"Your Sheev Theory Sucks"
"Your Sheev Theory Sucks"
Can't decode what the plan was when there was never any plan to begin with.
His nose looks like a tennis racket
"They made it up as they went along" is the weakest criticism in history.
Why is he so smug?
robot Palpatine
>Your Sneed Theory Sucks
coke and being born incredibly wealthy and having everything given to you
Miss Me?
Jewish nepotism
no matter how shit he is he'll always get work
Because he made 2 billion dollars.
Are Jews more powerful the bigger their noses? This guy must be high ranking kike to be that huge
>be JJ
>don't even try making a unique story for TFA, the boomers will eat that shit up anyways
>suddenly Rian shits the bed with TLJ
>now both boomers and newshits are frothing at the mouth over Disney and nu-Wars
>the next and last movie is handed to you
>now you actually have to try and create something of your own
Abrams...had a hard life.
the nose knows
>be me
>work regular 9 to 5 job
>struggle through life financially
>read all these /pol/ comments
When will I be drafted in to this worldwide cartel of power and nepotism. I've been waiting 40 years. Please hurry.
Shut up, fag.
I still honestly don't understand why people hate Rian.
>shit director remakes ANH
>new director puts him in his place
>people hate the new director
If anything this will be better for everyone because JJ will either be exposed as the unoriginal hack he is, or he will become better because of this challenge he has to face and that will be good for fans and non-fans of JJ.
>is born privileged
>fails at using his privilege
lmaoing at your life rn tbqhwy
The last Jedi was shit but at least Johnson tried something new, I respect him for that even if it backfired miserably
Same here, I agree.
"When you fail to plan, you plan to fail"
Spotted the incel
This. Instead of copying Empire, he copied Empire AND Return of the Jedi.
Making Yoda a quip machine does not deserve any respect
It takes skill to make puppet Yoda look like bad cgi.
Should we start a list of all the questions that WON'T be answered? Not talking about plot, there's no story anyway, but answers to the nonsensical shit they camped into the last two movies. Because we all know during the big space battle scene in Ep IX everyone will be asking "Why isn't that ship hyperspace ramming the other ship?"
And we'll never be told who the fuck Snoke is.
>I still honestly don't understand why people hate Rian.
If you are working with existing IP you have to actually respect the franchise. Originality is nice thing, but you absolutely have to avoid shitting over existing canon and characters. He had no respect for franchise or its fanbase. His bullshit on social media only made everything worse.
You're not subverting hard enough for them to notice.
Always remind yourself that /pol/acks are just another batch of socialist cocksuckers who want big daddy government to fuck them in the ass and tell them when to breathe. Socialists, national socialists, commies etc. - all just a bunch of wannabe German rejects who blame everyone else for every booboo they imagine they've got.
Why didn't they just hyperspace ram the death star
>I still honestly don't understand why people hate Rian.
Because he was a smarmy little faggot who made an intentionally bad movie to shit on everyone who gave him the chance.
>is born subhuman
>fucks up even basic sentences
Can't say I am surprised.
I went to very expensive restaurant and the chanson jumped on our table, shit on our plates, shit all over us, drank the flower vase water and asked me for 2500 dollars.
I now very much respect him.
Jar Jars parents worked in film industry. That might have helped getting into business.
quick give me a rundown of the sequels so far
what's their plot?
>be jewish and come into thread and lie
>on Yea Forums
youre definitely the simple brother during the seder arent you
More wine, less whine.
You sound exactly like some SJW berating you for white privilege would sound.
That takes balls, I'd respect that but also punch him in the face
No one knows.
>haha, what about jewish noses amirite fellow aryans?
fuck that jew
You fucking suck at being a Jew.
Is this real?
>Rian destroys RLM's arguments against Lucas
Jew here, I have a 200 IQ and decide the fate of nations daily. I can literally push a button next to me and blow up an important building worldwide at random. Notre Dame? That was me spilling coffee on the button.
This fag is just a failure and we make him sit alone at lunch.
hey man at least he tried something new! gotta respect that
He actively took pleasure in it too. It's almost like he was a trek fan and wanted to destroy SW from the inside.
They expect one of you in the wreckage, brother
what is the point of this image?
I hate both Jar Jar and Ruin Johnson with passion. These guys and Jar Jars less competent henchman Kurztman killed both Star Trek and Star Wars. Star Wars might have been salvageable after one JJ movie. Two were enough to kill Trek.
Look guys! He posted a photoshopped picture to prove his point! That sure showed those damned nazis
Seething nose goblin
Holy shit... nazis have noses
probably because while JJ made a meh film that was a rip off of a New Hope, it was still salvageable, Rain on the other hand nuked any chance of salvaging Nu-Wars to the point that Disney is actively trying to bury it.
The soulless corporate slop deserves no better