I really do not underatamd the hype behind Star Wars or reaction videos but this guy was just doing what he thought was fun. He also took all the hate and insults like a mature person and just ignored it. He seems like a genuinely good guy.
I really do not underatamd the hype behind Star Wars or reaction videos but this guy was just doing what he thought was...
Posted at 11:11
Hamil is into Ascension! Raise your vibration people 4D is almost here!!!!
I love seeing people seethe over this soiboi.
but Star Wars isn't fun at all. It's overproduced and underperforming. Luke Skywalker is old enough to have to start taking mandadory withdrawls from his IRA accounts and Leia died on a discount airplane- they didn't even bother to land.
>He also took all the hate and insults like a mature person and just ignored it. He seems like a genuinely good guy.
Didn't he go around threatening to sue everyone making fun of him?
you make the fucking hype making posts like this
stop posting this ugly cunt
What a surprise.
This shit is posted in Resetera and now we are getting flooded with threads defending the beta.
Truly a coincidence.
I don't give a fuck about that hag. I'm glad she's dead.
You do know he has been deleting all negative comments in his video for days now, right?
He's not ignoring it, he's just a pathetic millennial pussy who does nothing when he gets bullied.
>Trailer reaction videos
fake reaction
I still think his reaction is goofy, but his handling of the situation was pretty great. Maybe his wife really does fuck only him. They just needed two beds so when one breaks, they can have a spare.
Protip.... Hamill is taking the piss
If he did, I didn't see it.
>his handling of the situation was pretty great
What handling?
He kept crying while silently removing negative posts from his video, in fact, he's still doing it.
He didn't fight back because he's a beta, when a beta is beaten, he just takes it and shuts up.
No, he hasn't. If you go to his video, there's still tons of shit comments mocking him. He didn't delete anything.
Yea Forums spamming him was pretty pathetic. I get it. You don't like soiboys. They just makes this board unuseable with all the shitposting.
He actually did, there's plenty of comments, some of which were the highest voted ones, that are no longer there.
Did he? I hadn’t seen any reaction out of him.
Usable for what, for le ebin Reddit of Thrones threads?
Discussing how garbage the trailer of IX was?
Pretending to care about the spoilers of Marvel movie #1538907513958?
Nah, this was great, and it has exposed the audience of these movies.
what is a UPF?
Imagine defending a söyboy.
If you look like a faggot, you'll get treated like a faggot.
Butts is the greatest thing to happen to this board in a long while.
I just don't think many people would understand the genre which is reaction videos, how people just farm clicks and likes with least effort possible. It just one of the many cases, when viral nature of the video exposed actual degeneracy which is reaction videos, to a little bit more people than expected.
The reaction itself makes even normies confused whether it was sincere or not, and this makes the fans of such videos seethe hard, since they're a literally watching fake acting by non-actor in a casual environment on a daily basis. And know everyone knows how degenerative they are.
Actual movies. This place isn't even about movies and television anymore. It's about soiboys, star wars and capeshit. It's fucking tiring to wade through.
>I don't give a fuck about that hag. I'm glad she's dead.
Other than Lucas she was one of the few with talent. Just derailed her career due to sweet sweet cocaine.
Mark Hamill is just a footnote and was really only picked for the movies because he looked like their target audience- 12 year old boys.
The video doesn't make him 'a bad person' but any adult human should be embarrassed to be an emotional wreck from a trailer to a blockbuster movie, even if it's exaggerated performance art.
He's desperately being propped up because megacorp loves seeing humans enthralled by it's products, and some others probably enjoy seeing men reduced like this.
Once your numbers increases, we just activate another brainlet filter, which would BTFO newfriends like you. Works perfectly, now go cry on reddit
We talk about movies and television, just not the way you used to. There is always reddit for crybabies like you.
This was obviously fucking fake
Jesus christ its like watching a soap opera actress
Nice conspiracy theory