spoiler thread
Hitler loses
spoiler thread
Hitler loses
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>50+mill dead Europeans
we all lost
Does he really? I feel like he will be worship as a prophet 1000 years from now because people can't stop talking about him
I'm a /pol/fag and think he was a misled methhead.
why didnt he just use a trex on the beach to stop dday
>people can't stop talking about him
Only if you spend too much time on Yea Forums or history nerds
I wish this movie ended with the good guys winning i really didn't expect that twist
why didn't he just use the luftwaffe to drop the ring into mount doom?
why did Hitler stop the Luftwaffe from bombing the British airfields during the Battle of Britain?
Whats the deal with the Battle of Britain anyway give me a quick rundown
some Indians unironically worship Hitler as a second coming of Christ or something like that. It's called Esoteric Hitlerism.
If Jewish people really did rule the world like he thought why didn't he just get one of them to confess? He had like a billion in captivity, surely one of them would fess up
>I'm a /pol/fag
Why admit that? Embarrassing.
>giving the floor to a ratty jew with mixed truths with lies constantly
for you
Goring told Hitler he could get the British to surrender through Air power. So they started bombing the shit out of Britain. First they focused on the airfields to destroy the British fighter squadrons. But after the British bombed Berlin, Hitler told Goring to bomb London instead. Which gave time for the fighter squadrons to recover and only united the British people.
>im a tranny
Why haven't you killed yourself?
Out of having millions under the threat of death not one of them would speak up? Seems rather unlikely
>can't say anything
Again, embarrassing.
have sex
>anyone who thinks /pol/ is for the mentally ill, is a tranny
with me
Are you implying /pol/niggers aren't virgins?
hitler wins
>I'm a /pol/fag
Have sex
with me
high quality thread you have here
stfu tranny
it was ruined by a tranny and some guy from /pol/
So did Jesus.
what a phony, he acts all verbose and showmany in public and talks normal in private.
Don't forget me, from digg.
You have a ton of that information available NOW proving it NOW but you still ignore it.
There are literally no trannies here and just a single actual /pol/fag.
>you have a ton of information
No, you don't schizoid.
so where should they have bombed instead?
jews are very much predisposed toward schizophrenia, yes
So are conspiracy theorists with undeveloped emotions.
fuk kikes
Who was in the wrong here
the jews
imagine having them as a your neighbors
Imagine the smell
>professor ching chong
if the jews really ruled the world why did they let the holohoax happen?
To stabilize their claim on Israel.
>professor ching chong
Heh... that'll disprove him!
>what is blood sacrifice to moloch
but the real answer is that the jews in eastern europe who got it were the poorfags of the jewish race and the elite did not give a fuck about them/was happy to see them go. there was this whole conflict about eastern and western jews in europe that most people do not know about today. western jews basically considered them redneck trash.
not for long
>largest banks on the entire planet are Chinese
>"yeah but the Jews though..." Said Chinese man directly related to those banks.
We all did, user.
We all did.
have sex
I love how conspiracies have to keep coming up with other conspiracies to make sense.
>It's a conspiracy because the media told me it's a conspiracy
Fuck off kike, or kike owned goyim.
No, you're a nelfag.
Also he kills himself because he's a tranny
Where's the 'have sex' comment? Did that user kill himself? I was promised a 'have sex' comment. It always follows a comment with 'trannies' in it.
>Not posting the Marvel version
>Last October, Sheldon Adelson, the gaming multibillionaire, accompanied a group of Republican donors to the White House to meet with George W. Bush. They wanted to talk to the President about Israel. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was organizing a major conference in the United States, in an effort to re-start the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, and her initiative had provoked consternation among many rightward-leaning American Jews and their Christian evangelical allies. Most had seen Bush as a reliable friend of Israel, and one who had not pressured Israel to pursue the peace process. Adelson, who is seventy-four, owns two of Las Vegas’s giant casino resorts, the Venetian and the Palazzo, and is the third-richest person in the United States, according to Forbes. He is fiercely opposed to a two-state solution; and he had contributed so generously to Bush’s reëlection campaign that he qualified as a Bush Pioneer. A short, rotund man, with sparse reddish hair and a pale countenance that colors when he is angered, Adelson protested to Bush that Rice was thinking of her legacy, not the President’s, and that she would ruin him if she continued to pursue this disastrous course. Then, as Adelson later told an acquaintance, Bush put one arm around his shoulder and another around that of his wife, Miriam, who was born in Israel, and said to her, “You tell your Prime Minister that I need to know what’s right for your people—because at the end of the day it’s going to be my policy, not Condi’s. But I can’t be more Catholic than the Pope.” (The White House denies this account.)
now who would go out of their way to deny the obvious and try to defame anyone talking about it.
barf. this looks like shit.
he is too in focus. needs to be grade down a bit. black levels dont even match screen left character.
they didn't even match the film grain of the OG photo. they just dirtied it up a bit and called it a day.
>average jews
>but we're talking abiut zionists
Not a rebuttal to his point. Why didn’t one confess.
And high IQs. Which is why they rule you