What you faggots fail to see

This guy is seen by women as a perfect husband. He will never rebel and he’s so easy to reward. She could deprive him of sex with lame excused for a decade, he wouldn’t mind. Hell he would agree to an open relationship.
Disney and Mark Hamil alike see him as the perfect consumer. He cried for some fucking sand. You could feed him any shit trademarked star wars, he would pay top dollar for it.
That’s what society expects men to be. Docile, soft and blinded by consumption. Good for him!

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Other urls found in this thread:


I saw a video with him and his wife and she's exactly like him. They actually make a cute couple.

I honestly did not read your post, niggers tongue my anus.

the hero capitalists need, he is the basedwalker

Based and tonguepilled

Whores are not women.

I'm actually married and trust me bro, women DONT want that. They love to be yelled at by a douchebag. It turns them on somehow. I tried being nice for years, and girls just kept considering me "that nice friend and nothing else". Then I went full asshole mode and BAM, pussy left and right. They're fucking insane. So you play insane to get to fuck them. It's that easy.

Yep. Women favor strong men because strong men can defend them and provide for them. Women are essentially children who have to be cared for by men, except it's legal to fuck them.

Attached: yikes-okaysham-him-yells-at-me-my-brain-my-pussy-32833029.png (500x436, 28K)

I find it hilarious that you resetrannies are trying to force the idea that women like betas.

Women fuck alphas but marry betas. I said “perfect husband”, not perfect fuck.

Women used to look for alphas to marry. Now they have the state to protect them. They dont need a man who will make it harder for them

>Hamill said a thing
>shills appear after switching sides
Pathetic but not suprising on Yea Forums

Except any woman who is single past 30 is entirely miserable. And good luck relying on the state to protect you from the man who busts in and rapes you in the middle of the night.

Until she realizes the state can do the same for her, without snoring.

>She could deprive him of sex with lame excused for a decade
The flaw in you argument is, you retarded dyke of an OP*,that women enjoy sex with men also (of course not the retarded dykes like you, but you're the absolute minority of females) so why she should deprive herself of good orgasms for a decade?
Dont mind replying, you should not ever be allowed to exist, imagine if i care dealing with you.
*You belong to the gas chamber.

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Thats when they look for a dumb cunt to fuck em without condom, impregnate them, so they can collect from him, without having him around. They usually think a child isnt a handicap, until they learn

With hot men. They will live with a slave and cheat on him with other guys who dont want the burden of responsibility.

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All women are whores


Even the quiet ones who sit behind the class?


They are the biggest whores

Especially this one. I think every single user has a sad becky story to tell.

What does his wife look like?

lol you can clearly see the names, what kind of half assed censoring is that?

>marry betas
And then divorce them to rip them off.

Why would they marry a beta?
They bring no advantage.

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>sad becky
I don't, because i'm not a worthless burgerclap.

>be ridiculed online
>makes a reply video saying he was expecting the onions comments
>jim makes a video joking he locked the imaginary wife in the closet since it's a two beds room
>makes another video with his wife to show he's married
>wife is actually cute and will probably cheat on him by a chad stormtrooper

Sometimes I wonder what the fuck is Yea Forums going on about with the world.
And then I realize that most people here have built their worldviews entirely through cherrypicked Twitter screencaps.

Anyway, report, sage and hide the OP.

If this is his wife she isn't cute.
Post the video.

Both post are from me. Betas are hard workers and usually responsible. Once its time to settle, all a woman is looking for is a provider and a nest. Not abs, not a 20 inches cock. That she can still have on the side. Women’s mistake is to believe that once they divorced and secured the ressources they need, they will be able to settle with an alpha. It never happens.

This guy is fake as fuck and it's sad people are buying into it.

>Betas are hard workers and usually responsible
No they aren't, what are you smoking?
Millennials are all lazy bastards who want the government to give them free money.


Cope with what?

>campaign against sex robots
Roasties on suicide watch

Have sex

>>have sex
Have sex.

With the fact that should you ever marry, it will be for what makes you weak.


Have you seen his gf? I dont know you but i wouldnt fuck her...not even with a rented dick.

Have sex incel

>Yea Forums considers this cute


Have sex with incels, incels.

She’s not ugly imo but she’s also not attractive
Also lmao, they look a lot like each other.

Have sex.


I admire his passion and genuine display of emotion, but to freak out this badly over a trailer to such a shitty movie is strangely offputting.
At least he is happy?

Go fuck some yelling ape and his band of niggers then. Gentlemen dont yells at women.

Attached: roasties eternally BTFO.webm (960x1200, 1M)

Have sex, copecels.

Not saying all women are fuckable. But in a general sense, an under average woman can fuck an above average guy if she makes it easy for him.

It's called virtue signalling, retard. Most women abhor this type of men. But since he's a victim of bullying, it's a good a chance for them to defend this guy because it's makes them feel better about themselves.

it's called fake crying. and now he will ride this shtick for youtube money

Why the fuck would a man lower himself to do that?

They are a cute couple. I'm happy for the dude. If he can get pure enjoyment out of that shit then all the more power to him.

Attached: 1555157322874.webm (540x960, 1.09M)

He's a beta millennial and his wife is a fucking abomination.
No wonder the entire internet is laughing at him.

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My fiance hasnt had sex with me for 5 months. She says its trauma from her past and she is in therapy.

Should I dump her on principal?


Easy access to pussy; under the influence of booze; in a bad place in his life. Who knows

Well shes your fiance. Next step is marriage. Do you really want to marry a woman who doesnt want to fuck you?

based mom

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5 Months?
wtf is wrong with you ?
She's probably fucking at least 3 ppl on the side.
Dump immediately.
Uno week of no sex is a big red flag to abandon ship.

actually, women are making fun of him and calling him "un date-able". There's a geeks and gamers vid about it.

>uno week
Kill yourself.

No but shes Aryan, has no children, and no affinity to drugs. A rare combination. A part of me wants to help propogate my race, breed her and accept the financial consequences. Makes it hard if we arent having sex. I have delayed any talks or marriage pending her "treatment".

you guys do realize OP is saying the same thing right?

The pol tard doesn't get any sex. Color me suprised

What harm is he doing? He gets happiness from something that doesn't affect anyone else.

We do see that and we mock him for it. You think you've made some kind of discovery because you are a massive faggot, op.

when you are engaged - a week without sex with a person you live with and sleep every night is a big deal ffs

He's a beta, he deserved to be mocked.

do you know if she takes the pill?

I had a fling with a girl who described herself as a "brat" which I have since learned is a BDSM term for a girl who acts annoying so the guy will snap and yell at her or fuck her really hard and smack her ass or whatever. So basically she would just start acting really annoying out of the blue and I'd just leave and she'd get frustrated.
>user what the fuck is wrong with you
>I ain't hanging around you when you get like this, it's annoying as hell
>that's the whole point
>why the hell are you trying to annoy me
>because I'm horny!
>the hell do you mean, horny? you ain't being annoying in a fun flirty way. you're being an annoying bitch and I really want to slap you
So that lead to a long talk about what I was supposed to do when she got annoying.
>I ain't doing that
>why not?
>it's fucking stupid and annoying
So now we're just occasional fuck buddies. This shit is fucking stupid.

Attached: bratty-pet-pet-is-being-a-brat-master-dont-pet-13542544.png (500x523, 53K)

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So what you're saving is that this basedgoy is a threat to quality entertainment?

Who is this sextraterrestrial ?

>small sample size is indicative of entire population

And you are a subhuman neet shitposting in your free time on 4channel desu

What is she doing in the spa though? Getting a massage from Tyrone the physical therapist?

the fact he isn't a faggot puts him above the majority of Yea Forums posters

the quiet ones are straight up cockgobblers. they'll stick hairbrushes up their ass, swallow, let you fuck them anytime you want.


But you're a faggot so how can you talk?

I bet you won't be saying this if that guy cried from a non-Disney brand movie.

Bend over

His wife looks like some guy's mom.


I do, just not with her. Shes aware.

And he works reeeeeeal hard to keep her

>This guy is seen by women as a perfect husband.

Cringe-pilled. Eric Butts is the kind of guy that insecure women keep because he is a safespace beta who is too simple and unattractive to be a threat to cheat. Meanwhile, Eric Butts is the kind of guy whose woman cheats on him with alpha-males and fucks them balls deep howling as their pussy is being murdered.

A 40 year old effeminate man crying over a teaser for a child's movie has nothing to do with the teaser. It has everything to do with the fact that he is of an age where his hormones are changing, his testosterone is the lowest its been in his life, and now every woman knows it. There couldn't be anything more repulsive than that.

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Maybe, at least you didn't go for the 'hahaha she's getting fucked by niggers' meme. It's unfunny and screams of projection. We all agree the guy is a massive soifaggot, but yet he still found a women willing to let him stick his cock in her. Let that be a testament to the autism that is the mgtow/incel phenomenon.

Two beds in the background

>my wife likes my abuse

>She could deprive him of sex with lame excused for a decade, he wouldn’t mind
I hate this basedboy but I also have to break it to you: sex isn't human's right. You can't "deprive" someone of it. You sound like an incel.

man people on Yea Forums have some awful reading comprehension

they’re in a hotel

Id say he found a woman who let him work and provide for her. She will occasionally let him stick his dick in her.

ETA on him trying to use his e-fame to get laid which ends in him being outed as a sex pest?

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When you get married, the only thing you cant do with other women, is sex. When your wife closes her legs, you’re deprived of sex.

Sure, there's more than likely an unbalanced power dynamic, but the fact that he gets sex and she ostensibly tolerates and indulges his autistic hobbies says a lot and ought to act as a whitepill.

>by women
Nope. Shitty and insecure women perhaps, but the sort of women who are worth starting a family with? No.

Except the majority of women don't have orgasms from heterosexual intercourse anyway. Men are pornsick and they don't know how to make women cum.

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If by cute you mean a marriage of ugly convenience, yes they’re really fucking cute.

He gained like 20k subs in a few days!

Jesus porn is really ruining people's brains. I'm glad you didn't engage in it, user.

That's fucking sad.
>whole media talking about you
>mentioned by king of nerds himself, Mark Hamill
>video somewhat viral
>only go up by 20k subs

I hope you will never get married.

No, they won't.

t. Above average

You know Yea Forums is Gen Z turf when anons start defending the Twitter roasties over the beta virgin.

I dislike the guy in the video as much as the next guy... but damn some of you guys are jaded.

>You know Yea Forums is Gen Z turf

I didn't but the arguments in the moner thread convinced me of it.

>20k of the worst people
Wide them out. All of them.

For us men, marriage is a bad deal. For women like you, its a perfect deal. Less and less men will get married. There is just no benefita for men

> Now they have the state to protect them.

This was minute when western civilization was over. Methaporically men were cucked by the state and women became dependent on this faithless entity instead of their husbands.

Thats why socialism is so ingrained in the minds of modern women.

She closes her legs then a fist gets closed. Vows are vows.