Who was in the wrong?

Who was in the wrong?

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It's obviously the Chinese guy's fault for thinking you can do the impossible. Africans find it easier to breed like rabbits, then invade other countries and demand everyone else be made to provide for their poverty babies.

the belgians are always in the wrong.

Imagine being a nigger and watching this documentary.

Unironically the Belgians. Europeans seems to have this God complex that drives them to constantly trying to instil civilization in savages.

The white people for leaving

They don't care. They don't have any shame. It's like when Chappelle addressed affirmative with blacks using skin color to steal jobs from more qualified whites with "it's better than being broke" while the audience applauded.

The end result is all that matters. How it's achieved is something everyone else has to learn to live with.

how do I get the china man's job

When will we get the reality show that follows Lao and Eddie around Africa as they manage construction projects and banter each other?

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Imagine how difficult the communication must be for an educated chinese and a negroid. There're basically different species entirely, the black guy is closer in IQ to a chimpanzee.

the banter between these two in the doc was based

White people could take a page out of their book and stop letting other peoples walk all over them out of fear of being mean or bad. It's your fault if you fall for another persons tricks.

The average IQ in the Congo is 76 but Eddie seems sharper than most.


The mutt who makes these threads

Chang was in the wrong for thinking Africans could maintain European infrastructure when they were missing so many limbs when the Belgians left

also chinks couldn't maintain it either so I don't know why he acts so superior

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i still cant get over how kino this doc was
anyone know the name of that new one that follows the african immigrants in china? i remember looking for it to no avail a while ago but the name escapes me

Chinks have some very shitty infrastructure, but they do also have a bit of an advamtage in the sense that they will sacrifice anything and anyone to increase the power output of their country. They went for a raw numbers game and brute power mixed with industrial age technology, and it is working for them. Most importantly, they favor technology that they can make over technology that they need to import. Coal over diesel, cheaper construction materials, and it's all made up for by having billions of people so that a few unlucky ones can take the fall for them. Is it nice to live in? Fuck no.

Literally sounds like the prototypical Imperium of Man desu

The Chinese are just lucky that Mao won and China received tons of help from USSR. Congo had Patrice Lumumba who was also friend with USSR, but he was killed by CIA and western puppet was installed.

In other words the Chinese guy has nothing to boast about, China just got lucky, while Congo not so much.

Maybe just maybe they are responsible for the state of their roads and it isnt just because they got the shit end of the stick when it comes to goverment.

Who builds the roads when you have shit for government? Are you one of those AnCap memers?

nothing is getting done in congo because the average IQ there is 76 user. That's all there is to it.

>White people could take a page out of their book and stop letting other peoples walk all over them out of fear of being mean or bad
we tried that, it got way out of hand and we've been feeling guilty over it ever since.

That’s already how being white works. The whole “feeling bad about it” thing is an act to get money from the gullible and stupid.

Yes plz

When you only extract resources and don't build industry or educate you'll leave a land where the soil is diminished and the people dependent. Yet since the trumptard invasion of 2016 all of Yea Forums is a brainlet /pol/tard so here we are on Yea Forums.

>point out accurately that the country has been fucked thoroughly to the point where it became a failed state
>durrhhh dey hav no roaaadz cuz dey dummmm!

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So is your moms bitch nigga

Well they had roads when the white were in charge

user, have you seen roads in russia? They are as bad as ones in africa.

Were they allowed on the roads?

the belgians needed the road to transport resources to the coast

Accurate or not it doesn't change the fact that the only reason they don't and will never recover nor flourish outside a white led colonial rule is because they have borderline ape iq user. Just like the entirety of sub saharan africa.

yes they were, and in the schools the Belgian built them

Hey don't talk shit about Eddie. He clearly is more sharper than most of guys in Congo.

>why didn't you just invest your scarce resources on this particular shit?
first worlders have a retarded idea of how poverty works

Watch out he is going to bring up Russian IQ and claim that they aren't white next

The government is just an extension of the people you retard.

Germany was literally destroyed twice and rose to a world power both times in a matter of 5 years. The first tools that were found in Heidelberg that date back more than 100.000 years are more advanced than what Negroids used in the 20. Century. Negroids never developed a civilization, they didn't even implement the wheel before Europeans showed them how to. But yeah, it definitely wasn't because they are scientifically proven less intelligent, but because muhh rassisums

>he is going to bring up Russian IQ
that would just be consistent

that's why no one can conquer russia

For white children only
And why is IQ the end all be all measure of intelligence in your word? What even is intelligence ?

>in the schools the Belgian built them
Catholic conversion centers*

>invade a country
>establish puppet government
>enslave the people
>The government is just an extension of the people you retard.
What did he mean by this?

the Belgians for designed roads like brittle chocolate and land-hole ridden waffles

Okay so they low IQ. Do you have point?

>Germany was literally destroyed twice and rose to a world power both times in a matter of 5 years.
After WW2 Western Germany was literally rebuilt by US.

>first world

lmao the huns are literal savage barbarians all the way until the last 300 years
Meanwhile the meds, the north africans, literally everywhere else, has a more developed culture and civilization since thousands of years

Oh fuck off, the slav snowniggers were feudal slaves up until lenin. They just overthrew the government and got their shit together. The niggers didn't even have to overthrow anything, whitey just packed up and left.

Why is every single african country a third world shithole, while every single european colony is a first world country? Why do niggers always fail even when they live in first world countries? Why is nigger poverty constant across time and space? Your shitty circumstance stories fall apart when you look at the big picture.

>first world

>The Chinese are just lucky that Mao won
>they are lucky a genocidal dictator built some roads

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>Your shitty circumstance stories fall apart when you look at the big picture.
Oh the irony.

why would you want that

>got their shit togehter
Not even close.

based Eddie is one of the smart ones though

The Belgians came in and burned down the African's culturally superior road, installed their own road, and forced the Africans not only to use it and but maintain it as well. Unacceptable.

The africans for not being able to give the chink worker his gravel efficiently.

Where is that from and what's it about? Everytime I see screencaps from it (that aren't "it's all so tiresome"), it's Mr. Asian man telling some black workers that they're lazy and shit and it's their own fault that X is happening.

Is that just shit taken out of context or is he really just telling them they're lazy shits?

are they okay?

Eddie speaks several languages one being an insect language so he must have some intelligence. For sure smarter than your average Congolese

Congo was two tribal kingdoms, the majority of the land in the Congo is due to whitey blacks are parasitic lazy vermin who cant do anything on their own.

The lazy, low iq, short sighted africans of course. That's why China bursted into a world power just in a matter of decades while Africans despite having the richest continent can't even fucking maintain dirt roads. Why also South Africa is turning into a litteral hellhole with regular power blackouts and no running water in the summer. But yeah, you all just racist yo, iq isn't a measure of success right? What does intelligence means anyway? Jesus christ, the white left so god damn retarded I ask myself if they are truly sentient.

Empire of Dust

What do you mean country? There is no fucking Congo nation before the white man you retarded fuck.

>The Chinese are just lucky that Mao won and China received tons of help from USSR.

No... You're thinking of Kissanger. Pic related

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Stop comparing them to whites, lets begin comparing with third worlders like injuns or spics to show how worthless niggers really are.

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>while Africans despite having the richest continent can't even fucking maintain dirt roads
And neither can America


Yes blacks are dumb. But what the fuck can you do?

Seething, projecting redditranny newfaggot can't keep President Trump out of his mouth.

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Realistically, Eddie is about as smart as the average Yea Forums poster.

Eugenics and genetic engineering

Why is lao doing that

You're fucking insane if you think the chinese are in any way, shape, or form, superior to negroes. At least negroes have souls.

stop importing them

It's almost like America is filled with niggers or something.

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protecting his house, where do you think he is

>have souls
Is that why they kill thousands of their own annually?

Aren't they in Congo? What's with these winter clothes?

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Eddie was too good for his country. He was far more clever than he let on. I hope he went on to do big and great things.

Imagine the kino series of them going around overseeing different construction projects in shitholes around the world.
>Empire of Stone, quarry in Pakistan
>Empire of Gold, gold mine in India
>Empire of Fire, powerplant in Kenya
>Empire of Wood, lumber operation in Brazil
>Empire of Air, windmill construction in Indonesia
>Empire of Water, building of a dam in Uganda

Lol, an old guy emailed me that photo a few months ago because he was worked up over liberals

I've gotten sick of replying to him with the unedited versions of shooped pictures

why is this nigger talking about huns all of the sudden

>europeans never killed thousands of their own throughout history

do you think they have a clothing choice

Leftard Im talking about violent crime not war you piece of shit.

There is a sort of sequel to this about Africans living in China but I've never seen it or seen anyone discuss it.

If it's photoshopped go ahead and share, I wasn't aware.
Regardless, Uncle Nightmare creeps on little girls on video, so it's kind of a moot point

Please give Lao and Eddie Empire kino

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Surely he can't be that retarded.

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Why is there no Wikipedia article for this documentary?

>what even is intelligence
Why is it that people who do good in math also do good in reading, but people who can bench 300 aren't always good at sprinting? Unlike something like athletic tasks, we've found that ALL cognitive tasks correlate with each other. This means that you can predict someone's reading ability from their math test scores.

Basically there's an underlying factor called general intelligence which correlates with all known cognitive tasks. IQ tests correlate with this general intelligence factor at .95, so we can use IQ tests to generally predict how well people perform in cognitive tasks.

From this it follows that people with low IQ are shit at ALL cognitive tasks.


Nobody believes negroes are superior than any other race, except for negroes. Are you a nigger?

>war crimes don't happen during war
Absolutely based magapede. Praise be to Israel!

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At least based China and Russia don't give a fuck about this diversity shit. Look how America's crumbling

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I was talking about the climate. Apparently southern Congo has a temperate climate, who would have thought.

>If it's photoshopped go ahead and share, I wasn't aware.

Left is the original photo. Seems creepy enough as it is. IMO shopping it just hurts the message that Biden is creepy, but retards gonna retard.

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Eddie is literally the top 1% of iq for his countrymen (110). It would be like a white person having an iq of 145. It’s like when people say that nigerians are smart as fuck because people are them in university even though the ones they see are just the top .001% that can actually read and understand past/future tenses.

Exactly how they behave, they come on jobs and start acting like children then chimp out when the boss tells them to get to work.


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Find a european city with a murder count above 500.

Now find a nigger city with a murder count above 500.


>Why is nigger poverty constant across time and space?
>Why do niggers always fail even when they live in first world countries?
You're entitled to your ignorance but you're wrong. It's all down to environment and education. Of course you will be a retard when your whole family is retarded, who would help you improve yourself?
t. Haitian negro adopted by a white European family holding an MSc in applied geography

Don't hide behind pseudoscience because you're afraid to admit you're an idiotic racist.

>It's all down to environment and education
>muh anecdotes
um no sweetie. Good luck trying to explain why brothers raised together are less similar cognitively than identical twins raised apart.

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Ah a true subhuman monkey acting like it has any right to talk. Tell me how many times did you eat mud cookies back in your hellhole.

Nice bait but have more substance next time.

I mean, constantly belittling your subordinates for things that they have literally no control over seems like management ethics. Random black guy with sunglasses #2400223 has no control over whether the bridge was maintain or not, so berating him for it is fucking stupid. Imagine if your boss started mocking you for having a pothole on a road near your house, as if it was somehow your fault it hadn't been fixed yet.

>Stop blaming me for shiet chink!
God I hate niggers so much.

>Complains Africans didn't maintain a 50 year old road

What is he complaining for? If China built that road, it wouldn't have even lasted a year with or without maintenance. China isn't known for it's amazing construction quality. Or quality of any kind really.

Sure, but that isn't a problem because the chinks just maintain it.

the chad mexican vs the chad chinaman, who wins

So what if i am shit at math? I am really only good with plus and minus math.

t. Jared Diamond

Except if it takes too long for the city to fix a pothole, people here will generally fill it in themselves

Chinks built bad things because they are sociopaths that only care about money, africans build bad things because they are genuinely fucking stupid.

I don't see that guy chimping out though.

the whole documentary is just lazy chinks blaming africans for not accommodating them when they basically buy up the entirety of the country

>They don't care. They don't have any shame.
>ancestors of slaves from various west african countries should care for nations in central africa they have no direct ties to

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So you hate them but i don't see you doing anything about them.

This isn't what it seems. The kid was just wondering if he was ok to work.