Little-known films you love

Starting with Hardware (1990). 24-year-old Richard Stanley threw his heart, his soul and possibly his sanity into making this. It isn't a masterpiece, but it's damn close.

And the bluray version is fucking GORGEOUS.

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I keep meaning to watch this.

I didn't like it, but it is indeed gorgeous. Pretty impressive considering the budget.

If I call you out on having watched Redlettermedia's movie collection video, I'd give away that I watched it myself as well. So I'll not say anything. You and me just dodged a huge bullet friendo.

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Those are some hefty words, Tony Timpone.

Imagine thinking everyone watches that stupid shit

What? What shit. What are you talking about?

OP here, what's Redlettermedia?


Mah Nigga

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Actually, I'm OP, and he's right.

Wait, who's right? And I'm OP, damn it!

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I fucking hate that movie.

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Strange Days

DOG RUN. Good luck finding a torrent to see it.

>DOG RUN. Good luck finding a torrent to see it.
Hit us with a mega, nigger

Why is this masterpiece not aviable on DVD nor Blu-ray?

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The Reflecting Skin. Young viggo mortensen srars in this. It is in a story about a kids view of the world in 1950s America. Very dark and bizarre. If you like David Lynch go watch. Feels like a fairy tale.

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I don't have it. Good luck. You can get it on ebay or wherever for cheap.

Been meaning to watch that movies for almost 20 years but there's always something in the way.

this and his other film Dust Devil + his documentary. He is also in Joerouskys dune doc.
I really like Stanley actually.