>1 ticket to Shazam please. Gracias.
1 ticket to Shazam please. Gracias
is that half a baby?
>he doesn't like frijoles con el pollo
Ask me how I know you're white
keep it moving, spic
You say white like it's a bad thing.
Looks fucking delicious m8
what's that diarrhea stuff?
>Beans aren't refried
>being white
your women fuck minorities willingly
>implying white people don't eat chicken
Tell me you wouldn't eat that chicken and enjoy it
keep telling yourself that, pedro
>black beans
What is so wrong with it?
chicken and rice look dope. not sure about the beans.
>not refried beans
not gonna lie, this looks pretty good
oh honey...
nothing. OP is implying only fat beaners watch DC movies.
Haven't eaten anything all morning and afternoon, would eat that in a heartbeat
Fuck off gringo
fucking retarded of you to think it doesnt happen
My ancestors owned yours. Our women fuck you because it makes them feel gross. That's the part you don't seem to understand. It's akin to fucking a dog for them.
I've seen more spic women with niggers Carlos. You should fix that.
>whitey gets mad over a plate of food
Keep crying about becoming a minority in your own country please
Women fuck everyone these days and men do too get out and fuck some women regardless of colour
Those beans look like my shit after a night of heavy drinking.
>there are white kids pretending to be minorities in this thread for attention they couldn't otherwise earn
>I put the word "Shazam" in the post, so now I'm on-topic for the Television & Film board!
Well done, faggot.
Cállate pendejo.
Yes, white countries teach multiple languages in school so they can deal with the inferior countries.
That looks delicious though
Dos serbersas por flavor
if that black shit is beans or whatever, disgusting
white people dont eat beans or africa protein
A little heavy on the beans, but that looks yummy
Me pego hambre.
Whelp. I know what I'm in the mood for for dinner.
Build the wall
>Eating black beans
white w*men fuck dogs
black beans are shit, need some refried pinto beans with bacon bits
>this thread
I’m white and what the fuck is wrong with you people? That looks delicious
the beans are disgusting. the chicken and rice is based though