Anybody else feel Proud?

I remember being one of the first here to spam his videos.

He's trending on news and celebs are invintg him to places.

Yea Forums made Eric a star

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I don't like this butts dude

Did Yea Forums get played into viral marketing soiwars?

Can tv make me a star too! I can suck my own dick.

Imagine being invited onto your local news and dressing like a child, no effort whatsoever, couldn't even wear trousers?

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So it's pretty clear this was a marketing paid disney reaction vid right? How the fuck did we go for a week without no one but internet forums giving a fuck about this guy to now him being on every website and news talk show?

No way, that would never happen. Disney shills on Yea Forums? You must be completely insane

Attached: gtrfby65.png (1268x1286, 1002K)

>incels try to bully this guy
>becomes huge celebrity
Why does this shit always blow up in your faces?

>becomes huge celebrity
Yes he's obese but you didn't have to make it a point of your description

he's got to look the part

go dilate

Yea Forums has a lot of power, if I was a youtube nobody I would go out of my way to antagonized Yea Forums

i for one am happy this is the face of Star Wars fans

>a fucking graphic tee and cargo shorts

>americans celebrating mental illness

nothing new, see trannies

After how bad TLJ bombed, this is the best that Disney can come up with to repair their image. Whoever falls for it on either side is stupid.

he's clearly autistic, he has a pass

he has his fun, Yea Forums has their fresh meme. . E-thots scrape up followers. Everybody wins

Why are you angry?

>when you embrace being a clown

i cant wait for his wife to divorce him for everything he's got

>for everything he's got
Oh no not his star wars bluray collection and reddit account

cargo pants are actually super comfy & practical (they have so many pockets!!), it's a shame that you & the SW-guy give them a bad rep

I believe they are both Jewish. Jews ironically have a very low divorce rate.

this. cargo shorts are clotheskino

And a low burning temperature.

>cargo shorts

Clown world. Up is down, black is white, ignorance is knowledge, weakness is strength. Orwell tried to warn us.

We didn't listen.

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>cargo shorts
this is the face of a man who doesn't give a fuck

Attached: basedboy.png (599x791, 644K)

He even dresses like a child. The state of Americans.

Oh boy, who would have thought that the media would champion blind and fanatical consumerism.

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>be weakling male who wears cargo shorts
>get on television
america is absolutely gone. This is so sad. We're embracing the worst kind of people.
bullying exists for a reason. He got flooded with negativity not out of hate, but because it's not healthy for this type of behavior to exist.
The commenters were trying to push him to stop being such a pathetic faggot crying over desert scenes and a cokewhore doing a backflip

Meanwhile i get made fun of on Yea Forums every day because im a white boy who likes black girls. I dont see my ass on ellen and shit

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who is this bitch

Just embrace it.

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You go on tv looking like an absolute unit. Who the fuck even wears shorts anymore, so lame. Literally female repellent.

Dude get yourself some chinos (black, navy, tan), nice pair of blue jeans, get some monk strap shoes, get a pair of timberland boots, get a pair of adidas sneakers, get neutral color tshirts, get yourself a couple of good quality knit sweaters, get a high quality cardigan, a high quality pea coat, a high quality leather jacket, pair of sunglasses.
There i just created a wardrobe that you can mix and match and attract females and look cool.

why is Yea Forums anti-nerd now?

Black girls don't like white guys. Sorry.

bitch needs her ass eaten

Have you ever been on tinder before?


Women are mad at cargo kino because everytime they see they remember the impracticality of purses

Attached: roasties_eternally_BTFO.webm (960x1200, 1M)

This, we have some leftards here telling us we've been played, but on the contrary, we've proven right ever since. It's the reign of feminization, victimization, fake overblown emotionalism, of course this jewish manlet would become their hero.

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Stay mad tyrone, we taking over your women



Hi tranny

Attached: 1554367456623.jpg (898x1468, 134K)

Would you want to be famous for getting bullied and people making fun of you?

fucking based

based spic mom

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Did he take the pill?

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>cargo shorts

This guy is a living meme.

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The Face of Star Wars

The dude is a hideous embarrassment, but they've always been there. It's not like capeshit and soi wars discovered a new species of man, they just now dictate what's popular to the masses.

Yeah, right.

consuming billion dollar mass media franchise products does not make you a nerd

anything you guys hate, get praised and given gifts
Anything you guys like, like Norm Macdonald's podcast, gets taken away, neutered, and destroyed.

his last name is butts, lol

yes it does, Star Wars is one of the originators of nerd culture, this guy probably saw the original trilogy in the cinema when he was a kid

No, they did give Disney a cool angle to go on. But you are delusional if you think this place matters either way, the roastie shitting on him on Twitter is why all this happened, otherwise the other soi mouth guy would be the hero

>wearing cargo shorts to spite the cunt that mocked him

most nazi's were trannys. Are you calling me a nazi?

Attached: gay nazis.jpg (750x1077, 203K)

Why is pol taking credit for the rise of Eric?

Everyone saw it

>graphic t shirt
>cargo shorts
>running shoes
Is this peak /fa/?

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meanwhile Sam Hyde is incel, forgotten & on suicide watch XDDDD
poor guy, he should have suck Disney's dick

>cargo shorts

The absolute made man

he only looks like a child because of how unmuscular his body is

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Get /fit/

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If the shoe fits, you are definitely a tranny tho

Eric is the coolest guy in the world right now. Yea Forums incels are seething right now.

yes and he is still watching them now as a 40 year old manchild, that's the Star Wars fanbase

>still living rent free in your heads

is he officially /ourguy/?


>austistic & not self-aware
>cargo pants
>kinda obese
>obsesses about star wars
ONE OF U... o wait, he's married & not a virgin anymore

This is what the majority of trannies look like kek

I think he's self-aware, he just doesn't care

Star Wars is one of the most popular franchises on earth, normies, chads and staceys love it.
Yea Forums has a much larger percentage of manchildren tbqh, no matter how much you'll try and ignore that fact.

He looks anglo as fuck.

it's mass media normie culture for normies

>weakness is strength

orwell didn't exist

>superstar overnight
>going to be on every show reacting
>cargo shorts
>shout out from mark hamil
god damn eric is the chad reactor. how can james even compete?

He was born in 1979 so he wouldn't even remember it.

Those dead eyes

Star wars was a fringe interest. Now it's consumerist Disney shill trash, mass produced soulless garbage for the lowest common denominator. Being a nerd is about engrossing yourself in a fringe interest. Star wars and cape Shit is not fringe. Similarly, Gaming used to be a nerd activity, and it still can be, but not if your idea of gaming is Fortnite, cod, fifa and watching let's plays with pewdiepie.

My mom watches all the capeshit, it's not a nerd hobby.

He will be forgotten in 10 mins.

nerd culture were just fandoms that arose from lowbrow entertainment like Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Comic Books etc

it was never this secret club thing, they were pretty popular with normies even back in the day, nerds were obsessive fanboys

You can't say she is not right. Not only is the guy ugly as fuck, but his manchild personality will be offputting for anyone.

How can anyone be so emotional about Soi Wars and capeshit, I will never understand.

Now it's consumerist trash, mass produced soulless garbage for the lowest common denominator.
Been that way since the early 2000s

Why dont he talk normal in his channel?

yes and then those franchises expanded to pander to mainstream audiences which is what they are today

>it was never this secret club thing, they were pretty popular with normies even back in the day, nerds were obsessive fanboys

wait so now you're saying that "nerd culture" was never even for nerds, what the fuck are you even arguing

It wasn't 'muh secret club' but it was fringe. It was something you couldn't go to a group of kids in a high school cafeteria and strike up a conversation about with 100% success rate. If random normie high schoolers know what you are talking about, it's not a nerd activity.

puke worthy visage
abhorrent body and fashion

Jesus christ look at the fucking pathethic faggot. Shorts with thick white socks and some unfunny tshirt. Jesus fucking christ what a disgusting weakling

Yea the prequels were just the same. They tried then to make it normie accepted then and now they are trying again.

nigga did you just say trousers

Star Wars and Comic Books were never fringe interests, every kid consumed them back in the 80s, the main difference is that nerds kept an obsessive interest in them into adulthood while most people grew out of them

you are more of a loser than he is.

Most of them look even worse.


they were always mainstream, you don't know what you're talking about

I get why its exciting for kids 10/15, there is nothing going on really and its escapism until a birthday and Christmas something to look forward to, i remember getting really excited for Pokemon gold/silver and its all my friends would talk about

I do not get anyone in their 20s doing this shit or even enjoying starwars or acting like 'i'm a super geek'

16-19 you might get a pass since you might be a 'late bloomer'

Just don't get it

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"Huge celebrity" with a half-life of a less than a week. In just a few days nobody will remember or even give a fuck and Yea Forums will resume the shitposting and söyflagging.

The tenacity of presistence reigns supreme over the impactful prowess of the moment.

>I do not get anyone in their 20s doing this shit or even enjoying starwars or acting like 'i'm a super geek'
why do you even browse Yea Forums? it's an adult imageboard for geek shit

I like to make people mad with politics

Holy fuck, this cunt just reeks of instability.
The whole point of his top post just proves he fucking KNOWS he looks like a freak.
Trannies, lesbos, faggots, they're all narcissistic weirdos, the lot of them.
I've met loads, and they're fucking hilarious to psychoanalyse - I made one have a full on fucking breakdown with a single sentence, just a couple words strung together - the truth hurts, cunts.
One day they'll all be weeded from the gene pool, one day.

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>incel thinks he is going to pass on his genes

you need to have sex

>cargo shorts
you can't make this stuff up

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I already have, you fucking retard.
My kids will grow up knowing the facts about you failed offshoots from the baseline human.

Being super sheltered from an early point in life will do that. He also looks like he lives in an enivornment where everyone pats each other on the back and reinforces their soft personalities.

those tv hosts couldn't sound and look any more fake.

>graphic tee and cargo shorts on TV

he really doesn't care what anyone thinks

based chad host

why is a mediocre white man being given a spotlight?

Attached: ss (2019-04-18 at 06.47.09).png (605x381, 47K)

your average american dresses like a 12 year old, they are easily spotted as tourists

Just look at the disgust they have for him all while pretending he got their support. Aren't they even worse than us for ridiculing him without any hypocirsy?

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It's always (((them)))
I should not even bother reading the surnames anymore.

>viral marketing video goes viral
Dang, we blew it guys.

Of course they feel disgusting. I'm sure that fella laughed the first when he watched the video.


this shit was 100% a viral marketing campaign. stop posting it here. no disney, I still wont go see your shit movies. fuck off

>that condescending look from the hosts

Jesus, pity is the worst possible feeling out there

>eric butts

Never Skip Leg Day

further proof that we live in a clown world

>cargo shorts
Ok, I like Eric now.

He skips everything day

we are the chosen people goy, it's written right here in the old testament. so help us defend israel and we might let you settle in the promised to us land

They were holding their laugher all the time and when they couldn't hold it anymore, they were pretending to be laughing with him instead of at him

first thing i noticed

He's wearing cargo shorts to mock us and the roastie who tweeted at him. This guy's powerlevel is so high you can't even feel it.

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>I've met loads, and they're fucking hilarious to psychoanalyse - I made one have a full on fucking breakdown with a single sentence, just a couple words strung together - the truth hurts, cunts.
How do I learn/gain this ability

Why do American males have a tendency to dress like children?

why do americans dress like children?

Based "post the same thing as the guy above me even though the posts were 22 minutes apart" poster

Let me guess this nigger promoted himself by spamming his video everywhere including this place?

>falling for his tricks
You think a dude who makes funny faces didn't put on his shittiest clothes for more attention?

Fuck I hate fat people.

You may not like it, but he is objectively /ourguy/.

> any fan of Disney's Star Wars Based Products will now and forever be associated with this blubbering manchild

Stop giving money to Disneywars

why post the same thing as the guy above even though the posts are 22 minutes apart?

utterly based and redpilled

somebody was obviously bumping the thread.

>that profil pic
hey wait minute isn't that "the gay dude who dates trans men comic" guy?

You could hear it in rge anchor's the voice, he was barely hiding his contempt. This is just a sad attempt at viral marketing.

As a gross fattie, I can sympathize. I don't know where all this fat pride came from. It's sick, and just enabling people to stay that way.

Like I said, I'm a gross fat monster, but I do everything I can to cause people as little discomfort when they're around me. I don't understand the whales that go to conventions and don't even bother to shower. It's sickening

Hey Yo Yea Forums, here's another proper track
and it's phat, watch the trailer, can't wait to see the Rey'ler
and let that real shitpost provoke, so you's a wanna be fan
and you'll get banned and i hope that you incels understand
when ya talk about bullying me, the same posts that ya
makin' is payin me
Mothafuck racism
Mothafuck sexism
Mothafuck Yea Forums
Yo, and let me watch my movie

Attached: basedbutts.jpg (800x450, 557K)

If he's so emotional that he cries over fucking Star Wars trailers, how is he able to survive the anxiety of being broadcast to hundreds of thousands of people?

Are you a handyman or something? Why do you need so much pocket space?
>phone, wallet, keys
That's all you need, anything else should go in a backpack or whatever accessory you usually use

Im waiting for james to murder him and reclaim his rightful place as /ourguy/

no but I'll post it anyway for a laugh

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It's amazing for me. This will be the same as "body positivity" for women; listen up, ladies: THIS IS HOW A REAL MAN LOOKS LIKE!

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I thought he was quite based until I saw his reaction to that new mary bible story movie. He contorted his face into the most obnoxious, meme cringes he could just because it had a religious context. I’m not religious or anything, but it really rubbed me the wrong way, the movie looked decent. He then went out of his way to espouse the typical reddit atheism (not actual atheism, I mean like pseud atheism) narrative at the end. I mean imagine crying at a kids movie space adventure trailer and then making fun of religious people with a straight face. What a fag

Attached: ATL-broundy6.gif (600x857, 119K)

>Yea Forums

Attached: judgemental black woman.gif (220x165, 200K)

sick world

who are you kidding all atheism is reddit tier

I can respect some atheists, like schopenhaur, I mean like richard dawkins pseuds and the other charlatans

This nigger knew he was gonna be on TV and they were gonna film him from the waist down and this is how he dresses what the fuck???

Schoppy was BUDDHIST

>basedboy hates joaquin phoenix kino
ok thats it im leaving #teambutts. james youniverse is /ourguy/ now.

He was still an atheist though, just not a meme le logic epic love science! atheist.

Wait, Butts is his real last name?

the fuck

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Let this hilarious bizzaro world burn.

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Fuck ashley we can shame our own internally. Fucking roastied

based digits

>cargo pants
>thin framed glasses
>pudgy body looks like he could barely run a block
>graphic t shirt
>cancerous growth on face
where do i start with this guy

imagine being 6 inches deep in pussy 5 nights a week and still pretending to be "gay"

mental gymnastics are powerful. just how overstimulated dudes venture into trap territory and claim their still straight.

All it took was Mister Redditkur making fun of him on stream and his paypig spergs did the rest

The cargo shorts meme is true. What a fucking dork. His 15 minutes of fame and he wears that.

Attached: reaction6.png (1799x158, 67K)

/pol/ always takes credit of other """people""" achievements because they lack achievement of their own.
See: This guy, Trump.

I was called a nerd at school, but I wasn't like this shit. I was just into Dragon Ball, Pokemon and magical realism.

this is fucking embarrassing desu senpai

ha! take that! meanie lady!
u said i look like a manchild! now i will look like a manchild ON PURPOSE in television!


Attached: 1531083962504.jpg (700x734, 107K)

>i dont like vaginas im a gay man
>dude thats gynophobia

hes literally insane

Attached: 1535531896728.jpg (300x400, 17K)

Why the fuck have you met “loads” of queer freaks?

>Yea Forums
you mean Yea Forums?
because there is no possible fucking way you could make a "mistake" like that, you read it ten thousand times a day

That other söyboy Yea Forums bullied even harder must be seething right now.


>phone posting
>hiding his name
dosen't get anymore reddit than this


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he's married, unlike this worthless roastie

>cargo pants are actually super comfy & practical (they have so many pockets!!)
Unless you actually need to run, since they're loose-fitting the shit in your pockets will be jumping all over.

Checked. Yeah, there are different levels of "nerd". This guy is a cringey dork, the worst kind of nerd.

>actually defending that bullied slob

rethink your life bro, btw being married isnt an acomplishment good goy

Attached: 1531825336753.jpg (224x353, 59K)

>cargo pants are actually super comfy

god i can smell you from here,
you only have one life and you decided to dress like a retard

Cargo shorts are the “single mom” of dating for men

Attached: ED53F2F8-6698-47F2-BE17-253EE805FB19.jpg (512x512, 44K)

Genuinely curious. If not cargo shorts, then what? Jean shorts? Jean shorts seem way worse than cargo shorts.

>god i can smell you from here,
Probably just his cum left over on your upper lip. Hit it with a wet wipe and you'll be fine.

how will I fit my ds and my switch in my pockets with my phone and my wallet and keys? also is that kreal?

Based and Lanepilled

>defending the cargo pants guy

fedoras are super comfy too am i right champ?

Attached: 1501909720659.png (215x256, 75K)

last time i wore shorts was when i was at a hairdresser and the mirror went all the way down and i could see my legs/shitty socks look

Pants from then on, so much better looking

>fedoras are super comfy too am i right champ?
I'll take your word for it, cock breath.

mental illnesses need to be treated properly

>born in 79
jesus fucking christ

this is golden

Attached: gay.png (553x186, 34K)

He is still having heterosexual sex, its just really really kinky

>accidentally outs himself as a fedora wearer
As long as they're comfy you have nothing to be ashamed of.

Men don’t wear shorts.

I want off this fucking ride

>seething samefag

lmao a repressed heterosexual. clown world is fucking real.

>wearing and defending the use of cargo shorts
>can’t figure out why you’re still a virgin in your 20s

The lack of self-awareness on some of you is beyond saving. I bet you also wear video game/anime t shirts and socks with sandals


So its jeans or slacks and that's all? I think you are wrong, sir.

>there's no way two people could be making fun of the stupid thing I said
Good coping.


they want to make the basedboy sexy

sure, go ahead and cry at a shit trailer for a shit movie, it's ok

fuck this cunt too, stacy would never date this basedboy even if he didn't cry or wear cargo shorts

Enjoy being a manchild then. Don’t worry though there are plenty of women out their who are into that kind of thing.

Honestly guys this fit is next level, I wouldn't expect you guys to understand high fashion, it's a little out of your price range.

holy shit is he wearing CARGO SHORTS !!

Attached: e0162f6f38c87d9f75122cce7a22c1ffc486fac1ba7c4427875473a33d2a64de.jpg (720x390, 49K)

I wear gym shorts, but then again, I also run 5pl8 deadlifts and pretty much work out constantly. I live in a goddamn desert too, it's suicide to wear jeans in the summer. The guy you're replying to is some faggot from /fa/ who you can safely ignore.

Cargo shorts aren't fully banned either. If you're camping, those things are life savers. The main reason the internet shits on cargo shorts is because they're usually the primary shorts that walmart and target push out and sell. People shit on you not having the desire or initiative to actually shop for well fitting and well made shorts so you go for the first thing you see. Those walmart cargo shorts are ass too, they're too fragile to last if you're using cargos the way they're supposed to be used

Attached: brian sniff.gif (320x240, 1.26M)

makes sense

he reminds me of people on here who claim that traps aren't gay

seems like a fake account to me but she is completely right regardless

james didn't get bullied by a girl so no one cared. poor guy!

>cargo shorts

Hits too close to home. I used to dress this same way in the summer for most of my life and I have no idea what I was thinking, I undoubtedly looked just as awful. Glad I finally got some sense last summer and changed up my style.

>bunched up socks
absolute madman!

Attached: socks.png (353x180, 45K)

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this could be a gamble that disney hired. trying to get the fans back.
they get a 'fan' put him/her out there. get ridiculed.
'stars' come out defending him and saying stuff like movies are suppose to be fun and to be enjoyed.
they now make fans and anyone remotely a possible consumer for the movie that laughed at this guy into being shamed into going to see the movie.
this guys face will be the face of the 'new' star wars fandom.
willing to be his wife/life partner is some sort of lgtbq activists/trans/etc.
disney wins.

Yea Forums needs to get on it and find info on this guy/wife. this could be a huge win for real fans and stop disney.

>butt implants

What the fuck is the graphic on his shirt, anyway?

You guys are retarded. The reality is that all he owns is cargo shorts.

squicked? That's a fucking word?

Reference to the SNL skit that Adam Driver did parodying Kylo Ren and the show Undercover Boss.

Attached: 99d.gif (500x200, 2.23M)

He's not in his 20s. He's 40.


I doubt Eric is a paid shill but the response "in support" of him was definitely a marketing move

Holy fuck is it so hard to wear a shirt and jeans youre on tv for fucks sake

Jealous? He's the epitome of
>bee yourself
Chads and Staceys are bending over backwards to virtue signal for him. That guy's living the dream.

Eric wears what he fucking feels like. He doesn't need idiots like you telling him how to dress.

Chad doesn't care about what other people think. He wears what feels good to him.

Damn, he’s already on tv

This shit is like something from The Onion, or Nathan For You

Why anybody takes anything serious anymore is beyond me

This place most definitely had an impact; I can’t say for certain how significant, but it was significant enough to get /BUTTS/ to this point

His legs disturb me for some reason
I think it’s becuase they remind me of an extremely obese black woman I saw once in the hospital who needed both of her legs cut off for some reason.
Despite her having poor dietary habits she was a very sweet and kind lady. I was sad to see her go.


This is what we could have been if we decided to be autistic and “fake it till we make” instead of being truthful on a Mongolian falconry forum

>his name is Eric Butts
Jesus Christ. Is there a single more ridiculous man than this out there?

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With how often I see this word being used now, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that you’d be right about something at least once

you cant be serious

During the aftermath of WW1 there were a lot of roaming gangs of boys who’d go robbing, shooting, committing crimes all while cross dressing and engaging in homosexual sex. The social structure was a “king” who had many “queens” he’d exclusively fuck while everyone else fucked each other. A lot of the hazing for joining these gangs required doing lots of vile and gay shit

Oddly enough, these violent gay kids were among the first to join the new Reich’s army and SS leadership.

They were called the “Wild Weimar Boys”

Germany was literally a post apocalyptic wasteland where gay raiders went on to found a totalitarian fascist regime. Freaky shit

Pic related

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>Live in slavland
>Have probably fucked the only 2 black girls that ever came here
I'd say they love the white cawk


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Everybody likes white guys (except maybe a 40% if Asian women)
They have this ingrained idea in their heads that white men are superior and naturally prefer them over men of other ethnic groups.

Probably because white people tend to have more money