What' the most politically correct ending that GoT could have?

What' the most politically correct ending that GoT could have?

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>here's the king of your fairy tale kingdom medieval capeshit tv bro

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Bran comes out as transgender and westeros has its first trans and first disabled king ever

They turn the seven kingdoms into a democracy and elect Salsa or Kelly C as their president

Westoros is consumed by white walkers why all the brown warm counties is safe

Sam creates a system called socialism that brings equality to all the lands.

this is too accurate

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Brie Larson becomes the queen.

Also all the Dothraki settle in Westeros.

Jon is crowned king but has to immediately abdicate and make a public apology to all the major houses after Sansa reveals he once touched her on the arm inappropriately.

Danerys' mixed race accomplice becomes ruler.


The war ends and the White Walkers intergrades with Westeros making it more diverse, naturally creating a economic boom. They finally have enough shekels to pay (((Iron Bank))). Thanks to the White Walkers global warming is also ended since everything is frozen.
Also, thanks to red hair lady westeros has free healthcare.

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Sam sits on the throne, looks at the camera and says … I am George RR Martin.


All the powerful females form a peaceful alliance against the males. Then have lesbian sex.

White Walkers Lives Matters form a political group to rule all

le smartest reddit woman I know

she beat joffrey
she beat ramsay
she gonna beat cers and deny

and littlefinger
