Is somebody in westeros able to beat her in a 1v1?

Is somebody in westeros able to beat her in a 1v1?

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westeros isnt a real place incel, have sex

If it's one on one, Arya will win. That's what people say.



The blonde faceless girl
Jaqen H'ghar

bronn would win. so would brienne and bran.

gendrys cock

That's a goofy looking little dude

Anyone, once she loses her plot armor.

the dragon queen burnt down half of the fucking cathedral and she still couldn’t get Quasimodo. What makes you think she can be beaten in a 1v1

Is somebody in westeros able to outsmart her in a 1v1?

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The single strongest character is a prepared Melisandre. How does anyone beat this fucking thing and why hasn't she queefed out another.

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Yep, everyone knows speed beats all even if you're opponent is a gorillion times bigger and stronger, if you were an anime expert like me you'd know that
*unsheathes dakimakura*

hers is just the way sneaky people sword fight, so another of her type would beat her. I feel like Jon would be better, maybe even Jaimie

Unironically, no
>implying Sansa with prep time wouldn't wipe the floor with Melisandre with prep time
Did you even watch the Battle of the Bastards? Or Littlefinger's trial?

Because spawning shadow babbies is slowly killing Stannis

even though Jon isnt "sneaky" as such, he just knows how to fight wildlings and nights watch types

Dany and Bran

i was just rewatching season 1 today. she was so cute. what happened? same thing happened to bran too. i guess britbong genes take over when you get older.

You're only attracted to children because you're a dirty paeophile who deserves to be castrated


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only someone with thicker plot armour, Jon

they really nailed her goblin face didn't they

Any swordman with a BIG fucking SWORD

Just bring in hordes of brown immigrants and she will wake up the next morning raped to death



You dont get a you for this shit bait

muh dick

Can you imagine trying to have sex with her (when she turns 18 and gives you consent)?

Like, you try to lick her vegana but she's like, *pssshhhh* *turns real fast*, and you end up licking her poop hole instead.


>t. reddit normie tourist who doesn't even belong here because he's not American


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even better

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I mean, didn't she have a draw with Brienne?

Brienne is not the strongest fighter in Westeros.

wtf is this hobgoblin creature

Good god

She is according to the show.

citation? thoros of myr beat the hound four times

the night king will convert her and jon will have to 1v1 her in epic showdown - screencap this

He didn't in the show.

What are Arya's devil fruit powers?

>he didn't graduate at the top of the Sonic fighting academy

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to be no one xd

>being this much of an unironic faggot

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is that photoshop? sheet

>sansa is the most smart person i know
fucking how

easy (you)s boys

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What? user, I'm pretty sure photoshop doesn't exist in medieval Westeros

Gendry. He will beat her with his meat hammer.

he didn't in the books either

He did. Yohn Royce, this fat fuck, beat Thoros as well.

Attached: Yohn_Royce.png (275x183, 64K)

Are the power levels just fucking swamped by HBO then?

She was only pretending to be retarded this whole time.

Fuck, she was so convincing


speed = iframes

I beat dark souls on hard btw

she fucking says it's stannis that isn't strong enough to birth another shadow baby. this is even in the show.

HBO is retarded. Based Royce also kicked the shit out of Ned.

>I beat dark souls on hard btw
Big fucking deal. Come back when you can speedrun an all bosses no damage run on hard mode

I beat dark souls 3 bosses on hard. without any milk