Explain this, tv/

>Chappelle creates a brilliant comedy show
>leaves Hollywood vowing never to return
>Peele is one-half of an incredibly bad comedy show
>is now being pushed by Hollywood as some genius
What the fuck is going on?

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His movies are mediocre and he only gets brownie points for being black.

peele wore the dress. chapelle refused

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his show with key wasn't incredibly bad tho it was kinda good

Peele that made a movie that was popular. Are you fucking retarded? What push are you talking about?

His show had its moments but was mostly bad.

One paid tribute and joined the circle. The other saw the trap and fled.

Pretty much this

>incredibly bad comedy duo
whether you personally liked them or not, they were insanely popular. you are the same kind of person who wonders why justin beaver is famous too arent you?

cus da wy pipo iz bad muh nigguh


this. he also fell for paul mooney's memes about evil whitey and I say this as a black guy

as a black guy, i say this as a black guy as a black guy.

when ever peele does some kind of anti white statement remember he's yet to reach his milage

they're pretty good

Fun face

Chapelle is 25% white
Peele is 50% white

As a white guy, I say you're a big lipped gorilla double nigger.

Peele is willing to race bait. Chappelle just made jokes

Holy shit, Dave was right.

soul vs soulless

Chappelle wasn't willing to be a slave. Peele is.

based and blackpilled, brother

peele married to a jewess, chapelle is not

Dave married an Asian lady.
Peel married a Jewess.
>Any questions.

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it's literally this

dave is super redpilled on a lot of things, which is why his specials keep making people laugh and the usual suspects get offended. because he's spitting the truth, just dressing it up as comedy

both key & peele were "safe." they were the house negros of neoliberal hollywood who wanted a "racial" show but something that made them feel "safe"

it's why every chappelle fan just "gets it" and every k&p fan you run into is some unironic reddit "cool geek"

Did he?

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dave got blacklisted for being self-aware, peele is another tv director being hired as the face for some rich guy's studio, knowing he won't really complain about anything

This is why i came into the topic. In our modern life with the age of info, everyone knows about hollywood paleskin faggots love to make blacks dress as females

This is what baffles me: in Get Out he clearly reflects on the fetishization of blacks by the progressive left but then goes full Uncle Tom anyways and dances to the propaganda of the very people he vilified and ridiculed

Its what blackmailed people do. He is married to a jew so you know he is a pedo. So most likely he is blackmailed in that way

I thought they were brilliant at times.

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Good for him.

It's pretty simple doggie, Dave won't play ball with the Jews

Dude, Key and Peele wrote those sketches

and Peele went to a university that was 90% gay

I honestly believe Jews in Hollywood have a fetish for niggers in drag.

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Dave is woke on (((them))).

>"Dance, Monkey, Dance !" is a popular expression in the United States. It describes the desire of a person to have another person or animal perform a trick or dance for their entertainment. It is generally considered demeaning, the person asked to perform the trick being devalued for satisfying this request.

>and Peele went to a university that was 90% gay
He has a really gay looking face.

they want to emasculate and ridicule black men

We have entered the Age of Clay.

k&p have stated multiple times in interviews that their show was always going to be different from dave's because of their biracialness

they can't help it because they're half white. dave's mom is half white, but he grew up black in washington dc and 99% of his comedian role models growing up were black (cosby, pryor, eddie murphy, paul mooney)

It's just the maths yo. Key & Peele are both biracial, so they are equivalent to 1 funny black guy with the privileges of 1 white guy.

>he grew up black in washington dc
didn't he say that he grew up around white people? The joke was that his parents were just well off enough for him to grow up poor around whites

Also, both his parents went to college


It's not what you know user it's what foul satanic acts you were willing to perform on camera

remind me nigger who runs hollywood again

Just banter, homie. Don't sucker punch me and take my shoes.


this. they're called "traitor blacks"

That's the difference between an uppity bigger and a house nigger


be my bf

Mooney was right

he spent time in yellow springs ohio

Have sex weeb

Wtf I had no idea pol loves the bbc so much

is that really Tyler Perry/madea tier though. i mean i see your point but he wasnt dressed like that the whole movie.


I don't know how people can write this and not be at all aware of the negative influences of going black kids stupid names

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>Peele went to a university that was 90% gay
He went to Berkeley????

bmwf is kino pairing desu

They need to push a token

You're not wrong. Gay black celebrities always have dead eyes and doughy features.

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key and Peele was at least decent you fag

K&P was less about race than the Chapelle show was, they didn't lean on it like dave

most nazi's wore drag

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Can confirm. I was a RA at a summer camp that was primarily Jewish Teenagers that were 16-18.
One night a girl OD'd on MDMA (she didn't die but everyone freaked out) . The kids had been given personal laptops to use for class and they were immediately confiscated as evidence.
We wanted to find the suspect(s) before getting the Police involved and no one was ratting out who it was.
Went through 25 computers. The porn on each one was a combo of Black Drag x Cuckshit. We didn't say anything to the kids and gave them back their laptops the next morning.
Some of these guys are friends with me on facebook and have kids with normal Jewish wives.

stop being a terf

Chappelle is not funny.

you mean every episode had one sketch that was funny? thats not saying much when those sketches are like 30 seconds long

>12,000,000,000 German men served
>Went out of their way to find the few nazi cross dressers to make some sort of point

I bet you cross your legs like a woman

seething tranny

propaganda is getting worse and worse

Nah it had more hits than misses