If anything, this shit brings up pity and compassion. Imagine having to overreact for a living

If anything, this shit brings up pity and compassion. Imagine having to overreact for a living.

In the future, we'll look back on Youtube and youtubers the same way we think of circuses and clowns now.
The sad 2010's, when unemployment and poverty was so widespread thousands had to sacrifice their dignity clowning around on the internet for ad revenue. Having to fake a whole persona, perfectly conscious they will be hated and despised for it. Every Nostalgia critic's mimic, every s0i scream, every reaction video smells of despair, utter despair.

The "creepy youtuber" will be a major feature of 2030's horror.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>The "creepy youtuber" will be a major feature of 2030's horror.

he's cringe but doesn't deserve the attention

I'm jealous that the guy can get that excited about something. It reminds me I'm dead inside.

>I'm jealous that the guy can get that excited about something
ur a fag

James was always our guy, at least we laughed at his fake reactions, unlike this douchebag who is just plain pathetic.

>turn camera on while watching a trailer
>post it on YouTube
>make thousands
Its not hard to understand why people do it, its easy, fun and makes money

He's excited about something that isn't exciting. It garbage.
I get excited for some things but nuwars...no.

Come on man, he's literally a huge fucking weirdo. And this is really creepy.

Filmed reactions are never genuine, unless the person in question doesn't know they're being filmed. He's performing.

That makes me feel a bit better, but I still see passionate people on YouTube. Genuinely passionate people.

>He's performing.
yfw he's a better actor than the entire nu wars cast

there's some people who react on yt that give solid commentary on what they're watching though 90% is people playing up for the camera though I agree

Shut the fuck up pathetic white losers

>he's literally a huge fucking weirdo. And this is really creepy.
Like everyone on this site you normalfaggot?


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Imagine overacting for literal garbage. Poor man baby.

Can we stop posting this ugly faggot with his facial deformities and rehearsed emotions already?

my parents never warned me about them because that shit didn't exist in the pre-clown world era

You parent never warned you about creeps with vans?

the only BBC thats trending is the one in his wife lole.

No they warned me about racist bigots like you.

When will a couple of Yea Forumsfags flood Youtube with highly over the top reactions?

he has a wife
are you mad Yea Forums?

i agree but hes obviously not actually excited

>going to a movie with my wife, her bf and his son
>they let me see Star Wars because I worked 100 hours of overtime this month
>drive there in my 4 cylinder crossover, gas efficient and safe for my family
>buy everyone treats, comes to $200, only have enough money left for a soi latte for myself
>sit in the theater, booked the best seats in the house
>a group of black men in traditional African garb come in, banging on drums
>"oops wrong showing my niggas, we're going to see Black Panther for the fifth time"
>tip them my last $20 from my allowance for their show regardless
>wife adds a sticker to my "good husband" chart, 10 more and I get a handjob
>trailers come on
>squeal I'm so excited and pretend I'm holding a lightsaber
>my wife's son joins in and tells me Finn is a more powerful jedi than Luke, I agree with him
>getting kind of boring, pull out my nintendo switch and play a little Mario through the other trailers
>finally the movie starts, close my reddit tabs on my iphone x, browsing r/politics (so close to drumpf being impeached!)
>shaking in my seat, have been waiting for Episode IX for months now
>a black guy walks into the theater late
>I offer my seat to him but realize there are no other seats available
>walk way up to the front and sit on the ground in front of the first row
>as I sit, popcorn crunches beneath me, my pants become stuck to the floor, doused in soda
>it's okay though, imagine being a slave, he's had a much harder time than me
>crane my neck back and begin watching the movie
>mfw Rei's ready to defeat Palpatine!

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He is emotional unstable. Watch that video again, he has serious mental problems, and people are celebrate it for some reason.

that sleeps in a separate bed

If he was crying about his child being born or even a loved one dying I would be jealous. Being this overcome with emotions at a movie from a zombie franchise that is literally engineered to be as profitable as possible just disgusts me.

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You're not making "thousands" anymore and this dude doesn't have the subscriber or viewer count to make thousands.

because Ashley's comment caused so much anal devastation in the soya community

Your parents must be nigger faggots then.

He does now, thanks to Yea Forums.

He has two videos with around a half-million views that are Nintendo-related. It takes more than that in current year.

All this over Star Wars. Make him a Jedi and let's move on baby

I think it's always kind of weird when people take a real life person and turn them into a meme in a really mean way, like Scumbag Steve or Bad Luck Brian or Star Wars Kid. With "TheEricButts," he has sort of put himself out there by uploading the video himself. You kind of do open yourself to ridicule when you put yourself out there like that. However, there's a point where it goes beyond good natured ribbing, you can take the bants too far, and I think we crossed that point when a guy drew that image of him with a tiny dick and huge blue balls, as well as people like talking about his wife and his marriage in this very thread. After a certain point, it's just too damn personal. Good on Hamill for stepping up for the dude.

Help me plz

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Go to Kiwi Farms, that's the white knight community you're looking for. I bet you didn't even laugh when CWC shoved his medallion up his ass. Faggot.

>I'm jealous that the guy can get that excited about something. It reminds me I'm dead inside.
>Filmed reactions are never genuine, unless the person in question doesn't know they're being filmed. He's performing.
These may go hand in hand. People people have become so dead inside and desperate to feel, they are attracted to these faux over emotional videos on YouTube. These videos of reactions are popular because people are so diconnected from other humans they desperately search online to find human emotion, only to find these vauge pastiches of warn out faces bright and early for their daily races going nowhere. Going nowhere. I find it kinda funny. I find it kinda sad. The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had.

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I think it's really weird to obsess and essentially stalk people like Chris-chan. Go update the cwcki, I hear he bought a new shirt. Retard.

I remember when I turned a friend i to a meme by posting a pic I took of him on Yea Forums back in the day. Him standing in the light. Me standing in the dark. That was the last time we spoke as friends.

why is nobody pointing out that skin cancer melanoma on his cheek

It's not a toomah!

He's doing the videos to pay for his cancer treatment.


Who was in the wrong here?


I ain't got time to do that shit, but I'm glad there's fine spergs out there who do because it makes me chuckle when internet loons do something silly. You're on Yea Forums[nel], nigger. If you're looking for a moral high ground, it is elsewhere.

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Clearly the cameraman for mistakenly thinking an emu was an ostrich. Kind of surprised he uploaded that despite it making him look like such a fool.

that video that's been getting reposted says it's a strawberry

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who the fuck is this guy? ive been seeing his face pop up here a lot recently but dont know what his name is. anyone got a link to the video?

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You're too busy to update the cwcki, you just spend all your free time reading about Chris-chan and even posting about him in threads that have nothing to do about him. Wow, you sure are a cool guy. My mistake for calling you a retard, you faggot.


He's being excited by something written and directed by algorithms and AI. He's worse than dead inside. He's a coprophagous.

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>a sell out defends an actual clown
Still, I bet Hamill is just saying this so he won't be blacklisted for unforgivably talking negative about Last Jedi.

thanks desu!

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Don't you have a patreon to donate to?

>this is international news
hey guys what's the easiest and most effective way to kill yourself?

Don't you have an "ironic" Sonichu fancomic to draw?


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Just say shit eater, dude.
There's no high ground here. This is a low place.

>n the future, we'll look back on Youtube and youtubers the same way we think of circuses and clowns now.
>The sad 2010's, when unemployment and poverty
I hate living in the presence where you are forced to wage slave 40 hours a week. Why was I not born just 100 years later.

>poly atheist
the fuck is that? He believes in multiple non-existences of Gods?

they're two separate terms
poly - involved in polyamorous relationships
atheist - you know

I actually wanted to say necrophiliac. My bad.

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he's a fucking infant and his reaction to such a fucking trash movie is a perfect example of the shitty decline in film and in society. No one even cares about real movies anymore, its all marketing and capeshit, capeshit of all things, fucking movies based on children books is the most influential shit in film now, absolutely fucking disgusting. It's hows how much consumerism is destroying everything.

Actually. Both. Eating the shit from dead bodies.

Movies market has become like the videogames market where the quality is based on the size of the budget rather than actual artistic quality.

anyone who based their identity off the media they consume genuinely physically digusts me, and I think the reaction to this guy proves I'm not alone. he deserves to be bullied purely as a warning to others. It's a disgusting way to live.

This thread fucking sucks

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I love clowns tho.

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Sportsballcucks make me cringe. If you wear another man's name on your back you're fucking gay. You dress like his high school girlfriend and you're just aching for him to plow your asshole.

It's the same principle.

>these are the people calling you incel

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>when you are a /d/fag and even you cringe at this soicuck reacting
He's cringe but piling on him is fucking retarded. So long as he's cringe at the expense of himself rather than others people should just leave him alone, just like that ventrilo harassment guy who wanted to be alone.

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Why is everyone rushing to his defense but everyone ignored jamesuniverse?
Is it really all because of this one tweet?

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holy shit
Yea Forums utterly, entirely, and COMPLETELY BTFO

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what are you, twelve? next you'll believe women just want a nice, honest man who'll understand them

>teehee he's so happy I love his reaction he's such a passionate guy!
>what? have sex with him? why would I ever do that?

Don't fall for it you fucking morons, they just want brownie points.

This is the screencap that sent /pol/ in a frenzy. They'll take all celebrities in the world, but once a girl praises a man in whatever context the /pol/ster finds it unacceptable it's over.

breaking onions

Not him, but he's already married so it doesn't matter, but too bad his wife look like shit.


She looks like his sister.

>Only knows about bottom of the barrel "SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON"-tier Youtubers
>Complains aboug them instead of finding actually quality content creators

Attached: thismansrighthere(5).jpg (291x400, 22K)

>i haven't been excited for a star wars movie since the last time there was a star wars movie

yeah us weirdos man haha we discuss star wars and comic book movies, only weirdos do that!

This type of faggotry makes me irrationally angry

The soi boi smile is already ripe for body horror. The smile widening inhumanly as the bones make disgusting cracking and creaking sounds, the eyes bulging, the teeth growing and makes the cums bleed, the tongue flapping wildly like a facehugger's tale...

kek at the people defending him.

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True, but imagine caring enough to actually react to the faggot on a sphere of the internet where normal people will see it.

I thought Yea Forums was only shit posting about him. I guess she outed herself as an user

Imagine being this secluded, everyone was making fun of him.

Nah some normies know about him via that Metokur fag. My point still stands - I'll shitpost about him on here but why the fuck would any normal person care enough to reference him in the 'normiesphere' of the internet.

This is like captain marvel all over again.

You guys hate on this faggot and due to that you Streisand him and make him shit loads of cash.

Dude, TONS of people know about him, it's no different from those "cringe compilation" videos that get millions of views, why do you think Mark stepped in the first place?

You're right, idk user, seeing roasties berate a soifaggot always leaves a bad taste in my mouth even if the guy is as pathetic as Eric Butts. Call me a faggot whiteknight if you want, but you know that shit's gross.

he's playing it up for the camera

>ring on left hand

oh no he didn't

No, you wish you were getting the attention Eric is

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That was not excitement. I've been excited to see a movie, read a book, or play a new game that I've been waiting for. The blubbering and screaming is something sinister, this man took something that supposed to bring enjoyment and turned it into his entire identity meaning. Things like religion, philosophy, personal virtue or values have been replaced in this man by fairy tales and commercials. Where old media used to inspire creation or action, this modern man is only inspired to consume. Its all trash.

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I cried when grand tour ended and tguk
But those where shows I knew and watched since I was a small kid and it's real.
Tfa and tlj made me die inside and I dunno how anyone could feel any emotional connection to that shit
Don't get me wrong I think the s o y man bug in op is over reacting hard but showing emotions isn't always bad thing especially for real men again not bugmen like in op
Idk I feel conflicted his weird birth make ticks me off more as well as his shit headhairline
Also Fuck star wars

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Is alanha even a aussie? She didnt know that you can get guns in the bushlands

>Things like religion, philosophy, personal virtue or values
> replaced in this man by fairy tales
So nothing has changed?

>TLJ was the last Star Wars movie
I guess you forgot about Solo like everyone else.

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I went to that but it was so dark I couldn't see it.

>Implying alanah pearce with shit ton of make up will date a guy likei n the video and not a football chad or tyrone

He's not even crying over Star Wars. He was watching something else and this was edited in.

Let's be real though, user. We've come full circle. The christian larpers on this site are the new militant atheist fedora neckbeards.


probably deserved it

>tradthot roastie


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Real talk, I'd take millitant/fundamentalist Christian LARPers every day of the week over the fedora tippers. At least they pretend to care about something other than muh nihilist humanism or muh scienceā„¢.

Who are you trying to fool?

I enjoyed IA's reaction to this.

And FYI, reaction videos are so popular because people are so lonely they will watch to simulate watching something with a friend.

Jim sucks cock these days user.
>blacked jokes are funni rite guise?

It looks like she's gonna snap at any second from that thumbnail.

You're retarded, women say one thing and do another.

i made a funny internet picture

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