Are you excited?

Are you excited?

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No. I'm waiting for my wife to drag me to see this bullshit though so I can get it over with.

What movie is that?

have sex

No, won't even pirate it. Apocalypse Now Final Cut is coming out on UHD, that's what I'm excited for.

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>expect infinity gauntlet ending where they convince Thanos to do good
Infinity War was the perfect way to end the MCU. Endgame is just crashing everything with no survivors.

I'm excited for the Shanghai premiere

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of course, only contrarian incels aren't interested in the most hype movie of all time

No, I only watched the other one because everyone kept talking about it

Yes. I am neither poor nor a contrarian. I'll judge it for it's own merits.

no, I've even tried to enjoy capeshit but I just can't care about the story at all

I'm not "excited" I think most mcu films are average or really bad. I put up with some of it for specific characters.

Carl Manvers

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for one second i thought it was spiderman

Is it gonna be better than iron man 2, the objectively best film of the MCU?

Still deciding whether to go opening night just to witness the opening night crowd and their level of retardness, or to catch a bargain showing, or just wait for the cam torrent.


What's with the terrorist subtitles?

>still plans to watch it within a few days of the opening at the very least
Don't pretend you're any different from the regular normie crowd

I'm exited. which is to say Exited the theatre before the opening title

Nah...Captain fungus really ruined the mood and also the idea of thanos dying really bothers me.
wont even pirate it,gonna find some shitty stream and watch it just to say i am glad its over.

This will be the new Maario Danaris from GoT threads?i like it.

Infinity War left me kinda hollow because I realized that most of the characters I liked, mainly Guardians and Spider-Man died while the worst characters lived (Thor and Cap excluded). So, no, I'm not really that excited because I hate Hulk, Scarlo, Captain Fungus and Bald black woman.

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Does anybody got a link to the leaked footage? Still haven't seen it with audio

Already got the leaks, nothing to be excited about

Yeah everything about the movie was leaked I’m sure. Tool.

Yep I'm super hyped. Can't wait to see them go back in time using the quantum realm, take the infinity stones from the past, build their own infinity glove and wish everyone who died back. Bummed out captain America dies doing that though but it hasn't diminished my hype one iota.

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i've never seen an avengers movie

Have sex

i've never had sex either (volcel)