Is it because they pay off the politicians?
Maybe the "Justice" department is fucked?
Why has NOBODY EVER been charged with sedition for their blatant anti-American propaganda?
Is it because they pay off the politicians?
Maybe the "Justice" department is fucked?
Why has NOBODY EVER been charged with sedition for their blatant anti-American propaganda?
I thought censorship was bad and free speech was good?
Free speech is only good if it's pissing off the libs. Otherwise it just leads to degeneracy.
No such thing as "free speech" or the term "racist" wouldn't exist.
I wish they did this you fag. Hollywood is the slave of the status quo. A pro-revolutionary Hollywood would be based.
Because no leftist judge or prosecutor will allow prosecution. They'll hide behind the very same "free speech" they're openly out to take away from anyone not on their side.
In fact if you remember the left argued it was their patriotic duty to constantly condemn and undermine the nation, WHILE when Obama took office they declared it to be an act of treason to do the exact same shit they did during the Bush years and do now.
>In fact if you remember the left argued it was their patriotic duty to constantly condemn and undermine the nation, WHILE when Obama took office they declared it to be an act of treason to do the exact same shit they did during the Bush years and do now.
Sauce on this claim?
Yeah fuck Thomas Jefferson and fuck free speech am I right? Free speech was invented by WHITE MALES and is irrelevant in todays today's society. I mean, its 2019, why should we care what old men from 200 years ago thought was best?
>Because no leftist judge or prosecutor will allow prosecution. They'll hide behind the very same "free speech" they're openly out to take away from anyone not on their side.
This is the closest thing to the truth imo.
There has NEVER been "free speech". Ever.
The entire argument behind "free speech" is that it allows citizens to criticize government, but the very people we task with doing that, "journalists", ALWAYS end up WORKING FOR the very corrupt bastards "free speech" was designed to expose.
Now fuck off.
Anyone can be a journalist retard. Even you can print out your shit authoritarian opinion and pass it out all over town if you want.
because its pro american propaganda, you just dont understand what america actually is
>Anyone can be a journalist retard.
Try attending a white house press conference. Try getting an interview with the police chief, or a judge.
That's not how it works. You know that already.
I know exactly what it is.
>They'll hide behind the very same "free speech" they're openly out to take away from anyone not on their side.
I could say the same thing about you, seething dumb fuck. Guess which one's demanding private companies allow him to say nigger.
Aren't Americans worshipful of sedition?
It's not "sedition" when your government no longer respects your regional culture and traditions, it's called national defense.
When an entity, like Hollywood, is allowed to broadcast their seditious programming across the nation, you know there's complicity involved in the governments established to keep such things in line.
Can we get some concrete examples instead of vague accusations?
Not everyone will get insider access, but you dont need that to be a journalist. You can say a new executive order is stupid without having to attend a press conference where the president preemptively defends it. You can say "hey our crime rates are too high and the local police offers act like assholes" without having to interview the police chief.
It's not really sedition though. Jews control the US government and they also control the media.
Valid point.
So they're just attacking us.
>>seething dumb fuck
project much?
>Not everyone will get insider access
Then you're not a "journalist", you're a blogger, or gossip columnist.
>private companies allow him to say nigger.
Why shouldn't they?
Nigger is meaningless, like redneck or hipster. Didn't they teach that about words as a child?