Soy strategy

>so i was thinking, i have a relatively small youtube channel, and well i make reaction videos for vidya and movies, but i don{t have many subscribers, im going to start making cute crying reaction videos, seems like that{s a good way to get a decent amount of viewers, hollywood attention and even thots maybe willing to date me. sounds like a good idea.
how many incels are thinking this right now?

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I eat boogers

good idea op keep us updated

only you

Is that a new coping mechanism to accept the fact that Yea Forums is solely responsible for his success?

Only Disney movies are accepted. If you start tearing up watching a non-Disney movie you'll get insulted and harassed.

Is there a reason that people blame Yea Forums for every little thing that happens on the internet?

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so, what are you trying to say? we shoudnt make fun of people because the sjw media is going to prop them up as iconic figures to be praised? im at fault because i made fun of the retard, or the media is at fault for virtue signaling him into stardom?

>we shoudnt make fun of people
Yes, generally you shouldn't make fun of other people becayse they're happy, especially if you're doing that because you need to cope with your own joyless, miserable life.

Yea Forums just started it, Twitter is the main reason

>Yes, generally you shouldn't make fun of other people
im making fun of you right now

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So then why do you make fun of people if it bothers you that much? I mean, you just mocked that user in your very post.

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>im making fun of you right now
Just like all people that ever known you in your life

>mocked that user in your very post

>inventing stories in your head to justify your virtue signaling
keep projecting faggot

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>Yes, generally you shouldn't make fun of other people becayse they're happy, especially if you're doing that because you need to cope with your own joyless, miserable life.
t. 40 year old social studies major single wine aunt

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Just think how easy it was to manipulate all of you, haha

based and buttspilled

have sex incel

Didn't you just say "you shouldn't make fun of people"?

Eric Butts is a famous YouTube star, film maker, and musician. He has a fiancee who loves him and thousands of adoring fans, including Mark Hamill. He's a cinema enthusiast that has filmed himself reacting to ten times as many films as you've ever seen. His mere presence fills thots and incels with rage, but he just keeps pumping out new videos.

What have you done with your life?

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look, /antifun is posting

t. miserable, alone, ugly incel

No I didn't you nigger

I have a job

He got a message from Mark Hamill, how many have you got?

these digits

Piss off you newfag


>babby learns how people gets into showbusiness

some one please check them for me.

why did all the people he ever knew in his life make fun of you user?

probably fat