>allegory for the threat of climate change, nuclear weapons, and the feudal system
>"D-don't politicize our TV show!"
Give me a break.
>allegory for the threat of climate change, nuclear weapons, and the feudal system
>"D-don't politicize our TV show!"
Give me a break.
Did baby's bottom get blast aweeee awww poor baby have sex
hi ian watkins why do you have internet in prison
>can't file any legal action
>can only make an assblasted public statement
>climate change
you're looking at the humanity's slow end and instead of doing something you prefer to look at it and clap your hands. Fucking pathetic.
>these dragons and ice zombies are an allegory for the threat of climate change, nuclear weapons, and the feudal system!!!
didn't the show retweet like a hundred "Hillary qween of dragons" memes?
>ive never seen a bts clip of the show where they literally admit it is FUUUCK DRUMP MUELLER HURRY IT WAS HER TURN FUUUUUUUUURRRRGG
i mean the bones of this ending where basically all laid by the time of Storm of Swords which is from like 2001
When it turns out Jamie is azor ahai they gonna proclaim game of throne as racist and this as another "evidence" for trumps support of white supremacy.
GoT is NOT for you, Trump!
Great president or greatest president?
Martin started it in early 90´s. By that time people still thought the second ice age is comming. Like serisously what the fuck was 70 -80´s deal with Global cooling?
>show about the feudal system is an allegory for the feudal system
you're a retard lmao
Would you prefer they fired back with Joffrey died in season 2?
Nothing is more embarrassing as a 70+ year old obese boomer trying to look cool while posting political memes using current pop culture references.
>"UGH DRUMPF! This is just like when Joffrey killed Eddard!"
Not as embarrassing as your life choices.
Stop talking to the mirror, user.
Nothing is more embarrassing than passive aggressive self-hating millennials
>I k-know what you are but what am I
How embarrassing...
twitter is owned by some leftys
so why haven't they just banned trump from twitter??
mmmm fuck you're so sexy with your scrawy arms, pasty skin, lack of hairstyle, and narrow shoulders. i want you to cum inside me and stretch my pussy, you absolute sexual tyrannosaurus. fuck liberal men make me so horny.... sorry daddy!! i love strong liberal men!!
Imagine being this butt blasted over the most kino president of our lifetime
I've never seen so many overreactions over someone using an existing font.
>so why haven't they just banned trump from twitter??
it's an official communication outlet of the us president. he's not a private individual like your random person.
>climate change
>humanity's slow end
Quick pay more for (((Standard Oil)))! The sky is changing!
Because he is keeping twitter alive.
>TV show for adults
>Pop culture
>>TV show for adults
But I thought it was millennials who liked this show? Can you retards make up your minds?
>left tried to meme "Mueller is Coming" for 2 and a half years
>not a peep from HBO
>no collusion no corruption
>Trump memes on retards
>HBO : plz stahp
gas em
>But I thought it was millennials who liked this show? Can you retards make up your minds?
The shows been on since 2011.
Implying it was made for teens and college students.
Haha yeah I love my president too pedes!
he looks handsome, you are suppose to post fat balding losers as trump supporters
No one will ever marry you, sweetie
if they did they that know it would only make him more powerful.
I guess you cuckservatives don’t see the hypocrisy in calling others cuccks
Yeah cuz you could totally make it in college if you wanted to, huh.
This interests me. Is it a US thing that people go so weak willed to college that they end up totally influenced by what they see there? I went to college to learn, not to really form my personality.
Does he even watch Game of Thrones?
He seems like all he cares about is the news.
he is a tranny from discord, he wishes he was a woman
Honestly looks like a real man
what does game of thrones have to do with nuclear weapons
Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.
he's not a cuck unless he likes it, you retarded cuck. hence "thought he was going to marry"
It's less about will and more the fact that these people have no identity of their own, so they go in looking to "find themselves" and fall into to crowds where they're accepted. take me for example, I went into college later, after I had already cemented my identity as a retarded shitposter, and I came out unscathed by the dumb bullshit that they like to spout.
>Intellectual property
>allegory for the threat of climate change
I didn't know we were going to beat climate change with suitable weaponry.
shitposter in chief
Why do you keep posting this in every thread? It must not be actually true if you have to keep asking.
Trump should do a whole bunch of pop culture themed tweets, Harry Potter, Star Wars, etc, everything those leftie poofs love.
This board is more /pol/ than ever. I used to fight it years ago until radical leftism emerged. Now I'm based and redpilled.
>entire show is feminist propaganda
because theyre afraid of his plan b
presidential alert
/pol/ the board is shat on constantly because it’s nothing but retarded Q user boomers who learned about Yea Forums through some NYT article they saw on Facebook. A lot of people still hate SJWs and, to a lesser extent, niggers.
>Is it a US thing
How can one man trigger so many?
I’ve noticed it too. The shitposting against /pol/ must be working. Their stupid shit is finally being shut down instead of ignoring the retardation that is their posts.
Brie Larson did the same thing :)
You leftist shits really are fucking up the western world.
It's either left or right, no in between. Black or white.
"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"
- Obi Wan
This thread clearly belongs on /pol/.
Can you please move it? Thanks.
>anti white shill falseflagging
I wasn't referring to skin color, but the two extreme sides of the spectrum.
lmao is that actually a real person or a shitposting account?