he could conceivably carve through the Kingsguard. They are also in a pretty sad state at that point, if Meryn Fookin Trant has got a place there.

However, being ambushed on the alley he was not wearing armour, and that makes things complicated. He has trained for decades in a fighting style that assumes that everything else except your joints and eye visor are practically invulnerable against swords and axes (why nobody besides Big Bobby B uses a warhammer, or a polearm for that matter, is more proof that Gurm cannot into medieval warfare), because why would a Kingsguard knight ever head to battle without armour. However, this time there's no protection and no way to fight like he's used to.

Hound, Jaime, Bronn and Varys are the best surviving characters

i unironically attempted to sing that for 10 mins

Not quite the same but Napoleon was fucking crazy and constantly right where the action was thickest. During one moment where his troops were refusing to charge a bridge one of his officers grabbed a flag and ran out into the field to inspire them. Napoleon followed his lead and did the same. Nearly died right there.

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Dabid treats his conversations like fight scenes -- characters just talk at each other for a while and the one that gets the last word wins. For this reason, there can only be one intelligent person in a scene at a time. In order for a scene to show Sansa to be smart, Jon, Tyrion, and the rest must become stupid.

The general idea in the books is that Howland used his greenseer ability to loosely predict the fight, Throw a net onto him at the right moment and cut him with some debilitating poison. He was so OP they had to use nets, poison and fucking magic to take him down. In the show he just gets stabbed lol. fuck I hate DnD.

Good god

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What anime is this qt from user?


It's not a redemption arc, it's Jamie mistaking tyranny for peace. That's the whole point.

>no vocaroo

danny bitch will try to burn him with muh dragons and he will survive dat .
gotfags will go crazy

it was Meh for me


Brienne is a favorite of betas and cunts, who have no conception of honor -- only power. They fantasize about magically killing the "tyrannical" (read: competent) people in their lives, so whenever they see Brienne "the Big Bitch" of Tarth do it they clap.

Kino scenes that weren't(and likely won't be) in the book that should've been in this show.

>Edmure being told that his other sister died. His reaction being that, "She wasn't much of a sister anyway."

>Edmure being freed from prison by a renewed based Jaime who throws him his armor and tells him that it's time to go north.

>Edmure reuniting with his nephews and nieces and being rad like always

Anymore ideas lads?

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him fucking his frey wife


His wife is the last Frey left alive, right? Can he take over The Twins lawfully?

I'd like to have consensual sex with his floppy fish

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Flying Witch

This would actually be a fucking kino scene.

>The war is won in episode 4
>Dany finds out that everyone is turning on her in episode 5 and she has massively depleted resources from fighting the white walkers
>She flips out and goes full mad queen, sentencing all the traitors to die
>Jon convinces her to only person him, as the claim to the throne would revert to her if he dies
>Dany orders Drogon to burn him
>Drogon hesitates
>Dany is seething at this point
>She orders him again and he complies
>Jon emerges from the flames unscathed
>Drogon leaves Dany's side and chooses Jon as his new master

Dany completely, totally and forever more, BTFO.

Too based for D&D

I fully expect this to happen

He's not immune to fire
He burnt his hand in season 1

Yeah that was it!

>implyig dnd care


dummy writers

Probably yeah
I bet they use the resurrection as an excuse to him being immune now