

Attached: 34FCAE9B-23C9-425A-9CE0-23D03FD0A2CD.jpg (474x668, 34K)


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Why does he wear the cap?

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Now Bane I can get into!

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>the guy no one likes joins the party

Was Mosquito Man the true villain?

Post more bane edits.

Dead meme

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Can someone give me a quick rundown on this post?

formerly alive

Formerly a Baneposting thread

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Good omens for this thread


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If I take that off will you Sneed’s Feed and Seed used to be Chuck’s Fuck and Suck for you.

If dubs he'll fly good

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Someone get these hotheads out of here

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let them be, they know they will never be a big meme (4u) anyways

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He didn't fly so good.

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>Do you find Bigus Guysus risible?

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Do ya like Chris Nolan and TDK Trilogy?

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Gotta check em all!

Is Bane Jesus or the anti-Christ?

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Holy based. You could play checkers with this thread.

I enjoy it kind of like how I like watching car-crash videos

Holy based thread

Sneedfags don't even have any OC to derail the thread with
I've got hundreds these stupid pictures from god knows how many threads over the last seven years, I could hit the image limit by myself ten times over.

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We're not talking about the hack Snyder here. We're talking about the Christopher "Bravo" Nolan. He is beyond vulgar Biblical references. Bane is not a creature of Christianity, but rather he encompasses some aspects of Gnosticism, Hermetic beliefs, late Hellenic religion, and ancient Chinese philosophy.

CIA is jesus

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u mad bro?

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Sometimes Bane is satan

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wrong. he's lutheranism

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>unironically being a hothead
Some people are beyond salvation unfortunately

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Another one bites the dubs!

Sometimes he isn't

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Attached: bane2.jpg (500x2503, 1.18M)

>Err, you don't get to bring friends Andrew
They're not my friends
>Oh, why's that?
I don't know, they work for the masked man
>Well, who are you going to fly with otherwise? Smee and Maimen, they were on the flight plan, am I right?
Dr Pavel didn't know anybody 'til Mosquito Man threw a bag on his head.
>A lotta loyalty for a hired gun, huh?
I don't think shooting a man before throwing him out of a plane is anybody's idea of success.
>Grabbing Dr Pavel at the age of 34 is not exactly my idea of success.
I'd rather die with the fire rising at 34 and have people on this flight talk about me than live to think I was in charge nobody remembered who I was.
>Ah, but your friends will remember you, that's the point.
No one cared who I as until I put on the mask. That's the point
>Itin and Juan of Yu? They have plenty of friends and plenty of purpose.
I'm sure they'll make fine maskless pilots
>Oh, that's what this is all about? You think your mask makes you better than us?
You catch on quick. Are you in Model League of Shadows?
>I got a reply for you, Bane. You think CIA plane's are a joke? Come play with us. You're a big guy
Four words you will never hear from the League of Shadows. For you

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It's not consistent

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Medicus Paulus, ego CIA sum

holy mother of dubs

bless you

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I'm not mad I'm just disappointed that Sneedfags can't live up to their potential

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Watch it Bane

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Sneed is Gnostic/Orthodox, fuck off fake Christian satanic judas's

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There's no potential

>No, this can't be happening, I'm in charge here!

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Don't worry, no charge for them

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Can’t post OC because I’m a phone poster, formerly Reddit.

I chucked

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dead meme

>the virgin cia bane shill
>the chad rural sneed shill

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