>is unphased by negative reactions in his latest vid
>has triple the views after the controversy
>all the comments are positive
>has a loving wife and a real passion for movies unlike most of Yea Forums
He...won...he absolutely and completely won
Other urls found in this thread:
I give up with it all. I hope this entire western society drowns in blood.
You actually gave a shit? You must be a socially needy as fuck
What exactly were you waging war against
Reaction videos?
Nobody wanted him to "lose". We just wanted to feel sorry for him.
Unironically based
Go chuck yourself
The Most Based Person of the Year 2019
Disney needed a martyr so they made him into one.
By "we", you mean the five voices inside your broken mind, right?
Yea Forums needed a hero so they made him one
>By "we", you mean the five voices inside your broken mind, right?
Be we I mean the non-NPCs. We come here to laugh at your shitty programming.
wow you didn't kill yourself already sneed faggot ? weird
>1 billion dollar for Captain Marvel
>now this
2019 is a bad year for Yea Forums. How many times is Yea Forums gonna get BTFO?
I thought we just wanted to laugh and mock a guy
>is still a crying, bitch-made faggot with a worthless life and fucking pathetic hobby fit only for literal children
Oh yeah he "won" big time
The guy actually makes his own music and short films.
What have you done?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
Yea Forums ALWAYS gets BTFO
This guy has a wife. He gettin' that poon. He's a chad, whether y'all niggers like it or not.
Yea Forums is ALWAYS wrong, Yea Forums is literally the reverse /pol/.
Yeah but I don't care. I wasn't thinking about his existence beyond this one video until this point in time.
He gained lots of subs and got tons of views AND he's on tv now... So yeah Yea Forums lost.
I am now convinced this was a shill /OURguy/ James Youniverse did not get this kind of attention
Checked and kekked!
You forgot
>Nearly doubled his subscribers in a few days
How can you cry over something like that?
Quite being seedy.
Why are you incels so obsessed with this guy
yes, but the attacks on him became a proxy for the starwars franchise in general and there fore the disney corporation as a whole. thus, they mobilized their entire internet marketing department (likely thousands of employees) to defend him. hes still a pathetic fuck, and the damage he did to disney was real, which is why disney corportation was forced to respond.
its actually funny.
Yea Forums poses a real threat to disney.
so disney has to pay good money to flood the internet with people saying Yea Forums did no damage and is not a threat.
If most of Yea Forums got the comments/ insults he did they would either delete the entire channel or make an "im not a homo" tier video whining about it.
How can you NOT cry over that beautiful..... uh, sand?
This. It's obvious that he's gonna get more viewers when people give him attention like that.
Still very pathetic video, and very funny too.
>Seperate beds
>Seperate beds on vacation no less
Yea Tyron is all up in that shit
> everyone enthusiastic about Disney's Star Wars Based Products will no and forever associated with a blubbering numale cuck vacationing with his wife that avoids him in degrees from separate beds to hanging out at the Spa while he cries watching commercials
I think we all won.
Well I certainly think whatever gains he's made in views will fall off quickly and he'll return to where he was in the past. It is strange that what would've been a considered a throwaway lolcow in the past now gets so much attention from outside sources though. Changing internet culture. I want to go back.
It's Capt. Marvel all over again bros D:
his existence is God's failure
Yea Forums predicted captain marvel would be shit and it was. This fag becoming popular for being a literal manbaby pussy libcuck is hilarious.
does his "win" negated the fun we had and will continue to have?
he, his wife and her bull can continue to win for all i care since im not losing
>haha he has no shame and is being defended by similarly shameless corporate shills. take that, incels!
>he wore cargo shorts to the interview
Don't drag based sneed into this petty shit
>two beds
Don't forget to tune in, Yea Forums. It's gonna be a shit storm for the ages.
Clearly he loves Star Wars more than everyone else
Nice revisionist history m8. Yea Forums was literally linking Quarting vids where he said the movie would bomb financially, the same thing happened with Black Panther
i dont think a man should ever publicize his intimate moments' like that, its emotional self-prostitution, its debasing. the fact that its over crappy disneywars worsens it
if this is what a winner looks like, then i’d rather be a loser desu senpai
>alt-right kiddos will donate to her patreon in droves while she fucks chad
this is america
I feel bad for him honestly. He doesn’t look very healthy or happy
Based Satan is right
Assuming you're a jaded, cynical Yea Forums type, ask yourself this:
Would you trade places with that man?
I know I wouldn't. He's beyond embarassing and doesn't come across as entirely genuine to me anyway. It's like he's possessed by some archetype which is scripting his reactions.
She's hardly had an easy time so far, and I feel like she's getting herself into more than she can handle by making this video.
She can pretend she's tough shit all she wants but everyone has a breaking point and the autists of the internet are a force to be reckoned with.
Fuck it, let's geek out together bros.
your immune system begins to deteriorate after years of onions
Reminder that Hamill is a left wing retard at 60 or whatever age he is now. That is a massive red flag. The fact is, this pathetic little manbaby was literally crying and hyper ventilating over a movie trailer for Nu Wars, and had so little dignity and so grand a desire for attention that he posted it on youtube. By historical standards he is not a man. He is a pathetic, emotionally instable, low testosterone weakling faggot, and hammill thinks that's nothing to be ashamed of, and even worth celebrating. The clown world meme is cringe, but it is accurate. The pussyfication of men is real and thats how you destroy the west. Yea Forums did a good thing by making this crybaby popular. Regular people see it and if they are worth anything they see what I see. Of course the media and all the thoughtslave redditors will disagree and claim this is somehow a good thing and Yea Forums was btfo by having the power to make this guy culturally relevant. They are jealous and afraid.
>you are part of the fringe right if you are worried about masculinity being destroyed in the west
I pray for your death, redditor.
you think its funny to bully people? this guy has luke freaking skywalker backing him up. you can't compete with that.
Damn shes based. And hot. But that is expected. There is a correlatikn between being strong and good looking and being right wing. Ugly and weak people tend to be left wing.
We need a war or something.
This faggot is a reason why we need more bullying in society
>all the comments are positive
checked the video and one of the most upvoted comment is pic related kek
>Trending on BBC News
>Everyone knows his name
>Has a wife
>Celebs want to be his friend
>Mark Hamil tweeted him
>Thots want to bang him
>entire western society drowns in blood
>because of a youtube video
How much of an dirty incel are you?
The real change has come in femininity. Masculinity has remained largely unchanged throughout history if you look at the bigger picture.
Don't be paranoid, it's an arguably worse trait to have if you're a man.
t. Ashley
Yea Forums BTFO by a blubbering manchild LOL
I feel bad for this guy, this is freak show level of exploitation. Why isn't his family or someone that cares explaining this to him?
>This dude makes shitty garbage
>Do YOU make shitty garbage?
Neck yourself, faggot.
>this is your brain on /pol/
Go outside fag
>broadcasting your freakout on the internet for recognition from strangers
This is what's wrong here
I mean having that much emotional stake in Star Wars is messed up but the world is full of messed up people, the issue is deliberately recording yourself being messed up to get likes and subscribes
>Masculinity has remained largely unchanged
Incorrect. Testosterone is at an all time low. Masculinity and traditional masculine traits such as stoicism, competitiveness and aggression are openly being attacked as "toxic" by the left, as they advocate to let in millions of third worlders who will take everything from you if they can. Paranoid? Ya. You're a fucking moron.
People are bullied for their own good. James Youniverse took his bullying like a man and is better off for it. Butts was shielded by a multibillion dollar corporation and as result will never grow from the experience.
>"He has a wife, that makes him successful"
>Doesn't realize just because it's a vagina doesn't make it a measure of success.
>redditor offended by based Yea Forums and the sway we hold over internet culture
Aww poor baby u should go call more people virgins to make urself feel better
top fucking kek.
People these days are so desperate to see real emotion that they'll mop up what they can get,
the fact that the emotion here is about a multi-million dollar film franchise and acts as advertising at the same time is the reason the powers that be made it trending
>James Youniverse took his bullying like a man and is better off for it.
I wonder if he took my comment about wanting to rape him in a bathtub full of cornflakes seriously.
Ya, it is highly likely that this is true.
Go back to r3ddit, you stupid little millenial
Not going to watch or give you views, fag. Tell me the point.
This entirely. NO ONE reacts like that. It's fake as fuck and an obvious attempt to try and show how much he omg loves star wars. I refuse to believe that anyone would truly react like that if they weren't making stupid shit for youtube.
user, you're posting russian propaganda.
>"my shitposting board for tv and movies has real cultural power! Disney is shaking in their boots"
Imagine being this much of a faggot lol.
>Testosterone is at an all time low
In the West maybe? I'm looking at things globally. If you're worried about your test levels being low, work towards remedying that.
Then again, if people with low T can have functioning children without issues, I don't see what the big deal is to begin with.
Being a man is above all else a mindset. Physicality is a bonus.
>stoicism, competitiveness
Not only have these qualities remained the same, if anything, they've increased among younger men. As has aggression, which is rightfully frowned upon, considering the lengths a sexually unsatisfied male will go to nowadays. We don't live in the caveman era anymore. You feel agressive and you wanna do something about it? Pick up a combat sport.
> as they advocate to let in millions of third worlders
Now we're talking. This issue is very real, but possible to combat as well.
Just because people are "advocating" for bullshit doesn't mean they're actively changing someone who isn't willing to change. If you wanna be a man, you will, and there's nothing society can do about it.
read all of them dude, they all mention "wife's boyfriend" this and "wife's son" that
Having a wife doesn't make you a chad, but it certainly makes you a normalfag
>Implying she isn't loving this spark of attention
Have you ever met a woman, user?
Yea Forums has a lot of sway over internet culture, which is increasingly popular culture. You're just butthurt because they hurt your feelings.
I want to be half as happy as that for 5 minutes.
>masculinity being destroyed in the west
>he thinks some thot's youtube channel will "save" western masculinity
Kek based Alec Guinness used to shit on Star Wars fans before it was cool.
I am pretty sure this guy has some type of psychological disorder to be crying that much from a trailer. You can see he is already beginning to cry before seeing any footage that would merit someone crying. He seems to be crying at the thought of himself watching a star wars trailer. He has a chemical imbalance.
youre a fool if you think an international media corporation does not have dedicated public relations, damage control, and marketing departments operating on the internet 24/7 365.
thats why this particular case is so interesting. the guy is so undeniably and viscerally unlikable that there is no other plausible explaination for the internet changing its tune on the video over night.
15 minutes of negative fame and then it disappears just as quick as it arrived. She'll be pretty pissy in a couple of months, I can tell you that much,
>Believing in the caveman meme.
I bet you think they just walked around with clubs and struck women over the head to rape them, don't you? Moron.
>"As has aggression, which is rightfully frowned upon"
t. faggot who is afraid of confrontation.
holy shit incels btfo yet again
She must be a Russian bot
“A refurbished Star Wars is on somewhere or everywhere. I have no intention of revisiting any galaxy. I shrivel inside each time it is mentioned. Twenty years ago, when the film was first shown, it had a freshness, also a sense of moral good and fun. Then I began to be uneasy at the influence it might be having. The first bad penny dropped in San Francisco when a sweet-faced boy of twelve told me proudly that he had seen Star Wars over a hundred times. His elegant mother nodded with approval. Looking into the boy's eyes I thought I detected little star-shells of madness beginning to form and I guessed that one day they would explode.
'I would love you to do something for me,' I said.
'Anything! Anything!' the boy said rapturously.
'You won't like what I'm going to ask you to do,' I said.
'Anything, sir, anything!'
'Well,' I said, 'do you think you could promise never to see Star Wars again?'
He burst into tears. His mother drew herself up to an immense height. 'What a dreadful thing to say to a child!' she barked, and dragged the poor kid away. Maybe she was right but I just hope the lad, now in his thirties, is not living in a fantasy world of secondhand, childish banalities.”
I’ve made my own music and I didn’t look like the biggest s.oy faggot on the planet while I was doing it.
>I'm looking at things globally
yeah asian men are increasingly well-known for their masculine virility
Based and Redpilled but unironically
>getting married
it’s like you’re not even trying to learn what memes mean before using them.
go give your wife 50% of your money, you fucking sucker.
Good for him.
At least he can feel emotions such as joy and excitement.
God bless you Eric, sincerely from my cold dead envious heart.
>muh internet shitposting board IS relevant! your feelings are just hurt!!!!!! That's why you hate us, yeah haha. WE ARE LEGION!!!
Normies don't give two shits about Yea Forums, and you're a pisspoor example of Yea Forums material anyway. Unironically sudoku etc.
>She'll be pretty pissy in a couple of months, I can tell you that much,
Yeah, she's going to miss the spotlight when it's gone for sure.
We got a few rounds of laughs, he got some fame and recognition from Mark... it's a clearly a wholesome case of win/win
>Be we I mean the non-NPCs
The irony
You make fun of the caveman meme whilst acting like a caveman. How does this work?
For the record, confrontation is the last thing I'm afraid of. I'm not that selfish. Humanity's collective fate is much more difficult to determine and in turn is more more worrisome.
Above all else you should be concerned with being a productive member to society.
Being needlessly aggressive will just land you in jail or worse.
Stop being defensive over your masculinity, no one's out to get you. You can do literally whatever you want and lead a normal life as long as you follow a small set of reasonable rules, half of which can be broken without much consequence. No need to have your panties in a bunch.
>this is your brain on reddit
>You make fun of the caveman meme whilst acting like a caveman.
You are fucking retarded, lol. Also reddit spacing and being this much of a whiny bitch faggot clearly shows you don't belong here. Go back.
>all according to keikaku
>Congratulations Yea Forums, you played yourself
>we need to fight against /pol/!!!!
>n-no guys you are so lame thinking anyone is fighting a war haha!!!
>In the West maybe?
No shit in the west you retard.
> If you're worried about your test levels being low, work towards remedying that.
What the fuck? did you not read what I said? it has about men collectively in the West. The food we are given, the sedentary lifestyle over generations.
>Then again, if people with low T can have functioning children without issues, I don't see what the big deal is to begin with.
Then you're a fucking moron. Actually I already knew that by your first reply.
>Not only have these qualities remained the same, if anything, they've increased among younger men
You completely missed the point again. IT IS BEING LABELED AS TOXIC BY THE LEFT. Try again.
>We don't live in the caveman era anymore. You feel agressive and you wanna do something about it? Pick up a combat sport.
Wow, you are such a high level thinker.
>If you wanna be a man, you will, and there's nothing society can do about it.
You're so fucking stupid. I think you're underage. Society is being pushed by people claiming masculinity is toxic. Stoicism, competitiveness aggression etc are toxic. If you exercise these traits in your own society, you could eventually be shunned or worse. I see adds on bus stops advocating men to check their privilege and be aware of their toxic masculinity. Ads and other media goes on and on about this shit. You're fucking stupid and shouldn't post.
>having a wife means you have a good life
Lmaoing at people who think this
I have been married 4 years, my wife is a fucking lazy disgusting whale, she is 280lbs and 5'3, she is a NEET, she never cooks or cleans or does anything just plays videogames all day. We never have sex of course ever, that would be out of the question because she is always so tired.
The worst part is that of course she doesn't want kids. I asked her when we would have kids and she produced a 400 page long document of movies, TV shows and videogames she has to complete first including several made up ones she assumes will exist at some point in the future (such as 'Animal Crossing: The Zebras Vegetables' and 'The First Game of Thrones: A Prequel with only a single throne and poorly determined rules'). She is a sarcastic cunt and I am sick of her. She also always makes shitty and cruel jokes about me becoming disabled due to my osteoporosis, for example asking if i wanted a newborn so i can steal its skull which would be stronger than mine. fuck marriage
You either don't get what I'm trying to say or you're being a contrarian for the sake of it.
Maybe you think I'm trying to emasculate you, or pussify you and that's why you're throwing around this playground rhetoric. It really doesn't matter. You do you, and take a deep breath every now and then, and you'll do fine.
True. But his legacy from now and and until the day he's forgotten will be as "the 40 year old man who cried like a 6 year old girl to a children's movie".
It's a bit like being famous for shoving a gerbil up your asshole, even if people accept you, and even hail you as a hero for it. You will always be known as "the guy who shoved a gerbil up his asshole, but it went okay in the end".
This. He's set up in a hotel room with 2 bed and his wife at this "spa" while bawling at a Nuwars teaser. He WANTED internet trolls to shit on him for the notoriety, and these morons fell for it easy.
Are you fucking dumb? what does "normies" caring about Yea Forums have to do with Yea Forums's influence over internet culture?
>Yea Forums material
You're a redditor.
Internet is full of faggots that is why im only go to this place
>Formerly Civilization
I didn't fight this guy because he was in the right. You guys need to pick your battles. Why did you team up with roasties to pick on some nerd who's excited? Did you really think they'd have sex with you?
bitch needs her ass eaten
>So you shot this in Cancun, you were in Mexico, I don't know what she [his wife] was doing then
Based Lee suggesting she was getting railed by Juan and Jorge while this loser was crying over star wars
>another woman crying about death threats on twitter with no proof
Oh so it's okay when a conservitard does it right?
Our society is designed, thanks to feminism, to outwardly support and prop up the weak and degenerate. Nothing new.
Based soi onion boys gave up their fandoms easily to sjws and feminists. Not only is sci-fi full of communist messages and coded woman worship, but they think it's going to get them laid.
In an online bullying situation of course virtue signallers will, like ,subscribe, and comment because it takes no effort. It's what we are designing our society to do.
The yellow hoard and the Muslims will pick our socities bones clean, but hey this guy got married to an ugly chick and had his 15 minutes.
It's a fair trade right?
And he was a good friend.
false flag formerly real flag
You cannot convince me that a grown adult male crying over a two minute movie trailer isn't pathetic.
The fact that he also recorded it and is praised for doing so is full-blown Clown World.
The problem is you are being both a moron and a faggot. You've already completely missed the point of what you were replying to and resorted to "muh caveman were aggressive and we aren't cavemen" I'm just saying if you want to be a whiny bitch return to reddit where you obviously fit in more.
>no one's out to get you
This is objectively incorrect. The APA claims traditional masculinity is harmful. Left wing groups and msm openly sy this sort of thing too, and talk about how we need to change. You're such a fucking child.
>haha bro just do what you want as long as you fllow da rules nobody is out to get you society is aways static
Please stop posting you ignorant fag
You are a NPC and you don't understand the meme.
cringe, unironically kys snowflake
what does "normies" caring about Yea Forums have to do with Yea Forums's influence over internet culture?
I can take off my shirt when I go to the beach.
shut up fag lol
you are correct. but i think faggots in the left wing corporate media will defend him without being paid by disney too
Hey bros
>being so btfo you have to misconstrue what i said as damage control
This is retarded.
How dare he stand where they stood
Why should I bother reading any bit of what you have to say when you're just throwing around the same corny reply to everything.
>you're retarded
Great argument.
>Stoicism, competitiveness aggression etc are toxic
No they're not. The far leftists who think so are a vocal minority. No intelligent person on either side actually thinks these qualities are toxic.
Think about things objectively and stop falling for memes. No one will hate you for being manly, not the media, not the people around you, nobody. Toxic masculinity and toxic femininity are signs of toxic humanity in general. As long as you're not the latter you'll be fine. Stop crying like an opressed bitch.
>m-muh society
internet culture is independent of whether normies care about this place or not. most people who don't even know about Yea Forums but use the internet will have seen a meme originating from here. you're stupid and can't argue.
A true alpha
Fine then, be a coward and let society tell you what to do and how to behave.
Don't be too surprised if you discover that you've turned into a bigger faggot in the end though.
>have to watch a man completely lose his honor in front of millions
>a punishment worse than death
>wait, what? he's not doing this at the behest of an extremely powerful local leader, but doing it because he chooses to?
why did my animes lie to me
>Imagine being this blind to what's going on in the world around you.
Keep sleeping.
nice damage control
call me when he kill himself
hes so meek and innocently nerdy, and apparently un-pretentious about it, that its hard to direct the proper 'outrage' or cynical criticism this type of behavior actually deserves.
Eric aside, this type of 'culture' really does need to go, even if this isnt the person to eliminate it through, despite all necessity.
>Yea Forums is the birthplace of internet culture
>he won
What exactly was the competition? I just think he is very ugly lol
I want James back
*slumps into deep depression when the internet forgets him in a week*
Make music, short films, video games, interactive installations and any other medium you can think of.
My next game is commissioned by the Dutch governmenr and will be available for download on July 14th.
i know autism prevents you and most anons from understanding human emotions but that reaction is fake
Me calling you retarded wasn't an argument. It was an observation and you need to understand it.
>No intelligent person on either side actually thinks these qualities are toxic.
Well at least now you are admitting that there are people thinking this and attacking men for it. The media attacks men all the time for masculinity. ads, news, tv etc. You are totally tuned out or a moron not to see this.
>As long as you're not the latter you'll be fine. Stop crying like an opressed bitch.
Oh sorry. Ya you're right, I should just stay silent as masculinity is destroyed in the West and we are replaced by hordes of third worlders. Anything else would "crying like an oppressed bitch" right?
Fuck off. You're a moron. Masculinity is under attack in the West and on the decline. The left wing instigates it and their media propagandizes it. No shit most people think it's bullshit. But when pussies like you are unwilling to do anything about it and just keep silent you allow them to influence society. You're pathetic and I'm guessing you are a domesticated city dweller.
>Keep sleeping.
I wish I was at times. Ignorance is bliss and I feel like you this yourself.
For better or worse I'm awake and I'm trying to deal with these problems as best I can.
You wanna see change in society, go and do something about it, or accept the way it is and adapt to it, but don't let the shit fester. It isn't beneficial to you in any way.
I think you replied to the wrong thing. This entire time I've been advocating to rebel against what society is telling me to do.
ya man. people like that are exactly what im talking about. they just jerk off 5 times a day and think everything is alright, next thing you know you have an orange cheeto fascist in power and he's rounding up mexicans to put in camps.
So one guy being an idiot means you have given up on society, wow how pathetic is this guy.
>being so BTFO you have to misconstrue what i've said this badly
nice damage control, redditor. you still can't argue. it's pathetic.
don't you get it? he became e-famous for being a crybaby manchild over a shitty disney movie. he won dude! Yea Forums btfo!
>Yea Forums poses a real threat to disney.
i feel sorry for your parents.
>Masculinity is under attack in the West and on the decline.
Nice projecting, faggot.
Obviously this.
Being submerged into lies is no win.
>two legit 2/10 specimen getting together out of mutual desperation because nobody else would touch them
What a Chad he is
Who is this guy and why am I supposed to care?
sauce on this pls
>durrr masculinity isn't under attack
>competitiveness is caveman thinking
when someone calls this bullshit in society out you say it doesn't exist, then admit it does exist, then downplay it. i think you mean well but you're just dumb as a brick.
>muh media
Fuck the media, the elite, and the demagogues. Look around you, look at the real people and what they think about this issue.
>influence society
If your western """""society""""" is so stupidly naive then move out of the country. But I still refuse to believe that the left alone has enough power to change the mindset of society as a whole. That depends on you, the people. Like I said before, if you're against this, take action towards change, like you took action when Trump got elected. Problem solved.
His wife must be asexual or she is fucking around on him. If she still loves him and is attracted to him after this display,there must be something wrong with her. People here badmouth black people but they got their shit straight, men are men and women are women. No self respecting human would allow himself to cry about a fictional movie and even if he did,he wouldn't announce it to the world loudly.
>gets a feeling of joy because he thinks Disney is afraid of Yea Forums
>calls me a redditor while using lines like "you still can't argue"
be more of a fag lol.
I design clothes for cats
>making fun of a person for having an emotional reaction to art
What is wrong with people?
in general content from Yea Forums filters down to r3ddit, then facebook and twitter and the rest of the web. it makes total sense for corporations to have some people here. if there is a financial incentive, corporations will do it. and there is a financial incentive to have your product compete for mindshare among young people and on places like Yea Forums. you're so fucking stupid and naive, you are just begging to be a corporate slave.
you're totally clued out
the fact that the term toxic masculinity even exists and is prominent in the mainstream is highly questionable.
>he has a wife
>two single beds in his hotel room
too bad he's gonna die from face cancer in a couple of years
>hotel room
>If your western """""society""""" is so stupidly naive then move out of the country
This is the mindset of a non-white. No thanks. I would rater stay and fix my country that my ancestors helped build over generations. not pretend like it doesnt have problems and/or run away...and then you go on to say stay and fix the problem? ya, you are dumb. at least you mean well.
>keep spamming his video on every thread
>keep making cringy comments on said video
What did you think was gonna happen?
>next thing you know you have an orange cheeto fascist in power and he's rounding up mexicans to put in camps.
How is this bad though?
This guy knows what's up.
Ending a sentence in lol means you are insecure and subconsciously know you are wrong. You do that so that you don't sound too serious, so that when someone inevitably comes around and BTFOs you it doesnt look as bad, because you were only joking xD. Kill yourself gamma. It is highly likely that Disney pays people to shill here, and it is a fact that they have people shilling online.
lay off the redpills m8, they're loosening your butthole and you're dropping shit everywhere
What are some kinos about being mentally ill?
don't catch ya slippin
i was being ironic and also pointing out that that is how the left operates. they are domesticated, naive fools who refuse to ackowledge that anything is wrong, since it means that they would have to be a little bit uncomfortable.....and the next thing you know, you have an orange cheeto fascist rounding up mexicans to put in camps.
Aw he's actually an OK dude.
stop being a passive-aggressive gamma. you sound like a woman.
>competitiveness is caveman thinking
I would never imply that. I was thinking more in terms of manifesting aggression to the point where someone loses an eyeball, or a life, but read it as you wish, the conversation has run it's course at this point.
My main point all along was that a real man won't, under any circumstances, let society define what he can or cannot do with his masculinity. Who gives a fuck if you get caught "manspreading" or some other imaginary millenial Buzzfeed bullshit. Society will try to find flaws in you one way or another. Keep trudging along and pay no mind to this petty shit. This includes the media whose influence is obviously not as strong as it once was, even though it's forcing itself more than any other point in history. People aren't the dumb NPC's you think they are.
I am am the definition of white, physically. But I'm also not a part of your Western society, so I can only speak as an observer. That being said, I correspond with people who live in America all the time, and I follow your politics closely so I'm not out of the loop as you might think.
>I would rater stay and fix my country that my ancestors helped build over generations
Good. Here's hoping that happens.
Grow a spine bruh
lol cope
>a real man won't, under any circumstances, let society define what he can or cannot do with his masculinity. Who gives a fuck if you get caught "manspreading" or some other imaginary millenial Buzzfeed bullshit
...no shit. that goes without saying.
Be more of a fag lol
you have a vagina
Then explain why I am so weak and un-masculine if the jews didn't do it?
>waah western society is doomed because some middle aged nerd cried at a video
get a life lmao
onions, bisphenol-a, sedentary lifestyles and social conditioning are all reasons why men are losing testosterone and thus becoming more effeminate.
And yet he's still a pathetic baby man
Sorry bro, dump that whale, living in solitude is better than that.
incel sneedposter BTFO
>My main point all along was that a real man won't, under any circumstances, let society define what he can or cannot do with his masculinity
How does that invalidates his criticism of the feedback loop of societal decay that created and is worsened by these political stances et cetera and the sheer existence of them being highly questionable and unhealthy for society in the bigger picture?
>People aren't the dumb NPC's you think they are.
They are way dumber than most users here think they are, a symptom of lack of socialization.
>I am am the definition of white, physically.
having "white" skin doesn't make you white cheng.
>reward the gentiles who so valiantly defend our corporate money laundering schemes online
yes, yes
good goy
your fictional characters will keep you through the hard times ahead
All of these are caused by jews to some degree
it's physically impossible to care this much about a trailer
When will you creepy incels learn that it's okay to make an undignified and exaggerated reaction video to a movie trailer as long as the corporation responsible for the movie publicly defends you to save their brand? Have sex, lmao.
ugh I wish!
>JJ has confirmed they are giving him a small role in the new movie
it don't matter what we have "done" this is the internet faggot
Formerly Chuck hetero
>How does that invalidates his criticism of the feedback loop of societal decay that created and is worsened by these political stances et cetera and the sheer existence of them being highly questionable and unhealthy for society in the bigger picture?
The media's influence isn't as strong as you think. It's just a symptom of frequent consumption of Yea Forums related things that makes you think that way. Like I said before, Trump won, didn't he?
>They are way dumber than most users here think they are, a symptom of lack of socialization.
How am I to know that you don't have a lack of socialization yourself? I've spoken to a large number of normies who have been totally unaffected by any kind of left leaning propaganda, and quite a few of which actively abhor it as dogmatic bullshit. I think it's only natural. A lot of these newfound leftist rules can be seen as cartoonish by even the biggest idiots on Earth, as long as they aren't naive and susceptible to brainwashing.
>having "white" skin doesn't make you white cheng.
I have aryan features, if you care about that meme.
>passion for movies
even Hobbs & Shaw has more heart to it than the nuWars movies
>some dude makes fake reaction videos
>it blows up and gives Disney an opportunity to shill it to normies as if there are people really that excited for garbage
>shit dude just blow the West up
imagine being this braindead.
incel genocide fucking when?
getting really tired of all of you tbqh
have a bowel movment in yer pants
Tay Zonday was also supposed to be a throwaway lulzcow back in the day but he went viral and got Dr. Pepper commercials and shit.
Its because good looking females can live of a right wing beta provider while she stays at home. Left wing demands equality aka the woman also has to wagecuck.
Why do people hate incels? And don't say the murders because everyone they killed deserved to die.
Cool kids that are too hip for an anonymous Chinese piss bottle forum hate geeky chantards.
What kind of mental illness forces a 40 year old man-child to post videos like this on the Internet?
Because we need babies. White babies, preferably. It's also detrimental to your mental health, and you could very well do some dumb shit and get an otherwise good person killed.
I'm don't think people really give a shit that much though. It's more of a meme than anything else.
>lose all your dignity defending the fictional characters of a corporation
I'd honestly rather die with my honor, I don't care what crying in front of millions would get me. It isn't worth it.
Because no one's ever really gone
Dude had droves of WOMEN defending him too.
What are UPFs?
"I don't ever want kids" is a red flag. Women who don't want children are not women. If you can knock her fat ass up, maybe you can save her.
My wife and I just had a child, and it has been the most rewarding experience. It changes your perspective completely.
>Because we need babies. White babies, preferably
white genocide is code for women won't touch my peepee
>somehow be more annoying than SJWs
>bitch about EVERYTHING
>expect to be treated like princesses
Get fucked.
stop being such a fag holy shit
you're getting bullied by a landwhale
I was testing the water to see how far Yea Forums has fallen for the meme We really do need more babies though. Human society will die off otherwise.
Is your childhood bully now a monk?
Based user, it's time.
At least he's crying for trivial matters instead of crying for being a hugless kissless virgin like y'all. Captain Cucktain fo life.
>he won
>fat, stupid, gets excited over childless things and unmanly
Yeah...a real """winner"""
it wouldn't surprise me
I'm not sure what you meant by this. Love and companionship are generally considered to be basic human needs.
Its crazy how they say "masculinity is harmful" meanwhile mens mental health resources are all but non-existent. CLOWN
and yet you lack both. how curious
But in the process he brought more attention to how cringy and pathetic these star wars man children are, and he made the internet and media swallow another /pol/ pill. So who really won?
If he is on holiday with his wife or whatever, why is there two beds in their hotel room?
that's not something to make fun of faggot. People slit their wrist for lack of those
You deserve to drown with it, sneed poster.
Destroy all Tradthots
>People slit their wrist for lack of those
Good. Less worthless people on the planet.
what does his wife look like though?
>Thots want to bang him.
And all of the thots sending him positive messages are dating 10/10 Chads.
pure cringekino
THIS. Is Donald Trump's america.
>oklahoma dude
nah he's from kentucky they say it in the beginning
thats his room his wife has her own yes I know that makes it ever more confusing
I guess you literally can't win against a billion dollar company.
Ever heard of a beta provider
how about stop being a beta and divorce her ass
His wife was in the next hotel room with tyrone
i also saw that Jim stream
His wife looks like his sister
me in the middle
you wish faggot
>The media's influence isn't as strong as you think
It's stronger than you think, look at pre-cultural revolution american society and compare to it now.
>trump won
barely, he lost the popular vote by 3% in pre-1960s america a populist like him would have won with over 80% of votes especially against a woman.
>How am I to know that you don't have a lack of socialization yourself?
I ask you the same and the answer is we can't as we are arguing solely on anedoctal evidence in the moment.
>I've spoken to a large number of normies who have been totally unaffected by any kind of left leaning propaganda
Where do you live user? i highly doubt it you can find a single person not affected by leftist brain washing on some level or another, i live in a christian third world country with strong right wing values and even so everyone is brainwashed by the left in some way or another.
I make my own music and short films too but I know not to share them because they're shit
Difference is he doesn't
how insecure you must be
Ironically anime fags would be the first to die (and that's a good thing)
If you really really want to cringe I can make it happen
I'm totally glad for him, that this isn't getting him down. Yes, he's dweeby but there's no good reason to hate someone for that, and his reactions kind of inspire the feeling of wanting to slap him but that's really not the right response. I'm glad not everyone is totally jaded, honestly. It's not even to do with the shittiness of nu Star Wars, everyone has cheesy crap they like. I just think he's who he is, a really emotional, geeky guy and I don't think mockery is helping him, I'm sure he was bullied a lot in his life. Just... let people be. There are a lot of lame contrived reaction vids on youtube but this guy is just... a character... and I think it's really much better to have sympathy for people. He didn't ask to be born awkward, and punishing him for it is just cruel and not 'helping society' or whatever... a society that can't show compassion for people in their human imperfections and quirks in fact is already really failed. I think Hamill was right to be kind to this guy.
I don't feel far off. Why are these sentiments so common and easy to come upon today? Have they always been? Are we really at the end?
I find it fucking hilarious that we got off scot free
The stupid tradthot attention whore took all the flak for our harassment
Now people are unironically defending cargo shorts wearing man babies who obsess over cape shit and star wars. Thats pretty much Yea Forums in a nutshell. Right now people are consoling this guy and telling him not to worry about the mean things nasty women might say to an "undatable" *couch*incel guy like him
this whole thing has just been bizarre to watch
one of the werdest things i've seen from this are shit rags like vox, the mary sue and the daily dot talking about "the alt right"s apparent hatred for cargo shorts. We might actuallly meme them into being fashionable
what's that shit on his cheek anyway?
You're just jaded. Don't say no, just live more.
Ameicans are cringy as fuck
The problem is it isn't art, and the people who made this movie should feel ashamed that they elicited such an emotional reaction from their half-assed piece of shit trailer. Jewjew Binks has essentially sold this man a shit sandwich and everyone laughs at this guy while he eats it up rather than being pissed at jewjew for selling the sandwich in the first place.
Based sneedposter
To be fair, Hamill actually loves when people love star wars.
Where can I get a job shilling? Are these advertised somewhere? I've never seen one before.
Meanwhile /ourguy/ james is uncucking himself and everyone on Yea Forums flocked to this faggot... sad
He balding early?
Why would you marry a woman before asking if she wanted children? Unless she did a 180 on you
The conservative roastie likes him too now. Face it, Yea Forums, it's over.
>scans for popular opinion
>"This guy is a basedboy"
>gets poor feeback
>rescans for popular opinion
>"This guy is great xD"
Poor guy saw this all coming so long ago. He tried to help him.
You kow something is bad when Kike Hamill likes it.
Is that why you stopped attacking her, Resetera?
I remember you going nuclear on her just 2 days ago, calling her consevathot and what not.
>this guy gets posted in Restera
>ever since, we get one thread after another defending the beta numale, saying that he won, saying that he got invited to something and how girls totally flock beta manchildren now
What a ((((((((((coincidence)))))))))))))
No, he's an obese american millennial beta.
He also unironically likes Star Wars.
There's obviously something wrong with his child brain.
It's almost as if he was shown a premonition of what a bunch of manchildren millennials would be.
>alt right
>yfw you are not white
Feels so fucking good.
We all know this is the sneedposters fault.
Hamill should have died, and not Carry Fisher.
Remember when you made this guy famous ARE YOU TIRED OF LOSING?
This man just wants advance screening tickets and a couple minutes of fame and he got it.
this is his wife Yea Forums. say something nice about her
Oh so that nasty thing on his face is permanent? I thought it was a really bad pimple at the time of recording. What an ugly fuck.
I thought he was genuine at first but now im convinced this was done kind of viral marketing
She's clearly in her 30s, and yet she looks like a grandma.
I don't know what's going on here.
unbelievably pathetic faggots
The boy was a good friend
This is YOUR doing,you were the retards that gave him views, he should have fallen to obscurity, but no,you retards spammed his video for WEEKS, you fucking retards.
KIl yourselves,all of you.
You're genuinely coming off like a pussy with all your whining about oppression. You're not masculine, and you're really in no position to talk about any of this shit.
Oh, so we like it when women whine on twitter about being victimized now
What's wrong with cargo shorts
>faggot embraced by faggot community
wow, what a twist
They've been popular for way too long and the clothing companies really want you to buy new shorts. That's literally how fashion works, the companies decide something new is "in fashion" and then you're suddenly supposed to think the clothes you've been wearing the last five years all look horrible and buy new clothes you're going to eventually say look horrible.
HAHA, I'm loving this.
This guy has got to be a deep Yea Forums agent or the pinnacle of manchild
Seriously, I haven't seen TV put clowns on a platform like this since American Idol. Although to be fair, he handled the interview pretty well
No, I wanted this.
I wanted this guy to become the face of the Star Wars and Marvel viewership.
Now they can't say it's normalfags, these are the people who unironically like these turds, ugly beta manchildren.
massive cope matey. I'm sure the millions of people who watch these movies will all be too embarassed to buy tickets for this one.
Yeah, as opposed to the dude that has a bunch of virtue signaling hoes and beta men pretending to accept this manbabies behavior for social currency
Step by step, my m8, such a big franchise won't die in a single day, no matter how hard Disney is working to ruin it.
TLJ already managed to half the box office of TFA, and Solo was an actual bomb.
Now making fun of Star Wars is cool and a shitstorm happened because everyone was laughing at someone who was happy for these movies.
In only 4 years we've gone from everyone being hyped, to people laughing at others for being hyped.
Congratulations, Disney.
>massive cope
Sorry, I don't speak millennial.
>"By us I mean the non-npcs"
When you were 13 did you post comments on van halen youtube videos calling everyone else sheep and only YOU appreciated real music?
This; lots of fake pseudo-moral redditors unable to see the ramifications of this behavior simply to virtue signal is a sign of what’s to come
>and it’s most likely Islam
Whats with nu4chan being full of redditors who have no idea of when you are supposed to greentext?
>no, u
Yeah, I can tell you're a zoomer. Star Wars has always had a reputation for having obsessive nerdy fans and it's never affected their earnings before. You seriously think you're inventing the idea of "loser Star Wars nerd"?
Sounds like boomers were awful.
We're gonna have to fix that mistake and put Star Wars down.
Absolute cinematic cancer.
>socially needy
you might even say...sneedy
>Step 1: No girl will touch my peepee
>Step 2: a guy makes a reaction video to a Star Wars trailer
>Step 3: ??????
>Step 4: Islam destroys the west.
>everything is about sex lmao