I'll take it! I'll take the ring to mordor!

I'll take it! I'll take the ring to mordor!

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Why didn't Gandalf recognise the One Ring when Bilbo had it? How can a Maia not be aware of an incredible source of power a foot away from his nose? Why didn't they give the ring to Beorn and let him walk to Mordor? He can literally solo entire armies like he was Feanor's angrier swole cousin.

i've said time and time again galdalf is like an angel who guies mortals he does not do their bidding for them


You realise he was being manipulated by the ring right?

it took gandalf 17 years to figure out that was the one ring

Gandalf is only as powerful as the plot requires him to be

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Not a pretty good ring if it manipulates the one dude who actually manages to jog to the volcano.

It’s self-destructive, just like all evildoers are ultimately self destructive

Yet he refused to throw it in the volcano in the end.

well Yea Forums? can you refute it?

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I cant, he is right!

hobbit weed

i mean think about it, logically

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>have daughter
>feed and change her every single day
>by her everything
>omg so cute she's my little princess
>so sweet look she's a ballerina haha awwww
>my little princess is growing up
>goes to high school
>used as a cum rag by jocks
>drops your surname
>travels across the country to live with some dude she met
>occasionally calls you to ask for money

It clearly slowed his mind

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I cannot think or comprehend of anything more fulfilling than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years so that the world might experience a radiant bundle of happiness and love. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it amplifies the joy everyone she meets shall experience when she greets them and takes precious time from her day to make theirs a little better. Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? Everyone. Strangers on the street get a friendly bystander that will wish them well, the homeless will get a wealthy and intelligent girl that runs shelters to feed them and find them honest work to get off the streets. The lucky man or woman who marries her will get the perfect partner, and you'll benefit from gaining a second child in her spouse, one who will be a dear friend that thanks their lucky stars you raised such an astounding woman. As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to grant your wondrous, miraculous daughter and all the people around her a better life. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL reward. Think about it logically.

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Based. Anyone have the first time he was refuted screencapped?

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He's 100% right.

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>Why didn't they give the ring to Beorn
Hobbits are the only race too simple to be corrupted by the Ring. Even Bilbo only went nightmare mode for a second before reverting to normal. That's basically it. Hobbits don't crave power, they just want easy living.

Shut up Sam, you faggot

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Based Merry.

Father of an 18 year old about to go to college here, many hearty keks at this stale pasta

Holy shit thats actually true.
Never looked at it that way but its simple truth

If she’s not on antipsychotics now she will be soon. Godspeed.

>it took gandalf 17 years to figure out that was the one ring
He sure gave his best

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>Father of an 18 year old

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My God, if you truly wish to be cuckold then do so just don't spread lies about your precious little slut.

I wish I had a gf with a dad who browses Yea Forums, I would never admit that I browse this website, I would ask "Oh, what's that?" so he wouldn't know I'm a loser who spends his free time here but I would know everything. Big guy, sneed, CIA, all the kinos.

my girlfriend browses Yea Forums and so do her 3 brothers.
I don't really meme irl with them though, that's just embarrassing.

Well he had sex at least once

And he got the short straw when his partner gave birth to a girl.

assuming the kid is his to begin with

I can't imagine telling anyone that I spend time here. I don't want anyone to ever know. It would be too embarrassing. I don't mean I would meme with the dad, that's retarded. Maymays don't work irl. I'd just talk with him about movies, know I could joke with Dark Knight Rises qoutes.

I knew like one girl in college who wasn’t a horrible slut. Best luck man, hope you hold onto plausible deniability as long as possible.

It's pretty bad.
One of her bros thought it was funny to call me blacked whenever we met in person but that didn't last long.

Come to think of it, most of my real friends use Yea Forums in one way or another.
I don't know why it's so common, I know it's not a secret club but it feels like everyone will eventually admit to coming here when they struggle to reference something without revealing their power level.

Why didnt they just ask the eagles to bring the ring to mordor,?

She's a whore because you are a shit father

Does anyone remember the Ernest goes to Mordor video, i remember seeing it a long time ago but i cant find it

1) Flying the ring to Mordor would have done nothing but save time. Time didn't matter. It wasn't an issue until Aragorn goaded Sauron into launching his attack on Minas Tirith ahead of schedule. Frodo had the ring for decades until Gandalf uncovered its origin. The Fellowship took a month's vacation in Lothlorien halfway through their journey. They took two months to leave Rivendell. It had been about 2,000 years since the wizards arrived in Middle-earth to deal with Sauron to begin with.

2) The ring couldn't simply be dropped into the caldera of Mt. Doom. There's a reason why Frodo didn't just drop it into the first lava flow he came across. The ring couldn't be destroyed by lava outside of the (subterranean) forge. It could only be unmade where it was made. Why? Because magic. But that's how it worked.

3) Sauron had an entire army stationed around Mt. Doom.

4) The only chance the fellowship had of success rested on the fact that Sauron didn't believe that his enemies would attempt to destroy his ring. He believed that no one could overcome the ring's corruption (and was completely correct in thinking so, too). Aragorn tricked Sauron into believing that he had the ring. If Sauron knew that the ring was approaching Mordor, or was not with Aragorn, he could have surmised what Gandalf was planning. A suicidal air raid on his HQ would have been a fairly obvious tipoff that something was going on.

5) The eagles themselves would have been susceptible to the ring's influence, along with whomever the eagle was carrying.

>Why? Because magic. But that's how it worked.

The books actively claim that it's a matter of temperature.

>The lucky man or woman who marries her
number 1
>imagine spending 18 years (minimum) to have your daughter come out as a (((lesbian)))

number 2
>imagine investing 18 years (minimum) to have your daughter marry a nigger who then walks away leaving her a single mother
this pasta (and anyone who agrees with it) is ok with these 2 outcomes

>being ashamed of your bros

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>sending women to college
St. Augustine was pretty clear on how women should not be educated and you're basically sending her to whore school to be taught on how to get impregnated by n-black man, anyway enjoy tyour mulatto gransons if she doesnt abort them because she sure is going to get pregnant from all the ni-black man's cum that's going insider her.

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I'd be absolutely okay to have a qt lez daughteru

>all the seething incels replying to this
How can you know all girls are whores if they never even speak to you?

pipeweed kills motivation

His love of the half-lings leaf slowed his mind