anyone watching holy week kinos?
Anyone watching holy week kinos?
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Going to church first, then to the drive thru mcdonalds. After that I'll probably shoot up a school for a while, maybe lynch some niggers, then it's holy week kinos for the rest of the day
Bible black
April 28 is Easter Sunday
>console war bait
don't give a shit. maybe you should follow the bible instead of random bullshit that was written after.
>tfw I have reoccurring dreams on being at church
>mfw I've never been to a church service or have been baptized or anything
Is God trying to tell me something? (srs)
I bet they regret crucifying him.
your pedo pope changed the calendar in the 16th century
he isn't real, we're all lost children in a meaningless world, but it's okay because we can find our own meaning and live happily anyway
well ecclisasticus comes to mind, he said not to put faith in dreams unless they come from God. and God has a history of showing people visions (like Constantine)
>OWNED with epic strawman xD
please read the actual bible, you may find out it's bad to try and start conflict with other believers (especially over literally nothing)
How would I know if these dreams are from God?
No, I'm an adult
there's nothing in the bible about pedo popes who are infallible
Is anything else happening in your life that may relate to your dreams?
I never even claimed to be catholic (although you may have inferred by my reference to Sirach) or a supporter of the Pope. Why must you come into this thread seeking conflict? Is that Christlike?
If I wanted to watch fiction then I'd watch a Marvel movie
>Is anything else happening in your life that may relate to your dreams?
I'm not sure desu, nothing is really different or new. I've always had a healthy respect for Christianity and my oneitis is a devout Christian, but that's about it
this, Bible is literally capeshit of literature
Exodus never happened. Even Israeli archeologists confirm this.
Fucking yikes
You aren’t as intelligent as you think you are. Anyone making objective statements on things like meaning, especially when espousing self refuting nihilist pseudism, is a moron. If people like einstein didn’t deny god, why would I listen to you? Read a book.
Epic, take my upvotes sir!
I think you should try reading some of the bible (new testament in particular) and see if it interests you. But be wary of people who give Christianity a bad name.
Trips of holy truth
>ask for christian movies
>user post catholic trash
I'm actually going through the Gospel of John right now, heh. I'd like to pursue the faith further, I guess now is the perfect time to do it. I don't really know how or where to go from here though, all my family hate Christianity.
“If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you”
there aren't too many rules or laws to follow or anything, the religion is quite personal. I guess baptism if you do want to take up the faith (it doesn't need to be formal either). other than that keep reading and try to live a just life
who posted anything catholic?
So I have to abandon my family?
Thanks user
That’s not what that’s saying. It’s saying if you are persecuted for your beliefs, it’s because you are chosen. You should love your family and be understanding of their views
>your version of retardation is stupider than my version of retardation
If anyone needs any recommendations, just ask the supreme patricians of Vatican
Can the pseuds just leave the thread instead of asserting their “intelligence” to people who don’t give a shit?
Through a Glass Darkly
Winter Light
The Silence
Here's your easter trilogy, Yea Forums.
Oh okay, sorry user.
No need to apologise bro
I’m downloading JCSS as we speak. Gonna watch it tomorrow.
So you're saying I'm chosen?
>self refuting nihilist pseudism
it's called existentialism, >read a book. If there's some overarching meaning to life then why does nobody know what it is?
Not him but on a biological level it is to reproduce
That’s a meaning on the most physical level
I’m saying those who suffer persecution in order to live for good ideals are chosen by god
Agreed, but I was talking about something more on a societal level
Oh okay.
Anyway, it's late here, thanks for your help, user.
Well if society is informed by our biological situation, which it is, then it is to produce an environment where we can continue to reproduce and survive
I like The Fourth Wise Man (1985).
we live in a society
god isn't a pre-set meaning but the fullness of meaning in and of itself, you'll never have a community of like-minded individuals each "pursuing their own meaning" to the fullest without some kind of mind towards the transcendent, and incommunicable, god is the individual arc of self-actualization for every being, or rather God is that there is such, you're a little fish in a very big pond
Spit out my coffee, you win the Internet today lad!
t. prays for the sultans good health
Getting a bit too abstract for me, so god is an internal feeling or driving force? Couldn't that just be your own mind?
Bartholomew is a CIA puppet
I don't know much about the guy or have anything against him, but why even care what he does? The Pope and himself are just men living well after the time of Christ.