Do Americans really do this?

do Americans really do this?
or is it Jewish thing?
(not being anti-semitic, they're all Jewish in the show)

Attached: seinfeld.jpg (1199x795, 135K)

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>(not being anti-Semitic)

go back

American non-Jew here, I don't always go for untoasted bread on my sandwiches, but it's not something I'm absolutely opposed to.

Is it just me or is Seinfeld just one of those shows that you can just keep watching over & over again?

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Only Jerry is Jewish in the show you retard.

only jerry was jewish wasnt he? i thought george was italian

Kramer and Elaine aren't Jewish. George is only half Jewish.

For me it's Frasier and Seinfeld.

George was too. Elaine and Kramer weren't


Wasn't there an episode where Elaine was the fancy of older Jewish men?

His mother was jewish, which would qualify him, but after conversion to Latvian Orthodox he won't be considered so

>not being anti-semitic, they're all Jewish in the show
jerry is the only jew in the show. george is half jew half wop. elaine and kramer aren't jewish

Yeah OP has never even watched Seinfeld. Let that sink in.

george was never jewish during the show's run
they say estelle was jewish after the show ended

No you're right user, only Jews to go cafes and restaurants

the serenity now

estelle says she won't ride in a german car in one ep. george also tells elaine he's half jewish in a blooper/outtake

She was written as Jewish.

>george also tells elaine he's half jewish in a blooper/outtake
when? closest is
Elaine: So now the *other* Lippman kissed me.

George: Well, sure. They're Jewish, and you're a shiksa.

Elaine: What?

George: It means a non-Jewish woman.

Elaine: I know what it means, but what does being a shiksa have todo with it?

George: You've got 'shiksappeal'. Jewish men love the idea of meeting a woman that's not like their mother.

he's not talking in the first person

where do you think you are?

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I am jew, go and have a good life and be happy

what do you mean?
(not that I can answer your question, since I'm neither an american, nor jew, but what do you mean?)

What? Get friends together, go have lunch somewhere and talk about shit?
Yeah. They do this in almost all countries. Where the fuck you from, boy? Some dictator ruled, third world shithole?

Latvian Orthodox, 'couse the hats are particularly attractive

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Good taste user

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Is sitting down for lunch with friends not a thing outside of America?

No. Europoors aren't allowed to have friends.

George's father isn't a Jew but his mother is so if we're being autistic he is technically. I think it's safe to say that George at the very least adopted the worst aspects of being a Jew from his mother, though. She's pretty much the archetypal Jewish mother. If Estelle was okay with fucking Festivus however I have to imagine she didn't care much about the religious aspect of being a Jew however.

>4 jews in nyc
>only one is racist

only so far i'm willing to suspend my disbelief.

Why are you telling me to stay an be sad?

I am jew too. Don't do what this jew says.

australian non jew (pretty sure I have no jew, im pretty careless with money) but I do do this, and know many people who arent even close to jewish (or american) who do this. hope thay helps

You mean 1. The racist is just a normal white dude as usual.