
>350,000 views >a personal invite to the premiere from mark hamill >women offering themselves to him >articles dedicated to his greatness

have we done enough for him /tv or can we go even higher?

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Other urls found in this thread:


When did everything go so wrong?

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Eric Butts sounds like a name you would come up with if you were to write a screenplay for a highschool comedy and Eric Butts would be the loser everyone picks on and throws paper airplanes on during class.

>women offering themselves to him
>believing a single one of them is serious

I mean it's a good confidence booster and good PR but you're joking if you think a guy like this will get his dick wet due to being in a weak "viral" video.

I saw this for the very first time just a couple of days ago and now it literally has 10 fucking times the views it did then.

How do we deal with the end of The West?

We embrace it


>a personal invite to the premiere from mark hamill
Doubt it

it happened whether we know it or not

here it is for anyone not seen it

Attached: reaction.webm (1280x720, 2.52M)

I honestly think you're overestimating how hard it is to get fucked and underestimating the power of fame, even fleeting

What would make you cry AND jump on your chair, user?

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Nothing on a computer screen

I'd imagine he'll get an invite, it's easy PR and costs them basically nothing.

a big spider

>his last name is Butts

He never stood a chance.


a big brap

idk about jumping but any sad or hero dog video is instant waterworks for me

everyone knows it's always white men that do this shit

now that it's national news, white men are even a bigger laughing stock

it's hilarious. but was to be expected.


Good for him.

Btw isnt he a Lucasfilm employee?

disney do not want this man to represent their property. the video's influence is fucking insignificant (less than 400K views) and will be forgotten about less than a week and that's being optimistic. he's a grotesque, pathetic vacuous consumer, no different than probably 2 billion other people on the planet. he's not making a difference, he will not contribute to disney pr and advertising, he's just a pathetic meatbag pathetically crying at a pathetic glorified money laundering scheme.


>guy is now known via a low-popularity viral video for being a pox-faced soiboy that gets emotional over a fucking YouTube teaser for a far-past-its-prime franchise of kids movies

>a personal invite to the premiere from mark hamill
Nigger, you just made that up.

>women offering themselves to him
Pic related is one of the ones who said she would date men like him.
Notice something?

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>women offering themselves to him

It would be great if Chad came to the debut and beat this faggots ass then fucked mark hammils faggot asshole.

Nothing. I’m disgusted that he’s crying over an awful trailer to an overall shitty franchise but at the same time I’m kind of sad that I’ll never care about anything enough to cry like that over a trailer

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>pic related gets posted in Resetera
>suddenly, waves of threads defending the beta, saying he actually won and calling anyone who shits on him or Star Wars a nazi
Made me think.

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50k retweets just for saying they want to date him, imagine having that power over women

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Now that i think about it, only animal webms/videos make me feel any kinda emotion anymore.

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Take out the part about it being a screenplay and a comedy and I bet you aren’t far off.



Wait, i thought Star Wars fans were the nazis?

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>Alanah Pearece
That's her boyfriend.
The only reason they are saying that is because the betas like the guy in the OP pay for their patreon, so of course they'll defend him.

Women don't like betas.

Keep in femoids also say shit like height doesn't matter while by conincidence all their boyfriends are all 6'3+ plus

They just wanna virtue signal for likes just like everyone here wants (you)s.

It was like a reverse-whiteknight type situation

>wtf leave this crying manbaby alone

They are damage controlling hard and trying to make this look like something good because they know that guy is the true face of the Marvel and nuStar Wars audience, a pathetic beta that cries over soulless trailers.

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have sex

Notice how that first post didnt say that she wants to date HIM, but someone passionate LIKE him.

Fans who don’t like disneywars are Nazis, fans who like it are allies to the cause. Try to keep up.

Eric Butts sounds like a South Park character.

Why do I keep seeing this guy's retarded face on here? Somebody give me a quick run down.

Virtue signaling by rich people is pathetic.
I'm sure all those big homes in the hills and exotic vacations are because they love rubbing shoulders with the fans soooo much.

Goddammit women are the biggest liars conceivable.

>hurr I'd date him because he's so passionate about something

These fucking CUNTS.

woman who called him a nerd getting hundreds of death threats from over women, he's amassing some sort of female cult following

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There is little context where I would do one of them separately, and no context where I would do them both at the same time. I am a man and people depend on me.

Pretty sure Bart Simpson called Moe's asking for him once.

>make a reaction video crying over a trailer that everyone "meh'd" about
>people laugh at him for his autism
>some girl on Twitter makes a post saying how the guy is a pathetic numale and the opposite of masculine
>chaos ensues as millennials try to defend one of their fellow betas

>women offering themselves to him

More like women offering him a front row seat to watch them having sex with black guys

the reality has split, the narrative has changed, the history has been revised.

Who the fuck would let some fat disgusting autistic greaseball come and ruin the red carpet premier so he can cry the entire time and look like a complete man child infront of so many Hollywood big wigs? That's never going to happen. The fucking pity he's receiving is so much worse then people making fun of him. It's so obvious they're only being nice for karmatic reasons. This is no different then white people trying to defend niggers for everything.

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>he's amassing some sort of female cult following
All this following will be non-existant in a week.
This is pure virtue signaling.
These people lack long attention spans.

Anime titties


I noticed that Uncharted 4 was crap

Truth. It's even funnier how many soibois here are obviously jealous of the faggot. I'd rather be made fun of than get so much pity from fucking strangers. The people defending him are making him look like an even bigger fag.

the moment a symptom of clown world is recognized and put into the spotlight (a weak pudgy adult man crying and gasping for air over a star wars teaser), the subversion police will take that symptom under their wing and parade it around as a beautiful flower that is A Good Thing. if they simply let this go unchecked, people might start waking up and realizing that things are wrong. but when they see an article or a video saying that this man is some shining example of a great society, they don't get any of those brain neurons firing and instead direct their attention back to those mean internet nazi bullies.

subversion and psychological warfare. it's being fought on the oddest fronts now, like a video of a dude crying over a teaser trailer for a disney movie.

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normies are really nice to retards and kids, no sane woman would cream her jeans looking at him, no sane man can respect him

its pretty obvious (unless you are an autist of course)

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I always assumed these trailer reaction videos were fake. I never ever got physically agitated by merely watching a trailer, even ones I thought looked really great. How can you get so excited by watching a movie trailer on a computer screen unless you are a literal tard?

So you're admiting that these women are saying they's date him to just get attention and likes?

Why would they?
This guy is going to be forgotten by this time next week.

The hilarious part is how what should have been the beginning of Episode IX's marketing campaign and hype machine got derailed by this guy.

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This is exactly how I felt watching the trailer— the waterworks were REALLY about to take hold, but luckily my wife's boyfriend heard my sobs and came into the room with a box of tissues! He's always such a good guy. I'm so glad my wife is with him, and I'm glad he's a part of my life.

Oh, and I'm glad Star Wars is a part of my life too!

>telling lies

whoever doesn't support big corporations and media organizations is a nazi nowadays

He has a wife you fucking retard. He's had more sex than you ever will.

he was part of Episode IX's marketing campaign, duh.

its all ironic, right? right? no women really get wet at this manchild drone do they? or are they so desperate for attention that they'd willingly associate themselves with this? no way, right?

How about we stop making "reaction videos" for everything? Are we so disconnected from human contact and our emotions that we need to watch videos of schmucks on YouTube over-exagerrating in cartoonish faces about popular corporate media?

>women offering themselves to him

That look like picture.

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have sex change

This movie is going to mark whether they can salvage the franchise or if its doomed to continue being soulless shit.
They are supposed to make up for TLJ, and you think they wanted to start this by making Star Wars fans look like a bunch of autistic manchildren?

It'd be hilarious if this whole thing leads to an affair and dirvorce. Social media is cancer. I prefer anti-social media like this shithole.

This. Pity is the worst emotion you can get out of women.

But he said in a past video he was a virgin, and their hotel room has 2 separate beds.

Guys not getting anything from her. Hence why he deleted all the bull comments.


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global annihiliation

>has a wife
>he's 40
>no children
>sleep in separate beds

I bet he gets along with his wife's boyfriend just fine.

not a wife but a fiancee and he confirmed in a deleted video he is a virgin waiting until marriage

they have separate beds at home

Its virtue signalling online. They say one thing on the internet, and act the complete opposite in reality.

Women want Chad, not a 40 year old, pudgy man baby who cries over a kids movie.

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and to think Muslims burned down Notre Dame a couple of days ago and the media machine has already moved on to this turd.

Based Stacy. All the women in OP are tumblr dykes

Rotchild's head on a spike

Star Wars fans already do that to themselves.

the point was to create the appearance of an emotionally engaged fanbase.

Do you get excited about trailers?

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Keep coping (and losing) lol

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They aren't, they just make patreon money from betas like him, so they pretend to like them.
If you look in their profiles, they all have chad boyfriends.

>looks at his backround

...let's address the elephant in the room....does he live in an extended stay hotel? Like where quasi homeless people and road crews live?

Yea Forums saved this man's life. He has cancer and now will get to meet his hero Mark Hamil and bang loads of women. It will give him the will to live.

How far we have come when people on Yea Forums mock someone for being pathetically excited about something traditionally associated with nerd culture while women and normies jump to his defense and virtue signal for him.

Truly a clown world.

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He just put together a fun video of him watching the trailer. Don't overthink it.

All the attention he is getting is 'social points' farming by those giving the praise. They all think he is a loser, but there is a feel good train to ride, so they abuse it.

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It appears he is on vacation, at least that is what I am assuming after watching the first couple of minutes of the vid.

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In the words of Wayne Campbell, CLOWN WOOOORLD

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it's all marketing, just aimed at the nerds that can still be reached.


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His hair looks like it's been spray painted on.
He's got a tumour on his face.
His wife looks like a tranny.

she was 100% right and look at all of the pussies butthurt over her on twitter

He's more wholesome than the Yea Forums "christians" insulting him.

A gender swapped Little Shop of Horrors where the plant is played by the whale from Flapjack and also there's lots of vore.

Total white victory

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Imagine being a nonwhite.

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Im 6,2, slept with over 30 women and don't cry over Star Wars movies.

Im doing fine. Its you incels sticking up for him that need help.

Disney damage control.

They want the people to believe star wars and marvel is for normies and not neck beard manchildren like this guy. Imagine if it keeps spreading. Suddenly all the females will be repulsed when they find out there are few Chad's watching.

Have you ever had women on Twitter and in journalism defending you and wanting to sleep with you like Eric has?

No, but I bet the beta hasn't banged anyone beyond his ugly wife, or maybe not even her.

Why is a Jew telling that story?

I don't need too. I don't post videos of myself online crying over a fucking kids movie.

his name is eric fucking butts?

He cried like a baby publically over a trailer, they're treating him like a sweet little retarded child and he will literally never get any pussy ever now. The entire world has zero respect for him and after his brief 15 minutes he will realize his life is ruined.

Star Wars is for everyone

I'm enjoying the irony of that youniverse guy who did the gape mouth not getting famous but this dork instead.

>eric fucking butts?
No, just Eric Butts you homo.

>saying they want to date him
They're implying they want to date him, they're not saying it. Both are pretty far stretches from actually wanting to date him.

I'd cry too if my last name was Ass.

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The OT and Prequels maybe. This new Disney crap is marketed to retards or children. Like you.

>Star Wars is for everyone
What about Jamaican people? Who do they have to identify with???

Great now everyone is gonna cry and flap their arms over trailers to get good boy points.

Typical Jewish crybaby incel

Youniverse actually got a redemption arc

If something happened to my children.

>you're mocking someone for being happy about something
So if I tweeted that I truely enjoy fapping to rape porn would women also defend me with these dumb words?

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A cgi desert


So when are they going to turn on him once somebody starts digging into his history and finds some dirty laundry? This shit happens every single time.

It could've been you. You could have filled yourself reacting the way you know you do to something you love, but got chose to mock someone for being braver than you

we can get him a cameo in star wars
we have to shill harder
we can do it teevee

What a fucking loser, man. I cried when my son was born, and you fucking geeks are equating something like the miracle of birth or the death of a loved one to some freak crying over the trailer of a movie for children. Grow the Hell up, man up, and get a life you clowns.

The birth of my firstborn

>tfw I posted the video and woke up the next day to death threats and people wishing my pet lizard was dead
This is how we kill Star Wars lads

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Butts is now the face of Star Wars.

>consistent logic

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why dont u try it, you sperg.

Race war

>Why you should think x about y
>Why terrible movie is actually good
>Why you shouldn't have your own thoughts and opinions

Let's hope Disney makes him the official Star Wars posterboy. The face of the Star Wars brand.

You all fucking wish you had the balls to do what this guy did. Now he is swimming in pussy with women worshipping him and he's personal friends with Mark Hamil.

All the Jews are dead and will never come back

Oh my poor gang of invaders and war criminals I'm gonna cry.

I actually let some tears on last episodes of Gurren Lagann. Dunno but this weeb shit hit some strings inside me.
Also I think I let some tears on Jesus Christ Superstar movie. Because it had believable characters despite the fact they only sing. Same with Juno and Avos (the soviet version of the musical).
But these were sad moments.

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Based schizoposter

>have we done enough for him Yea Forums
lol what
how did Yea Forums have Anything to do with this?

based af

Because it's all bullshit.

Yep, same here.

Time for the Me Too articles about how Eric is a toxic misogynist who groped girls and was a super disgusting creep and that Disney is promoting The Face of Star Wars new famous Star Wars Boy Eric Butts even though he is a reprehensible sexual predator

>personal friends with Mark Hamil.

Imagine having to be close personal friends with Mark Hamill.

>you move into a middle class house in the valley
>there is an odd, old yet boyish looking frogman who waters his concrete every morning wearing a shirt that says Tatooine class of 76.
>eventually you can't avoid him anymore
>he chats you up and keeps dropping in references to Batman the Animated series.
>asks your wife and you over for dinner and he serves drinks out of obnoxious chalices and makes you play Cards Against Humanity.
>you have to watch his cats for 2 weeks a year while he gets paid scale on some indie movie.
>all of the birthday presents are just repackaged old swag from Jedi. Last Christmas he got you a crew jacket that had someone else's name on it.
>you have to keep insisting with a straight face that he would have had Harrison Ford's career if not for the car accident.

My childhood dog coming back

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Just goes to show you bullying isn't cool. Hope you learned you lesson.

>How can you get so excited by watching a movie trailer on a computer screen unless you are a literal tard?
you just answered your own question

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>he had balls to confess that he's onions in this onions world
>now he received pity from twitter and free ticket that he could and would afford himself
i wish it was me

i cried less on 911. i felt bad then, but i wasn't bawling like a spergling. i just figured not to let it ruin my vacation and went to walmart. now look at this soft, pudgy numale, this freakish excrement of modernity. look at it and laugh.

And that’s a good thing

clown world

Underrated post

>My childhood dog coming back

You might not know this but beneath this imageboard lies a....Pet Cematary.



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>jewish guy gets free shit from Hollywood
Imagine my shock

People say this kind of thing in response a lot now, but it's not like what that guy is saying doesn't make sense at all.

Underrated comment

>he's had more sex
But with who. That's what you have to ask yourself. If you don't want to have sex with his wife it shouldn't matter at all to you how much he has sex period. If you don't want to have sex with that specific woman who is his wife, it doesn't matter and amounts to a complete meaningless joke.

john campea

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My nigga

He's not Jewish, he's Anglo.

>Fake viral
No different than fake reviews. It’s all fake disguised promotion.

>Butts is now the face
truly kafkaeque

hes obviously just acting out an insane reaction in the hopes to gen up views and make his video go viral and i guess it worked and the attention hes getting from women is legitimate btw because being famous automatically makes you attractive

Being passionate about things is fine. Acting like a 5 year old kid, and not only that, but recording yourself while doing it justifies ridicule of the worst kind.

I can only imagine how sad you have to be to think that harvesting pity from women is an accomplishment rather than a defeat.

He is literally the perfect husband and women know it.

>defending the basedquels
Begone, mousketeer.

It's not pity. It's pure sex appeal


His wife: youtu.be/HIKKN9ZWdFM

Have sex


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She looks like his fucking twin.

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>defending the soiquels
Begone, mousketeer.

>be pathetic on camera and hope people take pity on you

funny how Yea Forums manchildren are mad at someoen for being happy

>take one out of the billion people on earth acting crazy
>use this one and maybe a few other examples from people on social media as proof that something is wrong with society

Why are people here like this?

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Being happy about bad things makes you a bad person.

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Why isnt this guy getting any love??

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>man pretends to be awed and surprised for views
>sites talking about his video as if it's genuine
journalism is a disease, isn't it?

>Why are people here like this?
well I guess because something is wrong with society :)

A Jewish affliction.

I predicted my own septuple digits once and jumped in my chair with my arms raised, but didn't cry of course.

Winning the lottery.

>Yea Forums epic win incel trolls spam this video everywhere they go to "pwn the soiboys"
>the guy ends up getting rewarded instead of humiliated
AHAHHAHAHAHHAHA How about that losers?

incels btfo they made this guy a celebrity

>rewarded instead of humiliated

Explain the soiboi mentality behind how one sees pity as something rewarding. Is it a toxic masculinity thing?

Grown men crying and gasping for air about the latest corporate entertainment product is literal proof that something is wrong with society.

Grown white men*

>Thinking they'll invite a white male to anything for free

>Yea Forums on suicide watch

>Grown men

How many though? There are always and have always been idiots. Only now you see them all thanks to social media.

Nuclear holocaust


>the world knows about his messed up child hood issues that have affected him to this day

Why are white people like this?

It's just American lefties. And they'll be bred out of existence in the next 50 years.

Succesful extermination of every jew, muzzie, chink and indian

Lose weight.

You could dig up videos of negroes, Asians, and any other race crying over insignificant shit on youtube, too, fuck off Juden.

>sees last name is Butts
>realize his parents didn't have the balls to name him Justin D.

>I would date someone who's so passionate, like my Chad BF who does mountain climbing, scuba diving and has the means to take me on trips around the World.

Finally women are willing to call attention that most of the 'toxic' behavior they whine about being on the Internet comes from other women; and almost exclusively leftist ones.

that was intense

Point to anywhere where that comment isn't true.

PR/Propaganda is a science and is relatively easy to dissect the motives behind. This shit isn't some crazy baseless conspiracy-theory; it's as old as Edward Bernays.

big yike

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Are all these guys crying because they know the franchise has turned to shit under Disney?

The problem isn't people enthusiastically reacting to trailers. That's old as genre fiction itself.
The problem is that people out there think that a large number of people want/care about seeing some pox-faced soiboy's face as he reacts to a trailer. Another problem is the fact that these people are apparently somewhat right, as "Reaction Videos" are apparently a sustainable enough model for YouTube.

reminder that penguins can swim

>whiteknighting this faggot


i cried watching the TRoS trailer tbphwyf. Completely out of nowhere too. Just like idk it's a big thing to 12-year-old me to see this skywalker bullshit be done. And the music and editing and everything just made me feel good about life and existence for a second.

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no shit
yet I wanted to see that big boi outrunning the ice

>n-n-no, you see...it was p-part of our plan all along, h-ha-ha....


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Pull yourself together, queer.

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Cant find niggers spics or asians cryi g over star wars.

Fellow manchildren who identifies with him.


You can find them crying about fucking k-pop videos you dumb bastard

But not star wars. Why is that.

I'm gonna say the S-word

Shut up, kike.

4th Reich becoming a reality and Weimar/clown world being exterminated.

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If anything, this shit brings up pity and compassion. Imagine having to fake overreaction for a living.

In the future, we'll look back on Youtube and youtubers the same way we think of circuses and clowns now.
The sad 2010's, when unemployment and poverty was so widespread thousands had to sacrifice their dignity clowning around on the internet for ad revenue. Having to fake a whole persona, perfectly conscious they will be hated and despised for it. Every Nostalgia critic's mimic, every s0i scream, every reaction video smells of despair, utter despair.

The "creepy youtuber" will be a major feature of 2030's horror.

its almost as if its a cheap advertising campaign by the social media marketing DIVISION of DIVISNEY and Co.
and you retards lapping it right up

keep on scoffing, you fucking subhumans. You're all just as bad as each other

>Here have my ticket I insist!
Well played Mark, well played.

Kikes are white. No?

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Being rewarded from retarded journalists is hardly something to boast about you fucking normie.

No, why would you think that? They're from ancient Mesopotamia.

remember that beingins rape each other's dead bodies

>white people are all bad
>not me, i'm actually jewish you know!

They dont think so

frig off I'll enjoycry about my dang stories if I want to.

I was sobbing like a goddamn baby for the whole third act of Rogue One. It was like they made a movie out of me playing with muh gi joes and star war toys on the beach as kid. It was the prequel movie I wanted when I was 12 and got stuck with goddamn TPM. Just me, sitting in an entirely full theater in fucking Copenhagen, by myself, on some weird not-cocaine cocaine I bought from some Jamaican outside the theater, crying like a happy wholesome baby in front of a bunch of Danish gooks looking at me funny.

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Total financial collapse of the USA, followed by Jews being rightfully blamed for it and executed.

Rogue One is a different story, that's worthy of the reaction.

we go further "west"

Reminder that it's all virtue signalling and that not a single of the females claiming that they'd date him would actually date an epitome of an omega like him, else their boyfriends would all be omegas but somehow always end up the opposite

No, they're semites. What do you even think anti-Semitism is?

Leave this shit hole of a planet to the dark hordes and Jews who think they can control them.
Bring the Asians with us too

Metal Gear Rising 2 trailer

this but unironically

Is this what they wanted? Men to become like this?

isn't he married?

Yes. No one to fight world government/global communism.

"Honk" is from "Honkler" (clown pepe), who stands for "clown world", which is an outlook like being blackpilled but with humor. Chaospilled maybe.
Like the entire world is broken and full of absurdity, so we may as well laugh about it.

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I cried at the end of a videogame, Crisis Core. You know since the beginning the main character is going to die, but yet they play this SUPER SAD music while you have to ACTUALLY fight the enemies, knowing it's a battle you gonna lose.

That fight is incredible. You fight a lot of soldiers and see how slowly you are unable to keep it up. Then the battle system HUD starts bugging and some portraits disappear, stuff starts to malfunction.

Then he dies. But he does saving his honor and his friend.
>"The price of freedom is steep."
He really wanted to be a hero. And he became one. And died with a smile on his face.

Nothing in a movie will ever be this interactive and beautiful. You are this man. You are giving it all, you also become a hero. Only two kind of people fight a fight they know they can't win: heroes and idiots.

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Engaged. He made a video saying he was still a virgin at 40 and was waiting to get married. Hence the 2 beds in the Hotel room in the reaction video.

i'd probably be pretty happy if kubrick came back and directed his napoleon movie. the same with sergio leone coming back and directing his leningrad movie. unlikely I would be crying though

thats old /pol/ meme flags
the story is probably bullshit anyway

Which one of you faggots did this?

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It's a shittest. Shit like the gillette ad and this, and soon enough stuff that's several times worse than this, gets propagated by them so the beta males bite the bait and get filtered from the gene pool. It's the exact same social mechanic that makes them say that they love loyal, cute and shy boys yet only go for disloyal confident men.

Think of it as having them come up with a template that you should follow to have sex with them, and if you do, the only thing you're proving is that you're not confident enough with your own identity and need to force yourself to fit another template to have sex - i.e you're in a massive scarcity of sex, which is a huge redflag for 90% of women.

In this specific scenario, the people who keep calling him a weak beta fag and refuse to change their views for sex will be the ones swimming in pussy while everyone who cheers his "bravery" will get permafriendzoned.

is this pasta

All right, which one of you faggots is behind this?

do you miss him Yea Forums?

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Only sane user

Whats the vid there?

I cried when I finished secret of mana on snes in 1994.

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>l know now that the course the human race has set for itself, cannot be changed

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Platinum will die unlike you support Astral Chain and Bayonetta 3 though. The jews of the huge megacorp Sony clearly want to kill this studio.

It definitely wouldn't be fucking Star Wars.

New Zealand Mosque Shooter


all me

>Being this emotionally invested in a corporate toy commercial

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It's true.
Women will go out with an optimistic manchild than a joyless cynic like us.

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you know already the answer

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It's all virtue signaling. Every single person who has watched that video is just as disgusted with it as we were. We're just honest and they are not

Lurk more than two days, faggot.

I broke down and cried as i was carrying my 13 year old dog to be put to sleep.
He just lost control off all his limbs one morning and was just waiting to die.

A Jar Jar Binks origin trilogy ft. Wesley Snipes

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you must be new, just like the dancing fat dude, its all fun until the camera is off and he gets called a retarded naive piece of shit.

exactly, they praise him but they wouldnt like a son like him or a bf like him or a friend like him.

they are treating him like a kid,
real life kino

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Thinking back to the 2016 election.

God bless you Donald Trump, I love you. From the very bottom of my heart. I'm crying now and man enough to admit it. I love you, God bless you and your family. Thank you for everything.

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Metokur meme'd him so hard that he got noticed by Mark Hamill and BBC news.

I wouldn't be surprised if people turn their backs on him if Eric was a Trump supporter like with the Keaton Jones situation.


I cried at Westminster Abbey during morning prayer on Tuesday because of Notre Dame.

Bloodborne 2

every day a new hapenning
watching the debates with the bros
fuckin CTR shills being btfo
the left is still crying
imagine trump 2020
they would be absolutely demoralized

When did Metokur make a video about him? Or was it on one of his streams

He's right, you know.

>tonight you will peacefully die in your sleep, leaving this clown riddled nightmare forever

A naked kiernan shipka from the mad men era

it's called virtue signalling

Yea Forums BTFO once again

If Destiny can slay it, why not this guy. Honk honk.

>2 beds

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Why are people so fake?

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what's the red mark on his face?

He's on vacation. It's probably one bed at home.

>>women offering themselves to him
You can't seriously believe they are offering to fuck him. I'm there's some ugly low value woman out there that would fuck him over his fleeting fame but it's not like anyone can't install Tinder and get one of those easily.

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we bitch and moan about degeneracy whilst we masturbate to underage actresses.

>all blue checkmarks
how much did the mouse pay them?

first captain marvel, now this Yea Forums keeps getting btfo

>Daddy (female), what does the blue v really stand for?
>Virtue signalling, my white cis scum son

reacting this way to a kids movie

Waking up one day and noticing that my incurable disease is gone

>I got tissues on stand by

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Enough, I'd wager.

I hate women

god i hate this internet so much

take me fucking back

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>People who are obsessed with mainstream shit are losers
Who could have guessed. I always thought that people who crave for society validation are always the most successful. Very interesting


>you're not ugly, you're beautiful!

>why we should celebrate this mewling manchild

just fucking nuke us China

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waste of quints


Spiders are absolutely no threat to you, leave us a lone and we'll leave you alone.

>I haven't been excited for a Star Wars movie since TLJ

wasn't that the last Star Wars movie?

Something about this post seems a bit of.... You wouldn't happen to have more than two legs would you?

Today I found out that women.com is an actual website

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We live in times of pandemic overemphathy. Women don't care about long term values, they'll tell the pathetic cuckold that he's awesome and they love seeing him happy, but if he spends his entire life being unhappy at how much of a cuck he is and ends up killing himself, the women won't care.

It's all about the empathy response of the next few minutes, it's all about making people few comfortable at the very moment. But here's the truth: it's all a lie. None of these women would ever touch him. These women are uncomfortable near guys that look like that. They can get a tall masculine guy by pressing a few buttons in their phones, they'll never ever dream of being with the average effeminate guy like him.

That's why 30% of men are celibates. Women sorta know the truth, but most of them will lie about it because overempathy makes them mentally ill.

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I don't even care anymore. Asians will take over and will probably do a better job anyways.

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>Women don't care about long term values
no they do, that's why they aren't into angry internet addicted do-nothings that keep ok cupid stats saved on their computer to justify why they're malignant assholes about sex.

why the fuck would you think that wouldn't be a website? you know how much that domain is probably worth?

have sex

>A chance for Faramir of Gondor to prove his worth

>you're a meaning internet person and no woman would want you anyway
Not an argument.

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You know what I don't like most with faggot like him. Is that with hypebeast that go "YOOOO" and "BRUHH" you realized that they either just playing up for their audiences or just easily entertained manchildren that got excited with flashy shit or even the combination of the two. But with faggot like Eric, the tears is alot more depressing, some fictional thing have taken over that guy life so much that seeing some random shit have him feel like seeing an old friend and cried because of it, when TLJ was just 2 years ago.

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I guess I expected it to be more like men.com

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idk seems gay

You sure? I mean the balls aren't even touching

the reason people don't like you is because you're a bad person. Your ugliness has nothing to do with your appearance. You just have an actual personality disorder, and you use all kinds of malignant self-justification strategies to feel good about your self by blaming everyone and anything else. You don't offer value, you don't produce anything. You just consume and complain.

You whine about "over-empathy" while actively refusing to have any for anyone else, and demanding that everyone have it for you. You just set yourself up for failure, and you train yourself to believe a bunch of malignant shit as an ego defense for when you inevitably do.

Your mind cancer is killing you.

>rando on the internet try to have a completely random guess at who you are
Fucking kek. Imagine being this much of a loser.

I would bet 1 000 000 bucks you don't even know my nationality.

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>You whine about "over-empathy" while actively refusing to have any for anyone else, and demanding that everyone have it for you.
So? If people had empathy, they'd have it for him regardless.

Or are you claiming that people have empathy only for those who are just like them...

Why is /pol/ so dishonest? No one has ever said that Star Wars fans are nazis, people have said that the people who now hate Star Wars just because it has a girl and a black guy in it are nazis, which they are. And your idea of opposing or supporting corporations is shallow and only extends to whether or not someone cries when they see non-white or gay people in things. It's all cultural issues with /pol/, who ironically are the loudest whiners about "identity politics". On issues regarding economics, there's no one who sucks corporate dick harder than /pol/.

>people who now hate Star Wars just because it has a girl and a black guy in it are nazis, which they are.
I'm pretty sure that doesn't constitute any belief in national socialism. What I think it's happening is that people developed sort of a religion around egalitarianism and "nazi" is just your codeword for "heretic".

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>people who now hate Star Wars just because it has a girl and a black guy in it are nazis, which they are
For which definition of "nazi" exactly?

>On issues regarding economics, there's no one who sucks corporate dick harder than /pol/.
I would like some elaboration on that. Western society is egalitarian fundamentalistic, corporations will go as far as to lose money to be egalitarian. Corporations will fire you and blacklist you if you are too clueless about racial and sex equality. Even a minimum wage worker might be persecuted for not being keen to the progressive stack; as we've seen with starbucks workers.

It seems to me you are one of those breadtube communists who want to believe corporations are against you and not 100% believers in the exact same ideology you follow. You want to be an underdog and the fact that corporations believe in everything you do kinda bothers you.

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go the fuck back