Let's talk about the best show of all time.
Christopher is a complete patrician.
Sopranos Thread
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How many times can you post the same shit and call it "discussion"? Sopranos dont have dedicated threads. You post something from it, and either a thread comes out of it or it doesnt.
Thats how I can tell youre from reddit, you keep doing this
Guess I'll contribute
Hey prick, if you don't have anything worthy of listening, go cry somewhere else.
Honestly, Phil is probably of the greatest antagonist of all time. He starts as just some dude Tony is having issues with, but ends with a huge conflict between those two.
Phil hates Tony even before he took command and Tony tried his best to work along with him but there was just no way those two could get along.
he is a great character but the straight evil of the show is fucking Janice. any scene I see her in I get uncomfortably angry
He goes way back. He wanted to fuck a woman, but instead he compromised. He pulled cheese out of his foreskin and grilled it on the radiator.
He took it up the ass for 20 FUCKEN YEARS.
>rewatching for a 3rd time on season 2
>only 2 episodes away from d-girl
god help me
Janice was one of those persons that believes her happiness should be above others. Tony was right about her, she pretends to be this good person while at the same time she abandoned her child.
It's a tough episode, especially because of Christopher and Pussy.
Tony and Janice were the same type of person, different sides of the same coin.
What's it like not even being smart enough to understand greater concepts in pleb tier shows like Sopranos anyway?
Do you have a wrangler who supervises your internet time?
bzzzzzz wrong. tony actually put in work, albeit illicit, to make sure his wife and kids had every opportunity to escape the life that tony was born into. janice was a lazy grifter, nothing more and nothing less
bzzzzzzzzz you're a fucking idiot. Janice couldn't join the mafia, and wasn't able to climb the ranks and utilise every opportunity from her father like Tony could. Janice is the female Tony.
Why not let your wrangler shitpost for a while instead?
>"Janice, she laughed at all this shit! Well lemme tell ya, she gets nothing"
she could have not tried to actively fuck over and exploit everyone with whom she has close ties. meanwhile tony is putting his life on the line, literally, to provide for those around him. is this some sort of white-knight shit going on? you're a fucking moron. also nice spacing bro
One of the best thing about him is that he is basically Tony Soprano, down to the Eastern-European goomar. They took that explosive anger, old-school, egocentric, domineering, alpha-male posturing side of Tony and just throw it at the viewers face to not only make us realize even more how horrible Tony is, but it gives us someone to hate so we can continue rooting for Tony despite him becoming Satan in the final season.
yeah lets talk about gay shit like alita pedo angel
Tony at least had responsabilities and accepted his role. He suffered because of that but tried his best, even tho he was a bad person. Janice in the other hand was always avoiding responsabilities and blaming everybody except her.
You're on the right track but not really. Phil is actually old-school. Tony would never have had the balls to do 20 years in jail without flipping to the feds, he was weak. Phil was from his father's generation, and Tony was part of the weaker new generation. Also, a quote from Phil: "My heart is an open book." This is a huge strength over Tony. Tony is constantly lying to everyone including himself. Secret side deals, betrayals, and lies constantly. Phil never did anything like this, and he was totally upfront with everything he said, besides possibly being in the closet which doesn't have as much to do with the main issue here. My main point being that Phil is actually better than Tony in every way.
You're giving Tony too much credit. Janice actively loved Bobby, his kids, and their daughter in the same way Tony did. She used people in the same way Tony did. They had the same anger and the same sadness. The only difference being that Tony got ushered into the mafia, as a male, and she became estranged when she grew up to be too intelligent (like Tony) for the lifestyle being foisted on her, so she left. Her departure is something Tony was always ultimately just straight up jealous of, because she lived in a way he would have wanted. Yes Janice sucks, but she's no more evil than Tony, and I'd actually argue significantly less so.
>the straight evil of the show is fucking Janice
Agreed with Janice being Tony. Don’t know why you’re calling it a pleb-tier show when GoT and BrBa are action shows with melodrama on the back seat and Soprano is a pretty well-developed drama with mafia shit on the back.
He makes up for that by taking a troubled child like Chrissy and grooming him into a life of crime because the egotistical fat fuck was only thinking of himself and wanting a heir.
>Tony to Artie after attempting suicide: Suppose you havent been able to reach me and I come over to your house and I find you dead. How am I suppose to feel?!
Why are you bothering to make Tony out to be some hard working class guy? The stress and hardship he goes through is relatable but doesn’t change the fact he is a criminal.
Go get your fucking shinebox
>Janice actively loved Bobby, his kids, and their daughter in the same way Tony did.
you have a bizarre definition of love
In what way does the show present that she doesn't love her family with Bobby, or loves them any less than Tony loves Carmela and their kids? She's fiercely loyal to Bobby, she beats the shit out of a woman at a soccer game for being rude toward her stepdaughter, she tries (out of vanity, of course, but still) to save Bobby's family from complete collapse after Karen's death. Sure she manipulates Bobby and Tony here and there, but it's not nearly to the same sociopathic degree that Tony manipulates and betrays Carmela CONSTANTLY.
Nice head cannon
Not speaking for that user, but Janice is definitely a basic form of evil. Doesnt mean she's the worst, but she's fucked.
>head cannon
First of all, it's "canon." Second of all, literally everything I said in that post is either explicitly stated or heavily implied in the actual dialogue of the show. You aren't putting forth any explanation to what you're saying. And again, I'm not defending Janice. I'm just saying she is a lot more three-dimensional than the brainlet characterization of "she's totally evil, bro"
He should never have let him slide on that vitamin truck
I mean yeah of course Philly is actually from the old school and Tony has more of an admiration for it
>I feel as if I came at the end
But I wouldn’t say Phil is “better.” Phil gets his head blown the fuck out for a reason. And I think his death mirrors Tony’s or at least is another clue to what happens, that is if he does die at the end since it is one of two possibilities.
>Betrayed by their underlings (Abie and Butchie) (Patsy and Paulie)
>Shot at the side of their head
>Don’t see it coming and is done mid sentence
>In front of their family
Neither of them can live up to their previous boss. (Jackie Sr, Carmine Sr) They are murdered as a result of their hot headedness and putting emotions first over business.
>There hasn’t been a war since that Colombo-thing
I agree, especially with your analysis of their deaths mirroring each other, except for the underling betrayal because I think it was really just Butchie triple-crossing everyone. My main point before was basically just that Phil was way more professional than Tony in general, although they certainly both made huge mistakes in the end. But think about it, the fact that Phil was actually able to bury down the Tony B/Billy shit and continue to do business with Tony is some major shit. If someone had murdered Janice or anyone else in his family, Tony would have totally gone off the deep end and wouldn't have handled it with a fraction of the pragmatism that Phil dead, or so I believe anyway.
Butchie is not that type of personality. Of Butchie is boss and wanted higher authority, why did he reach out to Little Carmine and legitimize him the same way Tony did? Little Carmine is already so powerful that Tony tells him that the capos are begging for him to take the seat. Butchie is hesitant on giving up Phil and looks at Little Carmine first, to which Carmine gives the nod. It’s clear who has authority here.
>i di-dent
t. Didn’t watch the show in full
t. Thinks breaking bad is patrician
you and tony egg again
>Tony is literally Satan in season 6
When will this meme end? Go ahead and tell me something TRULY bad he did besides what happened with Chris
What is the Sneed of Sopranos?
not saying he was satan but he definitely was more hostile, especially with Hesh
Phil buried the hatchet only for him to bring it up again
>I swallowed my pride, when your murdering fuck of a cousin killed my brother, don’t think I’m going to do it twice
Yes his motives are understandable, Tony’s motives throughout the series is understandable too. Doesn’t mean that they both fucked up. By the time you get to season 6 you have Phil deliberately pressing his thumb down on the Sopranos even though the whole point of Jersey family was to cost-effectively provide for New York.
>Carmine Sr during golf: There’s always a compromise
>Phil: You want compromise? Twenty years in the can...
You personally feel for Philly, that doesn’t matter.
>that one dude who insists Tony isnt bad
How do you manage to misinterpret a hammer to the head?
probably gabagool
How many pics are there with tonys eyes Photoshoped smaller
His face is perfect for it
Where did I say he was good? Go ahead and point out where and I’ll Venmo you $100.
>Damns Bobby to hell
>Uses all the money that could have been given to Spatafore’s wife and children to relocate, instead puts it into gambling. Chrissy and Silvio are literally fucking shown to be disgusted by this
>”Fuck that honor and loyalty shit, it was his on fucking fault” revealing to his own crew that his speech about looking out for each other was bullshit and he is not to be trusted
>Killing Adriana. Idc if she was a rat, I don’t think Chase was trying to get across that a girl deserves to die so someone can continue living large. Do you give the same pass to fucking politicians?
Among other things that I’m probably missing. Killing Chrissy was the biggest thing just on the implication that he groomed a child into the criminal world and then finally decided to kill him when he should have noticed the warning signs he wasn’t cut up for the life. Pouring a glass of wine for Chrissy when he just explained why he can’t drink because of his addictive personality is another little thing that compounds how much of a piece of shit he is
Remember the final scene between Tony and Janice? Once Bobby dies his kids want to get away from Janice immediately
>Damns Bobby to hell
What are you referring to?
>Uses all the money that could have been given to Spatafore’s wife and children to relocate, instead puts it into gambling. Chrissy and Silvio are literally fucking shown to be disgusted by this
He had an impulse problem. With the support of someone like Chris, Vito may have been saved.
>”Fuck that honor and loyalty shit, it was his on fucking fault” revealing to his own crew that his speech about looking out for each other was bullshit and he is not to be trusted
He’s only doing this because he knows it’s the only way to keep peace with Phil. Something that is more necessary than one guy
>Killing Adriana. Idc if she was a rat, I don’t think Chase was trying to get across that a girl deserves to die so someone can continue living large. Do you give the same pass to fucking politicians?
That was season 5, and he felt horrible for it. The reason rats are whacked is to ultimately protect the family and more importantly to Tony, protect his wife and children from losing their husband and father to prison.
I’m not saying Tony is a good guy, but “Satan” implies ultimate evil, which he objectively is not at any point in the show. No one reaches that status on a large scale in the show
lol ade was one of the only characters on the show who deserved to die
Did you make dat whole hundred sucking dicks? Or is it to pay people to let you suck their dicks?
Why does Barbara's husband randomly say "here here" during Livia's wake?
Gabagool? Ova here !!
You REALLY thought I meant satan? I was obviously exaggerating holy shit user please.
I was referring to Tony maliciously having Bobby commit murder after it’s brought up he never done it. Even going on about how his father never wanted it for him and even wish he was just a normal barber.
Yeah, he had an impulse problem, an addictive one. Funny how Tony would murder Chrissy for the same reason.
He refused to give up Tony B to keep peace with Philly? What? Huh? Jesus nevermind.
Hoo boy. Fine I wont contribute to the Satan-meme. You happy? Was that really what you wanted? Because it seems like we pretty much fucking fundamentally agree with each other
I don't remember anything in the scene implying that
That’s fine, I’ve just seen others use the same phrase.
>He refused to give up Tony B to keep peace with Philly? What? Huh? Jesus nevermind.
I was talking about Vito, Tony B was season 5.
Can anyone explain that joke he makes with Carmella's cousin Brian?
Brian says HUD? and tony jumps in before he can reveal anything else and says "No more Paul Newman movies for you!"
Anyone get the joke?
He was saying how HUD is formerly Paul Newman
Anyone seen Gomorrah? Is it a good mob show? Is it similar to Sopranos?
Oh yeah, there's an actual 1963 film called Hud, now I see.
The only good mob media ever are the Sopranos, Godfather 1 and 2, and Goodfellas
Yeah it is good, only watched up to beginning of season 3.
It doesn't fuck around trying to make you like the characters like the sopranos murican tv model bullshit.
All the characters on Gomorrah are repugnant and evil. You should watch the film before the show though.
You do know that Tony had another sister, right?
So? What relevance does that have to anything?
least favorite subplots? I'll start:
>carmella and the priest getting drunk and having a sleepover
>adriana tries to become a music manager with christophers help
>christopher going to acting class and crying like a bitch
Those would be mine too. They were annoying and didn't add much to the show.
Pretty pleb desu. The real answers are:
>Meadow and Finn drama
>AJ is dumb in school
>Janice vs Svetlana
That said, I still enjoy all of this shit. I just seem to remember these subplots fucking with the pacing.
I hated the creationist pastor guy. His scenes seemed out of place.
literally on pine barrens. the recycling of plot threads is already pronounced by season 3, but these guidos are too entertaining for me to care.
you should leave this thread
>They didn’t add much
Bzzzzzzt wrong
>carmella and the priest getting drunk and having a sleepover
Showed that Carmella had the same feelings of infidelity that Tony had. Ironically though this time she is refused while Tony is the one that refuses the advance in the parallel storyline with the female Italian boss
>adriana tries to become a music manager with christophers help
Shows Adriana’s development into an actual character and not some
Roastie mob wife. Also some of the best Hesh moments come from this
>christopher going to acting class and crying like a bitch
Shows Chris can be very sensitive and that he isn’t over his father by a long shot. Sets up the entire Cleaver plot line, the plot line where he relapses because he can’t handle banter, AND the one where he kills the man who killed his father
I'm rewatching it rn and those one's were just from up until S02E05
But another one I just thought of:
>steve buscemi trying to open up a massage parlor with the gook
>the one where he kills the man who killed his father
But WAS he the man?
In my personal opinion he was not!
He says "I didn't murder him" when Chris mentions Dickie Moltisanti, before Chris says anything about murder. He also screams "I'm sorry" when Chris is about to kill him.
>Janice couldn't join the mafia, and wasn't able to climb the ranks and utilise every opportunity from her father like Tony could.
Barbara was able to rise above and start a family outside of the support of the mob. Janice doesn't have an excuse.
Seething incel detected.
the retarded roomate of Meadow in s03
Here here
The balls on this prick
This is the straw that broke the camel's back in regards to his whole "becoming a civilian" thing, the most important part of his character arc
>the most important part of his character arc
doesn't help when the character sucks balls and was shoehorned in as a self-insert for buscemi
I don't give a fuck what episodes he directed, he shouldn't have called in favors to get an acting role
I don't think that's how it went down, user. I agree that he was shoehorned in, but I think he's really just a blatant plot device to serve as a setup for the conflict between Tony and Phil in S6. They would have had the character anyway, Buscemi just made the role even more distracting.
Okay Chrissy, we get it you don't like Tony B
Fuck off pleb. Buscemi is a legend of the game, played fantastic villains in Reservoir Dogs and Fargo and dozens of roles over decades.
Blame the writers and Chase, Buscemi didn't write his own character.
maybe the character would have appeared anyway for plot reasons, but I can't shake the feeling that some flaws and ugly personality traits of blundetto were played down thanks to buscemi.
Go to your room AJ
I'm watching it for the first time and I just saw the episode where Tony kills Chrissy last night. Really fucked up. It's crazy how Tony went from a character you could relate to or empathize with in the first half of the show to a completely irredeemable monster, especially in S6.
At the same time, Christopher's arc had come and gone and come again and it seemed like they didn't have much else to do with the character writing wise. Watching him fall off the wagon AGAIN was more annoying than entertaining. I'm gonna miss his bouts with Paulie though.
>Watching him fall off the wagon AGAIN was more annoying than entertaining
I think that was the point, user. This way you can relate to tony losing his patience more, although you might not agree with the extreme measure he has taken.
Great list of films from Michael. I'm not surprised, since he seems very thoughtful and sharp in interviews
No, it is a break from cinematic cliche. It is an attempt to show a more realistic ex con mobster.
That IRL a guy makes dumb jokes that maybe one person laughs at instead of constant one liners and snappy dialogue.
And IRL crims can make stupid decisions, and the transition doesn't always go smoothly like every shitty fiction where the likeable thug gets released from prison and goes straight back to a life of crime and climbs to the top, albeit reluctantly, because reluctant protagonists are edgy as fuck bro.
He is something of a failed mobster, just like Chris ultimately, like cheesefuck and jizzmonte, like jackie jr, evn like Feech, Ritchie and Ralph.
hearty kek
Kennedy and Heidi is a pretty sad episode. The last part always gets me. During most of the episode Tony is going for all the stages of mourning, especially denial. Finally he accepts Chris is dead and starts crying.
Christopha was actually improving during the last season. He had kicked his addictions, started a family and was shown distancing himself from Tony and mafia life, however Tony and Paulie wouldn't let him better himself and caused him to relapse on alcohol which ended up leading to his death
The episode where Chris becomes a made man symbolizes him selling his soul to the devil (Tony)
He's crying from his emotions on drugs seeing the sun rising and having the realisation about life and life cycles that he tells Melfi about later.
They go out of their way to show you he has no emotions of sorrow over chris at all. But I like your idea of the framing of the stages of grief being laid out in the episode ending with grief.
It's like an inversion of what someone who isn't a psychopath would be going through framed in the episode.
>They go out of their way to show you he has no emotions of sorrow over chris at all.
But he has emotions. That's why he gets so angry when he see others feeling bad or crying for Chris. Tony is having problems dealing with what happen to Chris, especially because he is the one who did it. During most of the episode he is trying to justify his actions without directly telling others what he did, he feels guilty and is looking for a way to cope with it. Before Tony starts crying in front of the sun he is in the Casino and something hits him hard, he realizes Chris is gone forever, starts laughing but later we see that laugh was nothing but saddness and suffering.
>First of all, it's "canon."
Not who you're responding to, but what a faggot response. I'm just going to assume the rest of the book you wrote in this thread is on the same tier and ignore it.
He is not supposed to 'kick' his addictions, he is supposed to handle them. Whatever way he can.
He is not an insurance agent or a real estate agent, he is a gangster. This is pointed out to him several times by Tony and Paulie and others. He works in an industry full of drugs and drinking, and needs to be in the thick of it and he can't quit if he gets sick of it, just like with Eugene.
Tony tells him outright he will be dead if he can't maintain control.
>Tony is literally Satan
Yeah it's a huge exageration and probably one of the worst comparisons I've ever seen. Tony is a bad person in a life full of violence and death. During the show, the actions that he is forced to take transform him and the rest of his crew into something darker but at the end, they are still human.
Chrissy was on drugs before drinking at the party, that's why he says he'll never pass a DRUG test
Mandalore de trillo! My arch nemesis!
>don't point out I write at a 6th grade level
It's really simple user just get it right instead of whining like a bitch that you got corrected
>the character sucks balls
There's nothing wrong with Tony B's character. The scenes of him and Christopher exhuming a corpse, him breaking everyone's balls over dinner, and him/Tony/Chris enjoying beers on a farm are kino. His death scene is great too, and his reappearance in Tony's coma death dream is one of my favorite scenes in the entire show.
>We don't talk like that here.
Ralph was a successful mobster though, it was just a hoooarse, not his fault that Tony is a psycho and a terrible leader
WRONG read the other replies
He is doing that because he wants someone to agree with him in condemning Chris, but no one will. He desperately wants to tell people what he did, more as bragging than confessing, which we see in the dream sequence.
He is not so much guilty, as he wants people understand that it was totally justified killing him and he can't do that without giving himself away.
You note that just before he starts crying when he is in the Casino he decides that his luck has improved because Chris is dead, that Chris was what was ruining his gambling luck and starts laughing uncontrollably.
They use Comfortably Numb really effectively in that car scene in showing how Tony has lost any feeling he ever had for Chris.
Was it Hell or just an afterlife?
Yeah, it is an incredible sequence, the glimpsed shot of someone who is probably Livia, the nostalgia of a party at night where all your friends are waiting for you, the sense of fear that something might be wrong around the edges represented by his face, and the siren call of the leaves and meadow. That scene and the one with the beacon in the netherworld.
>Chris was what was ruining his gambling luck and starts laughing uncontrollably.
That's the factor that makes him realize the lost of Chris. Tony wants to justify his actions as a way to cope with his pain.
Comfortably Numb works because Tony is lost, he is deep far gone and the death of Chrissy was the last straw.
During most of the episode Tony is in a state of "I did what I had to do" but at the end in front of the sun and after accepting Chris death he can finally cry.
Yeah, but he got himself killed. Paulie and Patsy are successful mobsters.
why couldnt he stop being depressed?
>Just try and stuff your fatha and we’ll send uncle Adolf’s regards, ya hook-nosed prick!
We all know Paulie can be a hardass but was that really necessary of him to say?
Life is for struggle. Death is for peace.
Give us the damn dragon balls, you fucking hasidic green alien!
His depression was the most logical response to the decaying world he inhabited.
He was living in New Jersey
Because besides his emotional problems, he was in a business that had him constantly lie to himself and to others, not to mention the huge trauma he suffered from killing those he really cared for (Tony B, Chris, Pussy).
He feels responsable but at the same time he doesn't know what to do, he is lost and tries his best but sometimes is just too much for him.
He really was a great antagonist
You know I remember when you used to shitpost in the car. As far as I'm concerned YOU SHOULD STILL BE THERE
I kind of like the idea that Patsy and Paulie brokered a deal with Carmine Jr and Butchie so that NY would kill their hot headed problem boss and NJ would likewise kill theirs. Wiping the slate clean and starting again without baggage.
>Patsy loathes Tony for wacking his twin
>Paulie realised Tony was not his friend when he came a whisker away from death on that boat
It fits.
>the beacon in the netherworld
i like the callback to that during tony's peyote trip when the sun flashes just like the lighthouse
Comfortably Numb works because it's about the inability to recapture feelings you had when you were a child. Chris is wearing a Cleaver hat in the car. When Tony saw his father cut a man's finger off with a cleaver, his innocence was completely shattered. This, in conjunction with the baby seat in Chris' car, are what made Tony realize that he had to kill Chris. In his mind, he was putting an end to the cycle of terrible father figures.
On the surface, Tony's psychological problems seem to be about his relationship with his mother. The truth is it's mostly about his father.
>The child is grown, the dream is gone
right exactly as Tony looks at Chris and realizes he's using again.
I've always thought Patsy was the red herring - he was gonna be made when his son married Meadow.
season rankings guys?
season rankings are the lowest form of conversation
I think it comes from him feeling like he needs to shoulder all of the responsibility for the organization himself so whenever something happens or someone get's fucked up he feels like it's his fault that it happened
u wot m8? 3 is easily one of the worst.
I think it's also about Tony doing what he feels is right, he doesn't want the daughter of Chris to suffer because his father is a huge mess. But what you said also makes a lot of sense.
You blow yer faddah wid dat mout?
3 is great and where the show became "big deal" status
Just started the second part of season 6 I don't want it to end lads
AJ takes the cake for me, he's such a cunt in later seasons for no reason
Janice was just stupid
Everything comes to an end.
Carmella also sees the beacon when she's in Paris
This fuckin guy...
>Loses Marchand so can't play out the oedipal court case matricide arc they wanted to do
>Instead Repeats the exact same arc of Cheesefuck and Jizz in season 2 with a stupid kid who isn't smart enough to be a mobster and has to be taken out, but this time with Jackie Jr
>Draws out this out with endless tedious scenes with Meadow and Jackie
Except they didn’t go to Butchie because he isn’t the one with authority.
>Johnny Sack mad at Tony for legitimizing Little Carmine by reaching out to him
>Tony and Phil, two bosses, had to be brought into a meeting like two fighting children with Carmine trying to broker it
>Little Carmine has Tony apologize to Phil for stomping Coco
>Tony tells Carmine to grab with both hands during the Doc Santoro incident. He has to the support of all the capos, they are sick of Leotardo and Doc.
>The war is costing Little Carmine money
If Butchie was boss and wanted Phil dead to gain the top position, Little Carmine wouldn’t be there to give the nod. Butchie hesitates and looks at Carmine, Carmine gives the nod, Carmine has the authority.
It fits even more if you didn’t forget that Rusty Millio hit and how Carmine expressed wanting to find out who done it. Patsy and Paulie having Corky back, all it takes is one slip up from that heroin addict.
Plus AJ, “Ka, the only reliable guide through the land of the dead” recently started working for Carmine’s production company. AJ almost got Tony killed for blabbering about therapy to Livia, he is a blabber mouth with the news, a witless moron at Blockbuster.
Patsy’s already made...He’s Paulie’s #2
>christopher going to acting class and crying like a bitch
this is absolutely central to Chris' character and why he was never cut out for the mob life. plebs are too dumb for this show.
Holy shit.Bobby just said we need to build a wall kek
>all that shit
Doesn't matter. Employee of the Month, University and Pine Barrens made the show legendary, and are far more daring in terms of material and style than they had ever done before.
This show tapped into the zeitgeist with so much precision
Just because a season has some good episodes, doesn't make it the best season pleb. All the seasons have at least some great episodes that push boundries, even season 5 has the test dream.
The Jackie arc makes it one of the worst seasons.
>he's such a cunt in later seasons for no reason
AJ has plenty of reasons to be a cunt. not that it makes it OK, but still.
Tony and Gloria is also easily the show's peak as far as his extramarital affairs went.
The University/Whoever Did This and its Whores/Horse arc is probably the single greatest multi-season side plot ever created.
They’re all great. 6B is back to back the best episodes of the series. 6A is great too, Vito’s gay arc was weird at first but upon rewatch I think it was actually very well done and necessary.
>B-but we never gave a shit about Vito and now we suddenly have to care for him?
If a movie can flesh out characters in an hour or two, so can a tv series. You have to get over the fact that Vito enters a gay fantasy land. If the dreams, ghosts, and coma-land hell didn’t clue you in that this shit is like Shakespeare’s The Tempest or some shit, idk what will.
The rest are honestly interchangeable, I just know for sure that season 2 is better than season 1.
2 is basically a straight upgrade on 1 yeah.
I never know how to interpret that scene in the picture, if its Tony only just remembering her at that moment and exposing his murder of Ralphie as a purely selfish act, or more of a visual statement at the real subconscious motive for Tony's murder being her, not the horse
>le incel
Of course it's a reddit roastie. Only a hole would defend Janice. She's one of the biggest pieces of shit in a show full of pieces of shit, second only to her own mother.
Learn to punctuate, glass house brainlet.
Yup, as amazing as that season 1 finale is with Livia’s Lady Macbeth shit and Junior’s staying true to not only Cosa Nostra but his ego. Season 1 is obviously hampered by some of its B-plots. David supposedly only had like 30 more minutes to turn the pilot into a movie. That might have something to do with it. I like Moltisanti’s stories though, the black rapper episode was actually pretty good in my book.
But s2 B-plots are so much more better
Meadow turned into such a hypocritical cunt by the end of the show. Finn was right to call her out and break up with her.
A. She was a hooah
B. She hit me
C. That wasn't my kid she was carrying
D. I was on a lot of coke
E. I don't give a fuck what any little slit thinks of me
F. They didn't have flat tops in ancient Rome
G. I was born handsome instead of rich
H. There was a lot of wine that night
I. She slipped, she fell, I don't know
J. It was the Indians and the commie fucks
K. I had my hearing aids turned down
L. I caught the clap from some hippie broad I was fucking
M. She wanted to stick a dildo up my ass, make believe she was pimpin' me out
N. He wasn't that smart to begin with
O. Fucking Gladiator ya fuck
P. She didn't even say hello to me
Q. She was a cock sucking slob
R. 350 only buys you a hello
S. My balls were bigger than an Irish broads ass
T. No accountability, this kid
U. She was a little pig- headed if you ask me
V. Last year, you believed a flyin' saucer was over East Rutherford.
W. I had to reclaim Rome for my people
X. I hear Ginny Sack's getting a ninety five pound mole taken off her ass
Y. It was a fucking hooarse
Z. I can be on time tomorrow but you'll be stupid forever
>She was a beautiful, innocent creature!
>What did she ever do to you?
>You fucking killed her!
The dialogue works for either scenario. I cannot emphasize enough how fucking good this show is.
I do his macaroni gravy trick every sunday
So essentially what you are saying is you are not a virgin and regularly have sex with real woman who is not a waifu? Oh wait...
What happened to that guy?
"He ended up in a fucking mental institution because of Dad!!!!"
Would you put up with constant beatings if you got 50$ and a blowjob from each VIP room hooooar every weekend?
Look, I know the only value you can find within yourself is your drooling ax wound, so you resort to sexual shaming in a grand display of solipsism, but yes. I get by just fine. I wouldn't have herpes if I hadn't gotten my dipstick wet.
It's just an homage to the same scene with Henry in Goodfellas.
watch the braces honey
>Tony thinking him drunk fighting Bobby is supposed to impress Carmela
LMAO Why is he so petty
She was a hooer! That's incelarious Doesn't count if you paid for it pseudo virgin.
We all know you sit around in your underwear chitchating back and forth giggling like little schoolgirls.
Guy should've learned to shut the fuck up after the first one
he went full gambling degenerate in las vegas and then ended up in a psych ward or something
he mentally never left highschool in a lot of ways
You sound upset; guess I really hit a nerve.
I'd probably be better off if I had went with professional escorts, they tend to be cleaner than your average woman.
He should had watched fucking gladiator, ya fuck
It's probably because you are a shitty person that you hooked up with a shitty woman, no need to take it out on all women and random TV characters.
Move the goal posts all you want, you're in the minority with your position. Everyone I know absolutely loathes Janice and her mother more than any other characters.
Just because you're a fat, worthless, shithead hole like her you feel the need to defend a TV show character. That's pathetic.
Speaking of goalposts, you also said Janice was like all woman IRL. So get fucked incel.
Says plenty about you that in a show with six seasons packed full of awful awful people doing evil things, you solely focus on one neurotic manipulative female character who only killed one person who abused her.
I actually live with a real girl, because I am not you, but go ahead, project all you like.
Why not make this thread all about you and your shitty life choices/outlook?
Not that user and not following this retarded argument but I like Janice as a character that causes conflict and what she brings to the story. She was great in season 2 and in the later season episodes like Soprano Home Movies and Cold Cuts. What other people think doesn’t matter, Soprano had a large audience because of the mafioso aspect and a lot of those people expecting a straight-up action crime genre are so pleb they hate Livia and the finale. Soprano writers always had a fuck the fans attitude unlike GoT where once it got popular they started to pander to the masses
First off, cut the larping, roasti. Pretending to be a man to gain authority is roastie tactic numero dos, right after screaming virgin at anything you can't refute, and it only serves to underscore your own self loathing. Secondly:
>you also said Janice was like all woman IRL
I never said that, quote me if I did. You're grasping at straws because you're backed into a corner by your own mental deficits. If anything, I imagine you have a lot in common with Janice, which is disgusting.
I literally said the show was full of assholes, just that Janice happens to be one of the worst. Ralphie is a fuckwad too, but I'm not going to defend him like some kind of zealot.
You have issues, lady.
I never said she was a bad character. Some of the best characters in media are extremely punchable.
And even though it was an extension of her impulsive cuntyness and thoughtlessness, I'll give her credit for killing Richy. He was up there on the asshole scale as well.
Well he never had the makings of a varsity athlete
user, I don’t think the person you are arguing with is trying to white-knight for Janice. I’m pretty sure he is just trying to point out ways David Chase developed some qualities of Janice to make her more three-dimensional, including some nuance on why she is the way she is and what little good is capable
>How much is he into us for?
>About 45 boxes of ziti.
Why did Tony not send em outside so Richie could talk to em, when all he owes him is like 20 bucks worth of noodles and he owes Richie 8 large? Doesn't seem right.
No, they are full on defending Janice in universe. You might be confusing it with the other poster, whom I replied amicably to because they were having a discussion instead of screaming incel while insisting Janice is a good person.
fuckin junky
>>christopher going to acting class and crying like a bitch
are you a fuckin moron? that little subplot was brilliant
He must be loyle to his capo though.
I didn't say Janice was a good person once. I said she is one of the least evil of a large cast of evil cunts. Incel means involuntarily celibate, just taking a wild stab in the dark because most people who rant about how shit women are on here can't get laid and are all bitter about it. Whereas you are clearly bitter about the herp instead, and probably still can't get laid. And you unironically use angry 13 year old boy made up words like roastie.
Anyone think Mickey Gandolfini is actually going to be able to pull off the role?
Bad signs already that they changed the name from something cool to something boring.
Jesus Paulie
Chase looks dead already
Completely fucking with all of these. Carmella’s priest shit lined up perfectly with Tony’s College A-plot and finding out about his therapist being a woman.
Christopher’s writing and acting stuff were important to his character. I think you need to stop being a fucking retard user
where did they even get a prop gun this terrible
Jesus christ Chase looks awful
gas chambah paulie dey used ta cawl him
I’m convinced the reason why people place so much unnecessary and vitriolic hatred for the female characters in Sopranos might actually be that reason and also because they are almost trained to by watching other shitty shows like Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad where the female characters are all one-dimensional and terrible.
>Janice is the least evil
You're insane. And still fixated on the sexual name calling because you can't defend your position.
I'm not bitter about anything apropos to this conversation; I'm making an assessment of the character. I think Carmela is one of the most wholesome characters in the show, along with Art.
I think you may be the bitter one here.
Carmella is an absolute degenerate and utter hypocrite. Your female role ideals seem askew. Only Charmaine has any dignity or wholesomeness.
Perhaps wholesome wasn't the right word, I should have said likeable, especially in the context of the show. I also like Bobby even though he murdered Jackie Jr. But this is a subjective issue.
I'd never in a million years consider Janice likeable or wholesome. She's pretty much a heel through and through.
> I think Carmela is one of the most wholesome characters in the show
Miss "i despise the violent mob life but i love the money and expensive dinners"? the jewish therapist and tony during the talks about divorce ripped her a new asshole, she's a complete fraud.
Charmaine is way better, even if she can be more cunty to her dumb husband than its needed sometimes.
I had kind of forgotten about Charmaine. She's up there with Art, though as a man the way she pecks him does get on my nerves. She's a master bitcher, but she is right. She just needs to be more persuasive instead of getting your hackles up immediately.
Again, subjective. Great show with some deep characters.
>What is Once Upon a Time in America
Who are they gonna cast for Tony Soprano's dad?
Love and Marriage tier
>Charmaine Bucco
>Catherine Sacrimoni
Gumar tier
>Juliana Skiff
>Kelli Moltisanti
Comforting Femdom Mommy gib tier
>Dr Melfi
>Lorraine Calluzo
>Rosalie Aprile
Fuck once and leave because crazy tier
>Gabriella Dante
Kill tier
>Ginny Sack
They think it's Bernthal and Farmiga, no one really knows yet. They are in the cast and best bet so far.
Mask you sumpin Tony...
you're obviously some reddit femifaggot if you think she wasn't a fucking freeloader. she put in 0 work when and where she could. tony actually worked
Don't stop believing.
They are all freeloaders, you just aren't smart enough to see the sky through the trees.
Tony only worked for himself, so did Janice.
You people disgust me. How can you be attracted to a woman that looks like John Kruk with 40 inch ankles? I just dont get it.
Give reparations Hesh, or else.
The fucking Christopher Columbus subplot is the most ham-handed bullshit the writers ever tried to pull and it was just handled fucking terrible
They had Montel Williams play himself in that episode, it was fucking stupid
I don't think that there's any talk about being persuasive, charmaine and arthur have completely different views on their mob clientele
Charmaine looks down on them with disgust, and disdain for flaunting their wealth around like some nouveau riche assholes/thriving from making blood money and sees them for what they are - a bunch of heartless thugs.
Arthur knows that he doesn't have what it takes to live that life but nonetheless he's romanticizing their ways and admits that he admires tony more than a couple of times. He even tries to make his own loan-shark business and get some mistresses but time after time he proves to be too incompetent and his plans fall flat on his head.
In a way the two embody the viewers - some always defend tony and the crew and treat them as if they were their buddies, others treat them like sociopathic monsters
I know this post is just for the edge but it's underappreciated how rarely adriana encourages or even knows about a criminal or immoral action. I don't think the suspicious (bags with the price tags still on) and semi-suspicious (christopher becomes "silent partner" in a nightclub) stuff really balances how much effort she puts into trying to get him onto an honest career path, trying to get him sober, etc. etc. By contrast Carmella 100% knows about murders committed by Tony and does nothing, not to rat out Tony, not to leave herself, not to get the kids, not even to try to change Tony's lifestyle
IMO giving Adriana up for (effectively) money is also where Christopher crosses the line for good. After that point nothing good ever really happens to him and everything he touches eventually goes bad. Most of his actions before then (including killing the cop to get made) are mostly justifiable on some level. It's a very catholic show in its morality is all I guess I'm saying
Good taste, great looks and that accent hhnnngh
Just imagine this is your dick, it’s hot you gotta admit
are you legitimately autistic? she only got bobby by being a manipulative harpy and everything else is just psychopathic posturing. she never cared about the daughter to beat up the other woman, its clearly something different to her, like a fake role she plays, more about herself than the kid. her own son is sucking cock for a dollar in canada and she doesnt give a fuck
She tried to stick dildo up my ass, play pretend I was a hooooar she was pimping out
Your uncle was a rat
he was a rat
....jesus christ
Jackie the retard junior
> You're on the right track but not really. Phil is actually old-school. Tony would never have had the balls to do 20 years in jail without flipping to the feds, he was weak. Phil was from his father's generation, and Tony was part of the weaker new generation.
Totally agree with you. Tony was never truly tested in his life in a position where he wasn't in authority, or didn't have the assistance of someone else in authority (dad, uncle, Jackie, etc.).
maybe we should just whack this prick
>He even tries to make his own loan-shark business and get some mistresses
I had totally forgotten about this as well. Time for a rewatch.
Man sje was hot
>Sopranos comes out in 1999 and gets cult status
Sopranos comes out in 2019 and gets heavily criticized by its toxic masculinity, etc.
Think about it.
It's you who sounds like the autistic mama's boy. It's a show all about killers dealers and career criminals, yet you fixate on holding the women up to some kind of elevated standards, nitpicking every moral failing you find and missing the whole point that the show is full of strong manipulative women who are players. They aren't allowed to join, but wield power in their own way.
No wonder you have a boner for Janice, she even points out in a scene that the men in the show want the women to be some kind of holy trinity saint.
I'm talking about his shenanigans with the french armagnac guy and the way he wanted to get into the panties of the relative of the armagnac guy, Adrianna and Martina the albanian martini.
Comfortably Numb is about getting dosed up on muscle relaxants by an unscrupulous doctor numbnuts.
He doesn't actually set out to get a mistress actively, he just covets what is directly in front of him in the restaurant where he works every day. The time Tony offers him the girl he is ogling, he doesn't accept. The whole time he is separated from Charmaine, he isn't shown to fuck any girl. He is never seen to fuck any other woman.
Comfortably numb is about Syd Barrett, wake up.
When I was a child, I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look, but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
The dream is gone
I have become comfortably numb
>In a way the two embody the viewers - some always defend tony and the crew and treat them as if they were their buddies, others treat them like sociopathic monsters
As to this, I don't think it's impossible to fit into a gradient between the two.
You have make due with the hand your dealt and what you know, sometimes, or end up in the gutter. It's human nature. It's the later justification of what you've done to survive and make your way and provide for a thriving family that result in inner turmoil.
Even someone in the service industry might feel this pain in the form of regretted self degradation and swallowing of pride. Tony and Carmela both feel this painful instropection to some degree at least, which makes them a bit more sympathetic if not also more hypocritical than a goon like Dante.
Many things have been romanticized which should not. I think this is why Tony loves the history channel. He sees acts of cruelty far beyond any he would ever be capable of lauded.
What's your contact user? Will have to hit you up in a chat sometime, you have some interesting shit to say in this thread.
Stupida fahcken Columbus
> The time Tony offers him the girl he is ogling, he doesn't accept
because it was not simply about cumming inside some other hole, it was about another girl desiring him as a powerful man, just like tonys goomars did, i may be forgetting this scene but artie basically says that the stripper would fuck tony because she wanted to, on the other hand she would fuck artie either because he paid her or because tony made her do it, which would be another low for him and not something that he was looking for.
98% of women would not want to fuck Tony for anything other than money. That's why the studio didn't want Gandalf for the role originally. That women are all drooling over Tony is a fiction that the show creates in it's mythos.
This was a nice scene in that Christopher episode. I honestly just thought the rioting scenes and news footage in that episode was terrible and distracting and that was it. Everything else was a fine episodic detour from the plot. But maybe I need to rewatch it.
He's completely correct about Janice's disgusting gaslighting, at the least. I don't know, Janice is just extremely unlikeable, and nasty and conniving for no discernable reason. She pretends to be so wordly and compassionate, but she's a vapid dick. At least Tony is up front about it.
She kind of has a short redemption arc with the kids, but a building built on a shitty foundation will always be a shitty building.
I don't hate the female characters i hate Janice
I kind of agree, but he's also big and (Canon) strong and very forceful.
Violent and/or powerful men get some women wet, that's just the way it is.
>For no reason
user, Livia. She apparently took the brunt of her criticism.
>In my house, it was dog eat dog
It’s no wonder she ended up becoming as venomous as Livia as well as an opportunistic vulture.
To add, I actually hate Tony for provoking her when she was trying to change.
He supposed she hadn't changed yet, and he was right, but still an asshole that goaded her.
yes, but I'm not talking about the real life scenarios, in the show plenty of women get moist even if they don't care about the money (svetlana, gloria)
you can leave
I actually dislike Livia much more for just that reason, in addition to her crocodile tears being infuriating.
Tony always hated the happy wanderers, every time a person close to him tries to beat his inner demons tony gets angry at them and tries to fuck up their progress, like with janice and her anger management, chrissy and his addictions, tony b and him going straight, davey scatino and his gambling addiction. Alternatively fucking "pure" people up, like the black cop, bobby or zellman and irina.
Maybe it's my own fear of turning into my parents that made me overlook this good point, too add. It's hard to escape.
he's nearly 80
Svetlana cares deeply about money, openly. Her personal fondness for Tony is also tempered with his potential to provide if she is with him.
Same with Gloria really, Gloria doesn't need money as much as the others do, but will have plenty of it if she were to replace Carmella.
Also remember that Livia is arguably the reason why Tony is a criminal in the first place.
Johnny-Boy wanted to start a supper-club down at Florida and was apparently, based on Tony’s word, his way out.
Livia threatening to smother her own children then move meant that he had no choice but to stay. She’s probably also the reason why he’s dead because she worked him like a worker bee. Junior is his older brother yet he is alive. Consider it headcanon but I think she was the stress that actually caused Johnny to take up smoking and eventually caused him his emphysema
>Tony: She wore him down to a squeaky little gerbil
Yeah this %100. Plebs do not see these subtleties in the show, but Tony is always shown to be pure poison in most cases.
That video someone posted above, where Janice mentions she doesn't like Armagnac, and Tony jumps in quickly before Artie gets put off from his failed venture. There are dozens of other examples through all seasons.
If 2D>3D, why wouldn't 1D be the penultimate?
>tfw no infinitesimal singularity gf
svetlana refuses to be his lover and cuts contact after he tries to bribe her with a diamond broche.
gloria was crazy about him even before she knew who he was exactly, and one of the points of their relationship is how she didn't care about his cash, and, unlike the other goomars, could take care of herself and be an independent woman
Nobody liked the black cop, that’s why it was easy for Tony to use his insider to get him fired
Yeah, that's how they play it in the show, but Johnny boy would not be able to just down tools and quit any more than Tony let Eugene. Johnny boy is not a powerful enough boss to have the freedom to just retire.
More like Livia kept him on track where he was already entrenched and powerful and making big money, rather than working in some reduced capacity for the mob running a club somewhere.
The real life Tony Soprano 'retired' and ran a club somewhere else in the US after wiggles closed, but that was after he got busted and turned witness protection.
They can say that, but their intent is debatable. My parents made about the same, and when he bought her 10k in precious stone jewelry for their anniversary, she lit up like a school girl.
It's hot if you find 63 yr old out of shape Outfielders from the American league attractive. Heres another "hottie" for ya.
Cute story, how does it disprove the post you were replying to? They didn't just "say" it, it was this way in the show.
Reminds me of Carmela's tragic upper lip. It detracts so much from her milf curb appeal.
Johnny-Boy was actually de-facto boss of New Jersey though, but I guess if anything that actually meant he wouldn’t be able to escape. Junior and Johnny apparently were the street-bosses for Eckley. After Johnny-Boy’s death it became apparent that he was the true brains as Junior lost his position to Jackie and the Aprile crew. But I think moving to Florida would have meant that he could become partially-legitimate businessman like Little Carmine.
Because 95% of humans are that way. When a man says "don't get me anything," he's being just as passive aggressive as a woman. Maybe both sexes are even carrying a chip on the shoulder there. The need to wear your big boy/girl hat as a breadwinner.
He doesn't try to bribe her, it's his parting gift standard for his whores, he is a rich powerful man, so he has to give concubines a lavish gift or he looks like scum to other rich powerful people.
He wants to carry on the relationship but she thinks he is too needy and weak. She can have financial security with some other rich man who is not so difficult.
Gloria is the complete antithesis of independent, which he discovers soon enough. Just because Gloria can pay her own way and probably makes enough to buy a car and travel, doesn't mean she makes enough to buy a house for example.
And there is no definite evidence Gloria does not know who Tony is, she is a NJ resident, and Italian, and she works in the luxury car industry, and he is the boss of NJ, she may have known all along. If she knew who he was, she is not going to say hey aren't you that mafia guy on the news?
This woman was hot as fuck when she was young.
This first paragraph hits what I missed.
Basically, she wouldn't be with Tony if he was some schuck working a 9-5. She doesn't want to be treated like a whore, but she's definitely looking at what she can get out of it as well.
tony distracting carm from looking into jackie jr's death by funding her real estate ambitions was great
There's no retirin' from dis. You took an oath.
It's a shitty life as the show depicts, if you could just retire to run a club somewhere, most would do that after they had saved a little.
Little Carmine was never officially 'in'. He is the 'heir apparent' like Jackie Jr, and can just coast along and join or not. Johnny boy and Junior are way in.
She still looked evil, but I would have pounded that dyke mound into submission.
Rude user, that was very rude. Implying I would sex it up with Hillary. S2-S3 Janice had her appeal.
>those moans
>gun to the head
>it should be you...
Would let her drive me to my death
She doesn't look evil at all, nor is she. Not any more than most politicians or lawyers. Fuck off to /pol/ if you want to rant about muh shillary and fantasise about locking women up.
You have to go back--->
Holy shit, someone got mad instantly lmao
Chill out man, your waifu is safe
Assuming Tony dies and Silvio is out of commission who becomes boss of DiMeo and consigliere? I think Little Carmine would be the obvious choice for boss in the Lupertazzi family. Patsy is the only one I can think of for DiMeo boss, Paulie is far too stupid, and no one else really comes close. Benny would give a big boost as well.
>Defending Hillary
0/10 bait
I don't really give a shit about her, I prefer the Bern. I just don't want to listen to a bunch of magashart drivel on Yea Forums
She looks a little evil, bro. I wasn't even referring to actual politics. She's just looks like a harpy siren succubus, for better or worse.
Huma's asshole must be an abyss.
fucking faggot
>Spike Lee
You aren't fit to pick dingleberries off Gilliam's sweaty 3 days shooting in the jungle unwashed crack user. Remember that.
Agreed with Little Carmine being boss or at the very least de-facto boss.
Albert Ally Boy is too young to be boss despite being a good earner, he just started he reign as capo. Who the fuck knows what happens to Carlo Gervasi’s crew. That crew had two known rats for a capo, not good. Ray Curto’s crew seems to have just been ignored. Aprile crew is swallowed up by Soprano crew. I think Pauli becomes boss, Patsy is his #2 so I can’t imagine Paulie would be happy being commanded by him. He did agree to running Aprile crew when Tony threatened to hand it to Patsy
Is that Vince Vaugh?
It would be Albert. John Gotti Jr took over at a very young age. And the old man is 'still a guest of the government' so there is still a leader.
operator tone best tone
Yeah there’s no way it would’ve been greenlit today.
Fuck that fuckin’ parakeet.
I’m placing my bets on Paulie being the “boss” or rather the lightning rod. With Patsy being the underboss that actually runs everything. Patsy is a pretty good #2 and is shown to stand his ground very well during the No-show/No-work dispute with Ralph. It would basically be the relationship in s1 with Tony and Junior. Except Paulie will be sitting on his throne content and going “heh heh heh” as he collects his lions share.
Who are some of your favorite real life wise guys Soprano bros?
janice vs svetlana is absolute kino
Is this from the set of The Many Saints of Newark?
Who's the guy in the leather jacket?
>Benny is now 52
>Little Paulie is 60
>Larry Barese is 80
>This cuhnt will be sorry she ever fuck with me
>Janice playing the fucking electric guitar (literally reminds me of my older sister practicing her fucking clarinet and ukulele)
>Punched in the fucking face
You might be on to something
>Meadow is now the same age as Tony in season 1
i really cannot believe how many people still refuse to believe tony is dead
Post the dumbest Soprano takes you’ve seen on websites like Youtube or wherever
>If Melfi asked Tony to kill her rapist she would be in debt to the mob
>Jackie Jr is dumber than Matt and Sean
>The ending was bad
Any plot that gives us more of this sweet Eastern European angel is pure kino
There’s no evidence to prove objectively that he is dead
>put that on my tab
him being such a stingy fuck always rubbed me wrong
it's strongly hinted to the point that you can tell beyond a doubt chase intended for him to die
>Just got to the JFK episode
Very tempted to skip it or at least skip the relevant scenes.
>Multiple Sclerosis is brought up constantly in Sopranos
>Jamie Lynn Sigler has ms
I feel really bad for her. I thought she still looked pretty hot at the 20 year anniversary but I checked again recently and she doesn’t look too well. At least she’s exercising though.
user, Camelot was a good episode the whole way through
And big ol tiddies
I might give it another go, it has been years since I saw it last. I just remember it being cringy.
I also like Bobby even though he murdered Jackie Jr.
You're confusing before with way before
That shit was catharsis. She actually had to face repercussions on her own. I unironically admire the gurl power from both sides though. She found out how hard it is being the muscle in the business she benefitted from.
At least Livia kind of held shit together, even if she held everyone else back on the process.
The scene with the old bag singing Happy Birthday was supposed to by repulsive. I feel like I’m the only one that found Fran’s plot to be interesting. Talking to his father’s goomar and the whether or not she really is being friendly, or an opportunist, or both. The scene where Junior keeps going to funerals because he is stir-crazy is hilarious. Then it hits you with the feels Junior breaks down and goes into a depressing monologue about how his life is only death.
Only thing I didn’t like was the young-Tony actor not looking like Tony in the slightest
The central point is at the end of the episode when Tony is lying through his teeth about how classy and sophisticated that skank was to protect his father's image.
I kind of wish she had unleashed Tony on the rapist, because I don't think there would have been strings attached, but her restraint was also pretty kino.
Who had MS in the show? I can’t remember
Ray Curto turned down leadership in season one and the reason he gave for it was his kid having MS (though the real reason is probably because he was an informant)
>37 and 34
How come EVERY telephone call in the show ends so abruptly? I never end a phone call without a mutual goodbye
AJ doesn't look too bad but she looks like she's in her mid forties.
Did they....?
Apparently AJ is a douchebag in real life
I have a feeling Ray Curto wasn’t an informant at that time. But that’s mainly based on symbolism. The season 2 opening with the Frank Sinatra song shows Ray Curto handing a fuck-ton of cash to Tony, representing Tony’s rise in power and his good-fortune. I forget when we find out Ray is an informant though, season 3 finale maybe idk?
But in season 4, we see Tony screaming about WHERES THE FUCKIN MONEY with Ray being at the meeting with a wire
Representing the downward spiral and crumbling of his empire as he starts pushing people more and more away from him.
North Easterners are rude as fuck and proud of it
Oh, man, someone should have told her bras aren't just a meme.
>Muh “this represents this” symbolic meaning
Yeah? Maybe you're a flambe.
>Waist high khaki pants with no socks and no bra
>Trench coat, chain, and tennis shoes
Who looks weirder
Yes user that’s why I said
>but that’s mainly based on symbolism
New thread?
He honestly still pulls it off better despite only missing a fedora. That said, they both look like they should be fucking in a double wide somewhere.
Should have typed it like this
>ahh I don’t know...like...symbolism or some stupid shit like that
It makes you seem aloof and not reddit
Watch it, reddit.
Ralph and Janice really did deserve each other.