Did he break jeopardy? Is he just extremely intelligent or is every other past contestant in the history of the show just a retard?
Did he break jeopardy...
He's a trivia autist who has a firm grasp on game theory and gets high on gambling. It's the trifecta of Jeopardy.
In this situation they usually just feel lucky to be seeing the right subjects.
it's fixed, they just want to have one more memorable moment before trebek dies
His knowledge isn’t that deep, just broad. He said he studied by reading the kids section in the library, since they give you just the key names and info in picture format which is easier to remember.
He’s basically dabbing on this show as a concept if you ask me.
He can't be stopped
You can't fix games anymore after quiz show scandal
Fuck you! Spoiler that shit.
Autists are good at remembering random stuff but socially they're stunted
Nope. Imma do it tomorrow too.
He's got a broad base of knowledge, mastered betting, has a crazy high stamina (they film around five episodes back to back), and has some mediocre opponents. I did Quizbowl in high school, which is where 90% of jeopardy winners come from and it is incredibly draining and 80% of the game is buzzing.
He does come off as slightly autistic. So I would say that he is very intelligent.
What was their function in tribal society? Autistic knowledge of firemaking and keeping the bonfire lit? Remembering plants you could eat or not?
>80% of the game is buzzing.
That's the truth. Jeopardy isn't exceptionally difficult trivia. It's broad, but it's mostly surface stuff. The trick is to be fast.
probably died as children
remembering where all the dangerous animals and prey animals could be found
Autism is a relatively new disease because of vaccines
The secret to being good at buzzer triva is to be able to recognize specific phrases connected to an answer and then buzz, not waiting to come up with the answer and buzzing.
What's the show?
t. user from EU
Then why do they still exist? Though I suppose down syndrome also still exists despite bringing no benefits at all except I guess being the local tribal jester.
fuck off
Why are you yelling
sorry the exclamation point is in the name of the show
Didn't exist until vaccines user
>He’s basically dabbing on this show as a concept if you ask me.
This. Only Connect, now THAT's a quiz show.
I remember when Alex used to stop reading the question in the middle if someone buzzed early. I wonder how different things would be now if they had kept doing that.
The best game show on TV. Its basically just pure triva without gimmicks.
I play my mother. She always yells at me because I basically look at the question from the middle on and get it before she can finish reading. She blames her older brain on losing.
Thanks, Anons! Gonna check it out
Jeopardy. "Intellectual" trivia show that airs every day and is basically a cornerstone of American TV.
I know lol I was playing a silly trick
fucking asshole
>professional gambler
like clockwork
I missclicked my reply sir. Thanks
I beat my brother and his wife all the time so they started watching Family Feud instead.
I prefer Trebek in Classic Concentration
I genuinely don't understand how somebody can know so much. What does he do to have all that knowledge in his brain? He also kind of creeps me out, he speaks very quietly and doesn't seem to have a proper emotional reaction to all the money he's winning. It's weird. I think he's genuinely autistic.
What a dick
He is most likely on the spectrum. From his admission he got C’s in all his math classes because he didn’t want to do the homework but went on to win multiple math competitions around the country while in middle school. He’s the type that could be good at literally anything but as a result ended up directionless and floating everywhere and from what we’ve seen so far he basically spends his life /trv/eling around doing weird shit and gambling.
This is also how the robot so jeopardy player was so hard to beat
Just read books, pay attention in classes, especially the broad intro ones that give you basics on entire fields, and you will have a huge assortment of factoids and knowledge. It also helps if you were a nerd as a kid and read a ton of history books in the library or clicked through wikipedia.
>Eventually either Alex Trebek and Pat Sajack will retire.
>For no apparent reason, they will replace them with Steve Harvey.
>Nobody will quite understand why the contestant banter turned vulgar.
>he basically spends his life /trv/eling around doing weird shit and gambling.
whats his favourite game to gamble on?
He makes a living betting on sporting events. He counts on placing large amounts of money on relatively low risk bets.
>Then why do they still exist?
1. The disease is predominantly caused by environmental effects and without studying how/why autism asserts itself we'll never have a society devoid of autistic people
2. The disease is predominantly genetic and as long as carriers exists there will always be a source of autistic people
Fuck off bully
You are the reason for the measles outbreak currently going on
he already ruined Family Feud
he's jewish?
That is what I am saying smart people tend to be on the spectrum
For promoting the stupidity that vaccines cause autism and retards believe it.
the measles outbreak is in a secluded jewish community
Only Connect is the Queen of quiz shows. It makes you feel like a drooling troglodyte every time.
anyone remember the dude from the 90s/00s who was on the show for a long ass time? what were his winnings?
it's probably an effective mental strategy to forget that you're even playing for money
You weren’t allowed to stay on the show more than 5 episodes until a rule change in 2003
You are probably thinking of ken Jennings who made 2.5 million over the course of 72 episodes in 2004
Then again, ken Jennings never made anywhere close to this amount of money in this short of a time frame, his highest score was like 70k and his average per game was around 20k
the rules are jeopardy are flawed he is taking advantage of those flaws
I got like this just by watching educational tv and hitting random article on wikipedia.
I think everyone else is just retarded and ignores most information they here or throw away information from school after the test because they never actually contemplate its significance.
>without gimmicks
How good is Alex Trebek himself at this show? Is he the true final boss?
Could Ken take him out?
they pushed society forward. autists today are relegated as social rejects because we live in a world that values social skills above all else. in a world where survival is most important, someone with monomaniacal devotion to say, exercise or creating tools/weapons or making mental maps would have a huge societal advantage and push their tribe ahead of others. fellow tribe members probably viewed it as mysticism or divine intervention.
He doesn't actually know.
lol nice headcanon retard
'da autists made civilization! we're da next step uh human evalooshun!'
i have no idea if that's true. i just shared my thoughts about that user's question
He was on the show the chase and dominated. His wife was on millionaire. Also there is a video of him playing this weird dodgeball while answering trivia game.
Ken Jennings says the way to win is to buzz and then use that time to think of an answer. That method allows you more time to come up with an answer rather than racing against your opponents which detracts you from focusing on the right answer.
Chad fueled evolution
He just won again FYI
they've been making jeopardy easier every year so the people at home will have a higher chance of knowing the answers. Its been child level trivia for decades.
>the type that could be good at literally anything but as a result ended up directionless and floating everywhere and from what we’ve seen so far he basically spends his life /trv/eling around doing weird shit and gambling.
He does have a family in Vegas. It's not like he's just a nomad who moves all over the place
>delusional user thinks he's a genius
When will we stop rehashing this
This will be the last major winning streak before Alex dies of pancreatic cancer. Think about that for a minute.
That's sad
Hopefully he beats Ken Jennings record. I hate that prick.
I can relate to him, I am also burdened with to much intelligence. I could win Jeopardy if I wanted to.
But do you have dubs? I didn't think so
uh huh
this is a pro tip, if you can read the question faster than its said you can get a few seconds jump on people.
Weird how Jews don't vaccinate their children, but shame every other person who doesn't want to pump their newborn children full of vaccines.
Another weird coincidence I'm sure.
Are you kidding? Alex hates autist monstrosities like him.
This ass hole just dissed Justice League
Methodical, repetitive, menial tasks. Arrowhead making for instance.
Ken was when I stopped watching the show. Wasn't even enjoyable to watch and guess when the dude just crushed every answer before Alex could speak a third of the question.
>before Alex could speak a third of the question.
so you've never seen this show?
When do we start seeing episodes after the diagnosis, can anyone estimate
That was a great way to lose. Gimme dat $1000
>ended up directionless
he pursued his interests in sports, stats, and trivia. he said he'd watch baseball and jeopardy as a kid. now he makes money off both.
I'd also like to know
I watch Jeopaedy every day and get most of the answers (not bragging because I would never have the buzzer skills or strategic thinking of the elite players). I spent my childhood and now multiple hours a day memorizing things on wikipedia