Apparently that is very offensive!
Owner of the Netflix twitter account says rom-coms should not be called chick-flicks
Yes maybe the faggot on Yea Forums will get to the bottom of this after this being the 100th thread on it
agree, just call them "cancerous shit"
okay but you have to stop calling them superhero movies and start calling them capeshit
To be fair, I've seen over 25 comedies, I personally think it's an underrated genre, yes there are many cliche ones with bad writing and an abundance of cheese but I still would say "Mean Girls" and "Hitch" and "50 First Dates" are modern classics.
This is why I subscribe to netflix, for the preaching mostly.
>this suggests that women are the only people interested in 1. Romance 2. Comedy
put together like that, yes
Netflix has the statistics on target demographics. They should know the answers.
I got my wife a netflix but I don't see the tweets. Am I doing something wrong?
What about Bro Films?
They are geared almost exclusively for women though. Show me the type of “man” excited to see a chick flick
I dont agree with what Netflix says but I love how they trigger all these ultra-sensitive "males". Should I unsubscribe?
Pic related
Are there some based comments in the thread? Or twitter finally managed to ban all non-progressives?
>paying to watch Netshit in the first place
Whats wrong with you? I mean..movies and tv series are free on the internet.
I still don't get why women care so much about Harry Potter.
grug call them what ever grug wants
Dangal at 5?
>no man movies
>while cop-buddy movies exist
You would expect someone involved with filmmaking would know that. But i guess its more of pushing a goal.
Nah, they listen to right wingers requests too. But yeah, they still are crazy left leaning maniacs . More power tripping than our mods
Women are just larger children
The Netflix social media account is literaly run by some teenage girls who are Finn Wolfhard stans
I literally ask for man movies ever movie night. What's that bitch on about.
kunt kino is more specific.
Didn't the term practically originate in Sleepless in Seattle when Tom Hanks's character called some classic a chick's movie?
A movie for chicks popularized calling movies for chicks, movies for chicks.
>all those post 2000 movies for women.
that conformity hits hard, I can't imagine living like this.
Whats the opposite of chick flick
Imagine typing this unironically
toxic masculinity movies
bro shows
Buddy-Cop movies and Rom-coms are both horrible shit though.
The Notebook is the proto chick flick and it's not a comedy. It's called a chick flick because it's a movie you take a girl to light a fire in her pants and get you laid.
>1000 emotions in 90 minutes
Oh, nevermind, this thread was written by a woman. She just doesn't get what we're doing.
Notice how that account could literally mention "I have the streaming data proving that it's not a predominantly women audience who watches those", yet doesn't precisely because it's really women who watch chick flicks.
what kind of retard get triggered over something like that?
as if political correctness wasn't enough of a joke already
Chick flick is basically a way of identifying movies which are dramas, comedies or romance with either a female lead or female majority cast, something women would want to seek out. You can tell this tweet was written by some soiboi feminist thinking he is fighting sexism when its really just making it hard for women to find female centric movies.
I actually like Edward Scissorhands
>no robocop
>no predator
>Owner of the Netflix twitter account
netflix inc?
Romcoms are chick flicks.
>I have the streaming data
>he thinks the netflix twitter account is managed by anyone with that kind of accesses
fuck off lady
Action movies like Predator, Terminator and Die Hard. I dont know what else to call them except just action movies.
I like most of the Hairy Porter movies and Edward Scissorhands and I'm the least gay man on Yea Forums.
Also Lawrence of Arabia sucks and what the absolute fuck is Taare Zameen Par?
imagine not only watching man movies kino.
I literally can’t.
I'm a dude, I just am open minded to all genres. I expanded my mind after taking LSD.
Is it insulting because the word "chick" or is it because it's saying they're movies that only women like?
good movies
Actual kino like Seven Seagal movies and Predator.
Another thing I learned: Yea Forums is a negative place. You all need to relax and be more positive. Take a lesson from Reddit, be nice to your fellow internet person.
How is the latter insulting?
it mean men who enjoy these films are effeminate and that's bigotry
oh as long as you’re a man then I don’t care. carry on. just don’t let me catch you being a woman or I will lose my shit
In a non clown world thousands of people would be telling them to shut the fuck up and nothing else.
I get enough of being positive and biting my tongue irl
I’m trying
but my one line I cannot tolerate being crossed is that I will not suffer a roastie in my clubhouse
>You won't believe what user said in response!
Thanks for a daily reminder not to give kikeflix money.
Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.
Why do corporations take these social stances?
Was there some pseudo science that came out that said this was more profitable than just remaining silent?
Something had to have happened to lead them to the conclusion that they can put the name of the company on the line while someone makes a personal statement
>tfw have to even clickbait my Yea Forums posts just to get replies
Oh my god shut the fuck up
More like gaining influence, Schlomo.
Netflix is leftist propaganda for the poor
I've had Netflix for 4 years.
Haters gonna hate! Some shows on there are decent (The Office) (Spongebob) and the odd movie is cool
>search "chick flick" on Netflix
I’ve noticed this too.
I think the contrarian nature of the site is starting to turn back on /pol/.
it has too much supposed influence and it’s known worldwide (aka the dreaded POPULAR) so the only way for people to rebel now is to go in the opposite direction and shit on /pol/
or maybe it’s all a discord tranny raid illusion and nothing has changed except the direction of the shilling.
Or maybe invaders from other sites raiding Yea Forums aim for softer targets while still failing big time, but working in group and supporting each other to maintain the illusion.
Hint: its not working.
we should start calling them cunt kinos
I agree; but it’s not working on me because I’m such an advanced contrarian that I anticipate several steps ahead.
More like Cunterous shit amirite
>or maybe it’s all a discord tranny raid illusion and nothing has changed except the direction of the shilling.
ding ding ding ding!
TV programming is for poor people.
gee it’s almost like I included that part on purpose
>movie stars a female protagonist
>the co-actor is a male who is designed 100% as the perfect toy for the female protagonist
>movies are blatantly marketed towards females
leftists are beyond retarded, as usual
cock schlock
>For starters, "chick flicks" are traditionally synonymous with romantic comedies. This suggests that women are the only people interested in 1. Romance 2. Comedy
Well, no, it doesn't suggest that. It's reductive language, sure, but language is always in some ways reductive. It's the only way we can effectively communicate. All this suggests is that women disproportionally like these movies, which in my experience is absolutely true.
>There aren't sweeping categories specific to men.
Yes, there are. Movies with lots of cars and guns and tough men and power fantasies are generally referred to as typically male movies. I don't know whether there is a generally used term in English as I'm a German, but over here we definitely use terms like that.
>The term also cheapens the work that goes into making these types of films.
Cry me a fucking river. Well, guess what, those movies usually aren't exactly cinematic masterpieces and they aren't marketed as such either. Nobody in the crew has any illusions about that, I am sure.
>And nicknaming films "chick flicks" drives home that there's something trivial about watching them.
Yes, watching a movie is always trivial. Or should we now celebrate every person who managed to follow a story for 90 minutes? That makes zero sense.
Why do i feel like a woman under 20 wrote this shit?
If dubs you will die choking on nigger semen you subhuman redditor.
gut post mein freund
here in brazil we call them literally "men movies" when refering to action movies, western movies, most war movies and 007 movies.
Have you ever seen a woman be actually interested in a film, not getting distracted, remembering anything from it after the fact? No?
Well what do you know
Turns out they can't actually appreciate kino the way we do.
There's nothing offensive about truth.
It's about as offensive as saying "women can't piss while standing". It's just a fact of life, accept it and move on.
This make me ponder.
Why DO we make movies that evoke negative emotions such as sadness, fear, anger?
Why shouldn't all movies be either wholesome or comedic?
Alright you underage twitter cunt, let's break your garbage thread down.
For starters, chick flicks are synonymous for any romantic movie, comedy or otherwise. They're literally aimed at women, affectionately and informally known as chicks.
There are sweeping categories specific to men, or at least there were until shit companies like Netflix killed them. Most movies are essentially unisex or multi-sex aimed. Again Netflix presumes that romantic dramas don't exist.
The term doesn't cheapen shit and is easily understood, nor does it undermine the production involved. It simply demonstrates that the movie in question is aimed at women.
The term also trivializes nothing. Many actual women use the term chick flick to describe female-aimed movies because they consider the term as one of endearment, as it's clearly intended to be. The only reason chick flicks get a bad rap is specifically because they're usually poorly written and helmed by directors and actors who are either amateur or phoning it in. Like horror movies, chick flicks have some real gems buried under mountains of low budget garbage. Pic related, for example, which virtually coined the term "chick flick" in the first place.
men and women have completly different views of what they want from romance movies, or rather men prefer stuff like Japanese anime romance movies/shows about true love between two average people, while women just want their female power fantasy of getting chad to bang them no matter how vapid, poor, used up or uninteresting they are
3/10 apply yourself next time
what a moron, chick flicks are movies marketed to women, that's it. Romantic comedies already have their own nickname, they're rom coms
I've literally never heard a man use that term only women.
>feminists whined about Spike TV and other "for men!!" shit until they stopped making it
>now whine that chickflicks are sexist, and use the fact that there is no longer categories for men as proof, even though they are the reason that happened
underrated post
Reminder that the co-founder of Netflix is the nephew of the Godfather of modern propaganda and our consumer world, Edward Bernays, who happened to be the nephew of Freud. All pure cohencidence I'm sure
How could anyone think men and women are equal after seeing this.