Can we all agree that Eric's reaction to Episode XI teaser trailer is one of the most Kino reaction trailer vids of all...

Can we all agree that Eric's reaction to Episode XI teaser trailer is one of the most Kino reaction trailer vids of all time? So much emotion and depth to each reaction showing actual genuine reaction.

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Why didn't that guy reacting to Avengers getting made fun of blow up like this? He was like the face of soiboys but nothing

is this real life?

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why does he remind me of golem?

Can someone tell me why that spoiler thing is up

stop posting this faggot’s face here, he looks diseased


wuts dat ting on his face?

He's a better actor than Daisy Ridley tbqh.

the only thing kino about it was the blacked reaction edits

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No, I literally want him to die a horrible death.

Okay, fine. I'll admit it. I want to fuck Eric. I want to put my dick through those soi-stained lips. You happy?

Imagine naming your son 'Eric'.

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Fuck you.

who the fuck is this soi boi faggot?

Is Yea Forums the only website you browse?

Fuck off with this faggot. /ourguy/ will always be james youniverse

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I answered you in the last thread. Disney countershilling. Streisand effect. They more they attempted to balance it out and make him look good and upvote the video and create shill articles, the more it brought attention to him on the internet and more and more people related him with Episode IX and attempted to defend him for the sake of the movie instead of separating both those things. Disney fucked themselves over. They should have just ignored it and let it blow over and now it has blown up in their face so now Disney has no choice but to double down. It's all very funny.

>Hype at an empty desert

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give him a JUST haircut in that photo and he'd look like a man facing a lifetime of alimony payments.

How did he get AIDS though, did he contract if from Mary?



As cringey as he is, he likes to have fun.

Daily reminder that Eric is more chad than any of you faggots

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How am I fucking wrong shill? Did the video not get a sudden resurgence of upvotes? Were there not suddenly tons of articles talking about him positively overnight?

I propose we call him AIDS Jonah

Take. Your. Meds

>Why didn't that guy reacting to Avengers getting made fun of blow up like this? He was like the face of soiboys but nothing
He watched james' youniverse get popular from outrage-porn so he gamed the system. Been shilled on here non-stop (probably by him) since he released the episode. Last I looked it had 10k views, probably up to a million plus by now. He made good money playing the game, self-effacing as it is, I just hate how humanity buys into this deterministic crap, I would never be able to live with myself trying to make a living this way but its obviously viable.

I'm glad a chad like Eric Butts is associated with the image of Episode IX.

Just call him by his real name.
Butts is already ridiculous enough.

Say. Something. Useful.

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There's something seriously wrong with you.


Eric Butts saved my Fucking life

Why not AIDS Butt, then?

The clap back that redeemed tv

If that’s true he’s a pretty great actor

A true alpha proudly likes what he likes, without caring what society thinks.

Disney damage controlled. You're damage controlling.


Real soibois are the one talking shit without doing a single god damned thing.

In what world do you live in?

It is not acceptable for a grown man to cry over a movie or video game trailer. It is not acceptable and normalising it only makes us weaker as a species.

Chad Butts is a man of passion, not an autist who buries his feelings out of insecurity.

Literally the brony argument.

I prefer his reaction to Episode VIII teaser myself

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I fucking love Eric so god damned much why is he so fucking perfect bros?

So what? Like that too. Embarassment is only for weak men who need society's approval to be able to live with themselves.

What you have here is the perfect specimen of a man, one whose love is as strong as the tides.

One where shills reside and money buys influence.

Damn, I don’t even have to photoshop shit cause he provides the real material for free

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Link the drunk boomer narrator

I too love him and am looking forward to Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker™ ^^

>Being afraid of what others think of you

Fuck you'd rather be a pussy or a Brony?

We have so much power we can do whatever we want, how we want and you can keep complaining because you cannot do a single god damn thing.

pure kino

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>*ahem* FUCK THE ________

Shill for what you fucking mongoloid

Ah, he is an appreciator of cinema as well.

Why was he so emotional though? At this rate, there's gonna be a yearly star wars movie for the next ten years. Genuinely don't see the point of his video other than to make money

uh-oh, he didn’t like the female movie Ocean’s 8 trailer, that’s, huh, kinda problematic

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Is he forcing his voice?

To truly appreciate art, you must fully feel every moment of your life, in an endless torrent of emotions. It is difficult, but I am happy there is a brave man like Eric Butts willing to endure that burden for the sake of true enlightenment.

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Do you also walk around in cargo shorts and sandals?

Eric Butts dinner is going to taste better than any meal he's ever eaten, and tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of his life.

>I am...forgotten

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Eye clams, fresh from r*ddit

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You’re posting on Yea Forums and you’ve never has sex. In any Darwinian world, you and Butts guy here are first to go.

cargo shorts and white new balance sneakers, actually

In Mad Max world Butts could make a living as a jester making funny faces and giving out BJs.

Actually, he'd make a pretty good prostitute, now that I think about it.

Actors have always been dumb, pretentious, effeminate, short, emotional, narcissistic, lying pieces of shit. That guy manages to portray a wide range of the emotions better than even the best of them without trying, because he managed to make himself really feel them. It's a window into the human soul and that's a REALLY bad thing

Butts would go first, at least

for Disney's hundreds of millions worth of marketing budget for a billion dollar movie dumbfuck keep trying play dumb

>CGI dirt and wide shots taken by a 2nd unit
>"it's so beautiful"
It's the best part of the video lol

Butts has a girlfriend...

They should make a gofundme to take a bunch of 35 yo fat undateable white males to see Rise of Skywalker, just to show those mean alt-righters!

Yeah he'd be a combination of the Zed's ladyboy and the guy calling Humongous the Ayatollah of Rocknrolla.

fat undateable white males are alt righters

>... I'm forgotten

not anymore, thanks to Eric Butts, now they’re amazing superfans

anons say it every year but Yea Forums really is fucking dead.

this thread is clearly satire
lurk more

I unironically think another serious global war would do our society some good

I was excited to see the new Hellboy but I didn't get memed because nobody likes Hellboy outside of people who read Hellboy back in the day.

Lacking shame only works when you have actual virtues to balance it out.

Someone please tell me what that thing on his cheek is.

Alright, I've decided everyone here is retarded

There's no way these are genuine reactions, he's on the verge of OMGCRYINGTHATWASAMAZING at every fucking shot, he's acting.

If not then he's literally sobbing like a manic mess during the entire movie in theaters and I refuse to believe that

>low-testosterone 40 year old beta manbaby weeping over a teaser for a child's movie

Soiboys are dull and uninteresting, and far, far from kino. They are an embarrassment to themselves and to their gender.

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So what the hell is that apparently permanent melanoma on his face?

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Why are incels so obsessed with this guy

because they see themselves in him which pisses them off because they want so badly not to be pussies but they are and there's nothing they can do about it

He's getting the treatment cuz of muh alt-right bullying, but lets be real no woman wants a man who youtubes himself crying over a star wars trailer unless he can pay all the bills...and she's getting some side action. That one chick on Twitter got all kinds of hate but she was absolutely right.

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Eric is married you fucking dumbass

It will simply kill the last of us with a proper % of testosterone.

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Spotted the boomer "we live in a society" faggot

>this guy doesn't live in a society
rly cringin tbqhwyfam

He is literally the problem with the current movie industry
>see's or hears literally anything from the previous movies in the trailer
>starts gawking and crying like a bitch
HE is the problem, he (and many like him) will go and see ANY shit they are fed, this, captain marvel etc. Absolute trend following sheep faggot feeding a more and more confined industry aimed at one group. I guarantee he claims to be a movie buff yet will only watch the pure entry level garbage like star wars etc.

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Either fight or lay down.

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Why is it only ameridumb hours Yea Forums that is full of YouTube cancer like this?


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Because our country has had an open door policy on plebs for 150 years.

It makes me physically sick, if Hollywood loves him now, go cast him in a bit part where he chokes on toxic gas while doing the faces.
He's obviously made for it.

Actually crying over this is more pathetic(and more noteworthy I suppose), and this gremlin makes James look like a chad. Both things maximize sympathy points.

>another serious global war would do our society some good
>some good

Fagits, misfits, soiboys, and other leftist douchebags will avoid fighting in the war. They will hide behind "give peace a chance" bullshit. The people who will fight are the alphas, the patriots, the people who do the physical and mental work to keep fagits, misfits, soiboys, and other leftists fed, watered, clothed, housed, educated, and employed. The fagits, etc, will happily surrender their land, lives, and dignity to whichever enemy takes over, and you just know they are hoping to be taken over by African nations. China knows this, and that is why China is pushing so hard to made the whole of Africa a vassal of China. A war will do nothing but slaughter the only people standing between John Wayne's America and Eric Butt's America.

Now, a civil war, on the other hand, would deliver a decisive defeat to the fagits, misfits, soiboys, jew-apologists, black-apologists, and other assorted leftist queers. They know it, and that is why they will push only so hard, and pull back when they think the fuse is in danger of being lit.

it's always the fucking white men. always white men that do this shit

remember, it's a race issue. don't fucking forget about that.

Underrated lel

He tried to give himself a beauty mark by heating up steel and pressing it to his cheek, unfortunately the iron erupted the blood vessels and left him with permanent scarring.

How did Yea Forums find this no-views loser anyway?

Yeah, WW2 definitely did western society good.

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To a woman who is either hideous as fuck or she's cheating on him. He seems to be a somewhat successful Youtuber so he can prolly pay the bills. So I'd lean towards the latter. He may even be cool with it.

>Being this buttmad over a soiboi youtuber

Are you seriously ok?

Probably not but it doesn't make the post you quoted any less true.