Who was in the wrong here?


Is /ourguy/ Adam in the right? What do we think?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Another one of these threads
Yea Forums is not the place to spam the same topics over and over again, op.

Except that’s literally what it is

yes it is
It's too soon to say, what does eddie bravo think about all this?

Is this guy on TV?

What other terrible and illogical opinions does he have on his shows?

no one was in the right, joe is a manlet druggie single digit IQ and trans people aren't even people

Adam Conover went on the Joe Rogan podcast, forgetting that the personality he's created with his show only works when he has a ton of underpaid interns doing research for him. Joe asks him questions about a variety of topics he's already discussed before, and Adam is completely unable to string together intelligible arguments. The lowest point is when Joe asks him about trans issues. Now Adam is on Twitter crying about how he "wasn't prepared" and how unfair it was that he dare be asked to follow up on topics he's covered in past videos (that other people researched for him) and posting info dumps of research (that, again, other people put together). The funny thing is, Joe Rogan seems to actually like Adam and his show, but he gets really frustrated with Adam as the show progresses because he's never able to back up anything he says with facts beyond a few shitty anecdotes, and is dismissive of any fact if it doesn't align perfectly with his world views (so much for "fucking loving science"). Some Joe Rogan's fans are calling Adam "a walking Buzzfeed article" and, I've got to say, it's a very apt description. Adam ruins his credibility and reputation.

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I think trans athletes would make any sport overall more interesting. Ergo, it is good.

I think transwomen should be able to compete against cis women.

He has a web series called "Adam Ruins Everything", I've only seen the episode where he covers the "unbearable whiteness" of the suburbs.

>beta bug man doesn't like the idea of alpha and beta

Is this copypasta? Needs more oregano

what are some sports cute traps would be good at? besides cuddling with me?

Brainlet here, do those metal legs give the guy and advantage or not?

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>Is this guy on TV?

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MMA with real fighters


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I think lions being released into the active playing areas would make any sport more interesting. Ergo, it is good.

hulk gets the infinity glove

Interesting for a white guy. Does he have vitiligo and/or is he pushing some sociopolitical ideology?

>why would you agree to go on a platform which allows people who destroy lives like alex jones to have a voice
it always amazes me how people can actually support censorship

The categories should be based on bone density instead of gender:

- Black men compete by themselves
- Black women and all other men compete with each other (same bone density)
- Third category for all other women

It would be kino

>I think I might have said something you disagree with
>here's money, please don't call me a bigot
Imagine actually being a leftist.

Based. Kill all trannies

God almighty deliver us from this tranny menace

Is there anything this woman can't do?

Why not just abolish the distinction between mens and womens athletics and let anyone compete?

trans people are such a small minority of people. far less than 1% of the population and yet we're supposed to bend over backwards and ruin everything to appease this obscure exception? Fuck off, women will compete against women, men against men, and drugs/procedures that massively increase your testosterone are not permitted.

I doubt it
when you lose the leg, you lose all the muscle that leg had on it

Yes. Someone posted it couple threads ago on this subject. Lets see does it stick to a repeatedly posted thread, that walking buzzfeed part gave me sensible chuckle.

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all the topics are a minefield for a leftist like adam, the lesser of two evils is he feigns ignorance

I think performance enhancing drugs should be allowed and even encouraged. maybe make another league. imagine baseball games where every other hit is a homer, or basketball turns into NBA Jam but IRL. it'd be neat.

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He is, every tranny is an inevitable suicide.

>haves pro-trans and anti-trans guests all the time
>never invites an actual trans person
This is peak white person

no because now your muscles are metal

women usually wouldn't compete then
I played on a middle school football team in a league that allowed for female players. there were under a dozen in the entire league, rarely one per team. that's middle school level too where females are more developed than males on average

>Except that’s literally what it is, a place to spam Joe Rogan
No it's not Jamie. Nobody cares about your beta jews and CIA shit.

>white guy.

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It's the Roman blood in us, my friend.

Joe tried but they all committed suicide on the way over

This but unironically

Right-wingers like us need to make their anger known forever. Someone disagreed with us on a podcast. A PODCAST!!! And now he's just out there, unpunished, not knowing the damage he's done to our psyches. He need an apology.

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Fuck yeah, chinese genetic mutant four armed hyper-hockey players being churned out on assembly lines for each season.

They would leave puss and blood all over the studio from their groin gash.

>haves pro-trans and anti-trans guests all the time
>never invites an actual trans person
>This is peak white person
Your not a person, you're a delusion

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Dilate more

We’re literally just discussing what he said, it’s not like we’re like the trannies (aka you) who call someone’s employer when they have the audacity to say Bruce Jenner is a man in a dress

It's all in the eyes

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So they don't want equality they want privilege while accusing others of privilege.

Why are people surprised by this? He’s a made up persona for tv. People write the shit he says on the show. Why would anyone expect things from his show to be in his general knowledge? Other people told him what to say

>- Black women and all other men compete with each other (same bone density)
But not even muscle power and mentality.

Tranny athletes are hilarious. I love reading stories on Yea Forums of MTF trannies dominating in every sport. Kind of like "Man with the Golden Gun" mode in Goldeneye 64.

>Touching on nothing but open to interpretations and pseudo-scientific subjects like gender and social studies
>Still act like you're next Bill Nye

This faggot and any other propaganda mouthpiece deserve a bullet.

We need to get rid of twitter. its literally destroying western civilization.

Joe just can't wrap his head around the idea that someone wouldn't instinctively want to be fucked by a muscle man.

I didn’t realise he was Jewish. Why would a Jewish person be upsetting about regions being densely populated by whites? user said his episode was about it being “unbearable”. I’ve never been to Israel but I’m guessing they’re racially diverse and have a problem with white bigotry?

This TV guy sure is educational, I’ll give him that.

What would be more entertaining than a bunch of tranny athletes demolishing real women in the Olympics?

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Imagine actually believing this how people think.

It's an important topic and he wasn't as astute as he could have been because he was unprepared. He did a disservice to every trans person by not making a convincing enough argument. Making a donation and inspiring others to do the same is a GOOD thing.

I agree with this. It is supposedly healthier to allow steroids than having all of these obstructions and banned molecules. It's the same like with legal heroin. More people die because it is illegal. I would also ban de/rehydration. Plus wouldn't you want to see humans compete at their very peak? What a roided guy could achieve?

Does he have a gun to his head, or is his cognitive dissonance about to give him an aneurysm?

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>Why would a Jewish person be upset about regions being densely populated by whites?
Because jews hate all that is beautiful and just.

Is his entire career just to be smug fuck

>40% of post-surgery trannies off themselves
>~90% actually attempt it
>disservice by not making a convincing enough argument.
Maybe because there is no convincing argument to be had.

i thought you said trans atheist.

>Plus wouldn't you want to see humans compete at their very peak? What a roided guy could achieve?
exactly. who knows, medical breakthroughs could be found during the development of better and better drugs.
every team should have at least one steroid manufacturer, make them all compete

>because he was unprepared
>*because he's a propaganda piece with no soul who only holds beliefs based on what's kosher to think and what benefits him to promote

I can't tell if you're being serious or sarcastic and that's the best part of all this shit.

It's almost like these are just off-the-cuff conversations. Having Joe with his trained monkey in the background pulling up sources puts Adam at an enormous disadvantage. It's sad you don't realize this.


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Are black people known for inviting trannies onto their shows or something?

>Plus wouldn't you want to see humans compete at their very peak?
PEDs can produce super-humans though. I'm watching MMA because human fighting interests me, with unlimited PED use and scientific progress soon fighters won't be comparable to humans in their performance.

Low to moderate doses of test or hgh, I don't mind though.

>He did a disservice to every trans person by not making a convincing enough argument.
Because there is no convincing argument from the other side. All pro-trans "research" is basically a bunch of faggots trying to confuse you about the meanings of sex and gender. Think about it logically.

It would certainly speed up people becoming woke to what being woke is.

Pulverise these whores on live TV!

It reminds me of the Jamie Kilstein debacle a few years ago.


It's even funnier when a while later Jamie got kicked off his sjw wife's podcast after allegations of sexual misconduct again female staff and she divorced him. Then he went back on JRE with his tail between his legs and admitting how much of a cuck he'd been.

I used to not care about all this tranny and fag shit but after seeing who supports it I'm 100% against it now, fuck these freaks

Cant stand his personality, when he speaks he speaks like a person that is concluded but in reality he's making shit up along the way.

jeez who would have thought Joe bald rogan would deconstruct leftist ideology with brainlet questions?

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Actually read what he says. Actually do it before you post "there's no convincing argument!"

No trans is going to go on his show after he took the evil stance of saying it's wrong to give hormones to 7 year old kids.

So that poo in the loo from hollywood is also in on it? How deep does this thing go?

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so what's the convincing argument? since you read it and all

You want to tell me that your argument isn't as convincing when you don't have any scientific backups, since all modern left subjects are based on feelings and justice, and you're forced to work in an open conversation environment where people can actually call you out on your bullshit?! Why do you think is it that Jews and their leftist puppets ban any centrist & conservative opinions under the hate speech pretense?

I watched it it was genuinely bizarre how upset he was getting for some basic questions. Joe wasn't harrassing him or anything he was geniunely curious of the source of his claims. Wasn't even saying he was lying it was really basic stuff like "Really? Where did you hear that from? I'd like to look into it."

>Does he have a gun to his head, or is his cognitive dissonance about to give him an aneurysm?
There's a hole in his soul and he fills it with dope and tries to cope.

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>spoonfeed me

Read, bitch.

This picture makes my skin crawl.

>he wasn't as astute as he could have been because he was unprepared
He tried to explain / present an argument about something he has no expertise in for the sake of appearances. He could have easily answered Joe with something that sounds like:
>You know, Joe, I just don't know enough about what you're asking to give you an answer right now. I'd love to come back after learning more, and maybe even bring an expert with me to better inform your audience.
And there'd be no problem at all, he might even be praised for his integrity. He's incapable of doing that, though, so he blurted out what his feelings told him in an effort to maintain his air of superiority.

No thanks, you're the one saying that I should be dooming my child to a life of misery and suicidal thoughts because it's the right to do so enlighten me. Plus I'm not dwelling into some pseudo-scientific nonsense written by people who are literally paid to keep writing nonsense.

ok there's no argument good work

It’s just “experts say” shit lmaooo

I'm not going to surmise it into little talking points for you. It's a complex issue with a very complex answer. If you don't actually care to investigate it and want little blurbs that you can dissect without context you don't actually give a shit and aren't worth debating.

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Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies? Everything is trannies this trannies that.

well it's clear you didn't read it either otherwise you'd be able to at least know the gist of it

Who is this guy? Why does he matter enough to be on the jre? he's absolutely fucking retarded.

to be fair hiro should make a board for stuff like this, have all the e-celeb and social media crap go there

You're an Incel. You're not having kids. Incels also have a similar suicide attempt rate.

Why did he keep saying “trans folks”

He’s not an 80 year old Texan

>Incels also have a similar suicide attempt rate
Dubious, pretending to kill yourself is a woman thing.

'folks' is the PC gender-neutral term they often use, often in place of things like 'hey guys' and similar

I don't get it. Is that a common phrase among 80 year old texans?

>howdy trans folks

>Brynn Tannehill
>Former Naval Aviator and analyst, no actual background in medical or physiological fields
Oh wow surely convinced me there. Clearly doesn't sound like another leftist loony.
>Hormones don't do irreversible changes! They simply block hormone growth so make you appear more feminine
Yes, that's basically dictionary term of irreversible changes. Same way Jazz needed to use part of his cloaca in his transurgery because those "non-intrusive therapies" stopped his male body part from developing to acceptable length.
>It's not surgery's fault that they kill themselves - it's the environment
So maybe we should forbid them from actually doing it if it increases the suicidal rate, life isn't your college's safespace.
>medical consensus
Medical consensus of bunch of mentally deranged Jews who of course support treatment as they charge you $50 000 for surgery.

The left have co opted ya'll and folks because they think those words have a warmth to them so they use them when discussing what they percieve to be marginalized groups

And incels are closer to females than men.

>oh how cute he’s pretending to be a doggy go my daughter go pet the silly doggy
I’m guessing that’s what happened

psychological* my bad.

That prosthetic is almost certainly lighter than flesh and blood legs would be. Which is a huge advantage. Imagine a regular unencumbered guy running against a bunch of people with five pound weights around their ankles.

If that was true they wouldn't be incels.

Medical treatments aren't decided by the doctors who do them.

I think you need to look into this a lot more beyond "muh trannys" and "muh jews".

They coopted y'all because the blacks say it

Trannies are one of those irrelevant yet very divisive issues the elites uses to keep the masses fighting each other while they exploit everyone.

Television watchers are easily manipulated and highly susceptible to mass media, making them prime targets for these distractions.

>I reckon you trans folks moseyed into the wrong bathroom

>springs for legs are disadvantage because thermodynamics
so nothing mechanical can give you an advantage
like a bicycle, can't give you an advantage?

what a fucking mongoloid

>"Trans people don't REALLY have higher rates of suicide. They just need their families, friends, and society to reject basic science and pretend that trannies are something they're not"
Wow what a convincing argument. In other words, as long as the entire world enables tranny behavior (will never happen) then the suicide rates will change.

>Medical treatments aren't decided by the doctors who do them.
That tells you everything, doesn't it.

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Why would I? Let trannies off themselves for all I care. That's the issue with debate leftists, they take absolutely batshit insane stances on subjects, support them by some 2nd or 3rd rate "experts" and then demand you to break your back to change their opinion on things just so in the end thread will 404 and you'll continue to spew your retarded nonsense.

>'Scuse me, miss? I believe you dropped this here di-a-lator?

Why didn't Adam just say, "I haven't read all the research on this yet. But I trust you, Joe, so let's say that's true. In which case, I personally think...?"

I hate this. I hate when science literate people get cornered and just freeze because they don't have 20 citations to give for a simple statement. Just make a preliminary distinction between a) large bodies of convergent experimental evidence and b) face validity for the purposes of hypothetical conversation and you can talk about anything. Science provides data, it doesn't determine discussions.

damn, joe rogan blew him the fuck out.

If you are talking about Oscar Pistorius blades, yes. Efficient , light and the material takes the force and spring upwards

Cutting off your dick because it made you cry from simply looking at it isn't that complicated sweety. At least incels don't feel that way.

>/ourguy/ Adam

hat kind of a man would utter such a thing?

Joe Rogan is neurotic as fuck, but he smokes weed & spends time in an isolation chamber - plus has a loving family & works out, okay.

This pipsqueak doesn't seem to know how to be cool, you know.

His argument for letting trans women compete with biological women and to completely shit all over those women is basically "this is the price of progress."

Because they would be out of top 500 in every sport except MAYBE pure coordination sports like shooting.

Shut the fuck up Contra

Your problem is believing this faggot leftist mouthpiece is 'science literate'. He's not. If you asked him about the 'excellent book' he brings up in his damage control post you can guarantee he hasn't read that either. He's a redditor with a TV show, a science illiterate arrogant turd who thinks parroting sources of the internet makes you an expert in any field.

>It's now an anti-progressive stance to claim that males saying they're females should be recognized as fully functioning adults, but that it's not (yet) ok to chemically cripple a child

That's it, I'm becoming an accelerationist.

You know what you must do, user

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>you know, like

more like Adam 'needs a comb over'

Just have everybody compete in the same category. That's gender equality.

That they have doctors who determine treatment standards and remove themselves from this generic criticism?

K but "let trannies off themselves for all I care" is a batshit insane cringey edgelord thing to say.

You mean "2nd or 3rd rate experts" like the medical community?

More than that. Legs are 30-40% of you total body mass

Have sex

When I was volunteering at a middle school track thing a few years back, I was making conversation with a qt volunteer who said she ran the 100m for 7 years and into college. She challenged my untrained ass and I blew her out by at least 1 second. Imagine forcing women who put thousands of hours of practice into their events to compete with males who will rek them at every turn. And they can’t even argue what everyone knows.

There’s a reason every single culture on this planet, with all their MASSIVE differences, come to the same conclusion that Jews are an abhorrent people and do not belong.

They are subverters and nation destroyers, giving them any sort of power always ends in disaster.

How is it more like that?

>trusting the “medical community”
I have some OxyContin to sell you.

I don’t know who said it, but doctors and lawyers are fundamentally the same type of person. Only one person merely robs you and the other robs you then gets you killed.

Yeah everyone hates the people on top.

That's called being bad at debating. Debating is a skill, like any other

>Yea Forums is not the place to spam the same topics over and over again, op.

Yea Forums is the only board I see with such a dense number is identical threads spammed over and over again with many of them existing simultaneously.

competing in organized sports isn't a "human right"(lol)

There is no oppression by segregating sports by ability, or do you think its oppression to make heavier guys fight heavier guys and not light weights

Nope. They are 5% of the population and growing

Jews aren’t people

Where, China?

one of things adam talked about was how the special olympics groups people based on disability as a way to have diverse physical abilities compete, you reactionary twat

Natural legs are fucking heavy. He has a huge light weight advantage.

Im surprised they didn't bring up the relation between trannies and autism.

I don't know I hate his hair and wanted to make a joke with his last name
the pieces are there.

>my trans friends
"So. You've decided to surround yourself with men in long hair who'd arrest you for a pronoun slip up just because you became addicted to internet porn"

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A significant portion of 'trans' people are just weak men coping with having no viable role in society and opting to castrate themselves just to have one.

The only people who get upset about light debate and critical discourse are the kind that have been told they're right far too often. Go try it out in real life, it's great.

>We find that 0.6% of U.S. adults identify as transgender. This figure is double the estimate that utilized data from roughly a decade ago and implies that an estimated 1.4 million adults in the U.S. identify as transgender.


still a few more decades away from propaganda pushing it to 5%

m8, retards on this shithole have tried to get libs fired for nothing before. Lurk more, or quit being disingenuous.

Yeah one also saves lives and has a provable track record.

>Yea Forums is one person


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Trans people don't arrest people. You're thinking about police.

Those same chemists from the Balco scandal are now part of the testing organization and are paid to come up with new tests to detect all the good shit chemists come up with.

You're doing great.

When has this happened ever?

good, trannies can compete in the special olympics then or even better, the tranny olympics

I'm sure that all those male to female freaks wouldn't mind competing with other male to females right?

>it's the doctors fault big pharma lies to them to turn a profit
You're unironically an anti-vaxxer aren't you?

Why are there laws that penalize people for misgendering in western countries, tho?

With very few exceptions it's all Chris Chan types. Imagine if blacks in 1950s were doing surgery to become white and we had to go "oh yeah they're actually white, it's not because they wanna escape their condition"

>For the repressed lonely boy, getting into such anime is first of all a way to indulge in the joys of femininity in a way he himself finds acceptable. It may not be entirely socially acceptable for young men to watch “girly” anime, but the male-dominated subculture around them, and the knowledge that the anime are “officially” made for young men, provides sufficient self-justification to overcome the internal fear of indulging in the “girly.” Moreover, the female characters are not only adored, but frequently also sexualized, which provides further masculinity-conformant justification.

>Eventually, since the anime girl represents all those repressed emotions in the purest, most concentrated way possible, and as the boy indulges more and more in the media, he is overcome with the desire of becoming like her. A strong identification with the cute anime girl forms. He finally admits he always wanted to be soft and gentle like her, carefree and cheerful like her, enjoy life in its fullest without the heavy chains of masculinity, like her.

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>It's not surgery's fault that they kill themselves - it's the environment

I find it hilarious that their suicide rate is higher than that of any other group throughout history pretty much. Black people had a lower suicide rate when it was legal to own them, and still a lower suicide rate when it was legal to discriminate. Allegedly jews in concentration camps had a lower suicide rate. It's not an issue about society treating them bad, it's a mental illness.

As much as i have watched Rogan .Jamie pulls up stuff the quests ask too

>when has the left tried to destroy a man's livelihood for not agreeing with them
Have you been in a coma since 2008?

wow so it's true, boys who are trans are autistic, they cant even infer basic things and take everything literally

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why are you so angry user?

The lie was a long time ago and it has since been known for a long time to be dangerously addictive. Doctors are still getting arrested for illegally prescribing it now.

Who is this?

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.

>these are the people who call you an incel

That's a good system.

A person that makes trannies seethe.

>huh guys is it just me, or are the meanie pol people losing and no one agrees with them
do you think there's some magic power in saying that, you peer pressured sissy

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>Trans Lifeline
Isn't that the one that only hired incompetent trannies for suicide hotlines who then couldn't respond in 20+ hours resulting in even more trannie deaths? Based.

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Imagine a furry going political for no fucking reason; can you even fathom the level of obnoxiousness? That's /pol/.

>I have some OxyContin to sell you.
got an email??

>Imagine if blacks in 1950s were doing surgery to become white
They were too busy getting sterilized without their consent by white people at the time.

>With very few exceptions it's all Chris Chan types

yeah let's do that now to children with hormonal castration

>1 in 20 people are trans
How dumb do you have to be to believe this?

Truly the tranny epidemic is self correcting. Just need to get the jew docs out

Is it just me or are trannies losing influence? Seems like the rest of the world is turning against them.

You invite an exterminator into your home, but not a roach.

your mirror

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>crying about sterilization while unirionically celebrating Jazz Jennings
Leftists are evil.

Observable fact.

what happened to jontron?

>Truly the tranny epidemic is self correcting.
Well, they are weeding themselves out of natural selection.


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Why doesn't this moron just ask an actual tranny on the show instead of having this exact same conversation with 200 different standups and mma fighters, with the same boring garbage

Why don't you invite Achmed at your home to discuss counterterrorism.

why do people act like they have to protect the sanctity of this board? this board is trash and full of trash people who gives a fuck.

he had buck angel as a guest

Because they'll obviously just push the agenda from which they directly benefit. It's not really interesting.

But that's a good idea?

I don't get your point


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not necessarily? Just don't bring on an activist.

Every guest has an agenda and pushes for their own stuff. Their perspective is still worth hearing.

Joe's had this same conversation 100s of times with different halfwits who basically have the exact same opinion

>huh im not sure, watch contrapoints
goddamn this guys is a perfect lame bitch

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Oh, you mean when we used to sterilize habitual criminals? I guess that does mean blacks, doesn’t it?

Contrapoints and other 'trans activists' don't actually have anything of value to say about the future of our society, they just are broken people who wilfully mutilated themselves trying to force all of society into affirming their castrated bodies.

Anyone find it disturbing Adam referred to children as people, making it seem like he treats them as adults?

>the tranny epidemic is self correcting
The universe is self correcting over the long term

i want animals in the UFC.
time to find out who's the REAL champ

All trannies are tranny activists

>when the women’s axe and smegma kick in

And that's a good thing

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>He did a disservice to every trans person by not making a convincing enough argument.

maybe there isnt one

>Their perspective is still worth hearing.
Yeah the ramblings of literal madmen is really worth hearing.

>conflating drag queens w trannys
so out of touch

Fuck Joe. He's so transphobic and racist. Old white men are the worst.


Funny how trans women are just incels that couldn't have sex so they decided to appropriate femininity

"huh excuse me, im a mussolini fascist, not a nazi. OMG so out of touch"

you're definitely wrong

This. White men are evil.

Drag queens actually pass and have confidence.

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>The right one

It's wild to me that you guys are insinuating that not having anything of value to say would be prohibitive to going on the Joe Rogan show

He just exists in this little echo chamber of comedians, martial arts and fad diets when he claims to be all about meaningful conversations

fucking lol

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This so much. White men are the worst.

Wherever women go, they must demand concessions from men.

Trans are alright as long as they're pretty.

that sure is a echo chamber, unlike "trannies are real women" places or people going "contrapoints is funny and not cringy at all"

Joe Rogan was on fear factor.

Ok so what even is the point? You think he's just going to berate a random tranny about sports?

fascism and national socialism are different

You're right, it's obviously one or the other, and not both

>Yea Forums is not the place to spam the same topics over and over again


>Yea Forums is not the place to spam the same topics over and over again, op.

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Joe literally said they had Buck Angel on the show once


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Contrapoints used to talk to right wingers and stopped after it was clear he/she was so dogshit at debating even Sargon could beat him/her.

I'm making the tranny's argument, why would i care about the intricacies in the spectrum of faggotry when they call everyone a nazi


Again, that has nothing to do with what I said about good old Joe you dullard

Also are you obsessed with contrapoints? Who even mentioned her? Who gives a shit?

Some absolute dipshit on my cleaning crew thinks he’s a woman now. I’m tired of all this tranny shit, it’s fine on the internet but I never thought I’d have to encounter it in real life

Pic related

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Honestly, the fact that his legs even call into question the fairness of competition between normal runners and himself is grounds to keep him out of the standard Olympics. He should be competing with other people of a similar physicality, anything less spits in the face of good sportsmanship

>Who even mentioned her?
Adam, in the video this thread is about.

He's not Jewish. He's just a faggot.


Fuck E-celeb faggots

the fact that leftists low key try to pretend he's in any way funny or cool in his Milo esque faggotry is fucking bizarre

they'll soon pretend bob chipman is a "distinguished gentleman" or some shit

This is what tv is now, grandpa.

Yeah, I fucked xer.

nice hairline

>that hairline


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Look at this cunt from Reddit who thinks they get to dictate what people post. You're impotent.

Fire him for being a bad worker.

>the fact that leftists low key try to pretend he's in any way funny or cool in his Milo esque faggotry is fucking bizarre
The most interesting thing about Contrapoints is that he could never have been successful if he had not been trans. If you've ever seen Contrapoints before he 'transitioned', he was utterly servile and a complete bitch, but now he can endlessly flaunt his sexuality 24/7 and not be labelled a creep for it, and flaunting his sexuality is fundamental to his persona.

I'd board this flight knowing full well what was in store at the end.

>he can endlessly flaunt his sexuality 24/7 and not be labelled a creep for it
perfect summation, "surely that's who I truly am since before I was a shy bitch who felt socially repressed"

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Hahahah that's what you get for being a wagie slave. You'll turn into one of them at some point, too.

Contra should take their own advice and shut the fuck up.

Yes, they've done the research. It bounces more than natural legs, they don't use up oxygen in the blood because they're metal and of course they're lighter than legs.

No, Pistorius attempted to compete in the non-spastic Olympics and didn't make the cut because he's not fast enough

What’s your tax policy faggot?

I too have watched Bill Burr.

Transgenders in sports are usually fetishist men seeking an unfair advantage over women's categories. The cute ones who transition early always fly under the radar. There should be a trans-only category, at least until we become more understanding of transgender issues.

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Would you cum on her pokeball?

I'm kinda glad this sorta behavior wasn't really around back in 2007-2008, my teenage years where I thought I was gay.
I wasn't, turns out I just confused my feelings I had for another male because he was the only person who showed me genuine empathy, assuming this affection NEEDED to be romantic or physical in any way.

Maybe would've ended up in a life style or relationship that would've made me miserable because I would have been lying to myself, all because people said it was "okay".

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Because then the rhetoric of "Women and men are 100% equal!" would be blown out when only men won everything.

trannies are to the right as incels are to libs

i'm in favor of trans-rights and trans-acceptance, but trans women shouldn't be allowed to play sports with cis women. it's unfair.