Rey is Shmi basically confirmed

In the new canon book Master and the Apprentice, a full text of the prophecy about the chosen one was released.

Basically, it speaks of a woman who unbeknownst to herself being born of darkness will bring great darkness, but only after "the future and past will split and then combine". This woman will give birth to the Chosen One.

We know it was Shmi who gave birth to Anakin, so, okay, you can assume that maybe she's going to have some back story written for her, but...

The prophecy also mentions an egg that's laid by the hen which will hatch out of it (endless loop), basically confirming time-travel shenanigans. And this loop is going to be all fine until the egg cracks, which is when the prophecy is fulfilled (possibly the iteration of the loop where Anakin became evil?).

Unironically making Rey to be Shmi would be less convoluted at this point, the only other option is to massively retcon Shmi's backstory.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>in a new canon book...

Nobody takes the Storygoup, or its decisions seriously. Their "canon" novels are for suckers who missed out on the EU. Trying to tie the fucked up continuity of the sequel trilogy back together is a joke. The writers/directors clearly never cared about maintaining even a semblance of a shadow of a plot, so why should we?

>SW is Shit basically confirmed

please point any where in canon, non canon, comics, teen books or cartoons where there is time travel in star wars.

if you take in consideration that the first movie was a soft reboot/remake and the second a clusterfuck, closing with this sounds like the kind of idiot thing that jew jew would do.

that said: insert time traveling loop on star wars is terrible - franchise killing terrible.

and thats a good thing, sw fans deserve to suffer.

rey being a test tube baby would be better than some time travel bs

you literally have to be incel to think that

>literally an entire story arc in Rebels, which is absolute nu-canon
Are you a retard?
happens in rebels, so it is in the disney canon

It happens in Rebels.

the supreme incompetence here is that all these mother fuckers could not sit down and trace a path for the trilogy.

the main product from an iconic series that makes more money than some small countries and the people doing it were like: "whatever, we come up with stuff later."

it remind me school kids doing a presentation without even doing a previous rehearsal.

shmi has an american accent though. if rey were shmi they’d have forced her to pick one up like boyega

That hack Filoni introduced time travel in Rebels to retcon Ahsoka from dying.

Also, there was time travel in the EU. The book Crosscurrent was about an ancient Sith warship from the time of Exar Kun accidentally hyperspacing to the posr-RotJ era and starred the guy you play as in the game Jedi Academy. It was actually pretty great.

She has a Swedish-British accent, or rather 'swedish trying very hard to sound british' accent.

Who is the father?


No she doesn't, that actress was Swedish and had a Scandinavian accent.

In this context the title also makes sense.

calm down faggot, i didn't know so i was asking for research
thanks anons ill take a look at those examples

>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people

>Rey is Shmi
im ok with this
but since we only have 2/3 of a trilogy, this is going to feel forced and rushed


Then how come she had no Force powers?

The stupid thing is that it would literally have taken less than a day
>Our three heroes (Rey, Finn and Poe) starts at [a] and end at [b]
>the villain is Kylo, he's bad cause x, y and z
>the Emperor replacement is Snoke, here's his story
>the trilogy opens with Rey on a desert planet and ends with the good guys beating Snoke
>Now, each of you (JJ, Rian and Trevorrow) write a script for your third of the story
>And let's brainstorm for which OT characters die and when


i forgot that annie's mom was named shmie. by fuck what a wretched franchise, it has become hostile to the intellect.

At least this would give her character some purpuse otherwise they would have just repeat some combo of ESB and RoTJ.

Luke also didn't have force powers at a time, because he cut himself off the force.

>it speaks of a woman who unbeknownst to herself being born of darkness will bring great darkness
This is the most important part, they won't suddenly retcon Shmi to be Palpatine's daughter or something.

It's no coincidence that Anakin's mother is named Shmi and Palpatine's first name is Sheev. They almost rhyme.

I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

They rhyme is you say them backwards.

This may sound like an alright idea to you but do you think the story group could pull it off?

wasnt this theory from a different leak then the one that matched up with the teaser 1:1?

Isn't Rey's story already explained? Kylo Ren grew in the dark side so hard the Force created his opposite in the light side. Snoke said that in TLJ.

Tusken raiders hyperspace ram Rey's pussy until she dies

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Backwards time travel is fucking gay and can't happen. It belongs in comedies, whore.

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>Implying Disney would turn the biggest Mary Sue ever to a house-wife that died being raped by sandniggers

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>happens in rebels
Rebls isn't Star Wars though. It's diversity wars

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That was the broken timeline, this time she'll save the day by not getting pregnant.

Stupid theory, kys. Rian already subverted your expectations about the series having an interesting story

Woah, now this is epic!

Depends, for example if they wanted to push a "see girls, having a baby will rob you of your superhero powers and turn you into a slave for the rest of your life" message it could actually happen. But I don't think we are there just yet.

>This causes a paradox which destroys the Star Wars universe
Good riddance.

pretty sure they had guidelines, but those werent them ofc

This would be the best thing ever. In canon, the Skywalkers never existing.

So they remove White men from power, and then history? Sounds about right.

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>Jim Crow statues paid for by the State are "historic" now
Put it in a mesuem and stop crying, bootlicking cuck.

The council and the senate do not recognize Disney Wars and the nu canon as canon at this time. These things may be labeled SW but we do not grant them the rank of actual SW. Now sit.

>they aren't canon because I said so
Not how it works.

Vader’s last comic issue has a panel where Anakin meditates and sees how Sheev did some Sith sorcery to plant him in Shmi’s womb. He was a part of Palpatine’s plan all along.


Am I retarded for just following what I heard Lucas say in some interview/documentary one time? Basically this: Anakin IS the chosen one, he DOES destroy the Sith and their influence, meaning himself as Darth Vader and Darth Sidious by killing Sidious and dying himself in the process, in doing so fulfilling the prophecy and bringing balance, the end.

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Ashoka is in Rebels and she was on that giant mural at Incelebration.

Rey isn't a Schmmiiii, she is a Neil Breen's daughter:
-Lived in the desert where she collected computer junk.
-Wonders around the desert just being a badass.
-Has existential confusion about what the purpose of her awesome power is supposed to be.
-Competent at everything she does.
-Everybody likes her.
-Does unnecessary weird looking force jumps (Rise of Skywalker Trailer, new Twisted Pair Breen movie)
-Can talk to the dead (Rey: Luke, Breen: His parents)
-Can mind control people.
-She's THE ONE, central to the fate of all peoples.
-Would absolutely love canned tuna if she tried it

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That is going to get retconned. Why else would George be crying so hard about how Disney raped his baby?

Doesn't matter. Rebels will never be Star Wars and forgotten in 3yrs.

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Yeah she would totally let herself and her kid become a slave and later be raped and killed by sandniggers.

have sex incel, please

>muh Jim Crow!
Blacks want it back

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Sex is easy. It's getting you into that uber that's hard.

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Star Wars is and will always be the 6 Lucas movies and nothing else. Disney movies are different enough that we can consider them something else entirely, which they are.

I'm not sure what this proves?

Kek. If you knew how pathetic posting this is.


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>Blacks want it back
All of them?

This is complete horseshit but I believe it 100%

>this time she'll save the day by getting an abortion

Doesn't Jacen/Caedus 'timewalk' or something?

DuuuuuuuuuDE wow and like Lando is related to that black droid in The Last Jedi! Rian wins again!

Yes, but they will probably retcon it because they want Rey to be more special. So instead she's going to be like the "true" Chosen One and the Force incarnate or some mary sue shit in IX.


>Narcissistic naive white girl gets raped to death by space muslims
What did Disney mean by this?

Disney can't have little boys and men feel good about fictional boys and men having accomplishments, now can it? Yeah, it's confirmed because you hear Hamill saying that all those generations are in [Rey] now. She's teh bestest.

>Shmi sheev
>Veehs imsh
>wish u a merry Christmas
Damn Christian allusions confirmed,Lucas is a genius

>>Jim Crow statues paid for by the State are "historic" now

They couldn't afford to build statues right after the war because they were all broke and their infrastructure was ruined. Their children's generation built them.

Rey has a British accent and Schmi doesn't

Ever notice how everything is left up to Rey? When she moved the rocks in TLJ and saved everyone it either meant that she's overpowered or that the Rebel's forgot how to blast rock in just 32 years.

Idris Elba

Sheev forced all the Midi-chlorians out of Rey, which erased her mind, to form Anakin.
Her mind wipe made her think she was just a normal woman and then she got sold into slavery.


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I honestly don't understand how anyone can like or even be okay with Rey being the "successor" to anything.

She's a garbage fucking character who has done jack shit yet I see retards reacting to IX positively the to Rey wank. People really are braindead.

maybe when she is reborn she doesn't have memories of her past lives without meditation training

I honestly think JJ is going to try and somehow make the entire saga/9 movies about Rey in the end. I hate that Mary Sue cunt.

When considering Shmi couldn't use the force and was over-ran and dominated by tusken raiders this would be pretty stupid if true.


No one can actually belive this theory based on that right? They are going to let Mary Sue be a victim like that? No way.

Disney NEEDS the next one to be a mega-hit not only for the sake of profits but for also the sake of the value of the SW brand as a whole, which has been sinking for years.

That's why they thought back Lando when they previously didn't want to. 100 internets bets we'll see more Lucas-era aliens return instead of the ugly new ones Disney's been creating. They'll do anything to try to get the audience to re-connect with what about SW they really liked in the past.............well as best as they can while still mopping up the shit that was Ep's 7 and 8.

They can't afford to do anything stupid, and can't afford to push any more SJW bullshit that'll only resume the fans dumping the franchise.

It has to be prefect OT-tier kino, or they fuck the whole franchise beyond all repair.

>Jew Jew
>good movie
>notorious for fucking up his endings

oh baby

He's also notorious for making movies that look great, feel great and are well received even if the story is total shit, so he's perfect.

>jew jew fan

fuck off aspie.

name some good movies jew jew has done so i can laugh at you pleb

>Armageddon, Lost, Mission Impossible and Super 8 are all bad
You talk like a fucking retarded child.

This would only be possible if she had massive permanent amnesia after the time Jump.

Why does it have to be time travel? Why can't it just be "reincarnation due to the FORCE"?

>Rey's grand destiny is to just give birth to the chosen one

I guess it's slightly better than her grand destiny being to stop an intergalactic war by fucking space hitler

nah all tatooine desert monkeys just look the same

This. The OT and prequels EU was born from the rich stuff we actually see in the backgrounds of the films so it feels like they had a life before someone expanded on them.

The new movies have literally nothing going on in the backgrounds and don't allude to anything outside the narrative like what the Knights of Ren are doing, they just jump around to shitty action scenes and don't flesh out the world at all. So any attempts at writing EU novels for them just makes it feel like fanfiction that has no basis in the actual world of the films.

In the end it's just reaffirming the biological role of the female, something modern feminists hate.

Kylo will impregnate her and become his own great grampa

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If they really cared about making a good movie they would have done it by now. They know it's almost over so they just want to lure everyone back in to pay for a ticket with Luke again delivering epic voice lines in the trailer like he did for TFA and TLJ and Sheev.
Once you pay the money and watch the shit film they won't care if you spend the next 5 years shitting on their brand online, they'd have gotten away with it and can wait a decade before the hype machine is ready for the next mainline film while they copypasta stuff people like Old Republic in the meantime.

>war ends because of love

How horrible. Fuck off fake fan, Reylo is textbook SW. You're just mad because she's doing it by fucking him and not saving her pussy for your ugly self-inserts.

Post yfw you always believed in George

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This! Imagine if WW2 had ended with Churchill and Hitler butfucking each other. It would've resolved everything!

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>Reylo is textbook SW.
Only in your fan fictions, Daisy Ridley got interviewed at Celebration and said she doesn't support it which basically confirmed it's not happening in IX. Reylo tears will be the best part of December

Reylo fans are mentally ill, they thrive off attention. Just ignore them

This isn't real life. Even John Boyega said it was just a movie and to ship what you want. Do you know anything about storytelling? Clearly not.

And no one gives a fuck about what Daisy Ridley thinks, otherwise TLJ would've been about Finn and Rey on boring gay adventures.

>that link


>which basically confirmed

Yes, she's going to spoil the movie before anyone sees it, how fucking delusional are you? I love how you ignore her other answers and interviews where she is actually asked about the story. They didn't ask her if Reylo is happening or not, they asked her her personal opinion pre-Episode IX.

Every other interview, she said their relationship evolves, we'll have to wait and see where it goes and even confirmed/joked that their facebook status is "complicated".

You honestly think the person who was afraid she was getting in trouble for spoiling non-shirtless Kylo is going to suddenly tell everyone Reylo isn't happening?

You're the mentally ill ones.

Every one of those films is a study in mediocrity, increasingly so with Abrams's level of involvement. Lost is the only thing he's ever done that's truly noteworthy, but it also suffers from his empty mystery box bullshit, because of all the shit he set up with precisely zero thought toward or attention to its resolution.

Ridley knows what happens in the movie. If Reylo was the confirmed endgame, she wouldn't shit all over it in an interview. She'd leave some hope or a hint that it would happen, and definitely not say she doesn't support it at all. She knows it's dead in the water and took her chance to take a shot at the crazy faggots who supported it.

>is going to suddenly tell everyone Reylo isn't happening
Pretty much, like I said above. If there was even a chance of it happening she wouldn't completely shit on the confirmed ending of the saga like she did. Seriously her body language when she's asked about is just "Give it up dude, it's fucking over".

bruh go get some fresh air or something

She also said she cried to Rian about TLJ script, but that didn't change what happened in the movie. Mark Hammil bitched about Luke for years and that didn't change what happened in the movie.

And if you actually watched the interview, she seemed nervous as fuck and even stopped herself from saying "abusive" because she knows that would be too far. She even said "maybe redemption is explored, who knows" so yes she did give fans hope. You retarded antis have been trying to twist everything inf your favor but it has never worked.

She is not going to spoil something like that period and is also talking about it in the context of TLJ, not Episode IX.

Keep reaching and ignoring her other interviews she did that very same fucking day where they actually ask her about the story and she is tight-lipped and even jokes about them being "complicated"

Keep ignoring every other interview she did that day where they asked her about the story. Keep ignoring the fact that she has bitched about the story before during promotion but she was still separated from Finn for TLJ.

Keep ignoring that she was afraid of getting in trouble because she spoiled that Kylo wasn't going to be shirtless in IX. If Reylo wasn't going to be a big deal in IX, she wouldn't worry about spoiling something like that.

The only kind of time I travel that works in Star Wars is going into the future(which is the only time travel that has ever occurred in SW, until Disney Wars happened), being able to go to the past and alter it fucks with Star Wars on a fundamental level.

Her body language was her freezing in fear when she was first asked and then stumbling over her entire answer and refusing to call it abusive and then saying "maybe redemption is explored" when the interviewer told her hearts would be broken.

That was the only time she talked about the actual story in that interview. Keep crying reaching anti.

Keep ignoring that "strong independent female" has been her whole character for 3 movies and is what KK wants and is what we'll get. Kylo will be redeemed and their relationship will have some closure, but it's not ending with them together.

Keep ignoring that Reylo has been a thing the past two movies and KK fully approved of Rian's story where he explicitly says there was a metaphorical sex scene between them. KK is the biggest Kylo Ren apologist, btw. Read a fucking interview for once instead of latching on misinterpreted clickbait articles for your arguments.

>Reylo has been romantic since TFA
>turned up to 11 in TLJ
>KK never at any point put the breaks down
>instead gave Rian "Reylo" Johnson a trilogy and confirmed he's still working on it during Celebration interview
>KK is the on who compared Kylo Ren to troubled youths and handpicked his actor.

LMAO fucking delusional antis make me laugh.

when did Yea Forums become tumblr

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So you're a pretentious underage?

>Mark Hamill very public about his hatred for Luke's direction
>Daisy Ridley complained about being separated for Boyego to Rian and told everyone about it
>none of this meant jack shit and the script stayed the same
>somehow Daisy saying she can't get behind Reylo because OTHER PEOPLE say it's toxic pre-EP IX means it isn't happening


She also reacted positively to "Bendemption" after she said that, but antis ignore that as well.

For fuck's sake
Ignore them. They're mentally ill.

It's just Disney Moms trying to steer the conversation away from the OP. Ignore 'em.

Star Wars is shit now but Rey being Shmi would actually be pretty nice.

> implying KK would allow her self-insert to end her story being raped and killed by a pack of sand people for the sake of an interesting twist

Here's how it's going to go down:

Rey wins again. Everyone praises her, including the force ghosts, she creates a huge Jedi School bigger and better than Luke ever could and none of the students fall to the dark side because she's so much better at teaching than Luke.

What's wrong with you? If anything the real retard would be the one who actually watches Rebels...

Don't forget

>John Boyega said he knows what fans want and that includes the dynamics between Kylo and Rey and that he and JJ were on the same page
>a day or so ago someone told him Reylo and FinnPoe were racist and twitter and he responded by telling them that it was just a movie, to focus on IRL issues and to ship what you want
>Daisy said they explore Rey and Kylo's relationship in MUCH MORE DEPTH
>says "we shall see" when asked directly where there relationship is going and even joked about their facebook status being "it's complicated"

yet for some reason people are latching onto an interview where she doesn't talk about the story at all until the end and only gives her stupid personal opinion like that ever mattered before

I agree. Having kids is considered by feminists to be very anti-feminist.

>tries to shit on Reylo
>gets btfo


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Where does Kylo have his scar in canon?

No. I'm a guy old enough to know "Deep Impact" is the superior extinction story, recognize MI3 as one of the weaker installments in the franchise in spite of a stellar cast, and "Super 8" as a hodgepodge of "homages" to Spielberg that use many if his signature techniques and setpieces without the faintest glimmer of insight into what makes them work.

The only mentally ill person here is you, the incel cuck who gets triggered by a fictional space pairings.

u wot

He still has it in the same place, it's just much harder to see.

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You literally needed the soiboy interviewer to BEG HER "So many people will be hurt that you said this. P-please give us some hope for some redemption PLEASE" to get her to say "Uh yeah maybe it happens". She said nothing positive about it and ended with "He's killed too many people for this to be how the story ends" until that dude reminded her to be more positive which basically reminded her she needed to leave the door open so you faggots will actually buy tickets and not mass suicide on Discord months before the movie is out

Didn't he have the scar between his eyes in TFA?

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You are going to have to try harder, because I actually watched the interview and everything you said was wrong.

In the first place, he asked her if she was a Reylo personally, not whether or not Reylo was happening in the story.

She freezes up and then goes "i don't know how I feel about it because PEOPLE are saying it's toxic" It's a very non-comittal way to start her answer and clearly shows she is treading lightly. She even says "it's emotional..."
and stops herself and just says "it's a tricky road" instead.

At no point did the interviewer even ask her about the story, she brough it up in the end and when he said "Bendemption" she reacted very positively and said "ooh that's nice" etc.

Again, you can twist it as much as you want it doesn't make it true. You have to ignore everything else.

So since Daisy saying it's toxic is so important, then I guess John saying it's just a movie and to ship what you want is too then? Funny how you cherrypick what fits your narrative.

and again Daisy and Mark Hammil have been negative about the story before and it didn't mean shit.

In comparison to how she talked about TLJ script, her being so nervous to shittalk Reylo in this interview is nothing. It just shows she knows she can't take it too far, I wonder why??!?

Yes, and these morons think that a lightsaber could possibly leave a scar like that. His nose would have been cut in half. The scar Retard Johnson gave him is even worse.

Yes, but it looks better this way. It's been like this since TLJ and is in the same spot in the EP IX screens, just much lighter since time has passed and it's probably healed a bit.

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You mean the baby he willingly handed over because he was a greedy fat fuck?

>"Bendemption" she reacted very positively and said "ooh that's nice" etc.
She was talking about the fucking pun, not saying the actual idea of his redemption was very nice. In case you're too autistic to get that or trying to spin her words in your favor.

>The prophecy also mentions an egg that's laid by the hen which will hatch out of it
Galaxy far, far away has indigenous chicken?

if you asked a normie what the plot of the sequels are would you get an answer?

I like how they gave Rey a hood just to match with Kylo. It's just her same outfit, but with a hood because Kylo has one again. kek they are so obvious.

>she was only talking about the pun, it wasn't about the idea at all!

And you're calling me autistic. She is smiling seconds before and she is the one saying "maybe redemption is explored" and then he says that and she has "omg yes" energy.

>time travel

Oh come on, not again

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>trying to spin her words in your favor.

Says the autist who has to twist the entire fucking interview because you think people will just believe you and didn't watch it and you also have to ignore literally every other interview she did and every other piece of info.

The only autist spinning anything here is you. That's why you can't address any of the counterpoints. You lost.

>and then he says that and she has "omg yes" energy.
She's literally just laughing at his pun. Immediately afterwards she asks "did you think of that on your own".

She even says "Reydemption! It's better!" implying it makes more sense if Rey is the one to redeem him. Honestly Daisy was giving out spoilers too much during Celebration, but they weren't against Reylo like antis like to believe in their delusional brains.

I laughed, but... I feel so dead inside when I think about the new "star wars"

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If time travel is so trivial according to Rebels, why don't they hide a bomb under Palpatine's throne or kill baby Sheev on Naboo?


She doesn't laugh at all. She gets smiley and goes "maybe redemption is explored, maybe we explore it in the movie" and he says it and she goes "ooh nice" immediately.

Going to address any of the other points any time soon autist?

someone said that old anakin skywalker made an appearance in the original screening of a new hope. is this true?

This. Also, it is 100% confirmed already that there is no romance because she is Luke's daughter. The leaks have put this pathetic ship to rest.

>and she goes "ooh nice" immediately
Because of his fucking pun, retard, not ooh nice at the idea of redemption in general. Her next words are "did you think of that".
All you said about your other points was "SHE LIED IN OTHER INTERVIEWS" so I have no way to counter that, you'll just she lied once so she can lie again and we'll be stuck in a loop.
You'll blow your brains out in December when they redeem him and imply they love each other, but not end with them actually together like you want.

Here's how it's going to go:

Kylo is going to impregnate Rey and then die.

Rey will deny who the father is.

And the cycle continues.

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She is the one who brings up redemption in the first place and is all smiles about it, keep reaching. And yes, she is talking about the idea because she even makes a Reydemption joke after implying that Rey is the one doing the redeeming.

I never said she lied in other interviews, you stupid fucking cuck. Her personal opinions don't mean anything, just like Mark's.

She even clarified that it was a personal opinion at the end saying "personally".

>they redeem him and imply they love each other

Are you in the bargaining phase now? Just give up already.


>Honestly Daisy was giving out spoilers too much during Celebration

The GMA interview was painful to watch, the entire fucking cast threw her under the bus.

She was like "i know the ending! you guys know it too why aren't you raising your hands?!?" and they were just like "nope, we don't know shit lots of stuff was changing" and she still didn't get the fucking hint until the end when she was like "oh i guess i thought we know it, but i guess not" or something

And her genuine fear about shirtless Kylo. You'd think after years of doing this, she'd have learned how to do interviews.

>Are you in the bargaining phase now? Just give up already.
No. They can literally deliver on their built up relationship and his redemption but end the story with them not being a couple because that would throw feminists into a rage and make the post movie discussion be all about her falling for a killer autist.
This is a pretty simple possibility, it gives their arc together a conclusion with her saving him from the dark but stops the backlash of them being a couple. It still means Reylos lose and go home crying to write fanfiction.

>white male protag
>"yippee go trump go" "i love this film!!!" "kino! "MORE SEQUELS" "based" "trolololo i hate women and so does this movie"

>black or female protag
>"i hate this movie it sucks" "sjw" "pandering" "FLOP"

I'm starting to notice a pattern with you guys.

There is no reason for them to go so hard with Reylo and then not make it canon at the very end. That's not satisfying for anyone.

ANd the supposed "feminists" you are talking about are irrelevant seeing as John said he knows that fans wanted and he and JJ were on the same page and they included Rey and Kylo relationship which Daisy confirmed was on the menu for IX in much more depth.

Anytime Reylo or Kylo was mentioned during the panels or interviews with crowds, the crowd went wild. They know fans want Reylo, they don't care about SJW who claim to hate it because John btfo one of them on twitter.

It's not a bad show.

>calm down faggot
not him but maybe you shouldn't have posed your question as if you knew for a fact that it didn't exist in SW which made you seem like the actual smug fag.


>There is no reason for them to go so hard with Reylo and then not make it canon at the very end. That's not satisfying for anyone.
You know it's a possibility and lines up exactly with what Daisy said about it being a "long road" and a "chance at redemption", but still cops out at the end.
>the crowd went wild
Because everything else in the trilogy is complete fucking shit and their scenes in TLJ were the unanimous highlight.
But plenty in the audience will just see her redeeming him as a natural end to their arc, not everyone is insistent on them being together and having kids, just that she finishes what she started in The Last Jedi which is to turn him, not fall in love with him.

>What is science fucking FICTION/FANTASY
I'll agree with you when instead of Star Wars, a Clint Eastwood-type Western randomly introduced time travel.

So are you telling me Rey, AKA the perfect warrior Mary Sue, is going to end up as a slave on some shit planet and died mauled by Tusken Raiders?

No, rey will save herself once she becomes shmi by travelling back in time and she will also redeem anakin and erase the seed of the dark side from the timeline with one hand tied behind her back
she will birth the true chosen one

Who the fuck is shmi

she lost her midichlorians when giving birth to anakin

based /hasn't watched the movies but posts anyway/ poster

>You know it's a possiblity

Anything is possible, but pushing Reylo so hard and not committing to appease a small group of fans that no one gives a fuck about is a highly unlikely one

>because of Daisy's dumb personal opinion

We've been over this. She said it was a tricky road, not a long one. She also said she was worried fans would hate her being separated from John, but she was and no one gave a fuck and Reylo is insanely popular.

>plenty in the audience will just see her redeeming him as a natural end to their arc, not everyone is insistent on them being together and having kids

No one said anything about having kids. Them being explicit with a kiss or implication that they are romantically together is all people need and we will most likely get. Back during TFA, Carrie was the one who told her "you are going to get a space kiss" Carrie was the one who was working on the script with Rian, not some dumb who like Daisy and she knows its basic things in movies like this that there is an epic romance with a kiss. GL knew that as well and he met with JJ before they made the script.

Since Sheev is still alive he's going to rape her before she gets sent to the past.

Ani's mom

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>Rey will be raped to death by sand niggers

You know what Im actually fine with this theory now

Kylo. Sheev is going to try and rape her and send her back in time, but Kylo will save her and be like "lol too late I already impregnated her when I banged her in my TIE" but she will go back in time anyway with memory loss and Kylo will die.

Thus the cycle continues.

>Mary Sue jobbing to Tuskan Raiders and dying

I'm not buying it.

>British single mom get captured and gets a train ran on her by arabs until she dies.
I didn't realize Disney was ran by alt righters

I just hope this movie will be terrible, I want it to die forever.

>Carrie was the one who told her "you are going to get a space kiss" Carrie was the one who was working on the script with Rian, not some dumb who like Daisy and she knows its basic things in movies like this that there is an epic romance with a kiss. GL knew that as well and he met with JJ before they made the script.

Exactly. George also made a movie called Strange Magic which is the evil dude and good girl falling in love. Reylo is right up his alley.

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To bad it wasn't JK3.

>that handtouch
>bonding over emotional hangups
>you're not alone, neither are you

literally reylo

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That doesn't answer the question at all.

This seriously makes me wonder if George had more of a hand in the ST than they let on, no wonder Reylo is one of the only SW-like things in the ST.

Other than that, Kylo's story is the main one that seems to be kept intact from George's idea. Another small wonder Kylo is the only good character.

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>they were all broke and their infrastructure was ruined
What changed since then?

damn this dude turned from a people pleasing simp into a comfy lord

formerly chukku

They’re using a lot of George’s ideas. Rey and old Luke are basically Lucas ideas from his treatment. Rey is similar to Luke’s non-Leia sister from one of the original 7-8-9 plans by GL. The emperor in 9 was GL’s plan all along. Then he said fuck it and condensed it all in RotJ

>It's a time loop!
Obviously this isn't true but fuck me I couldn't imagine a worse ending

>Kylo is the only good character
Stop this meme. He's a terrible, boring,
and uncharismatic character, everything about him seems forced. Just shit writing. God I hate numales defending anything in Nuwars. You retards have no taste. How can you be even remotely interested in this shit?

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There's no way that's true

>Hellraiser is "cultural marxism"

Jesus Christ, HAVE SEX you fickimg incel

Stay mad. Kylo was the only new character trending on twitter during Celebration reveal.

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>trending on twitter
Please, kill yourself.

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>not him BUT
who cares faggot

a Sheev rape scene might convince me to buy a ticket.

>And no one gives a fuck about what Daisy Ridley thinks, otherwise TLJ would've been about Finn and Rey on boring gay adventures.
Eh, I'd be okay with that.

At least one person, faggot.

This but with all of Star Wars
>You retards have no taste. How can you be even remotely interested in this shit?
This but with all of Star Wars

Friendly reminder that Kylo Ren is going to die the villain. His entire character is meant to be the opposite of Vader's. Vader was always still Anakin deep down, so he finally embraces that and dies a Jedi. Ben on the other hand was always actually just Kylo Ren deep down, and will choose power and darkness in the end and die refusing to give it up.

They should have gone for an Edissonesque ending as in The Worm Ouroboros, Rey is Shmi and the end of IX starts with Obi Wan and Quinton going to begin negotiations aboard the Trade Federaion ship, implying that the cycle is doomed to endlessly repeat itself.

your mommy?

Thank you based Tails

Me. Probably my mom if I asked her so MULTIPLE people care what I have to say.

>Actually being an active Twitter user
what's your UN pls


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this is fucking dumb i hate this

>Yea Forums
>Star Wars
>The world
>This specific plot point idea
>The Blacks
>The Jews
You're going to need to narrow it down for me.

it never fails to trigger an incel, it just never fails

I really can't imagine this being true, it sounds so un-Star Wars and just really stupid and out of nowhere. There's no logic to it. But, doing it would give Disney full license to completely reboot and remake the prequels and original trilogy and I'm pretty sure that's all they want so they can take the biggest possible dump on the franchise and Lucas. I would even go as far as to say that it sounds like it would have been their goal from the start. Hollywood Jews hate Lucas with a passion.

Not really, he and some other jedis learned that skill from some light side force sect, but it was more of a meditative state where he could see the past, but not really change it.

I fucking hope so. I want to see kylofags and delusional reylos cry.


Fuck off, cuck. No one gives a fuck about Finn.


A lot of the plot leaks point to them deciding/realizing that the character is irredeemable at this point. So even if JJ wanted a redemption arc after TFA, the way TLJ ends leaves no room for it anymore as he doubles down completely on the dark side. His final duel with Rey will be reminiscent of Jaina versus Jacen in the end of the old EU series Legacy of the Force.

It's passed through the mother.

When have the new canon books ever had something significant that has effected the movies?

kylofag on suicide watch lmao

Fucking rem lazar

She's a Kenobi. JJ is a hack so he made it easy.

It may be that I'm a weeb faggot, but I can never not read it as anything other than "Exar-kun." In a cute anime voice

t. delusional cuck

The entire ST is his redemptoin arc, pay attention.

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No. He has no redemption arc, that's the whole point. He has no good in him.


Does this mean this guy at Mos Eisley cantina is really Satan?

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Hey fr what was in that hatch? I stopped watching LOST before they opened it. And what was the monster that pushed over the trees?

>No. He has no redemption arc, that's the whole point. He has no good in him.
Rey's going to redeem him with the power of her vag, isn't she?
>Ma-Rey Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue!

I like how you're not even trying to pretend you are a SW fan at this point kek

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I'm not even a male, kylofag tranny.

I clearly have a far greater understanding of Star Wars than you do. Fucking retard.

No. No romance, she's retconned to being Luke's daughter.

Clearly not if you think they are going to let the last Skywalker be irredeemable when they spent the last two movies making him sympathetic.


>No. No romance, she's retconned to being Luke's daughter.
Nope. The out is that Skywalker is a title for the new Force-Using Order.

He's a Solo, he's not sympathetic, and Rey is the last Skywalker as she is Luke's daughter. See


>ray gets raped to death by sand people

im ok with this

So a galaxy far far away is actually hell?


To be frank the prophecy is a very important plot point in the movies. They wouldn't release the full text of it without putting thought into it, no matter the medium.



Does Jacen ever fuck Tenel-Ka?

Yes. He actually followed in his grandfather's footsteps, married her in secret, and they had a daughter.

anything is better than time travel

>Rey is the last Skywalker as she is Luke's daughter.
Uh huh. She's not you fucking retard.

Nice. My dad stopped getting me those books for whatever reason when I was a kid. I think I only got as far as Luke’s Emo apprentice coming back and attacking Yavin 4. I also read the series with the kid with the shape shifting uncle Hoole.

He didn't keep the money

General Lee was a good man

>absolute mary sue force user
>gets raped by sand niggers
it's like pottery

Rey is Shmeed.

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>franchise killing terrible

It's already dead.

why of all names did they have to choose shmie? it sounds like an ewok name or something

>Rey get brutally tortured and murdered by nameless sand people

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They'll retcon it to make it so she's the one who rapes them to death.
It'll be very empowering.

You're both delusional, stop posting forever.

They've already said that the new SW trilogy was pulled out of their asses and doesn't even have continuity within itself. So if she is Smee reincarnated, which she's not, because she's already the force itself somehow. Her being the good side and Kylo being the dark side that's why he's so stronk.


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SW will go the time travel just to fix their fuck ups in the future

>slave owning rebel who betrayed his government because his State said so
Was he a brilliant military mind? Sure. Good person? Absolutely not.

In the Jim Crow era you fucking retard.

So she trades her power to save Kylo and rebirth him in the past. Sure, why the hell not at this point.

obi wan kenobi is rey's grandfather. we do not find out her real last name or anything else about her parents other than the fact that she was born on tattooine to a poor family before being abandoned on jakku. at the end she realizes that the only way to end this war is to let kylo kill her so he will turn back to the light. like obi wan did while fighting vader. like han did on the bridge. after she dies in his arms he uses the force to will her back to life. i guess he was the chosen one all along, or maybe it was the skywalker line in general. they do not get together afterwards. she starts a new jedi school while he exiles himself to tattoine. the movie ends with the two of them watching the sunsets on their separate worlds.

So, who did Obi Wan mate with to produce one of Rey's parents, and who was Rey's *other* parent? There's a lot of back story missing.


In the new canon book Farmer and the City Slicker, a full text about the soil pH of the tomacco field was released.

Basically, it speaks of a farmer who unbeknownst to himself being fed with seed will bring great fucks, but only after "the fuck and suck will feed and then seed". This farmer will give suck to the City Slicker.

We know it was Sneed who gave fed to the stor clerk, so, okay, you can assume that maybe he's going to have some back story written for him, but...

The farmer's almanac also mentions a seed that's dropped by the tomacco plant which will grow out of it (endless loop), basically confirming time-travel shenanigans. And this loop is going to be all fine until the seed cracks, which is when the fancy german car is fulfilled (possibly the iteration of the loop where Mr. Park Avenue Manicure became cringe?).

Unironically making Chuck to be Sneed would be less convoluted at this point, the only other option is to massively retcon Sneed's backstory.

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Ventress fell in love with Quinlan Vos and Dooku kills her.


There isn’t going to be an ebin plot twist that redeems this shitheap of a trilogy. You’re even more delusional if you think Rey, a literal self insert of the producer of the movie and a symbol for feminism, will be denigrated in any way much less having her be raped and tortured by savages. Abandon hope and accept that the movie will be a paint by the numbers affair with things that you know shamelessly thrown in without consequence in an attempt to maximize revenue before they shut the franchise down and reboot it after Kennedy steps away to “spend more time with her family.”

Why wouldn't shmi kill her slave owner then, and the sand people who raped her

>involuntary celibate
>have sex
These words. I think the meaning of them you don't understand.

Troy Denning wanted to put time travel in the EU to bring back dead characters (mainly Anakin Solo) but the editors didn't let him.

it doesn't name her parents or grandmother. they didn't abandon her for drinking money as kylo claimed but because she was showing signs of being force sensitive and her grandmother knew what would happen if the empire found her. so they left her on a planet where the empire faced a terrible loss, in the hands of lorr san tecca, a friend of kenobi and rebel sympathizer who swore to draw any and all unwanted empire attention to himself instead.

not me

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okay, how is this a spoiler if you're just making this shit up?

its true
all of it

>franchise killing terrible.

thats was tlj

This makes sense. We don't know shit about him and all he does is dab on Kylo then die.

>some Sith sorcery

his other lightsaber eh

>made a billion dollars


>ywn see a Lucas headed sequel trilogy

what would it have looked like bros?

Except her parents sold her to Unkar Plutt, you can see his hand on her arm in her flashback.

>"I've been found out!"


Whoa, that totally ruins their relationship desu


They would do this wouldn't they. Based dubs gets it. What else is passed through the mother? Those bastards

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The EU novels are amazing. I read almost all of them. The movies could have been amazing if they based it on them

Mara Jade, the solo twins, the Vong. Such a missed opportunity

the force flashbacks are full of inconsistencies because her memory is fragmented (ie the scene in the force cave).

your hairline is full of inconsistencies

Agreed. They are still the post-RotJ canon to me.

Fuck. This all makes sense when you factor in Filoni's Mortis gods bullshit. I don't think JJ is clever enough to pull it off, though.

He didn't even need to go that far. We never actually see Vader kill her. She could have survived any number of ways.

Check the concept art and stuff. It seems VERY likely Disney had something over George and basically forced him to give up the series. All the OT actors signed up to reunite with George and then he sold Star Wars after getting their contracts, and looking very unhappy about it and talking about white slavers.

Plot points for Episode 7/8
>Sunken Death Star
>Venice-like Jakku instead of Tattoine
>Han Solo looking for the Falcon
>Han finding the Falcon on Felucia, who knows what else there (maybe hostile Felucian "Jedi" left by Shaak Ti?)
>Introduction of Rey, White Finn, imperial remnants
>Rey may have been more of a treasure hunter, or she may have been tasked by Luke to look for a lightsaber crystal from death star remains or something
>Luke's still standing temple and new order
>Introduction of new female twilek Sith type character being influenced by an older Kylo or Kylo type character
>More intimidating Vader imitation mask and suit
>Leia and New Republic dealing with imperial remnant, potentially boring senate scene
>Leia's more realistic basic force training introduced, trying to contact Luke
>Flashback of battle where Luke drops a Star Destroyer and feels conflicted for using the force as a tool of war, if the twilek was a student similar stuff to Kylo
>Luke's search for the original Jedi temple
>Cast reunion at some point, Han still dies. Leia dies although unplanned because of respect for Carrie, Luke and some auxillary characters take up the slack

>all the force ghosts appear at some point, the force ghost of Anakin may be struggling with Vader elements
>The Vader may even have literally become it's own force ghost entity

Indeed, which is how I know he and Disney gave themselves an in-canon magic erase tool that they can use to retcon, reboot, and remake whatever they want in Star Wars and trick fans into eating it up. They absolutely want to wipe the slate of Lucas' films clean and start over, especially the prequels to make their sequel trilogy look better. I guarantee they want to parade around headlines saying they are fixing the """"shitty"""" prequels to get Lucas-haters to applaud them

You forget that Ben Solo still existed, Finn was originally Luke's son Sam and was actually a combination of Finn and Poe's characters, Rey was named Kira and was in a love triangle between Sam and Ben. Ben gets turned to the dark side by "Jedi Killer" aka the original version of Kylo Ren out of jealousy over thinking Kira doesn't love him and because he is promised more than what he believes he can learn from Luke. Sam is also rebellious and reckless because he doesn't have a good relationship with Luke (he doesn't have the Force and is closer to his uncle Han as he likes working on ships and flying).

tl;dr Luke and Han's sons hate each other over a girl and neither have great relationships with their own fathers. Lots of self destructive drama ensues and the Skywalker-Solo family is threatened to be torn apart by their feud.

Your entire post is fanfiction. No wonder you retarded fanboys got everything wrong and Reylos were the only ones who were right about anything.

>this many minority heroes
>3 bad aryans
>whack the original heroes when you want but Luke has to be a fuck up
>lens flares and shoe horned niggers

Well Obi-wan did have a thing for that Mandalorian ruler. Maybe they reunited sometime after Obi-wan went into hiding.

Ok whats more retarded:
Darth Jar Jar in its heyday or this Rey Shmi nonsense?

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I have read every single page of Lucas' original scripts for the sequel trilogy. Literally held them in my hands. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Shut the fuck up.

Darth Jar Jar would've been fucking awesome if the PT was actually done like that.

its time to embrace finnrey

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>time travel

It can't get any worse than this. It CAN'T

Not canon, sorry sweaty

lmao what kind of autistic, no-life, incel, fat fucking retard made this image? It looks like the garbage /alita/ would make.

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who cares