This franchise has gone full bollywood with its action set pieces

This franchise has gone full bollywood with its action set pieces.


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Other urls found in this thread:

>a series that started as movies about some guys drag racing is now a 007 Mission Impossible secret agent cool gadget series with quirky villains wearing exoskeleton power armor


You say that like it is a bad thing.

I don't know why but this looks fun.

Imagine paying even 1€ to watch this.

I think the last one I saw and the fourth one. Stopped watching those garbage movies when I realized the theater was full of niggers and some of them even fought during the movie. They're really movies targetting low IQ niggers.

Looks like fucking dogshit, jesus christ

What the fuck is going on on this board? For the past few years, people's requirements for watching movies have gone down the goddamn gutter
>SW is so great!!!
>The MCU is fantastic!!!!
>The F&F is so much fun!!!
It's like I'm constantly reading the ramblings of fucking children. I thought people here had at least a shred of integrity left but it seems as if all people here care about are horrible effects and bland-as-fuck stories with literally zero character development

Sounds like you need to piss off, bad.

Hobbs and Shaw looks even dumber than the average F&F movie but it already looks more entertaining than the last snoozefest that was Fate

Vin Diesel has competition now, no wonder he was mad

Sounds like you need some better taste, you low-life dimwit. It's always you people who are shitting up the board with mindless company war threads and threads about how cool some generic CGI scene looks. Because of mindless retards like you, the industry is getting worse every year

LL LL llll lol I'll jl lol m

Hello retarded pseudo intellectual, people have different tastes

Have sex

sounds like someone's pants aren't full of piss

I fucking love this
You homos need to lighten up

You don't know shit about me, blow it out your ass. I just said that it looks fun, in terms of mindless overexaggerated action, like Hardcore Henry or Crank look fun.
And you come crawling from under your grease stained blankets and think you know shit about me or what I generally post here. Go sit on a dick, faggot.


I stopped watching Fast and Furious at its peak (Tokyo Drift)
No regrets

imagine sucking dick for tickers like you will

Why didn't they just mow the cunts down when they stopped to perform their little dance?

>This franchise has gone full bollywood with its action set pieces.

Not a fan of this franchise but the cinematography looks good, so I might just check it out!!!FACT!!!

>"ok we need ideas for the new F&F movie, anyone has something good?"
>"...i could go dumpster diving on some Holywood producers if you w.."
>"fantastic, get on ittt nowwww"

Looks fun to watch while being high as fuck, might give it a try

kek it looks so retarded I might actually watch it

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Looks kino, have fun faggots

>great cinematography
>creative action scenes
>actually makes the rock feel fresh and funny again
>F&F pedigree guaranteeing it's not gonna be a liberal shitfest
Looks absolutely stellar, will watch.

>ctrl+f litty
>zero results

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Same here man
there's not many watchable mindless action blockbusters out there these days. Plus, Idris Elba as the villain? Fucking kek, day 1 watch for me.

Who honestly cares, it looks kino as fuck and far more enjoyable than the stupid car movies. This is the correct amount of stupid and cheesy to be enjoyable. It would be absolute shit if it took itself seriously.

as time moves forward, younger people flockinto this website. Zoomer tastes are a thing in this place

This. It looks dumb, loud, and silly enough to remind me of 90s action schlock. So I'm gonna see it.

I hope they make a dozen of these movies, looks fucking great
always up for a nice Statham movie. It's got the same level of craziness that the Crank movies did.

wtf, I got bored halfway through the trailer

who is this film even aimed at?

Imagine being such a brainlet to discount entire genres and series just because it doesn't look "mature enough for you" and then be deluded enough about your own tastes not to realize that's exactly why comics had a grimdark edgy phase in the 90s. It's simple - I'm not a fucking autistic nerd who's self image depends on projecting a vibe of being a serious connoisseur of only the media that appears adult and refined. It's funny. For all the protesting against F&F by calling it too silly and braindead, these anons are defending their fragile adulthood no differently than marvel or shit wars fans. Truly plebbit-core.

On the other hand, these movies are silly and fun. They're not "cheese" and they're not "so dumb I have to witness it lmao pls buy my rationalization so I can feel smart". No, they're just lighthearted fun.

this series is the Saints Row of hollywood
i really cant think of another series that went as off the rails as F&F

absolutely based

have sex

>The Rock literally holding a helicopter down by a metal chain by himself
already confirmed shlockino

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People who watched Demolition Man and liked it for the same reasons.

Peak was 3 with 5 still being great and 7 entertaining. It's for bros, you incelfuck.

You're getting baited user.

Did the budget run out at the 2 minute mark in the trailer, suddenly they become a bunch of primitives with no guns and shitty CGI action scene with a generic helicopter chase.


Wait, what happened to Vin Diesel? Isn't this his series?

Apparently, he and The Rock hate eachother.

For me its tuna sandwiches

faggot shut up. you're not as cool or as smart as you think you are.

The Rock, Jason Statham and Idris Elba fans and also F&F fans.

+ people who like testosterone-fueled fun

I was interested intill that samoan scene, fucking cancer roman looking like he shit his pants lol

still looks more built than you nigger

cinematic parallels

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I had largely just filtered this shit out as sarcasm and contrarianism until the last Mission Impossible film. I hadn't watched one in about 10 years, but all the raving of it here made me try it. People legitimately thought that by the numbers pile of shite was good. Any vestige of actual interest has been fully washed away by twitter posting, brap drivel, capeshit allegiance wanking and turd hyping.

Things will make more sense when you realize you are the problem for being a bitter pretentious stunted human who does not enjoy life.

That one had some nice action sequences but was otherwise completely forgettable.

>Dwayne Statham and Idris
>no Vin making mean faces and hogging camera time

top tier watch on an in-flight entertainment system with nothing better to do kino

You can't tell me that movie was dull
the stunts and scenes were proper entertainment

go home filthy dumb, reddit scum.


Gigachad and his court of staceys. Incels must stay in disney capeshit containment screenings.

More like shameless ripoff.

>n-no, you can't enjoy this masculine action film b-because it's the same as soi wars and marvel
Get a brain retard

Trips of truth.

/ourgirl/ love it

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Nigger detected

That's because all the CGI is done by outsourced pajeets.

People who like schlock. It's fun every now and then.

low T white boi detected

>every male with average to above average testosterone levels is a nigger
>t. seething s󠀀oy󠀀boy

>liking my retard movie means i have high T!
Lol cope harder dumb niggers

Bro F&F is actually about family. You are just too dumb and shallow to see what it’s really about

>genetically enhanced super soldier
This is ridiculous even by FF standards

Imagine being an incel that's afraid of people accusing everyone online to be the black dude fucking his girlfriend.

Stick with soi lattes you cuck, leave real entertainment to actual humans.

This unironically looks like a fun movie.


F&F is the most conservative franchise running. They bless the table, the males are manly and the women are usually hot. And they do not make a show out of 'diversity'.

If the regular FF doubles down on Familia and actual car nostalgia I might just watch it. Rock a shit and it's sad Statham went along with this shite.

Join the 40% tranny

god fucking damn it

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I'm an ethnic German, you seething mutt shit s󠀀oy󠀀boy.

No matter how dumb F8 of the Furryious was, it had an impregnation plot and ended with a blessing for the new life thru a prayer at a family dinner. Vin even carries the cross.

F&F is wholesome fun. Dare I say it... borderline kino.

>im an ethnic german
Oh so you're a low IQ sandnigger makes sense

Next FF is going to be Metal Gear Rising but with Cars

> I was interested intill that samoan scene, fucking cancer roman looking like he shit his pants lol

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I always said that if they ever made a F&FxTransformer crossover they would bankrupt China.

One minute into the trailer, I wanted to watch this movie. Three minutes into the trailer I felt like I've already watched the movie. Why do trailers do this?

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Imagine being American and accusing FandF of being a Mexican and black franchise just because minorities that are fast replacing you in your own country are the conservative and able to appreciate the fammilia meta story

>t. Unlitty manlet

>I'm an ethnic German

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>doesn't know what ethnic means
>calls others low IQ

I'd watch it

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At the end do you think they’ll be friends and share an ice cool Corona

that's a really great trailer though

nicely edited

Yes, I'm KARA BOGA, stay afraid muttboi

Of course they'll be nakamas, user.

>The Rock literally holding a helicopter down by a metal chain by himself
He's already spend his entire career overcompensating, yet somehow he keeps outdoing himself

looks fuckin' LITTY

It's way too long and shows far too much. Trailers exist to make you want to watch the movie, not show you the entire movie.

Holywood logic :

>take a loadshit of over bodybuilded actors

>show them in an endless abyss of bad CGI instead of showing their real bodily asets

Seething mutts

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>he wants to see shirtless men on screen instead of action scenes

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>We gotta stop this guy from stealing DVD players
>We're racing a surfaced nuclear submarine over polar ice to stop global war

I just want a bro movies about street racing

Nope, want to see live fight instead of CGI fight.

Shave your legs you gross tranny

Street racing is dead user. It's been since mid 00s.

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>This franchise has gone full bollywood with its action set pieces.
and thats a good thing man, i wished more action movies would go the over the top route. (though i love serious action kinos that delivers brutal exchanges between manly opponents)

She is autistic and gets horny whenever she sees a black man or Idris Elba.

Are you gonna post the axe wound between your legs too you mitilated faggot?

>a black man or Idris Elba.
What did he mean by this?

it's an action flick
you already know how it will end
so the more action shown the better

you brainlet

>incel cope

They're absolutely pathetic.

ive never seem a fast and the furious besides maybe the original when it came out, but that looks like it could be fun

Some people genuinely like 3. Most are on board since 5. Best is probably 7.

This, wtf. This trailer gave so much away, even more so than normal

Watch the third, the fifth and the seventh.

>muh incel
>tranny cope

all are good except for 4 (because most of the car chases are bad cgi and it sucks, otherwise 4 isn't even that bad)

I recently bought all of these except 4 and 5 because they aren't in 4k yet. 2 was pretty bad but holy fuck 7 is amazing. Genuinely a great film.

i think the first 3 are probably the best all things considered.

No way. I liked 1 a pot and 3 was good story wise but 7 takes the cake as the best of them all so far. I haven't seen 8 yet however.

First and second are pretty generic Tbh

8 and 4 are the worst. 8 is just embarassingly ugly.

That shit look like 100% pure fun. I love it.


A new age of action-kino could very well be upon us

Jesus, SNL is looking good.

Honestly, I'd rather watch cool cars and goofy action over some capeshit cartoon characters flying around and shooting lightning bolts out of their hands or whatever.

Well fuck

This. Atleast nobody pretends carshit was anything to boast about.

Fast and Furious has always managed to do diversity without cucking and fetishising black people before this. Before it was natural.

you re the only one to blame for believing anything you read online. this kids are obviously trolling everything all day long, and you fall for it. This movie is garbage and you know it, they know it...

It's fine, considering he is the first FF character with actual superpowers, Superman is the most iconic superhero and Idris is black.

It really could not be any more clear how utterly catered and crafted these movies are for the "world" market.

that said, it almost defies reason how far away from the original premise these films are.

F&F1 is a gritty detective noir against the late 90's japanese racing scene.

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But we never lost what truly matters.

Ass and tits.

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Those cars are so hot omfg

>Maori niggers LARPING as barbarian warriors when their lives are indistinguishable from the average white person
This shit is so embarrassing

How will there be ass and tits in this new movie? It's either action and comedy or family shit at the Polynesian islands.

Hot Maori girls, hot club girls, Vanessa Kirby

turks always claim to be white and aryan because they are all ottoman rape babies and the houseniggers of the arab world.

I don't give a shit about Turks. I live in a smaller town with relatively low Turk population.

>hot Maori girls
user, it’s a race of nigger hamplanets.

yeah, population you, TURK.

Polynesians are fat and indolent. Also, they look Abo tier.

I literally hear a bunch of street racing fags racing nearby my house at night. That shit is not dead.

Looks fun

I was going to ask that. arent Maori women all kind of fugly? like yeah the hot outliers, but on the whole most are fucking nasty to look at inbred mexican tier?

Rephrase that shit, I don't speak retard.

They are.
This one's gonna be a wholesome family movie with no thots involved.

this looks fun

I'll pirate this one instead of giving it to the jew

sen pis bir türk müslüman keçi tecavüzcüsün
t. google translate into TURK

Soon those guys are gonna end in a Netflix original movie.

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Do you enjoy Ayran?

I like eating steak, you like eating feces, different tastes!

>what does rephrase mean
Get your double digits out of here.

I lost 50 IQ points just watching half that trailer before I had to turn it off.

How does it feel living with 15 IQ points user?

Literally spoiled the whole movie.

I'm whiter than you and I'm Brazilian.

8 has lots of fun action and set pieces, kys.

“Just turn off your brain”

When it's done right, it's enjoyable. Examples where it's not done right are most capeshit movies, most Statham movies and all the Transformers movies

>Puts that guy's face on the panel
>"access granted"
>Puts an asian face on the panel
>"access denied"
What did they mean by that?

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If it was done right, I wouldn’t need to turn my brain off.