What is your favorite television commercial?

what is your favorite television commercial?

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I legit prefer the right-hand bra. I have a huge fetish for heavy, teardrop hangers.

I forgot what was sauce on this


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>big milkers bullying the chestlet at the end


are her ribs broken on something

Brutal tit mog

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#flat chest society

I'm an arse man but man...the way big milkers boing...that will never be topped.

ones that don't demoralize the public by spreading porn addiction
russia's government and media ruins children and its men are stupified alcoholics

that just means more periscope kino for me

asses can boing too

either you're a pure faggot or this is some forth dimensional chess by a russian trying to bait people into going into the USSR

yes, but it's not quite the same

asses could also be ugly af
but milker? they just need to be present

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i like my girls to be bottom half woman and top half loli

Smaller boobs AND an uglier face than her friend. That poor girl.

someone photoshop their eyes so they change colors with one another

and they can clap

Attached: h8yxh4O.jpg (540x400, 25K)

I would rather fuck the girl on the right tbqh

She got pregnant o something?

boobs can be ugly too

boobs are literally 80 iq: the fetish

looking at those ares, she got fatter


but then the grill isnt real, user.

middle is way cuter

Middle legit looks like a dude.

on old women maybe

there is literally nothing to be gained by consuming porn let alone putting it on tv.
name even one facet of civilization improved by pornographic advertisement.
you are less of a man than your grandfather.

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I mainly stick to makeup/underwear reviewers on youtube for my ads

Attached: wonderbra.webm (1280x720, 1.4M)

girls are retarded.
this is the reason why their tits sag. They wear pushup bras and their tits get weak, leading to sagginess.
you get perky tits by having strong tits. wearing a bra all the time makes your titties weak.

that girl mogs everyone

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who is she?

thanks user, results are just as expected. now im digging the right one more; though the left would be good for a smash

This is pure KINO


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left still blows her out of the water

wrong. being fat and having bad genes makes your tits weak.

so pure retard it is

Hey, what if I told you love, sex, lust, and pleasure is linked to intelligence? You nutcases always trying to block what's good will only lead to what's bad, the end.

>you are less of a man
You're so brainwashed you think life is black and white, you don't even know just how stupid you sound. Bet you also "think" toxic masculinity is honoring.

now make her skin whiter

"perky" tits are implants
natural gilkers sag

very moist and very wet

Attached: VERY MOIST.webm (640x480, 2.89M)

Now transfer left's boobs onto blue eyes white dragon's chest.

This one is good too



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that's more work than I want to do.

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now put cia off in the distance on the right

now make her hair red