This """franchise""" is shit and has no actual fans...

This """franchise""" is shit and has no actual fans. It's the definition of cookie cutter action and the film does nothing that a myriad of over movies do better. The coregraphy isn't special, something like The Raid or Old Boy btfo's John Dick

No, really. Why do people pretend like this movie is something special? Why do people like this movie?

is Fortnite to blame?

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So you dont know anything about guns or how to use a gun. Thats fine i guess.

Fuck if I know what your point is right now, but I've lived around guns for a good portion of my life considering I grew up in a shit Hicksville in KY. Rednecks trade pistols like Pokemon cards.
Anyway John Wick is still overrated to fuck - prove me wrong

>I've lived around rednecks and seen guns before so I know about them!

You just proved you're a nogunz.

I honestly couldn't finish the first movie, gunkata was never good

>manchild with terrible taste complains that other manchildren with terrible taste love a shitty movie about a male power fantasy for manchildren
Same old Yea Forums.

I get it. You hate something popular to look special.

Have sex

because the only mainstream action going on hollywood is the f&f franchise and that is marvel for rednecks

have snacks

How about you tell me a action movie thats as well made as john wick and where the protagonist handles guns nearly as realistically as in john wick. Fuck have you ever even seen anybody professional handle a pistol or rifle in real life.

With you? Only if you put a bag on darling.

I like it, nobody forces you to watch it, keep fapping to anime lolis, pathetic incel

They knew how to use the drive/hotline miami hype wave and its a good action movie

this is the same movie in which Nas and Keanu Reeves shoot at one another in a crowd with silencers and somehow nobody notices

you are a fucking brainlet

this happens all the time in real life retard. you just don’t notice because the guns are silenced. fuckin moron

>I get it. You hate something popular to look special.

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As another KY fag, please don't make us look bad

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If you don't like Keanu Reeves you aren't even human

Bait thread but on the subject of the choreography, is this now what is the American style and trend?

I like it and shows and films that have taken cues from it.

Why does nu-Yea Forums get so buttblasted when someone deviates from the most common opinion?

Yes, and Oldboy is an embarrassment where 50 dudes armed with knives and machettes fail to kill a single unarmed guy in enclosed space. Anything else?

Yes, because John Wick is completely realistic. Fucking retard.

Gun sounds dont have anything to do with how the weapons are being handled.

go have some midget sex, retard, your gibba jabba brain is wonky

Pretty much yes when talking about gun use.

>I grew up in a shit Hicksville in KY.
MA'AM like you must have been bullied really hard.

>male power fantasy
Oh look, a rare Chapopotamus. He is easily spooked and tend to send large sums of money to Patreon when distraught.

>cookie cutter
>bullet count
>tacticool aiming and reloading
>tacticool CQC positioning and combat
>carries magazine and discards gun once mags or round are exhausted, isn't afraid to pickup guns lying around

>but I've lived around guns for a good portion of my life
>seen his uncle bobby billy fuck his sister and then shoot his rifle once
>qualified gun expert, second amendment lawyer and SpecOps trainer

but yeah those other movies where the protagonist unloads 1000 rounds per minute without a source of supply or reloading is fine.

This dude knows

The state makes itself look bad
I've loved within the redneck cesspool for years. I've seen guns. I've held guns. I've shot guns, hunting and targeting. What's with this meme about the movie being realistic? It's all a choreographed dance. I do like how you can see John using his superior intellect against the henchmen though. i.e. shooting pillar fag in the foot
Is John Wick popular? I theorize the people making it haves lotsa money so they keep making wanna be Japanese gunkata films with a lousy washed up actor. Who is genuinely asking for more John Wick?
Realistically John would get capped by somebody off screen in a random moment. The scenes in the film do not resemble real life firefights.
? Did I strike a chord? I'm sorry
It isn't bait I've never met a real human being who was a ""fan"" of John Wick. It's entertaining for about 45 minutes and then it's forgetten. And it's definitely better than having guns being these magical things and the people who use them combat wizards, but even within it's own style other films have done better
"""""Realism""""" is the point of Oldboy. Action really even isn't. It's a thriller manga adopted to big screen
I just didn't wear cowboy boots and chew dip is all, no bullying I can remember unless it was so traumautic my brain won't access those memories
I never said Equilibrium was okay nor did I claim to be some kind of expert on anything
Yeah. He knows how small and pathetic his cock looks next my garguantuan member. Did I mention I'm a trained expert in firearms?

Because John Wick is well choreographed and we'll made. I'd gladly argue until I'm blue in the face that the gun fights are actually not that good, but for the style they're going for they do what they want to do.

Realism in firefights=/=realism in gun handling. Im beginning to think you are legit retarded.

That's fine, but why assume that someone who doesn't like the film is baiting, an incel, or just being a contrarian.? People have valid opinions for disagreeing with a consensus

So op loves Peter Jackson and is afraid of guns

OP here. This is the only guy to have truly figured me out. King Kong with Jack Black is pure kino. Guns are scaryyy

Because they're not saying they don't like it. They're making widesweeping generalizations without a lot of valid argument behind it, then saying they don't like it.

Just to quote OP:
>It's the definition of cookie cutter action
>the film does nothing that a myriad of over movies do better.
>The coregraphy isn't special, something like The Raid or Old Boy btfo's John Dick

How are these not 'valid arguments'? What would constitute a valid argument in your opinion?

>How are these not valid
Because they're widesweeping generalizations without a lot of valid argument behind them?

Because they follow a flow chart response dictated by a supervisor that did a "study" of Yea Forums users.

dunno about the guns, but all the throws and whatnot were non-bullshit and i'd give it 5/5

(on the other hand john wick 2 was uninspired and repetitive, seeing the same techniques again and again, i no longer care about the third part)

And what would constitute a valid argument in your opinion?

The film was at it's best when John had to use his hands, right in the enemie's face. Final confrontation with old man was lame. "No more guns John" *pulls out knife*
Saw that coming for sure. Would have been way more 'badass' if John logically disregarded what the old fag said and just shot him, got it over with.
Also dubstep. No modern club plays dubstep.
The film plays John up to be something to be feared, (le boogeyman, le kills with pencils) but nothing on screen is that brutal nor is Reeve's performance intense enough to warrant this gaudy exposition about how wicked Wick is.
Having his motivation be for a dog was a good and welcome choice. Nobody cares if the wife gets capped in the first 5 minutes, thus sending protagonist joe on a killing spree. A lost pet is much more universal and doesn't require a false sense of attachment from the viewer. It's just a dog and if you love dogs you'll want to see the revenge, if you couldn't care less then oh well, the story can't drag on about a killed dog like one could with a mudered spouse.
Introducing characters and killing them off quickly was kind of a mistake. The female assassin was lame in dialogue but God damn she was like Rey Mysterio. Capping the old black man after he was on screen for 1 minute was lame. Those two characters could have had a much more interesting interaction than immediate escape. Defou's character was confusing, in that he took the job but still defended John? Why would he accept in the first place? Was he always planning to protect him or was it something he had to decide on? Ultimately it's unclear.

Are these complaints valid enough?

>blaming fortnite
Go to bed grandpa

I didn't know about the existence of this (saga you could say?) until last week, in which i went to the cinema and appeared a trailer for John Wick 3.

That same day was John Wick 2 on tv so i watched it, expecting nothing. Wasn't the best movie, and actually it was overwhelmingly cheese (the norm for action movies these days) but Reeves was the sole reason the film was memorable.

It wasn’t just a dog, retard

Also the cleaners don't really have a reason to be on screen but I understand the point of the film is to build this mythos of an underworld crime syndicate, where everyone has a role and provides a service. They could have gone a bit further in this regard with arms dealers and the like but oh well
Also I'm expected to believe that Russian asshats found out where John lived somehow but yet had no clue who he was. Everyone - EVERYONE knows John except the twerp son, who himself is in the crime world.
The death of that character was quick and nice but it didn't show how he infiltrated the compound which could have been tense and interesting. Instead he goes all COD4 and 360 quick scopes russians, and somehow placed explosives deep within the compound and got back out just to start sniping? Fuck that. He's a professional but am I to believe he also has the fucking cloak of invisibility?
Ultimately, fuck you

After all your bitching you better acknowledge my undefeatable criticisms about your shit cash grab film staring that one Matrix guy

>i knew john when it was just an indie movie
>then it sold out and became popular
>now i hate it
i to watch asian cinema too