what was the message here
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That successful white men who are in groups and slightly intoxicated after a long work week are the real enemy of the world.
Literally look like just generic douchebags but of course Yea Forums would drag race and class into it
I dunno, but I'm proud that hbomberguy got a role in a big movie despite his poor posture and general unpleasant appearance.
Gotham was once free of niggers, like all good towns in the 70's.
you shouldnt yell the n word on public transportation
obviously just generic "mafia"
I don’t get it, why is Patrick Bateman murdering a homeless dude okay but this is unacceptable for you guys?
>around white accountants, never relax
It's Patrick Bateman with his frens
That’s because Hollywood has forced the meme of the generic douchebag looking like that. White men in business suits are more often than not above petty bullying.
how hyped up would you be if after they beatun up joker they would throw their visit cards at him
Successful people are generally aggressive and mean to weaker men. That's how they get to the top.
>shove in niggas in movies ad nauseam
>conveniently leave them out when it's appropriate to use them
wow, oh man. It's like there's some kind of agenda going on?
subways are full of white men in business suits assaulting people apparently
Expectations were made to be subverted. I would have gone a step further and made them all European royalty.
They will be the cause of his rise and new beginning.
He's going to kill everyone in that studio right?
ah yes, generic douchebags in suits riding the subway
>t. brainlet
It’s not tho, these dudes don’t look like the type of guys that would do that. They look like they’d be passive aggressive or laugh at him from afar, not fucking pummel him to a pulp just cuz he’s being a weirdo
>successful white men
Cubicle slaves. Not successful. Stuck in dead-end jobs with no way out.
Because one is based and redpilled and the other is cringe and bluepilled.
Can you tell which is which? Neither can I.
ITT: people pretend to know the context of a scene they haven't watched from a movie that isn't out yet
basically him
I don't have to pretend, I know what's going to happen in this scene. The leaks are out.
I prefer 80's movies representation of gangs when everyone was multi-racial.
and it wasn't weird because nobody really cared
but now it's extra special
Who the fuck thought it was weird? And how is it extra special now?
The point is he is reviled by every strata of humanity. First he gets beaten up by young thugs, then by pissed off businessmen.
How many deliberate calls for "diversity" in films have you seen prior to the 2010s?
He has three different laughs. He must be fucking crazy.
Its a different time, go live in your cave then incel.
>Its a different time
That's exactly what I mean, we are going backwards.
white people are dangerous
Why is this kind black couple turn to look at him like that?
Wtf? These officers completely ignore him.
Maybe because they were not filming at that moment.
Why is it everyone I know who's essentially an office-rat thinks he's super successful at life? Is it the suit?
Plot tweeest: Joker man isn't really there!
It's always the suit and actually going back to the movie, it will have a special meaning since Arthur is gonna wear his own suit as well when he'll become Joker.
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It was originally three black gangsters, but then the writers went "waiiiit just a minute... its 2019!", and made them slick white priveliged white boys.