Do you think Directors regret choosing underwhelming franchises instead of great ones?

Pick related never directed star wars or MCU movies instead going for less relevant (and sometimes irrelevant) franchises like DC, Blade runner and Dune.

Imagine the prestige they might have had if they got to direct even minor parts of the franchise like Rogue one or Thor.

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I'd rather be a David Fincher or Stanley Kubrick than a Michael Bay or J.J. Abrams.

this is the shittiest and more retarder thread ive read in weeks

David "irrelevant" Finger and Stanley "Mcdonalds arthouse" Kubrick?

DC was solid brand by time he went for Batman Begins.
They had several Superman movies and few Batman films too. Marvel had Blade, Spiderman and earlier X-Men movies only.

Sure but by the time Avengers came it was obvious which would be more iconic. No excuse for him to not try to convince marvel to let him direct a movie after that, instead wasting time on MOS, Interstellar and Dunkirk.

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Nolan's vision wouldn't work in Marvel. He wanted grounded approach. MCU already had alien bullshit in it.

this. top fucking FIF op, you faggot

I am sure he could come to a compromise or at least bending over a by wouldn't hurt him with the work experience and prestige boost he would get from marvel.

If he wanted a grounded approach that badly he could've asked for a star wars spin off with some non powered character. I mean he would be working in a second rate franchise compared to the mcu but still at least it is second.

Marvel uses shitload of green screen and CGI. Nolan doesn't like that.

Nolan and Denis wouldn't do marvel or star wars even if they agreed to their style because both framchises are unironically beneath them.

Denis needs to go to the dentist holy shit.
That is not a good look for him.

nolan wasn't a sell out. nolan walked away from capeshit after man of steel which was god tier

Does it ever bother you that in spite of your incessant sucking if mousecock, people still discuss Nolan's films from a decade ago, but nobody even discusses MCU movies a month after they've left theaters?

Considering the most talked about films today are the last two avengers films I am not too worried.

Why do you even consider the idea that directors with more artistic visions would go with shitty mainstream, dumber than the last, movies currently being made? These people want to make the best movie they can make, not the movies other people who expect a lot of revenue from want to make

The mainstream never had anything interesting to talk about. Those movies are like video games, what is there to discuss?

Yeah, I mean just look how much we're talking about them.

Face facts - people don't discuss your shit. They discuss *around* your shit, they talk box office, because Disney hasn't been in the business of making anything remotely resembling actual art for decades.

This desu. Very rarely do I see people discussing the actual content. The conversation is mostly a dick measuring contest between various pop culture addicts.

Of all of those who have directed MCU films, I can only name off the top of my head
>Russo brothers
>Jon Favreau
>Shane Black
>Patty Jenkins, but she got fired from Thor 2

Of those 4, the only one I know mostly from their MCU work is the Russos. The MCU itself is the box office draw that is advertised, the directors are cogs in Feige's machine.

Batman is the ONLY reason why you fucking losers suck on Nolan's nuts. Without The Dark Knight no one would give a shit!!!FACT!!!

Inception? Dunkirk?

>Inception? Dunkirk?

Never would have got made without Batman!!!FACT!!!

Don't forget The Prestige, his best movie.

Keep shilling.

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Well those guys are probably still pretty rich, it wouldn't hurt them that much

>people still discuss Nolan's films from a decade ago

baneposting isn't discussion

The prestige and Memento are his most discussed films.

Before Nolan Batman was box-office poison and a laughingstock of the industry.

Both Nolan and Denis are praise pretty highly for their work, meanwhile most people don't give a shit about marvel directors because big franchises revolve around the ip and its characters and not directors and their influence.

denis and nolan will be remembered longer than anyone who directed mcu movies. as will their movies

You need to go back.

>instead going for less relevant (and sometimes irrelevant) franchises
>Imagine the prestige they might have had

The bigger the franchise, the less creative control they have (usually). Why choose something that's already great when you could create something great from scratch?

Also, I think Christopher Nolan has enough The Prestige on his resume already.

I mean kenneth Branaugh has a pretty good resume.