Cast nero

cast nero

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Jonah Hill

I'd have to go with a serious actor


did they ever try?


Eddie Murphy.

some black muslim transgenderfluid person, it's 2019 ffs, it's the only way now


Christopher Biggins

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Domhnall Gleeson

How did people take this guy seriously

neckbeards were revered in ancient times

the only logical choice

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Michael Cera.

>tfw too intelligent to get assasinated

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but look at the statue, it shows he has 2 very prominent scars so I bet he was not a neckbeard but a hulking grugchad

Funny thing a cuck said this

ancient romans were white and non-humanoid looking, what happened to the modern ones

Up until this time I always assumed all ancient figures looked like Michelangelo statues, but now my expectations have been subverted

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he looks like one of those mirrored movie covers

caligula > nero

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These reconstructions are so fucking shit.


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So what?

that guy who played good Cossutius on Spartacus

Jesus what a shitty reconstruction

wow, italians were almost as ugly then as they are now.

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this faggot

Ed Sheeran

>posts a good looking person with shit hair

Those were ideals and produced as propaganda to encourage fitness and good breeding.

Why are people that make reconstructions so fucking retarded.

>genocides all christians

Was Nero just a athiest incel?

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this artist is fucking terrible, this is supposed to be caesar

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He was trying to save Europe from the cuckolics.

based Nero

literally me

>nero was a incel chinlet

historians are brainlets

why can't we all just be pretty?

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Someone short and busty probably...

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Can we really trust busts are accurate depictions?

>Nero was known for his love of music, and on occasion, he would inflict his ‘talent’ on his guests. He liked to strum a lute-like instrument or subject the audience to a lengthy poetry recital. It wasn’t just his guests that were forced to listen to his ramblings. Nero sometimes appeared in theaters and ensured the doors were locked so no one could leave before his performance was finished. Guests at his parties faced a similar fate; they had to eat, drink and indulge in sexual activity until Nero allowed them to leave.

Michael fassbender of course

The guy who played Aethelwold on The Last Kingdom.

According to a probably biased source who disagreed with his politics.

their depiction of prepubescent shota penises were pretty accruate

I'd say their faces would be as well


Looks like tuco's brother in TGTBTU.
Yuropoors were fuck ugly.
Are. Lol.

nothing, really. i just wanted people to appreciate john hurt's brilliant dance moves.

>they had to eat, drink and indulge in sexual activity until Nero allowed them to leave.
history's greatest monster.


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>hurr durr I've only watched his funny movies xDDD

Seth Rogan

he may have a gallic look to him, I won't deny that, but he's as roman as the rest of us

>cast nero

t. never seen Moneyball

Ahhh... Rome, now THAT was an empire

neckus beardus

Hey user why haven't you conquer all of france already??

At your age i was fucking Cleopatra and building an empire

*SIP* AAAAHHHH those were the good old days


Awful reconstruction. Bust related was apparently what it was based on

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looks like my father a little bit

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who here looks at this and just assumes it's a correct representation?
it's like they forget hair exist and just assume that the stone is the entire skull and tact on hair on top

even using that bust alone his head isn't that large
fuck I hope the retard who did this got fired or it was some elaborate hoax

The Patrician class, Rome's founding stock, were actually a unique race. Many of their traits remain but as a people they're extinct. If these don't look like real people to you this is probably the reason.

Nero correctly identified early Christianity as a Jewish revolutionary movement that was mobilizing the underclasses to overturn Roman society. They were an existential threat and he knew it.

Nero was already pozzed and worked for the pozz (((Lords))) way before christians.



He's a jawlet not a chinlet you absolute spastic.

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>Awful reconstruction.
This. Tried to fix it.

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Why can't you just accept that your western civilization heroes, have been mostly romanticized with rose tinted glasses, for political gain through the ages, as well as using biased sources?

doesn't mean he should look like an alien from Mars Attacks!

Why would Caesar refer to rome as an empire you fucking retard

wtf they made him look like an ayy lmao

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So you're saying modern artists and scientists know less about actual history (not the romanticized version of it) than some sculptor from centuries ago? People with deformed features exist, maybe Ceasar was just that ugly.

this looks more human. I can believe he looked like this

The people who do those facial reconstroctions are not historians and scientist most of the time.
Also a lot of the work is guessing.
How can you look at that and say yes, that looks like the statues, if he really was that ugly I'm pretty sure people would have said something about it in the history records.

They used measurements of the skull that INCLUDED the hair
How brain dead do you have to be to fuck up this hard, unless it's just desecrating on a """white icon"""

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>brie larson to play nero

what?? you dont agree with that you sexist racist nazi fuck?

give me your work details so I can harras... TALK to your manager until you are fired for your shameful views of a corporate product I shill for

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you mean the etruscans?

Definitely better.

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I doubt they did it for that reason, but they probably wanted to be controversial by making historical figures look more "normal" (ugly), since people have such a mythological view on Rome. I think the Caesar one is the absolute worst, it looks nothing like the bust it was based on and the reconstructor appeared to get a bunch of measurements wrong (look at how much closer together the eyes and brow-ridge are, the eyes are also a lot more sunken and squinty)