What makes the Joker one of the most popular capeshit villains...

What makes the Joker one of the most popular capeshit villains? Would people like him as much as they do now if he was a she?

Attached: femjokers.jpg (780x1564, 301K)

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I want to have sex with all of those females (males) and I'm not even gay

probably not, but your point is sort of moot because everybody loves catwoman for using her femininity as a weapon against Batman, something even Joker can't do.

>everybody loves catwoman
Not really. Joker remains the most popular and fanfav villain.

because he's the arch nemesis.

People just like the smug/comedic trait. It's the same reason people post so many pepe jokes here

He appeals to the edgy side of people. The kind they don't know what to with since they live boring human lives as wageslaves or having sex unlike the joker who is unique and different and doesn't need sex to be more than human

Holy fuck gib Joaquina incel gf

Men relate to him because he's a guy, we would not care or see ourselves in him if he was a girl, for example we have H.Quinn and she's only a desirable character for most men, rarely you'll find them identifying themselves with her or respecting her as a villain the same way they do with the Joker.

Why is fem!joker Joaquin cute? He kind of looks like Margot as Harley.


In a clown world the joker is king.

Because t. faggots want nothing more than to stop giving a fuck about all their anxieties, but they can't, so they settle for worshipping le mad joke man. They live in a society.

The next Joker after Joaquin's version will be a powerful black female.

Because he offers a genuine counterpoint to the main hero and no other villain (that I know of) does that.
Batman is a dude who dresses up in a Halloween outfit to fight bad guys. And everyone seems to shrug at that, only the Joker points out how absurd it is. Also Batman has a retarded moral code which means he could never kill a villain even if he knows the villain will definitely break out of Arkham and kill again. Joker makes fun of him for that. Also Joker unlike 99% of villains isn't interested in money, power, revenge or any dumb shit like that. He's just a sociopath who wants to see society burn. I know that sounds edgy but it's way more entertaining than the same old motivations we've seen since the 50s

That's exactly why I love Joker and his dynamic with Batman.

OP here, I know all these things already, it's not that deep bros. I shamelessly armit that I just wanted an excuse to post this cute picture of faminine jokers that I found. This thread might end here.

That's taking it a little far, but I really want to watch this Jack Raiden version of Joker nao

Based feminine jokers poster

You don't have to admit something we all knew. I'm hijacking your shit offtopic thread and making it on-topic

>What makes the Joker one of the most popular capeshit villains?

post more female jokers

I want a Batman Beyond movie in a similar style to the day of retribution memoir where Terry McGuiness has to fight a clown world of Jokerz while suffering from the effects of the venom throughout half the movie and trying to keep it together for the missions old man Bruce gives him. BLOW IT UP can be the secondary bad guy

Isn't Harley just female joker?

female joaquin a cute. CUTE!

Ok then, ho on I guess.
I didn't make that pic but I have this app as well. Post a Joker pic that you want to see and I'll see what I can do.

I wanna do things with female joaquin. Fuck you OP for posting this.

Not as cute as you, I bet.
Sorry buddy.

Friendly reminder that Yea Forums shitposters are the greatest threat to peace and stability in Yea Forums.

Not really, her origin and motives are completely different and she's also an antihero more than a villain.

That was my favorite show as a child. What do you think the chances are they do something with it?

More likely to get a static shock reboot. I don't like young justice fuck that boring shit hours of fucking standing around and TALKING

>Yea Forums
OP here, yes I do post there. How could you tell?

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I wouldn’t mind a live action adaptation of Static Shock either. Probably a lot more likely they do that over Batman Beyond sans black Terry lul

This existed in the same future

he was just always extraordinary.
But at some point they decided to make him a deeper character, which started the downward spiral of him triggering something in people.
Somehow he bacame a symbol for anarchism and the general madness inside of people which people started to reflect on and took surprisingly well, despite him being written like the worst human possible, people started seeing his bad traits as a reflection of their darker yet appealing side, even though hes the bad guy and hes not meant to be seen positive or relatable. Think Fight Club but as a character, thats basically what the jokester has become, a power fantasy. I personally blame tdk but it started way earlier with the killing joke comic

He sez sumfin about my lyf
I'm a crazy bitch lol
Not like the other girls bbz xoxoxo

You'd expect Leto's Joker to look the most feminine but it's Joaquin's instead. You learn something new everyday.

Nice digits. It’s kind of funny how Alan Moore doesn’t like the killing joke and thinks joker and batman are shitty characters.

is there something alan moore likes?

Nobody likes Alan Moore, except Stewart Lee

We could smell it

Not in the world of capeshit.

Have you ever tried the app? Everyone looks fem in it, it has many filters. Here's Leto as himself.

Attached: FaceApp_1555626972915.jpg (856x448, 66K)

Classic facapp poster. This app used to be good when the race filter existed.
Nah faceapp posters used to be a thing on Yea Forums.

>paid for faceapp

I respect the honesty

I have faceapp too, you don't have to pay.

Batman being the most popular superhero. Also, he isn't a retard like sabretooth

Superman is more popular than Batman but his villains compared to Batman's, are not as popular.

Post the other Joker actors too. Please senpai!

Attached: FaceApp_1555630335276.jpg (856x448, 65K)

They cute! CUTE!

Attached: FaceApp_1555633069752.jpg (856x448, 66K)

Attached: FaceApp_1555630850058.jpg (856x448, 56K)

people love harley quinn

Is this a real person or just a intricate series of shitposts and photoshops? Whats wrong with his face? What's real?

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Last but not least.

Attached: FaceApp_1555633618824.jpg (856x448, 58K)

Looks more chad than most of the anons on Yea Forums.

Of course he's a real person, what gives it away that he's not?

Gonna save and use this for future shitposting.
That's me, stop using my picture without permission.
I'm real.

How long until we'll get a /j/ joker general?

If it was up to me, I'd do it right now.

Giv joker wifeu

The absolute state of/tv/.


Harley Quinn seems pretty popular


She would not exist if the Joker did not exist first.

I used to like him but then the killing joke happened and ruined everything.

>tfw the anons here think that female joker = harley quinn

And I thought my jokes were bad.

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Batman is order
The joker is chaos
The joker basically created batman

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Why didn't we get a live version of that?

I mean live action. Also is joker lowkey gay or what?
