Jewish people are over represented in Hollywood. For the sake of diversity...

Jewish people are over represented in Hollywood. For the sake of diversity, do you think Hollywood studios should adopt rules limiting (or even outright banning) the hiring of Jewish people?

Attached: CcaJ3DaWAAAnNnT.jpg (1024x577, 71K)

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That image is shopped btw

Is it wrong?

>banning) the hiring of Jewish people?

Oh hell yes....wait,, I thought you menat BUR....nevermind.

>Jewish people

Attached: 1523962383109.png (1000x1000, 77K)

>That image is shopped btw

>Is it wrong?
Probably not.

Attached: 20160123_woc197.png (1190x756, 74K)

>counting jewish people as white people
That image is incorrect.

Jewish people in fact are white. Mental gymnastics all you want, you literally cannot disprove a fact. Please tell me 1+1=3

Jews don't consider themselves white is you are wrong

they’re white when it’s convenient, and jewish when things are good.

Jewish people are not white at all, but if they were
1) The Holocaust was a white genocide
2) Israel is a white ethnostate
3) The KKK hates white people more than black people
4) White are a minority in America
5) Saying mean words about white people is antisemitic
Jewish people are considered a non-white ethnic minority. In fact, it's considered antisemitic to call Jewish people white (because that's an attempt to erase their ethnicity). So I guess I should ask, why do you hate Jewish people, user? Why are you such a bigot?


They like to remind us that all the time, so you can fuck right off with your bullshit.

caucasian yes but not white (as in european)

>Jewish people in fact are [not] white.

Jews aren't a singular race anymore, Ashkenazi Jews are literally by definition white.

The whole "Jews aren't a race" historically only became a thing in response to Hitler/Nazi rhetoric. Jewish people have also at times tried to pass as white as an attempt to avoid discrimination (this includes saying they're white when they're not, changing their last names, practicing their religion is less obvious and open ways, and even flat out lying about where they're from and who they are and what they believe). Jewish people are considered a non-white ethnic minority. Calling Jewish people white is antisemitic, again because it's an attempt to erase their identity (like a graph of different "races/ethnicities" that lumps them into white () instead of making a separate category ()).

Real percentages are about 10% for acting roles and at least 30% for producers


My own research. No joke.
I'm currently writing a paper on Hollywood diversity and decided to add Jewish people as a variable after seeing how prevalent they are in the data.
The dataset contains 1620 movies from 1990 to 2016.
I have numbers on both actors and producers.
If you want to know anything that's easy to look up I can tell you.

Alright. Well, post your research and show us how you came to those numbers you claim are real.

And that was the last you heard of him. Or his research.

fuck quotas

are they now? because last I checked we didn't have many jews up here in north caucasus, you mutt faggot.


This. Hire the guy you want to hire.
A true meritocracy is the way to go