Attached: LMAO.jpg (562x441, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:


VERY effeminate and reddit. It's a shame your dad abandoned you before he could teach you shame.

Seriously though, the increase of short haired "nerd gurls" is going to be noticeable. At least you will know who to avoid.

Have a sex


user are you okay? Do you need to talk to someone?

Attached: wominz.png (1024x616, 129K)

Reminder that she's 53yo

>whiteknighting for another man
>feelings matter and should be talked about
Son of single mommy detected.

>implying short hair isnt the best

not when it's old lady trying to look young short hair

Heath is back baby!

>when people detect your virginity so often and so accurately that you dedicate a folder to defending yourself from these accurate accusations
Pretty sad.

Go find a real woman and get laid

Where can I see all the leaked footage at? No one's even posting it on here.

But they're the cutest

send me a DM

have sex

Here's the attention you couldn't earn IRL.

Hell yeah, on it brother

>Not realizing I was making fun of his post.
Retard detected.

Just like the comics

Attached: 1526813362622.jpg (542x620, 97K)

>realizes he made a mistake
>tries to pass the buck instead of slinking off with his tail between his effeminate retard legs
That's not going to work here.

she is going to fuck peter in future movies isn't she?

So says the nu-male faggot who'd probably run crying at the sight of a vagina.

I like this look tho

incel detected

Why didn't they cast Stefania Ferrario as Captain Marvel in a skin tight latex bodysuit???

I know it's going to be annoying.

it's because of the comics you massive sperg
also fits her look better tbqh

How many times are you going to reset your IP, OP? Cringe.

She looks like a hot granny here.

>hey Peter Parker

What is a real woman? Usually when they talk nowadays of "real women" they talk about women with curves, or in another words, fat.
Are you obese? Just clinically obese or landwhale size?

>Didn't get the joke
>Trying so hard to be right
It's fine dude, don't worry. You win the argument.

Anyone got the leaked video?

Stop samefagging so much

She looks better with short hair

yes, thanks

>you got something for me?

she looks like hilary clinton

Attached: 1505237137155.png (1793x1313, 317K)

She really doesn't

Mind sending it faggot?

Is that Tom Cruise?

First the Billion now this.
Incels BTFO......again!

I like her with short hair. she's like Jennifer Lawrence with no boobs

I spent the weekend writing a program that does deep data mining using heuristic metrics and I think I can prove by how much Marvel inflated Cap Marvel's foreign and domestic gross. Its not too bad, I still have parameters I'm adding in but the preliminary output is looking like about $80M domestic and close to $160 foreign was boosted. Of course its all based on information thats out there and not honestly anything concrete enough to prove any solid guilt on Marvel's part, but I'll let the world decide once I finish it as the data is very interesting and speaks for itself. I'll post the program on github and probably make a youtube video with the analysis when I'm done.

Film still did great though all things considered. Brie has a tough job ahead of her and I wish her the best of luck, I hope Marvel's PR team can get their act together.

Someone smarter than me, please explain why Disney would give an ugly mouthy bitch like her the role of a lifetime, over a half dozen guaranteed movies with shitloads of money, no need to really act or anything either. It's fucking heaven, why was she picked?

Attached: me likey.jpg (474x474, 27K)

what's the problem?

She does though

Interesting post
>talks about proving how Marvel pozzed the box office numbers
>movie was great guise, I

She's dating Aaron Leimenberg

>deep data mining

You are living in a fantasy world.

Look at this shill awwwwwww. Are you going to cry if we start posting spoilers of your shit movie?

You must be fun at parties.


you smell like incel

it's brie larson ?

No, Mark Hamill told me it was ok to not have sex

Attached: B0424F88-DD1D-47E0-991F-6594A3E1E117.jpg (3302x3255, 930K)

Holy fuck go back

Not him but, it's called being a realist. He never mentioned any affection towards Brie and the movie either.
Learn to live in the real world.

>defending capeshit

she has an oscar, is young enough to play the same character for many years, has been acting since she was a kid. A decent paycheck for the next decade is good too.
And she is willing to play the stronk empowered woman who needs no man agenda outside of films too

post github

>projecting this hard
Take my YIKES and go on with your journey, brave tranny

Attached: 28 dollars a ticket plus parking.jpg (640x337, 95K)

>asscar award
always acts the same way, she was just as dull and boring in Kong
>young enough
she looks like curdled shit
>has been acting since she was a kid
what of it, she doesn't have the chops for it
what I wanna know is why her, what were they thinking when the casting people and producers looked at it and thought 'okay, this actress is a worthy replacement for RDJ as the face of Marvel movies now'

>All these seething replies from redditors

Their previous cash cow actor was RDJ and he's clearly sick of making extended toy ads for funko pop loving manchildren, so he was asking tons of cash just for showing up and probably he just told them he wanted out of this career graveyard of a franchise.

So they took a literal who, they bought her an oscar, they gave her the most shilled movie ever which also ties in with these zoomer cultural event Avengers flicks (and still made less than Aquaman lmfao) and they got their new cash cow with a long ass contract. She being an unlikeable cunt is just her way to try to get Disney to kick her out of this pop culture hell and be free, I'm sure she's nice IRL

cute :3
gonna watch ENDGAME just for him

>new cash cow with a long ass contract

she doesn't have 1% of the charisma that RDJ has

why does "havesex" have an auto delete to posts?

I believe it. They need the movie to outgross Wonder Woman domestically and Aquaman worldwide.

Real talk? It's agenda over profit. Disney has actually become too big to fail. Now, the postmodernists that have infected every single work of fiction there is, are finally kicking things into high gear. Burning away a few million or even billion dollars to achieve even a modicum of indoctrination through their hateful propaganda, is considered a resounding success. They don't care if Star Wars makes money or if the MCU makes money. All they care about is social-engineering their "progressive" utopia into existence. Young, impressionable girls the world over will see Captain Marvel and Rey be cool and baddass, and will subsequently grow up to trust these actresses, or any future pawns, to advise them through their interviews, articles and activism, on how to live, act and think. It's pretty brilliant, actually. Like, imagine if it was the early '80s, and Mark Hamill, Luke fucking Skywalker, was telling a young impressionable you how awesome open borders, Socialism, Feminism, race-mixing and trannies are, and how bad nations, traditions, heterosexual marriage and Christianity are. Pretty damn frightening, no? But then again, what do I know? According to the MSM and the radical leftist academia, I'm probably just another incel, or a Russian bot, or a misogynist, or a racist, or a bigot, or a Nazi, or a GameGater, or a toxic white male, or whatever other term the agitprop handbook's word of the day is, right? Nothing to see here, move along. Stop thinking, Trust CNN, trust Google, trust Vox. They know what's best for you. After all, they're all so colorful and positive and tolerant. They have to be the good guys, right?

Attached: journalism.webm (640x360, 2.46M)

Didn't say it was great, I actually never watched it, however it *did* great as in still made a ton of money.

Its just some algorithms I learned in a data mining class. Its nothing concrete, however statistically speaking Cap Marvel was an outlier in some of the metrics. It doesn't really make sense unless you shave off some gross, then it fits (pic as an example).

I will when I'm done with it. Wrote it in Python and I documented it pretty well. Its not even 500 lines of code, just had to keep tuning the algorithm based on the data I was crunching. Interestingly, other comic book hits like Aquaman and Infinity War 1 really helped generate the baseline.

>tfw no short-haired tomboy gf to hold

Attached: sad emmanuel udeh.jpg (752x714, 66K)

> Carol Puts on her Kree Strap-On.

> Cut to anxious Wanda, visibly intimidated.
> Cut to Mantis, "What is the smug lady going to do to us?", Mantis asks, scared and wide eyed.

>Its nothing concrete, however statistically speaking Cap Marvel was an outlier in some of the metrics. It doesn't really make sense unless you shave off some gross, then it fits (pic as an example).
Forgot pic

Attached: outlierscatterplot_10001.gif (366x226, 4K)


>t. fundamentally doesn't understand what "too big to fail" means

>nerd Gurls
>doing anything marvel
Sorry it's just Harley Quinn and poison ivy

The agenda is still profit (and power) user. The elite have just realized instead of creating a product for a consumer base it’s more lucrative to creative a consumer base for all their products.

They are socially engineering humanity into becoming perfectly brainless corporate slaves. They want all of us to cry at Star Wars trailers.

if that graphic was made by a a white male, it's pretty much worthless, tho

I don't really like Tony or his standalone movies but he's 10000x more watchable than Brie.
You're too deep into the hole bro


based user
disney shills swearing there was no fraud are fucking done

I like short hair on women, I'm not fond of what it is associated with. Feels bad.


Being able to take massive hits without losing your footing and recovering fast enough to strike again before your opponent has a chance to take advantage of their move is included under the "too big to fail" umbrella, friend.

Oh, that's definitely part of it, sure.Kinda fascinating how we went from "the customer is always right" to "the customer will suck my dick and like it", no?

>You're too deep into the hole bro
Sad thing is, I didn't even have to try.

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>not liking short hair

Attached: 148.jpg (1080x1080, 153K)

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Just did, and your mother's still wish they gave birth to better anons before they orgasm'd

i would
but why do her shoulders look so unnaturally wide? is that a cgi body?

>hate "male oppression"
>lesbos try to look and act like men

what did they mean by this?

As ED would say, *They just wish they were born with dicks and fuck girls in the ass*

As in not a Hatsune Miku or Satania bodypillow, Brian.

>post Cara Niggervinge as an example
could at least have posted Ferrario or Ruby Rose.

Is that Jennifer Lawrence?

Kick that bitch in the cunt

>and you are?

Attached: cara-delevingne-met-gala.jpg (2321x2708, 1.13M)

its always the cringey faggots who like marvel, every time

The worst part is that all of this has created a new breed of people. Empty people. People whose "personalities" can easily be traced back to specific pieces of propaganda. Take movies, for example. Back then, you'd see a character do something awesome and you'd get inspired to try and achieve some goal or other. Nowadays, kids, and even adults, see these characters and they're taught to expect to be awesome without trying. They don't like stuff because they tried it and it appealed to them, they like stuff because Rey does, or Captain Marvel does. Have you tried talking to an MCU fan or a nuwars fan, lately? It's like talking to Pod People. It's horrifying. The reason they freak out if you even as much as insinuate, say, that there's a very specific and boring formula behind capeshit, for example, or that Rey is a Mary Sue, both factual statements incidentally, is that the programming detects any and all criticism and classifies it as an attack. Calling you names and trying to hurt your feelings/deplatform you/get you fired/be violent against you is the defense the programming dictates. You can't reason with them. The NPC meme is real.

Give this video a watch. I promise, it's definitely worth your time.

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Fucking gross

Why don’t you start being ashamed yourself if you’re so good at it

Is this board really seething over cap marvel having short hair???

I am sure this is an American thing because I have a friend who's got a total capeshit boner but that's not the defining part of his character. I've never seen anyone like what you're describing here.

Mou mikilphas thensusos.

just an excuse for waifu fags. brie's really rocking that sexy haircut

Kys Soiboi

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Are trannies even human?

>Give this video a watch
what the actual fuck, it's like he's describing America today

What the best reply for “have sex” ?

to finally have sex

Moasto! Meronthas phiouthensos.

You must be pun at farties.

t. redditor

tacticool shoulder pads even though she's invincible

Ragasto pernosos mou il thensusos.


Jesus Christ...

>clickbait is real journalism
I knew Yea Forums was retarded but jesus christ

seething discord tranny


When your head’s shaped like a Lego, it might be a questionable style choice.

Attached: redditpreium.jpg (638x225, 25K)

>that video
I wasn't planning on sleeping ever again anyway.

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>Give me the I Wish I Had A Dick, pham

>Jesus Christ...
>what the actual fuck

You anons are just discovering Yuri?

Attached: npc demoralization.jpg (1024x620, 97K)

can you cheese shills at least admit that the movie was hot garbage which retroactively took a shit on the canon?

babby's first redpill.
you faggots all shout how /pol/ sucks, this and that; that's the reason why.
We are so immeasurably fucked from every front that it isn't a laughing matter anymore

That's just KGB talking out of their ass.

haha yeah it's not like universities and businesses are wholly nepotistic and eager to step over common men


no, just the paid marketers are.

captain marvel is an unremarkable hero.
played by an unremarkable actress.
in an unremarkable film.
in an unremarkable franchise.
released in an unremarkable month.

there is no reason to talk about or care about the movie, so professional marketers manufacture reasons.

Attached: a95e7aa71ab222ddbba642f3b9a5ba88.jpg (736x1103, 86K)


Attached: lb_phoen.gif (324x216, 858)

not really. the sci fi scenes were great, the 90s aesthetic worked and the set pieces worked reallt well. I guess only people who haven't followed the film lore would think it breaks it. i thought so for a while but realised later that the movie worked well and didn't cause plotholes

>"there is no reason to talk about or care about the movie"
>rambles on about the franchise and brie

They do. But that's not a result of a so-called thought engineering indoctrination program.


have snacks

This is fucking horrifying. His timescale was a bit off but holy crap.

what do you think a school is? There's tons of majors designed simply to put you indebt and take a shit in your head.
Unless you're being taught how to cut people open, keep them out of jail, or build stuff they use on a daily basis, you may as well opt out.

i fucking HATE women, but they should have sex with me

are you for real dude? Nick Fury basically never met aliens before NY but now he was a part of this intergalactic war retroactively and knew God (female) x))

let women just keep on doing this until every man becomes gay and the human species dies.

I don't have the link sorry. Here's the video without audio 1/3

Attached: 1555419040656.webm (456x648, 2.94M)

Avengers 1 - Nick Fury says that he created Phase 2 as a defence against aliens, because Thor's brother brought an army to new york

Avengers 1 - 5 minutes earlier Tony Stark explains to Cap America that Nick Fury is THE spy, who's secrets have secrets

Why are you acting like Nick Fury lying to people is out of character or an unjustifiable retcon?


Attached: 1555419103933.webm (456x648, 2.93M)


Attached: 1555419189906.webm (456x648, 2.94M)

not gonna lie, when cap fights thanos using both the hammer and shield i did a little sex wee

why is captain always a bitch in every incarnation

This is my first time seeing these webms, jannies are really doing a great job protecting disney's interest

I honestly wish you were dead. Fuck off.

I'm genuinely excited for the movie. If that makes me a pleb then so be it.

Professor Hulk, Hobo Thor and Cap actually finally saying the catchphrase make me so so happy

Also turns out Mjolnir was being serious after all

Attached: Merely Jesting.jpg (500x583, 61K)


So, from the leaks

Carol easily beats up Thanos, who's hopeless against her. She stops attacking him because he's too weak to entertain her. Instead she asks Thor (whom she considers a weakling) to finish him instead

Carol was the true hero all along

Attached: feeling in the rain.gif (500x275, 365K)

None of the leaks mention that

She uses the Stark Industries Auto-Sizing Gauntlet (patent pending) because she absorbed Cube energy and this is sufficiently non-mortal to handle that much power

They know this because Hulk Tried and failed to control it, but in doing so he merged Hulk and Banner to make Professor Hulk.

The killer blow will be Thor, who goes for the head, per Thanos' advice in IW.

real talk

I WANT POWER GIRL NOT MS MARVEL. Power girl should make a cameo

Attached: j-won-han-1234123123422222.jpg (1920x2127, 402K)

Power Girl is DC you dingus

Power girl is DC superhero

>the 'im still young but im actually 40 years old' cut

hard pass


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sure it makes doggystyle kinda confusing though.

have sex
with me