Beyond the curve

Why were Netflix allowed to release this globalist shill bullshit?

They ignored most flat earth evidence, and made them look stupid.

They didn't even attempt to show balance, just carried on spouting the normie globe Earth THEORY

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Other urls found in this thread:

Go shit up a different board brainlet.

go back to redit you fucking shill

is flat earth a /pol/ meme or something?

If you believe the earth is flat then you are legitimately retarded and you should be castrated. The population is already stupid we don't need more stupidity clouding up the gene pool.

If the earth isn't flat why don't Australians fall into the cold void of space where they belong?

I like how flat earth is instantly deleted/banned on every board except Yea Forums.

>Argument from authority

Prove it you cunt

I will take your hostility as a validation of flat earth.

>ignoring evidence
I guess they know what it feels like now.

> Flatards debunk themselves twice with experiments

Go kill yourself faggot.

>Choose a bunch of dumb hicks to laugh at
>They create an experiment with no controls or real methodology
>They get bad results

Fuck yourself

I almost took the bait

Why not just read this book so you can see through the bullshit?

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>Most flat earth evidence

There is no proper experiment that can prove the earth is flat. This is because science itself is the conspiracy.

Flight paths
Moon landing photos
Fish eye lenses

He doesn't he just wants responses. It's pathetic but that's how it goes you never know what freaks visit anonymous boards.

Flat Earth is pretty simple to disprove

Just look at the shadows that certain mountains cast at Sunset. The angle would be impossible unless the Sun were beneath the horizon.

Attached: mount rainier.jpg (790x592, 67K)

Right from the front cover all potential legitimacy gone.

Sunsets wouldn't even be possible on a flat Earth. The sun would never dip below the horizon if the Earth was flat. If it were, it would be dark everywhere or light everywhere.

If you get angry when somebody mentions flat earth and you feel the need to blindly defend the globe theory, maybe it's time to consider you've been the victim of indoctrination

If the earth is flat why are the biggest sports in the world have round balls instead flat balls and nobody cares about Frisbee

>no controls or real methodology
Except they actually did, and they consistently failed to reject their alternate hypothesis

>flat earth
The only evidence I gathered from that movie was that every flat earther is a catfag

Didn't you watch it? The true flat earth is literally the friends they made along the way.

I asked for evidence. What about those things pertain to flat earth

>The true flat earth is literally the friends they made along the way.

They can't. If you post this on /sci/ they simply get laughed at before the thread gets deleted.

Nobody's angry in this thread but you, flattard

I find it hard to believe anyone unironically believes Earth is flat. Surely they only pretend to do so to make their crappy lives more interesting

How do you feel when you watch the Netflix documentary?

i just can't imagine being so fucking stupid you don't believe the earth is round. you fucking dumb. you muppet. you nonce. go to grade school.

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watch the documentary

Its really kind of sad

>I like how flat earth is instantly deleted/banned on every board except Yea Forums.
They're fine on /tg/ because they usually turn into Hollow Earth threads, or if not, the utter insanity of the models leads to a lot of cool worldbuilding.

>if you get grossed out when someone eats feces you’re indoctrinated

Some are fanatics, some are simply pretending to make money off the fanatics.

I think he means

How do flat earthers explain no one ever finding the edge of the Earth

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So please tell me globetards, if I want to go from Australia to Santiago, Chile. Why the fuck do I have to take this route, it goes nowhere near the optimal path in globe Earth.

MAYBE it's because the model is wrong, and a plane can't get enough fuel to make the trip, so they stop off in North America

See that.

Do you know anybody who's tried? I imagine they have people near the ice walls anyway.

Imagine just blindly accepting what authority told you

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please address this

It's not hard

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if the earth is a sphere how come I cant get a gf?

How does that explain it at all? Are you just trolling?

>fuck south hemisphere

what prevents me from seeing the sun at all times?

Because you are also a sphere

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>Australia to Santiago, Chile
there are direct flights
this got debunked a while ago try harder

Jesus Christ

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The sun moves really fucking far away?


before everyone started announcing thats its a meme ops, It one of those memes that you used just pick up on to annoy physicfags and hollow earthers and just flat out encourage retards on /x/

you used to see the troll images in flat earther videos

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u must be a troll, there are direct flights. I should know, I've been on one.

But you can

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>Extortionate price
>Only 1-2 times a week

These flights don't actually ever take off

it is part of the trollphysics that went out of control


Keep going im dying

That's the point. Whoever designed that cover one.

>Go to flat earth convention
>Fly on plane to US/Dallas
>Drive and use your GPS

Do you think the irony was lost on everyone who attended?

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nigger you can't be this stupid

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they should step above in the crank science ladder and move into the electrical sun "theories"

>The sun moves away

imagine having such a shitty life that you have to mentally construct an alternate reality just to cope?

I refuse to believe this is anything but an elaborate bait thread

I will only believe this if flat earthers are pushing a VR theory that we're all in layers of VR and will soon escape into another once technology finally catches up

someone redpill me on why these retards think there's some global(lul) conspiracy to get people to think we're on a rock

Lemme guess you think dinosaurs lived 65 million years ago too?

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Not just the Earth is flat, the Sun's a spotlight too?? Goddamit.

Behold the truth

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10 percent chance this is some schizo that wandered out of /x/, 90 percent chance this is bait

Ok poor fag

el chileANO

This would be rad as hell though


>possibly hollow
Also that shit would be pretty cool as a fantasy/sci fi setting. Screw the science behind it, it looks interesting


How do flat earth tards explain this?

so what venn diagrams exist


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Please stop making religious people look like nutjobs

Ohhh boy. Your post is a joke, right? There's no way you actually believe this shit.

ok, kid

This fag says they guard it. I'd take that freakin job, where the hell can I apply.

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Yes? When did dinosaurs live according to you?

this desu, why don't they all just get measles and die, why is this even a discussion

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