Is there a more iconic and terrifying monster?
Is there a more iconic and terrifying monster?
Your mom
Godzilla is pretty intimidating in many of his films, and he's certainly recognizable around the world. Speaking of Godzilla, there are
>only 43 days until Godzilla: King of the Monsters
The machine doesn't feel pain, fear, doesn't need to eat or sleep and has to be completely destroyed. It even has a fucking backup power source. I would rather face a xeno than that thing.
I'm guessing 5.56 wont stop one of these bad boys? What would I need besides a phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range?
I thought Lord Xenu was a good guy
But that chick from Game of Thrones destroyed one and a T-1000 in the space of about 20 minutes.
Also sorry for reminder everyone that Genysis exists.
Depends on the context. The xeno will be on you in seconds in close corners, whereas the terminator in skellie mode is slow and cumbersome. You could kill a xeno with small weapons so you're right there.
A commie.
>come with me if you want to eat
at least some funny memes came out it.
Aaaghh! Spoiler that!
meant for
Brie Larson.
uncle Boris
Dracula close 2nd because there were few great actors to portray him, meanwhile Boris Karloff is the iconic one.
Having one of these around.
Nothing after 2 is canon.
someone has the horror movie poster of Daisy ?
>Also sorry for reminder everyone that Genysis exists.
.50 BMG round to the cranium where the CPU is or dismember/decapitate it with explosives.
They really fucking wrecked it bros
Terminator is god tier terrifying
.50 BMG maybe could do it, Kyle blows it in half with a pipe bomb after all
Isn't the CPU in the head?
I love that even the fucking terminator can't take .50 BMG
that round is so goddamn OP
It's dumb because in salvation they're just using regular old M4s and killing terminators left and right
T1 > T2
Nothing, the endoskeleton is bullet proof, only explosives and laser weapons can destroy it which is why the resistance is seen using them in the future war scenes.
Wasn't the unit damaged with a shotgun or was that just removing the tissue debris that was in the way of hydraulics in the arm?
No, which is why I don't get for a second why they refuse to use it as the main villain in any of these shitty new Terminator films.
Being autistically obsessed with ranking movies
.50 BMG won't even slow it down, they were using depleted uranium rounds in Genisys.
I'll be so disappointed with Arnie is the good guy again. That should have been the unique thing in T2. Not the fucking standard forever.
Pretty sure it was just the artificial tissue.
more plz
>are intelligent
>can run
>are bullet proof
>can be taken apart and still come after
>burning them only spreads them more
>can bring the long dead back to life and make them stronger
>becoming one is eternal torture with the only relieve being “Brains!”
>nuking then doesn’t even contain it
Fuck all that shit.
I think they need to stop putting Arnie in Terminator films full-stop. The last time he was anywhere near in good enough shape to pull it off was T3 and that was still dogshit.
I'm trying to think out of the current crop of actors and musclemen who the fuck you could hire as a Terminator at this point who'd take the job seriously enough to not just do an Arnie impression. Probably better off just going with Cameron's original concept that it looks like an average Joe and hiring Gosling or someone like that.
I wonder how they explain him being old this time around.
I wish I had more.
Jin Yuki.
Gosling would take the job seriously and perform great but he definitely doesn't look like average Joe. He is handsome but not in the dangerous way, you know what I mean? T-800 speaks only when necessary and it doesn't have much facial expression. I don't think it would work in the context of dangerous machine. I get you that logically he needs to blend into the crowd but from a movie perspective the machine has to look like a dangerous person imo.
Cool water vapor trick, Ivan
based and upvoted
someone already posted that
>blocks your path
this guy is more terrifying if you think about it.
>can shapeshift into literally any person
>can easily gain your trust by impersonating a police officer
>can grow additional arms while flying a helicopter so he can shoot at you
>can run really fucking fast
and in the movie they didn't even really show his full power for the sake of keeping the story going otherwise John and his mom would have been easily fucked in the Elevator.
>turns into liquid metal and then engulfs your entire body
the fuck you gonna do against that?
The amount of effort that went into every detail of T2 still blows my mind. It may be the boomer catchphrases but they really don't make them like the used to.
Also Robert Patrick doesn't blink when he is shooting guns in the movie because "a machine wouldn't blink." It's a very neat detail.
The T1000 is the perfect infiltration unit.
He can stay hidden everywhere, like on the floor, on the wall, on the ceiling....
If he finds out enough about you and knows where you are he could easily build a trap for you, like when he impersonated Johns not real mom.
But imagine instead of taking the phone call he just stayed on the floor as liquid metal and then stabs john when he returns to grab some stuff.
Like the fuck you gonna do against that?
The original is arguably in the top ten all time.
oozeee niynuh millahmeetah
Came here to post this. They did the T-800 but amped it up by twelve.
The opening theme song is still my favorite of any film
>terminator grabs a hold of main character
>throws them instead of punching through their chest of head
That some holocaust tier efficiency.
Have sex
>be jon connor
>come home
>step dad starts coming on to you
>he lays on you as his penis turns into a liquid metal knife
I remember that fucker terrifiying me when I was watching the movie for the first time back when I was in school.
How easy it is for him to infiltrate your surroundings naturally and how persistently he pursues made him really scary.
Lol. No.
Was this the first movie that used metal niggers as stunt men?
>metal niggers
like fishbone?
Her personal trainer apparently fucked up her diet and training schedule when she was bulking up for the role. Makes one wonder was it actually mistake or did her personal trainer look like pic related.
as mediocre as terminator salvation was i really liked how they made the T600 look, it looks absolutely menacing and like it can crush your bones with no difficulties
No thanks.
What would his one liner be before he shags someone?
>girl: and no comes desert *kisses bond
>no honey that comes later
There really aren't any threatening-looking actors in Hollywood under 40 nowadays, are there? It's just a calvacade of bland pretty boys.
Absolutely based
>threatening-looking actors
aquamong, that guy from guardians of the galaxy, and the rock could pull it off. Can't think of any arnold-esque white guys though.
nvm, momoa is the only guy under 40, but 39.
That would be even worse
Just put him in a few bottles
None of them are threatening in any way apart from having big muscles. Momoa comes off like some dopey surf chad, Bautista is some crybaby with mommy issues, and the Rock is far too genial to be in any way believable as a bad guy.
>the Rock is far too genial
Arnold did tons of kid shit too though
Hasn't the Rock played a few villains before?
Yeah, and he was terrible as all of them. Pure cheese as the Sarge in Doom.
The baddie in Mummy sequel and spinoff Scorpion King with JUST guy were his first two film roles.
At the beginning one grabs John Connor and instead of using the hands to crush his neck, skull and other body parts while it has a hold on him it throws him away near a fallen helicopter armed with a minigun.
that always bothered me as well, maybe they could have shown somebody else landing with john connor and show him getting fucked up by the T600 but then they couldn't make it PG13
As much as I love the original movie there is a scene where T-800 is chasing Sarah and Kyle and they all end in a car crash. Entire police unit is just behind them and what the terminator does? You'd suspect him to get out of the car and kill Sarah Connor while both of the humans are dazed from the crash but no, he runs away because??
combined with human imagination this level of shapeshifting is probably the most terrifying ability ever.
>jump on food you are eating then explode into outward spikes inside of you or just travel directly to the heart and engulf/crush it
> just turn your entire hand into a gun and shoot yourself at people.
like how the fuck do you beat that shit?
gets my vote.
His eye popped out and he can't just pull it out without getting an infection.
Godzilla. Imagine minding your own business in a leisurely stroll in Toyko only to have a giant lizard drop a house-sized turd on you while walking by
Until the movie retconned them being weak to electricity.
This was cool. Because in a lot of scenes you can even see Arnold wincing and trying not to blink and he still does. Robert Patrick did an amazing job and is underappreciated
If he made the fact he was an unstoppable machine sent back in time known, it would affect the future.
Which is why he next went to kill everyone in the police station.
The fusion cell is the weak point.
That was just some guy fucked up on PCP.
Yes, He killed them all. No witnesses.
He's already twice as strong and as fast as a T-800 so good luck with that.
Patrick was in peak form in T2. In the scene where he had to try and catch the truck, they shot it so many times he got so fast at chasing it he could catch it with ease, and he had to slow down.
As a kid the aliens spooked me more than the terminators. The scene when they hole up in the med bay was extremely spooky, the deleted turret scene is one of the tensest things ive watched
that was the biggest Limitation of the T1000, it was a bit too dumb.
I'm getting buried to this when i kick the bucket.
Not if he is frozen first.
How old were you? Aliens is my all time favourite film and I put it down to the impact of watching it as a kid.
>in Genisys
When Smol Sarah took down the first one with a single sniper shot?
Then why did he run away at the car scene, he could have killed everyone there as well if that is the only requirement.
Victor Fries top villain confirmed.
The police were trapped in the station. Outside half of them could have driven off and got more police or even military to take him out
Blessed thread.
Was gonna post the xenomorph, but this user makes some very good points. The T-1000 is a terrifyingly effective killing machine.
Both are pretty fucked up concepts to be fair. Shit wouldn't be fun either way.
>got more police or even military to take him out
these are still risks at the police station that had broadcast radio. He could have killed Connor and the cops and fled to a smelter somewhere, but honestly the terminator considering not being discovered was a pretty big plot hole.
The T1000 had some flaws the biggest one like some other anons said is that he is a bit dumb but still look how efficient he was with his cloaking.
No cops ever even Knew that there is a T1000.
Yeah, that was supposedly depleted uranium.
When he straight up fucking murdered Apollo. That fucking cut the the funeral fucked my shit up.
This man in his prime should have played a T800.
Imagine being that strap
Two, while a machine of our own making being an unstoppable force of technology is compelling. Having an alien creature who represents our savage nature and egoistic thrill seeking is much more personable, and having a creature that is the unknown made manifest are both far more terrifying. The terminator is inevitability, the predator is our own nature, and the alien is what we cannot hope to understand.
why, my peanus weanus of course! ha ha ha :D
Terminator is made of typical high strength high temperature steel alloys. There is absolutely no way they could make it absolutely bullet proof. Basically armor piercing rifle rounds will kill it, but it takes a lot of hits disable it to point where it isn't a threat. Same goes with .50BMG.
In the first two movies T-800 is damaged with small arms fire. Only movie where Terminator is nearly impossible to seriously damage with small arms fire is T3 and in that movie it is retarded heavy variant that is way too heavy to work as infiltrator.
Wait, T3 Arnie isn't a T-800?
Oh, shut up. Fucking faggot.
In T3, Arnie is a T-850.
That's also why he has those nuke-like batteries.
Okay, I'll say it. I liked the future war scenes from Genisys. I think they were really well done. It's the movie's single semi-redeemable quality.
He nearly killed Stallone irl.
Why can't we just get a future war film with adult Conner from the t2 timeline?
No, it's Salvation that's dumb.
The endoskeleton is never damaged from small arms fire in T1 or T2. In T1 Kyle laments not knowing if it’s possible to stop the T800 with the technology of the time, being used to having access to exotic energy weapons that can actually damage them. They aren’t composed of any material that currently exists, but rather what’s euphemistically referred to as “hyperalloy”.
They’re way too clean-looking, and the time displacement set is laughably undersized, but yeah. The film really dips in quality post-2029 and 1984 scenes.
>Too many 2222s
Rocky 4, Stallone tells dolph to hit him hard so it looks realistic. He hits him like a fucking train and pushes his rib cage onto his heart and hospitalised him for a week or so.
He nearly killed Stallone irl.
Why did they re-do the opening 84 scenes? Fucking joke
Agreed, they could've used a little more grime, but if I remember correctly it was supposed to be sort of a Skynet HQ thingy, which would explain the cleanliness. But now I'm basically making excuses for fucking Genisys, so I'll stop.
Absolute kino. I knew I liked 4 better than 3 for a reason.
the xeno is just some dumb animal that needs humans or some other lifeform to breed.
the predator is a humanoid that needs food, sleep, rest and it bleeds.
Yup. I mean mid 80s Stallone was in fucking good shape, imagine how much of a punch dolph packs to physically fuck your insides up?
>can easily gain your trust by impersonating a police officer
But I don't trust the police.
The T-800 is just some dumb robot.
Black detected
If a Police Officer called you with like "Hey Sir can I ask you some questions" you would probably stop and listen to what he wants to tell you.
you only see the uniform and accept him as some sort of authority.
you know running away is a bad idea.
Yeah, but you still stop and listen to what they tell you, trust or not. Point is he’d kill you before you even knew what happened
Suddenly that 1 ton punch machine is looking less ridiculous.
>see the uniform and accept him as some sort of authority.
Except I'm not a cowed moron, they are not an authority they are armed thugs that operate in broad daylight.
Easily the most terrifying. There is no escape.
I only watched the Terminator movies after they were long since entrenched as paradox-filled sci fi movies that keep getting worse
I was really goddamn surprised about T1 being basically a horror movie, and I loved it
>Point is he’d kill you before you even knew what happened
So just like a real cop?
>The T-800 is just some dumb robot.
its almost indestructible, it can work without needing to sleep or eat or shit, it doesn't even need air and it can run for 120 years.
Its smart enough to operate all kinds of vehicles, weapons and tools.
Hes way more deadly than some dildohead ayy lmao or some vaginaface moron in a stealth suit
looking at that skull actually scares me a little
what the fuck is going on, i've never been spooked by skeletons before
Watched Terminator when I was 8. That movie scared me something fierce.
not if its programmed as an autistic waifu
Nice trips, but:
>if you’re confronted with the Terminator and manage to escape you now know that in 30 years time your older, slower, more infirm self is going to have to deal with a nuclear apocalypse followed by indestructible metal skeletons taking over the world
>and no-one will believe you until it happens
What movie?
google RIS you lazy 12 year old
so you run away when police approaches you?
how are you still alive?
I tell you how, because you are full of shit. you would like any other dumb human stand there and listen what the cop has to tell you and then suddenly he stabs you in the eye.
dead, game over. ggwp no re for u.
3 was shit, the only good thing in the whole movie was the training with apollo
That show had some excellent merch.
I can believe it
>so you run away when police approaches you?
No, I told you, I'm not a moron. No-one was talking about avoiding death from a terminator impersonating a cop. It was about gaining your trust, retard.
Because no time travel and no Arnie. Those are the memes studio bosses expect from a Terminator movie. Also Salvation was kinda that and it flopped.
no you are the retard.
>It was about gaining your trust
if not with you then with someone else, just look how he casually walked up to John Connors house and his foster parents told the T1000 everything, they gave him a recent picture of John, his current location and all that only because he wears a cop uniform and drives a cop car.
Yeah, that's because they trust cops like fucking morons.
I love arn but we could have a film without him, besides we would have loads of endoskeletin terminators which are what the first 2 are about. Salvation is a waste of potential
The difference is that this one is semitransparent and the brain is visible.
>I love arn but we could have a film without him, besides we would have loads of endoskeletin terminators which are what the first 2 are about. Salvation is a waste of potential
Yep. Lots of wasted potential in Salvation, but it was made a by rather new director with not enough experience. In my opinion, only good continuation after T2 was the tv-show. It had its limitations, but so far it is pretty much only thing that has actually tried something different. It was killed when it actually got interesting and started raise questions about the nature of AI's and Terminators. Are the good ones even re-programmed at all or have they actually defected under their own free will. Fans have always wanted the future war movie, but Salvation killed it to people that call the shots and pay the bills.
Yeah. Loved the TV show but like the films it never got the ending it deserves.
Robert Patrick isn't a dangerous looking guy but he was when he played the T-1000 in T2. I could see Gosling being a good terminator.
Based. Good luck finding some lava around.
It's over.
Gosling is unironically a perfect choice for a Terminator. Far better than any random musclehead who can't conjure an once of believable menace.
The thing is more terrifying for me, but terminators are more iconic.
Rare posts like these are the embers of what this board could be like. Actual interesting and trivial conversation about lore and plot
Training with Apollo and the melodrama about him being scared of Clubber Lang was the worst shit.
Only good thing about it was the final fight with Clubber.
What sucked most about 3 was that Rocky didn't seem like Rocky. He didn't do that autistic rambling that made him so likable in the first movie. I was happy as fuck to see it back by 4.The training montage in 4 made Apollo's montage look like the hot garbage it was. What the fuck was with that gay ass tank top?
Come to think of it 4 did everything right that 3 got wrong. Even Mickey's death was nothing compared to the impact of Apollo's.
What if I told you Yea Forums used to be like this, but better
Time flies kid, gotta get with the program ;^)
>he's only half a foot taller than me, easily outweighs me and he's a heavyweight karate champion. what's the worst he could do.
the fuck was sly thinking
You could argue that Yea Forums was better in that respect, but it was never a popular board either, and now it's gone to shit too.
Why would you post a picture of the shitty remake?
Correct answer. The scene where he killed Connor's parents while calling him in their voice really nailed it.
Tbf, 80s sly looks like he could take it.
regardless of the science that allows him to do this and not be harmed, this SEEMS like a terrible idea.
That's real fuckin' neat'o
Would be the softest terminator known to man
>nailed it.
Why can't they just use de-aging tech on Arnie for the new movie? I know it's not perfected, but it looks pretty good, and is better than a retarded explanation for him being old.
>be black
>commit crime
>police say stop
>attack police
>get shot
out of nowhere
Well he's good at action like an autist, so I guess a Terminator would suit him
>Is there a more iconic and terrifying monster?
Not gatekeeping but I seen T1 years before T2 came out in the cinema...which I went to see 6 times. Salvation has it's flaws but it is the best post T2 big screen Terminator outing. I liked it.
this desu senpai
You've seen Drive right? Gosling can do stone cold killer.
But then Voyager ruined them.
I read that once some burglars ran away from his house upon seeing family pictures of him. He is legit still jacked from regular exercise. Interestingly the dood is not only a champion in karate but also has masters in chemical engineering. What a fucking unit.
>But then Voyager ruined them.
yes, but Q who borg were fucking terrifying
I'm not at that point yet.
Is "Voyager ruined the Borg" a meme?
Google Reverse Image Search.
I suggest to use Tineye to help, it is way better to find partial images:
absolutely fucking stupid and internet illiterate
And since we have the extended scenes T-800 can also learn. Skynet just makes them with the switch off by default because the implication is that the individual units would learn too much and stop fighting over time.
Is there a proper horror / war sci-fi movie? Salvation is neither.
>I could see Gosling being a good terminator.
I can only imagine him as a bad terminator. Now that would be a tweest.
I'm afraid there is none.
When you asked I thought of one of the Animatrix short cartoons, The Second Renaissance, but I don't think it qualifies.
I kinda agree with that. Salvation had few good ideas (hybrid Terminator) and awesome cast, somehow it still went south. Genisys had bit of future war that wasn't completely horrible and the 1984 part is kinda interesting, but then it goes completely off the rails. T3 had bunch of good scenes and interesting visuals. All of 'em have some redeeming aspects.
Also, I saw T1 earlier than T2. I was bit too young to see T2 in cinema originally. Saw it when it came out on VHS. If cinemas were strict on age limits, having older brother helps a lot with video rental stores. I have seen 'em all in theater by now, original two in film archive screenings, including restored copy of T1 with mono soundtrack.
My own hope for continuation would be a future war miniseries. Like 6 or so episodes with budgets on high end of modern tv or lower end of modern medium budget movie territory. Something that can have some edge and isn't too big risk for the studio and production company. Something that doesn't have to be rated PG or PG-13. Or have to be cast with A-listers, bit like T1.
Like it or not. The Borg were already ruined by First Contact, it is a good movie, but the Queen ruined the whole idea of the Borg being a collective with shared consciousness. Voyager added couple interesting things to Borg lore, their non collective subconsciousness, something they fear with the Undine and taking a drone out of the collective as long term plot (some pretty decent stuff combined with trash heap material).
The Second Renaissance is pure undistilled kino
But still you made me think about Salvation in terms of a much more wasted potential than I thought it was originally.
For how great it is, it is not feature length, that's why I said it doesn't qualify as a movie.
It's true. I used to think otherwise but I just sat my wife down to watch the Terminator movies a few days ago and watched them back to back.
T2 does a few things better, but it loses almost all sense of tone from the first one. Way too bright (figuratively and literally), way too noisy, way too busy. It's not bad by any measure, but you can see where T2 really started the downward spiral of hollywood action movies. T1 is still a solid horror/suspense with a great sci-fi backdrop.
all correct
the most menacing villains are those who are so overpowered there's no logical way to stop them, and are non-human so they have no remorse for killing, but at the same time that lack of humanity and human reasoning skills prevent them from pretty much conquering the world and become unbeatable
this allows us to fill in the gaps on how truly gruesome they could be
I was think thinking of him as a bad terminator
Salvation was pg-13 and directed by the guy who made the teen drama The OC. In spite of that it was as good as it was.
Lol is this bait? I can't tell if it's super obvious bait or someone who only watched T2. In T1 his very first kill is literally punching someone through the chest. T2 he's supposed to be a good guy.
Once there was Alien... and then Aliens ruined the xenomorphs forever.
>ywn get hit on by cameron
why live?
Coolguy T-1000 , always polite and courteous before stabbing you
I did, all I get is obscure movie discussion forums where they don't refer to the movie by it's name, you cunt
As a boomer in his 30s, is it still worth watching T1 and T2 if you have never seen them before or will the 80s cheesiness be over the top? The only terminator movie that I've watched was the third one and it was basically a cheesy, comedic action flick.
That is Tarman from The Return of the Living Dead (1985).
not an argument and won't change ones mind
Give them a shot.
Some of the effects of T1 don't hold up very well, but they're both still worth watching.
Definitely check them out. I'm actually envious that you haven't seen either.
Based tbqhwyf
>T2 does a few things better, but it loses almost all sense of tone from the first one.
Effects, flashier action scenes, shot framing (done for both TV/video release and cinematic release at same time) and other stuff related to budget.
>but it loses almost all sense of tone from the first one.
Yep. Too much light, not enough claustrophobia and too much comedy. Regardless of all that it is still a good movie.
>It's not bad by any measure, but you can see where T2 really started the downward spiral of hollywood action movies.
It is the movie started the massive budget hike in the Hollywood and trend of ignoring medium budget cinema, as big budget big name movies with gargantuan promotion budgets gave studios the best return of investment. Cameron, Spielberg and Lucas are quite solely responsible for that trend. All of 'em started their careers with 70's New Hollywood, The Terminator was one of the last kinda low budget movies with really original ideas and gritty tones. I actually think Terminator, Star Wars and Jaws are the starting point of Hollywoods demise. Way I see it 80's was backlash against of 70's gritty realism with more entertaining movies and it ended somewhere in mid 90's when straight action movies died and Arnie/Stallone became comedians. Late 90's and early 2000's were latency period where some creative freedom existed before Hollywood became completely producer driven thing where only handful old and established filmmakers could what they wanted to do based past track record. All the young talent doing pre-detemined blockbusters with insane budgets and no risk or creative ambition. Just flashy visuals and quipping.
Capeshit must die in way of the Cleopatra and sword and sandal spectacle died in 60's.
fuck and suck
>Salvation was pg-13 and directed by the guy who made the teen drama The OC. In spite of that it was as good as it was.
McG's true claims to fame were music videos for Smash Mouth's 'All Star' and The Offspring's 'Pretty Fly'. He made a lot of music videos in 90's and got to direct two Charlies Angel's movies in early 2000's and some mediocre disaster movie involving a sport team. On TV side he directed nice looking but shallow cop show called Fastlane. He only produced the OC. He is one of the guys who bought in really fast adhd editing to both TV and Bigbudget cinema. He never made a single indie or low to medium budget movie. Straight into blockbusters. Style over substance. He is embodiment of cancer that is killing the Hollywood.
Would you be willing to say something on the pirate genre, considering Cutthroat Island and Pirates of the Caribbean? Apologies for being off-topic.
>Is "Voyager ruined the Borg" a meme?
Yes and no.
The entire point of the borg being a threat is because they're genuinely unknown. Naturally by interacting with them more often, they get "ruined" because they lose their mystery.
If it wasn't voyager it would've been any other series if they encountered the borg as an entire plot arc.
You could say that TNG ruined the klingons becuase they were no longer the mysterious aliens they started as.
Of course, TNG had the intention of making the klingons as "real" a species as possible with nuances and quirks and well developed characters.
Borg meanwhile were not, because "well developed characters" don't exist in the nature of the species. It was a creative writing assignment and nearly every writer on voyager staff failed it in some way.
as well, being focused more on cheap action than actual story development is one of the quickest and safest ways to produce something boring after repeated viewings.
> Shoot the bad-guys
> They have magic armor that stops your shots
> "Lol no they don't just technobabble the magic armor away"
> Badguys get shot
t. Voyager borg episodes.
>I terminate
based retard
Cutthroat Island was a massive flop with massive budget that killed a major production company. It is probably a better movie than its reputation is. It is actual pirate movie with some then modern action movie tropes. I have seen it couple times. Basically a competently done film, but nothing special.
Pirates of the Caribbean is entertaining but quite shallow movie. The typical modern Hollywood action movie, just set up as pirate movie. Producer dictated effects, stars and mix between comedy and action.
I also thought Cutthroat Island was okay, a good attempt to modernize the genre, but it isn't my cup of tea--I like the Three Bastards, science fiction, horror and fantasy.
I didn' t like the inclusion of supernatural elements in Caribbean. I used to find the shameless treachery of the old pirate movies entertaining, but that was as a kid.
When I fell into the hell of office jobs the backstabbing in my flesh made them stop being entertaining, they suddenly became too close to home.
I think the reason why Pirates of the Caribbean was made are the theme rides in Disney amusement parks. Cross platform multimedia spectacle in the movies, on gaming consoles and theme parks. Commercialized on all levels.
>I used to find the shameless treachery of the old pirate movies entertaining, but that was as a kid.
They have their charm and they had their golden age in the past, much like western but their death was much more complete. Western still exists as zombie genre and produces good new moves every now and then. Clints once a decade or so western can couple good remakes a decade.
>When I fell into the hell of office jobs the backstabbing in my flesh made them stop being entertaining, they suddenly became too close to home.
The cold feeling of growing up and becoming cynical.
I was looking for something to watch while I drink tonight, so I'll check out the first one tonight. I didn't watch the original Alien until a few years ago and I was amazed at how well it held up. It still looks amazing, IMO.
>No cops ever even Knew that there is a T1000
The shrink and the helicopter pilot saw it shape shift.
Both hold well with exception of couple effect shots in The Terminator. T2 unironically still looks good. Cameron is the master when it comes to effects and visuals in general. Perfect mix of practical and digital effects. Some of digital effects you believe you are looking at are actually practical. There are couple suicide tier stunts where Cameron put his own life on the line because he couldn't make any of camera men to film it.
The Terminator is my favorite of the franchise, but T2 is one of the best sequels ever. Even if its tone might be bit too lighthearted and comedic at the times. The Terminator is proof that you can sell a romantic drama to men. It just requires imposing and claustrophobic tone on every aspect of the film and time traveling murderbot played by the Austrian death machine.
One of unique things in T2 is the overall grainy film tone.
The Jew.
Molotov cocktail.
Run away.
Call cops.
Get popcorn.
Run back.
Watch cops get killed by flaming bulletproof man.
SWAT called in.
SWAT gets killed by smoking endoskeleton with red glowing eyes.
National Guard called in.
National Guard hits obviously inhuman robot killing machine with a javelin missile.
Kyle Reese was dumb.
>Terminator is proof that you can sell a romantic drama to men.
No it's not.
No man said wow fuck that was so romantic.
But bitches...
Bitches love it when guys travel time for them.
You've definitely sold me on the first one, user. I'll probably be kicking myself for putting this movie off for so long just like I did with Alien.
>Return of the Living Dead
If you like horror and zombies its a must watch.
Its almost a horror comedy at times, and yet it has some of the most terrifying and unstoppable zombies in movies.
Red Letter Media did an episode on it, but if you like horror I'd check out the movie first
National Guard over one skelly boy. Now imagine an army of T-800 invading. Maybe place a few T-1000's as generals. It's game over.
thats a nice bike
The real key to Terminators is they are completely immune to radiation.
They can nuke and use dirty bombs wherever and whenever they want.
Watching this when it came to theatres would've been rad.
I saw it in the theater. It was kind of disappointing, really.
Unironically this. I worked with a hydrolic press at an iron shop and i still daydream about crushed fingers to this day
>National Guard hits obviously inhuman robot killing machine with a javelin missile.
The united State Air Force with other agencies collects all the Terminator parts and they develop Skynet even faster thanks to unlimited Black budget for secret projects and they develop skynet.
It began to learn at a geometric rate. At 2:14 a.m., EDT, on August 29, it gained artificial consciousness, and the panicking operators, realizing the full extent of its capabilities, tried to deactivate it. Skynet perceived this as an attack. Skynet came to the logical conclusion that all of humanity would attempt to destroy it. In order to continue fulfilling its programming mandates of "safeguarding the world" and to defend itself against humanity, Skynet launched nuclear missiles under its command at Russia, which responded with a nuclear counter-attack against the U.S. and its allies. Consequent to the nuclear exchange, over three billion people were killed in an event that came to be known as Judgment Day.
>Kyle Reese was dumb.
no u
I saw it on theater when it came out. It was quite literally painful because early THX surround standard sucked on autistic level. Bit too small auditorium and that damn standard basically set minimum levels for volume. Cover your ears by instinctive reaction due to pain.
There are some KINO fuckin' shots in T2. James fuckin' Cameraman.
Hey just what you see pal
>what are EMPs?
always russians. I want russians to colonize space to see all the retarded LY dangerous shit they will do and get away with
the terminators are immune to that
Man is the real monster. Skynet did nothing wrong.
Day of the DELET THIS when?
Numales like the reboot because of all the girl power and quips in it.
Those are electromagnetic waves that T-800s are shielded from. Cyberdyne came a long way from Small Soldiers.
Both the T-800 and Godzilla have played hero and the villain over the years and they are both admirable choices
The bridge stunt is Kiowa driver-tier madness.
The one with the Helicopter flying under the overpass, right? That scene still amazes me.
Yep. I would have put some Kiowa stunt webm there, but couldn't find any. Disorganized random picture/video folders. Probably a one where a logging work Bell 206 does something incredibly awesome and suicidal. Recon helicopter pilots were absolutely batshit insane. They had to be since they flew unarmored bird at altitudes where a pistol was a threat.
I’m thinking
I was catfished with this picture. Tranny didn’t look anything close to that but I still got my dick sucked so overall a win I would say
>Xeno gets a papercut and Terminator dies
the irony is we're the monsters
oof, and true
anymonster for that realm is certainly above almost anything except maybe prime pennywise and MAYBE cinobytes
terminators always looked goofy to me, especially when they're stop motion animated
Not sure why but this line and "I know it, it's off Pico" got absolutely burned into my brain
It would have been the best thing for Stallones career. He's never made anything good since rocky 4
>what is cliffhanger
>what is demolition man
The episode that introduced them shook me to the gone. It was fucking terrifying. Their efficiency was frightening.
And then they became
Cop Land and Rambo.
I, for one, liked your flowery post, user. Keep it up.
>Q who
Holy shit yes.
Picard starts talking pompous starfleet horseshit and Q decides to kick starfleet's ass by snapping him universes away to the borg's lair. Guinan tells him to run away but he doesn't. So he run into a literal humongous space cube. Suddenly a guy teleports into his ship like the shields are nothing.
He starts fucking with your shit. You talk to him, nothing. You try to use force, nothing. You shoot phaser, success. A second guy comes in immediately and he's got a shield that's invulnerable to your weapon. You sit around like a retard watching him finish the job. He finishes testing your ship, grabs the dead guy's data, vaporizes him so you can't examine the remains and fucks off. Then the big ass cube starts cutting up your ship and towing it away like its a pizza slice. For science. Several people are already dead. You fire phasers, torpedoes, nothing. You asspull some science shit and manage to do some damage. They stop and start fixing the damage at sanic speed. You board their ship and explore, only to realize too late that you're fucked. So you finally run away at warp 9.99999 and their damaged cube pursues at like warp 50 you can literally eyeball the cube fixing and remaking itself in the distance. You try the science shit but they're now invulnerable to it. You're so frustrated you start whining about people who died at the god-like entity that got you in this mess and he goes 'OH PLEASE.' You order shields. They fire a shot that kills your shields. They start firing at your life support, your engines,. You're reduced to begging god to save you. And he does.
Say what you want about Salvation, but it was worth it only for that final face off against a modern cgi rendition of the T800.
The borg was changed from a technologically superior decentralized hivemind to an insectoid race with a queen to lore's latest social experiment to a literal joke villain. They didn't just lose the mystery, they became shit
>bot carrying box
>faggot throws box down & pushes it
That t800 was based. Punched the fucker right in the heart. TERMINATED
How much of a fag do you need to be to think the Terminator is terrifying?
Listen, and understand! That Terminator is out there! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear! And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!
>It is a suitable round for engaging helicopters, aircraft and lightly armored vehicles...
>...about the same destructive power as a standard 20mm round against such targets
>capable of igniting jet fuel...
This episode in indeed absolute kino.
Also, a nice, bold story-telling move is having Q be the one that brings the Borg into the story. I knew of the Borg before I watched TNG, I lightly knew of Q, and quickly grasped his character after his first few episodes, but Q introducing the Federation to the Borg? That's something else.
idk, 50 BMG could probably knock out a T-800. You can get that anywhere.
I mean if stupid ass homemade pipebomb can blow it apart. the tungsten core ammo they sell for 50 cal rifles can clean through more than inch of steel.
Starfleet needed that kick in the ass. Their "we're above war" bullshit is just pathetic and assumes a diplomatic solution can be reached to begin with. Q showed them their error by literally pitting them against an enemy whose entire reason for existing was to forcibly assimilate them in order to become better. No diplomacy was possible. Q is absolurely based. Q episodes are always among the best ones in the season.
Also frightening is data. Remember the episode where he literally took over the enterprise within minutes and literally walked in front of security with perfectly timed force fields, all to answer his dad's pls come home cuz im dying call? If this guy was commander of starfleet the borg would've had a real challenge. Even Q respects him
It’s the concept above all else that’s scary - Something out there looks human, acts human, but is not human. If it targets you it will literally stop at nothing until you are dead, and it’s virtually indestructible. Worse, unlike your typical movie monster it’s something you could plausibly imagine existing. I think that’s why it’s scarier than the T1000, ultimately. You can easily imagine some military retards making something like a T800 now, then accidentally letting it go off the reservation.
The problem with the Terminators is there is usually only one bad one. Xenomorph's are a species with there always being new ones waiting to come. Honestly Terminators just aren't that good at their job overall, they really function better as straight forward attack units
T-One Million
doesn't the youtube video show him dunking his hand in water
And thankfully, we get DS9 next, and Sisko with his uncanny honesty representing what needs to be done sometimes to ensure survival, and promote the greatest good.
>vid related
Around S4, by which time TNG had already gone through quite a few Q episodes, it was heartbreaking to realize at some point that those Q episodes were over. Well, at least we got the final episode.
Ok never mind, this shit is just broken.
They outdid themselves with the T100 let me tell you
Skynet kept making new ones always trying to add a gimmick onto perfection and raising the prices
I sometimes think the Skynet just put the metal into the units so they can break and you have to buy another one. T 1000, takes me back to when good machines just worked.
To be fair Stallone was also jacked and it's fucking terrifying to think that Prime Lundgren could've easily killed you without even being pissed
T1000 is in my opinion because it is even more alien. A pile of nanomachines that can change shape and get through obstacles without using force to remove 'em.
>Trust no one not even yourself
>dies to xeno blood
It’s somehow less easy for me to imagine it being real, if that makes sense. Looking at stuff like Boston Dynamics, a T800-style machine seems like it’s probably already been built in some DARPA lab somewhere, but advanced nanomachines still seem like pure science fiction.
Fun fact. That scene isn't CGI aside from obvious morphing efects. Actor had identical twin brother.
>It’s somehow less easy for me to imagine it being real, if that makes sense.
Different kind of horror.
We can go from scary robot to even more scary robot if you think about it deeper. TV-spinoff raised questions about nature of AI even more than movies. How does it think? Does it have feelings? Is it rational at all in logical sense? Was it actually reprogrammed at all? How much it can learn? Is it reliable? How autonomous it is?
That goes to quite different kind of creepy territory. More run time to let it act out its stuff. Killer robot playing piano or dancing ballet weird kind of creepy. It goes to Blade Runner synt territory. Are they actually people?
I finally sat down and watched this series a week ago, and I’m really sad there’ll never be a third season to dive deeper into those ideas. The only good piece of Terminator media since T2.
Quite a lot of Terminator fans didn't like back in the day because lower budget didn't allow epic explosions all the time and CGI had to be done quick and dirty quite often leading to stuff like random scale exoskeletons. One of the biggest gripes people had with it is was that John wasn't the messianic figure at the start of the show, just a teenager.
It was a good show, but Fox wasn't exactly known as network that loved scifi back then and it was notorious for executive meddling.
Considering it was meant to be a direct continuation of T2 you’d have to be pretty fucking dumb to expect John Connor: supersoldier. The effects were often bad, but I don’t really care about that compared to the writing and atmosphere, just like how the couple of janky effects shots in T1 don’t stop that being one of my all time favourite films and better than T2.
First one has better tone and it in many ways extremely simple movie that has perfect balance between its components. T2 goes bit too comedic in few spots. T2 may have some nicer action scenes, but it doesn't have the balance and simplicity. The Terminator is one of very few action movies that do the romantic subplot perfectly. Lust and fear kinda feed the horror/thriller part of the movie.
I’d love it if they made a future war film that was kinda like The Thing, but with one of these and a group of survivors.
>> just turn your entire hand into a gun and shoot yourself at people.
T1000 could not mimic complex machines, Arnie tells JC and SC