Fantastic films that we can't discuss because of naziboos

>actual patriots who try to stop a fucking retard from senselessly killing German lives
>almost completely omitted from history books for decades because they weren't cartoonishly evil, which is literally an opportunity /pol/shitters miss
>actual heroes who tried to stop an illegal government body who strong-armed Germany and hijacked elections
>only recently heralded as heroes
Why does this movie make Naziboos seethe?

Attached: Valkyrie_poster.jpg (252x393, 19K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Post Tom's juicy butt.

>Why do nazi sympathisers seethe at a movie that portrays nazis as evil and illegal
Why do you think, OP? Hint: Nazi supporters are stunted, retarded manchildren

you only need to watch the last half hour where they get btfo

>the "in three months time" prediction comes literally true

>why do white men hate race traitors

Gee op I dunno.

>Aryan "race" is a real thing
>Hitler wasn't a traitor to the German people who set the entire culture back a thousand years

>we can't discuss because of naziboos
Don't know where you've been, it has been discussed plenty of times

It really hasn't.

You literally don’t know shit. Hitler revived German pride and culture and restored it to its former glory. What in the fuck are you talking about

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>bankrupt the entire German economy
you're not actually serious, right?

Yeah because you were there lol

yeah, sure buddy.
also, watch Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told

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Wow you don’t know much history at all do you? He literally saved Germany’s economy after it was decimated by WW1 debts.

This has to be fucking bait. It just has to. There is no way you unironically think that Hitler "saved" the German economy.

I've seen and participated in at least three discussions about it. But anyway, I really like the movie, it's one of the most accurate historical dramas I can think of. Cruise and the other actors all do a good job and it's paced out really well. It doesn't make anyone seem cartoonish, even Hitler, and even knowing how it ends there's a lot of tension sustained throughout. Solid film.

They were in general agreement with Hitler and NS, and only rebelled due to pessimism about the projected war outcome or to suit personal grievances, such as in the case of traditionalist officers who looked down on Hitler's proletariat background. The movie itself is kind of mediocre but the reason you can't discuss it isn't because of neo-nazis, it's because its the story of a failed coup with muddled motivations. It doesn't inspire much conversation except "well that was dumb".

>went from collapse and inflation to one of the most successful industrious nations in the world under one mans rule

Read a book. Nothing I’ve said is false. Hitler and Albert Speer saves Germany’s economy.

>Hitler literally bankrupts the economy with the faux industrialism that is just a oligarch of production of a few German industrialists while the country near starves as the war progresses
>things get so bad that even the Nazi job initiatives are fake or fronts to pretend that Germany isn't losing the war tremendously
kek, sure /pol/nigger faggot.

He's probably a libertarian talking about how Germany's war economy and socialist projects led to their need for expansion which caused WW2. Even if Hitler had only annexed areas previously under German rule in a largely moral fashion, the investment in war materiel requires its use to guarantee profit. ( Same thing happens in the USA all the time )

There's an argument to be made that this was only due to belligerents like France though, and that Hitler would have focused on civilian industry instead of war industry if he thought the French would FUCK OFF REEEEE.

>being this wrong

>get attacked savagely by multiple nations in a world war

>be the cause of literally both world wars
>cry that you lose them both
You're a literal bitch.

Revisionist propaganda. Hitler was regarded the worlds greatest leaders during the time period and was hailed a hero for turning around Germany’s economy.
The narrative was only changed after the war

“The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.”
-Adolf Hitler

Attached: 851AC9F0-4D07-4040-B473-7D11AD271E10.jpg (750x746, 80K)

Full retard

this thread is discord tranny astrotrufing, not much point they will just stick to empty insults because they think group think will win influence because they are so used to reddit

It's literal revisionism to pretend that the German economy was doing "good" under Nazi rule. Their entire job was to fuck your brain into thinking it was business as usual.

I don't listen to jews lmao

>be not the cause of Anglo spergfits for world power
~eternal anglo

>completely failed at what they set out to accomplish


>t. stormweenie fag
The Nazi economy wasn't prosperous, it was a timebomb.

How am I wrong? John Toland's book about Adolf Hitler covers the plot fairly thoroughly with citations to personal correspondents of people surrounding the plot.

>actual heroes who tried to stop an illegal government body who strong-armed Germany and hijacked elections


Please explain how they weren't the cause? Especially in WW2? Please, /pol/ enlighten me to your aspie alt reality.

Fuck off Sargon, go read a fucking book

>Hitler's election to Chancellorship was fair and based on a democratic vote

It's a pretty good film. Thankfully there is minimal use of actual german, because they manage to butcher it pretty badly. It comes with the territory I guess.

What I find interesting is how Graf Stauffenberg and the rest of the plotters were portrayed. While they were obviously opposed to Hitler, these were still hardcore nationalist conservatives that are equally "evil" to the average American today as the NS regime. In fact, I have no doubts that the July 20th plotters would be as disgusted by modern Germany today as the Nazis themselves.

Its something of a coincidence that the modern federal republic even honors them at all, considering that the sort of values they held are taboo today. Maybe the SPD or tankies will go apeshit on how they just wanted to rape easterners just like the Nazis blah blah blah character assassination until they are considered evil and on the "wrong side of history".

Every accurate account shows that the Nazi economy was a sham, /pol/nigger. Keep crying. Hard to judge real "economic growth" when you put people into slave labor and reallocate resources owned by Jewish Germans.

>Toland generally tried to write history works as a straightforward narrative, with minimal analysis or judgment.[citation needed] One exception to his general approach is Infamy: Pearl Harbor and Its Aftermath, about the Pearl Harbor attack and its subsequent investigation, where he presented evidence that President Franklin D. Roosevelt knew in advance of plans to attack the naval base but remained silent. The book was widely criticized at the time,[4] and today the majority of historians reject the Pearl Harbor advance-knowledge conspiracy theory.

What would have happened if Germany only declared war on France first for the purpose of solely anulling the Versailles treaty?

>it's a character assasination to say that Nazis are bad

He's a good author and researcher. You're just trying to write him off because he has a minority belief on a specific historical event. That has nothing to do with the veracity of his work regarding the bomb plot the movie Valkyrie is based on.

I'm saying you're literally trying to obfuscate history because you passively don't like that some Nazis were not cartoonishly evil, Hitler cocksuckers....that maybe some of them recognized how detrimental to their own country he was. I can't even fathom why, I'm really raking my brain here. It's almost like you're a useless /pol/nigger.

>nazis are bad
>except when they aren't
>but even those ones are secretly bad
damn the public school system has failed us

The same thing, the UK and US were always going to find an excuse to aid the french. The British would never allow for someone to seriously challenge of the security of the home isles and the Americans would never allow someone to threaten existence of the British Empire.

I was referring to the character assassination of the plotters, who were anti-nazi, not Nazis themselves.

Attached: IMG_4325.jpg (454x340, 54K)

Are you bad at reading compression then?


>can't argue in good faith
oh, memes then? Cool. I accept your concession.

>restored it to its former glory

The Thousand Year Reich fell short by 988 years.

"Like so many other German officers, he applauded Hitler's introduction of conscription, approved of the Anschluss with Austria as well as the occupation of Czechoslovakia, and was caught up in the glory of victory in Holland and France. It was Barbarossa that destroyed his illusions. He heartily approved Rosenberg's attempt to free the non-Russian peoples of the Soviet Union and, after this policy was superseded by oppression and murder, he told a fellow officer that the only solution for Germany now was to kill the Fuhrer."

As I said before, most of the motivation for assassinating Hitler came from people either having personal misgivings or from pessimism regarding the state of the war. There were others of course who hated him from the beginning or were opportunistically trying to assassinate him, but those people didn't tend to belong to the officer and army personnel which comprised the plot covered in Valkyrie.

All you have is conjecture.

I don't think you know what "conjecture" means, kiddo.

A lot of them were loyal to their nation and did whatever they thought was best for it. I don't see anything wrong with that.

>personal misgivings or from pessimism regarding the state of the war.
>is being against Operation Barbarossa
the absolute wew on you, Naziboo.

Inference or judgment based on inconclusive or incomplete evidence; guesswork.
n. A statement, opinion, or conclusion based on guesswork: The commentators made various conjectures about the outcome of the next election.

>it's not conjecture to assume anyone who disagrees with you is Jewish

There's nothing wrong with it per se, but the problem is that people cynically propagandize the resistance effort. The reality is that this particular resistance group was in agreement with NS/Hitler on a huge number of issues. Most people will never have an interest in researching the historical realities of the event so they are misled into having superficial, largely inaccurate concepts in mind.

He wasn't against invading Russia in principle, he was opposed to the treatment of Russians by the invading army. The invasion of Russia was touch-and-go for quite awhile and at some points it seemed like Hitler had performed another miracle like in Europe. The idea that everyone knew the invasion would end in disaster is completely ignorant.

>nazis control the media
Okay genius.
This was an uninspired movie about literal virtue signalling that accomplished nothing. Had the conspiracy not been a bad joke (they wanted to keep Poland!), they would still have accomplished nothing, because the Allies were set on punitive devastation, and even if the Western Allies could have been calmed down, Stalin would not.
That said Cruise, Branagh and that old guy named Tom shine in it; Zod wasn't given enough of a part but then the guy he played was nobody anyway.
I suggest you look at Paul Verhoeven's films about the Dutch anti-Nazi resistance, Soldier of Orange is the Dutch film best-loved by the Dutch (also read the book), and Black Book is more recent and complicated, but still more accurate and relevant, and anyhow much better made than Valkyrie.

>why do Nazis seethe
>over a flop in which the Nazis win at the end

Hitler also heralded in the first Trans movement in history.


Attached: gay nazis.jpg (750x1077, 203K)


Germany was barely in debt by the time before Hitler was in power. All Hitler did was mass conscription and prep for an unwinnable war, which produces less foodstuffs even pre-rationizing.

Attached: muhnaziutopia.png (740x581, 76K)

>triggers an actual /pol/tard
lol of course it does.


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Hitler was gay af

Jesse Owens had to fight off Hitler's advances at the olympics. Look it up.

Attached: gaydolf.png (1352x1071, 745K)

you mean nazi?

Attached: gay nazis3.jpg (411x555, 40K)

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>punitive devastation
1.they started the second world war (Germans), no amount of /pol/nigger crying changes that.
2. broke every treaty they agreed to. Basically lying Caucasoids with low IQ.
3. invade every neighborhood country.
4. Kill your own people.

abloo abloo, faggot.

I know this is about nazifilm but the man in the high castle is great.

Cause the movie takes an amazing event and does nothing with it, the film is incredibly bland. Night of the Generals is far superior

Not him, but that thing is a bit silly. Its people goofing around crossdressing, not claiming they are literal females and living as them.

What does any of this mean or have to do with the discussion? Do you understand that this post means that you are agreeing with me?

are you retarded?

Wow, you really worked hard on that.
>the conspiracy failed in all its goals
>the conspiracy was completely exposed
>Hitler survived the bomb
So yeah, this is literally a movie about the Nazis winning. This was a success story fir them. Like if OP demanded to know why a movie about the surrender of France at the very beginning of the war "triggered [imaginary] Nazis." Read again (or re-watch the film) if you are confused.

I thought it was because the director is a pedo. Good film though.

I recommended two anti-Nazi films, both of which are superior to OP's pic related. This isn't plebbit, you actually have to read the post.

Imagine being so easy to out as a cocksucking Hitler fag.

>illegal government body who strong-armed Germany and hijacked elections

that literally didnt happen, kike

Oh wow, I am a Democrat now because you called me a name. Must suck to be constantly asked if you're confused because of your facial expression.
Assuming you cannot re-read the posts, you just said that the Valkyrie coup attempt was completely pointless, after I did. That means we're saying the same thing. That means we're in agreement. You have to have disappointing sex with me, and vaccuum the trailer while I'm at work, complaining about your creeping weight gain. Gotta get between the cracks, Shelley.

German Empire beats the Roman larpers any day.

Wow, nice to know that homophobia is kosher when you suddenly think it will help you. Read what I actually wrote. I recommended good movies in which Hitler loses. OP recommended a lackluster movie in which Hitler wins.

This is propaganda perpetrated by liberals who don't want to acknowledge Hitler's progressive policies for trans recognition and rights

this movie sucks though
tom cruise was completely miscast

>nobody even mentioned democrats but he's an outed /pol/nigger, so has to
Must get exhausting.

If OP wants a movie showing Nazis winning, but also obe that is actually a good movie, check out Brestskaya Krepost. It details a lot of the unpreparedness but also the last-minute heroism of the Red Army.

>Hitler respected due process and open democracy in Germany
Absolute fucking kek.

Stauffenberg was just a butthurt fascist who worried that Germany won’t be able to enslave Europe due to Hitler’s mistakes

Oh wow, what is even going on in that word salad?

Hitler was a race traitor because he wanted to exterminate other Europeans

Why is it that people who champion Hitler the most, tend to know literally nothing about his rise to power?

Is this hard to follow? You're complaining about various strawmen, probably because you don't know how to actually argue. That's okay, you're new to this thing. You will grow up eventually and realize how embarrassing this all is. Trust me, faggot.

Yeah, Antifa riots are not due process, riot police shooting people with live ammo is not due process. Nazis were elected properly (largely in reaction to the German Communist mess earlier) and Hitler didn't even technically assume dictatorial powers until late in the war.

they were completely fine with the government until it became irrefutably clear they were going to lose the war
they weren't "heroes who tried to stop an illegal government body who strong-armed Germany and hijacked elections "

>Red Army
Might as well laud the valor of the soldiers of the Wehrmacht while you're at it.

>more namecalling
>more gibberish
Surely it is all /pol/'s fault that this thread is a mess.

Jesus fucking Christ you are almost like an actual shill to make /pol/ look worse, like a disinfo agent.

Wehrmach fought to genocide Europeans, Red Army stopped them.
Ironic isn’t it?

>Nazis were elected properly
Imagine actually believing this, imagine having this fake history rolling around in your brain.

Whoa there, we can't all be eight years old. Yes, son, staying awake for over seventy-two hours and fighting a superior force with no preparation and no support because you know that you're all there is is heroism. Heroism isn't a function of which uniform you wear. But do call me a faggot again so everybody can see who the hero really is.

Tell me more about those ebul Democrats that nobody mentioned outside of your autistic screeching.


>he fell for le liberator maymay
Lend-Lease was a fucking mistake.

Dear sir, who was just attacking the historical knowledge of others, please just take a minute and check the Wiki entry. Specifically the start date, and any black and white photographs that look real old.

except they were? You're just buttmad.

Come to the thread where ignorant plebbitors babbled about non-existant Nazis, encountered actual Yea Forums content such as proper film recommendations, couldn't understand what was happening, and so called everyone faggots.

You talk like a literal bot.

serbian chimpouters caused ww1

>imagine thinking this happened

Yeah that's some real fine police work there, Lou. You musta backtraced me clear out to Vladivostok.

The point is just because you're personally brave doesn't make you a hero if you only serve to further the goals of despotic rule, which the cannonfodder of both armies were ultimately reduced to.


Why think when you can scroll up and see it. It's right there. I argued against OP's choice and suggested better films. You called me a Nazi and a homosexual, based on nothing.

>set the entire culture back a thousand years
Don't know about that. The biggest losers coming out of WWII were the Russians. It's what Putin constantly seethes about to this day.

That's not an argument.

So George Washington was a dumb litle punk, as was literally every single soldier in every other army in all of history. God, it must be awful to be so blindingly moral, son.

The Great War was unfortunately inevitable. If only Bismarck's Three Emperors Alliance had worked out.

>literally whistleblowers or backdoor defenders of Hitler itt

Because George Washington is totally analogous with Joseph fucking Stalin.

The funniest thing about this image is that only a jew would save it.

yeah because everybody knows you cant take loot from places you conquer or use the same industry that makes tanks and planes to make other stuff


This is a discord tranny thread. Don’t post in it. Sage.

please explain to me your understanding of a stable Nazi economy then.

Soviets were shitters but the countries that they occupied over the course of the war were infinitely better under the Soviets then they were the Nazis.

Has anyone else here had a good time watching zoomers getting brainwashed by unsourced infographics these past few years?

Attached: Maury Laughing.gif (150x150, 1.22M)

From your typing style he probably assumed you were a woman.

Not really but at least someone else knows what's going on here.

I thought it was very brave of Hitler to put a Mongolian man in charge of the SS

Attached: 1516475340492.jpg (300x381, 15K)

>unsourced infographics
Hello, discord tranny.

You'll learn eventually zoomer.

Attached: TRUWE.png (1806x404, 155K)

>faux industrialism


they sure built faux tanks and faux guns right?

>right wing thread
>gets deleted instantly
>leftist thread
>stays up forever

damn thats making me think......

The only countries better off were Poland (not by much), Belarus, and Russia itself.

You will never be a real woman.

>infinitely better under the Soviets
Imagine being this much of a retard.

This is a discord tranny thread. Don’t post in it. Sage.

>Poland (not by much)
The fuck are you talking about? You realize that one fifth of the prewar population died under Nazi rule? The Soviets kept the Poles impoverished but they were never as brutal as the Nazis.

lol I take it you've never read up on pic related?

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-S73495,_Oskar_Dirlewanger.jpg (472x785, 50K)

damn, almost like the "right wing" is clearly a dead ideology or something, that is constantly at odds? Really makes you think...

Tell me again why I should even remotely respect a fucking Puritan.

Which country do you think was better off under Nazis compared to the Soviets? Poland? Maybe Belarus?

>forcing companies to produce arms during wartime under what is basically a tyrant is the same as positive economic growth

zoomer "banter"

Pretty accurate

>every belief system needs affirmative action in discussion forums for equal representation


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I got a more accurate one for ya

Attached: 21retard.png (758x660, 416K)

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>pic related is bad

Watch this for me

>it was never anti-other race
Have you ever read Mein Kampf? Hitler implies Austrian Slavs are subhuman

They only wanted Hitler dead because he was losing the war. If he had pushed the russians into the siberian wilderness by 1943 then they wouldn’t have planned it.

>Swinging your sword in the dark this randomly

Attached: 1552545095430.jpg (616x406, 41K)

>what is the Katyn Massacre
And that was pinned on the nazis for years before the truth came out, imagine all the murders they still conveniently pass off on the loser? Either, the slaughter of the Poles was very much a team effort between the one-time non-aggression pact buttpals.

>literally a /pol/shitter video

BTFO as usual

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Virtually all infographics and studies posted by laymen are just propaganda appealing to society's overall fetishism of science. Complaining that infographics are poorly sourced or lack nuance is like complaining that any commercial for a product isn't fully indicative of the truth.

You forgot step 9
>realizing it didn't mean shit and all the white guilt, muh equality and socialist justice fairy tales would be just as prevalent as they are today because all of it was on the table decades before nazis showed up and for society to thrive, leftshittism must be purged in all its forms

Hey I saw a happy looking child, maybe you should go castrate it for stunning and brave Facebook points.

as someone who lives in such a country, i can tell you firsthand, that youre an incredibly gigantic retard and if you killed yourself the average world IQ would rise
the only people that unironically defend communism are old school hardline commies who occupied positions of power, and middle class american suburban retards who should thank christ they will never experience anything resembling actual communism and not their fantasy

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Also, I AGREED with you that Belarus was better off under the Soviets. But then I shouldn't be surprised that you're as illiterate in reading comprehension as you are with history.

>muh Christian bakery meme
>muh trans bathroom meme
The unlimited yikes at this retard who made this.

>what is the Katyn Massacre
It was bad yes, again nothing compared to the Nazis. As far as body count (in Poland) goes the Nazis are far ahead

>imagine all the murders they still conveniently pass off on the loser?
Any you have in mind that look suspicious?

>the slaughter of the Poles was very much a team
You base that off what?

>Complaining that infographics are poorly sourced or lack nuance is like complaining that any commercial for a product isn't fully indicative of the truth.
Are you 100 percent retarded to the concept of corroborative data?

Stauffenberg was a nazi supporter till we started losing the war.

Yeah a true hero and not an opportunistic traitor at all.

Also he wasn't a fucking democrat, he wanted to install a military junta.

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This is a very obvious discord tranny thread. Don’t post in it. Sage.

You're just making assumptions at this point. You know no more about what an alternate history would look like that anyone else

I never defended them retard I literally started off my post by saying they were shitters. All I've claimed is that they treated the countries they occupied better than the Nazis did.

western yuropoor bourgeoisie kiddies are probably worse in that regard, but yeah I really wish we could magically transport all those cultists to personally live (briefly as it may be) under the rule of Stalin or Mao.

>Discord tranny
Is this /pol/'s new smoke bomb? I haven't been here in a very long time.

Attached: 1555491363585.jpg (540x720, 178K)

Looks like I broke it. Mission accomplished.

what an intellectual powerhouse. how can i even compete?

t. dilating tranny

So you admit you came here from your discord or maybe a /leftypol/ thread?

Yea dude everyone that disagrees with you is a commie/tranny/jew/etc

Attached: 1548637509160.jpg (1024x746, 71K)

>everyone who thinks Nazis are bad is muh /leftypol/ boogeywoogeywoo

Retake Basic English for starters.

There is data matching all kinds of claims including many made on pol. There's also lots of things which are generally understood to be true, that haven't been verified by scientific study. There are also things people know to be true that are impossible to study scientifically, such as the subjective experience of an individual. However, low IQ conformists demand that things be consecrated by the priest class of so nowadays in order to be taken seriously you need a veneer of scientism in your propaganda.

>grammar nitpicking
shit lads I really fucked with the wrong ubermensch today

>There is data matching all kinds of claims including many made on pol
What did you have in mind?

>actual patriots who try to stop a fucking retard from senselessly killing German lives
they liked what he was doing for the most part
but realized they can't win in West AND the Soviets and figured getting rid of Hitler would open up the negotiations for white peace with US and Britain


>why don't white men trust movies made by (((hollywood)))

good question op

Get a new talking point. You’re not fooling anybody.
>everyone who thinks Nazis are bad is muh /leftypol/ boogeywoogeywoo
This is definitely something someone here would write. Definitely not something a /leftypol/ discord tranny would write. Not obvious at all.


>There is data matching all kinds of claims including many made on pol
kek, yeah retard? Or maybe you're just gullible as absolute shit?

if dubs i fuck hitlers ass

>only /leftypol/ dislike Nazis
>it's not like most of the first world hates him or something

The influence of things like AIPAC seems to be fairly obvious and supported by the data. There is all kinds of economics data matching the standard claims about the negative effects of globalism on certain countries. The data supporting claims about white birth rates and projected demography is clear. Things relating to race and IQ are almost entirely proven. Etc.

Ok this is EPIC

Attached: 1551094527664.jpg (720x545, 247K)

>There's also lots of things which are generally understood to be true, that haven't been verified by scientific study
which is literally called feels over reals.

Erika was later raped 100 times by illiterate Mongolian communists

So, nothing you can really source or prove?

If you can't see what a fucking trainwreck of a response was, then I'm afraid there's no helping you, comrade.

Outside of this:

>The data supporting claims about white birth rates and projected demography is clear

that's hardly anything specific to /pol/. fox boomers have been complaining about globalization for years. Race and IQ was also a subject of study long before /pol/

Where do you think we are? Just go back.


>i only believe things if a scientist or academic supports it
hello fellow free thinker

No. Science is relatively expensive and if you are approaching it via governmental grants then there is a lot of bureaucracy. There are all kinds of examples though. For instance, humans knew for thousands of years that offspring inherited various traits well before patented science demonstrated in minute detail how genes work. You can take out the contentious elements of that example and just point to things like eye color, skin color, hair color, etc.

There remain many things that are true which are not profitable or worthwhile to consecrate with scientific consensus.

I'm on a weeb porn site about anime you autistic newfaggot. This has never been your stormnigger safe space. Literally never, not once in over a decade.

Yet you can't provide an argument against it. Seems like you're just nitpicking because you have no real response

Now this is an epic dank maymay maymay. Ben Shapiro disembowels libtards epic. Such a dank maymay that we 4channellers love. Epic! Not at all something a faggot tourist would post. So epic. Epic. Epic. Epic.

So are you just arguing for literal "feels" then? I'm not sure what your fucking point is anymore.

fucking leave disgusting newfag it's well known that hitler was pretty much Yea Forums incarnate

>stormfront bogeyman
>safe space
Hello, /leftypol/ discord tranny, or are you a chapofag? So many tourists.

>No. Science is relatively expensive
Almost every scientific fact on this earth can be replicated on a shoestring budget you absolutely retarded /x/nigger.

Why is /pol/ so easy? This ain't it, chief.

Attached: 1555298629593.gif (640x480, 1.26M)

It's easy to tell who's new. Really is.

I wasn't aware you were asking for a concrete example.
This is an example of a fairly reputable source showing data which corresponds to pol claims about projected white minority in USA.

Stauffenberg didn't mind invading other countries and taking their population as slaves. He mentioned that himself. But he didn't like losing.

these nazi/hitler threads go the same literally every time. people point out what a shitter he was and zoomers kvetch for the whole thread.

Can never talk about this film without people going on about whether it is or isn't Nazi propaganda

Attached: romperstomper.gif (400x237, 1.7M)

XD you baited me so epicly! So epic!
>no u
Epic. Simply epic.

stop viewing "scientists" as a new priest class and "science" as an infallible religion

What even is the argument here? Yours changes constantly.
>white people may be less than 60 percent in a century!
Oh no! It's like a Holocaust!

>science literally is the source of all my modern comforts
>not basically praising it for bettering my life
Closest thing to a reasonable religion, retard.

I'm using scientific colloquially to mean verified by scientific peer review. The topic is people who defer to the consensus of professional scientists and not the general process of experimentation or empiricism.

English clearly isn't your first language if you still think that was a coherent response lol.

So are you a ressentiment-filled non-white, or a self-hating, middle-class chapofag?

What part of that is so hard to read that you can't even form a response? Specifically I mean.

You're the type of faggot who doesn't know what scientific consensus means.

science is a method. it's not supposed to be a religion that you put your faith in

Or neither and I don't define myself by the level of whitness or lack thereof around me? Maybe you have and suffer from a legitimate type of autism? Ever consider that?

>Muh feels
>Muh esotericism

Attached: 1553762352882.png (430x550, 389K)

why do you hate white people?

The original user you were replying to was talking about corroborative data and why infographics are a poor source of information. Do you think that lack of corroboration for Nazi infographics make them a bad source?

As per my original statement, it's that there are poorly sourced infographics on pol which are used to express something that is true. There are many pol memes/infographics about projected white minority status that don't link directly to some reputable source. Many of the claims they allude to are technically true and can be demonstrated by reputable sources.

However, their function isn't to demonstrate something is technically accurate. Their function is to take an idea ( whites will be a racial minority by time X ) and present to various audiences, ranging from people who agree to people who are agnostic to people who disagree. In the case that you're demonstrating this to people who agree, you won't cite your source because the graphic is serving as a re-affirmation or morale boost. To the casual outside observer it might seem like the graphic is poorly sourced or ineffective, but that's because they aren't the intended viewer. The intended viewer of memes/graphics designed to win over a contentious or curious audience have a different design.

You HAVE to go back. So which are you?

Science has given me modern medicine, the internet and nearly every comfort. What have you done? What have you invented? The METHOD of science has produced almost everything in the modern world. Why should I give a single shit about any alternatives? Don't you people pretend to love statistics?

Non-whites are filled with ressentiment.

science is more about patience, something you could learn

>However, their function isn't to demonstrate something is technically accurate. Their function is to take an idea ( whites will be a racial minority by time X ) and present to various audiences
That is honest to fucking christ, called propaganda. Are you stupid?

This is a blatantly obvious /leftypol/ discord tranny raid thread. Do not post in it. Sage.

race ressentiment is universal

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hey i just wanted to let you know you're doing a good job user

It depends on the claim. I don't think they are all good/all bad.

Most infographics posted on the internet are propaganda. Everyone does it. Ironically, even people who make a habit of criticizing science like christian fundamentalists do it prolifically.

Ok take for instance the Danzig Massacres, do you think the claim of Poles genociding Germans before the war are true?

I don't think you fully understood what you were replying to was more the issue.

Genociding is a loaded term, but sure I think its true that ethnic Germans in Poland were oppressed prior to WW2.

>everyone does it, that makes it okay for me to do it No, stop having goofy arguments. Is critical thinking hard for you?

Ok what do you think I'm misunderstanding in my post? What did I misrepresent?

This isn't an argument.

>Genociding is a loaded term
based on the Nazis own claims it would qualify as a genocide

>I think its true that ethnic Germans in Poland were oppressed prior to WW2
Do you think they were killed en mass?

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Oh this is my favorite. Burgers can't even show it on the map and clearly have no idea what the demographics looked like and what was the situation of the minority there. They're extremely gullible and don't factcheck anything or are simple liars. Officially they hate subversion but not uf it comes from them.

It's literally not an argument. You do get that right?

This would be true if being on /pol/ didn't actually make you stupider.

I'm not that user, just laughing at a tired meme

I don't know if they were killed en masse, I just know that they were oppressed. Efforts were made to break up their attempts to unite with Germany as an expression of self-determination. As a nationalist I believe that the natural right of self-determination supersedes state interests in things like border integrity.

If you have a source on the Danzig Massacres I'd be curious to take a look at it I've yet to have someone show me any solid evidence. Keep in mind that Bloody Sunday is is a seperate event that happened AFTER the Germans had already invaded.

Nothing that I found ever suggested that and I don't mean just books and oral testimonies but reading newspaper archives and cultural magazines from that era. I'm always eager to wait for someone to find anything that would suggest otherwise. Any contemporary source. I always get silence or unironocal posting of what Goebbels said after the invasion.

Never goes past step 5.

You are correct. I gave no argument in response to someone pointing out something is propaganda. It is propaganda. So what? Propaganda is typically based off something that is true. The idea that propaganda is a bad thing full of lies and manipulation is, ironically, anti-propaganda propaganda.

Stormfags won't touch this

Did you find this on reddit?

No such exist because the minority was oppressed there. This is where the lies come in and using terms like bloody sunday refering to provocations during the invasion shows that whoever made it up knows it's bullshit but for them it's convenient to lie to us.

They're just gonna ask for more sources, you know.

>I just know that they were oppressed
In what way? Specifically I mean?

>Efforts were made to break up their attempts to unite with Germany as an expression of self-determination
Much of the land Germany wanted was majority Polish.

>As a nationalist I believe that the natural right of self-determination supersedes state
Then you agree Poland was well within its right to carve out a state at the end of WW1 for ethnic Poles right?

>propaganda isn't a bad thing
I want you to eventually realize how fucking off you are, how wrong your beliefs are. This is cringe.

>It is propaganda. So what? Propaganda is typically based off something that is true.
Yikes. This is the shit that gets you mocked.

>No such exist because the minority was oppressed there.
What kind of rationale is this? We have evidence of the historical oppression of people much more obscure than Europeans in the middle of 20th century Europe. If oppression was happeneing on such a scale to warrant a casus belli on the part of the Germans to go to war then surely there'd be some evidence no?

>using terms like bloody sunday refering to provocations during the invasion shows that whoever made it up knows it's bullshit
What the fuck are you talking about? Danzig Massacre and Bloody Sunday are two distinct events. How the fuck could Poland be provocations the Germans WHILE they had already invaded? You should read up on the actual lead up to the invasion of Poland. Germans used some very Jewish tricks to justify war.

This is getting irritating, but what I was getting at was that if they pinned the blame for Katyn on the nazis, then what other crimes were they able to pass the buck off on? Yes, their body count was worse then that of the soviets, but they held more of (and eventually all of) Poland for longer. And as far as what I base the team effort claim on, there was a little something called Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
This suggests via various citations and individual instances that it was pretty well understood at the time that the Polish people were actively working against ethnic Germans in Poland. This is a pretty mainstream source in terms of credentials.

It's always surprises me that these claoms never comecwith sources because high ranking German officials made many visits to Poland even several months before the war. This alkeged issue never came up? Or in speeches or articles or cabinet meetings or memoirs? Seems to me like an attempt to make obvious aggressors seem less guilty.

You should educate yourselves. Propaganda usage is essentially a neutral or universal phenomenon. The idea that propaganda is negative or manipulative is relatively modern liberal propaganda. It was a view of propaganda developed to make the general population distrustful of big government or big corporations.

Propaganda and marketing are virtually the same thing, ultimately. However, marketing as a term or science didn't exist until relatively recently.


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What’s dilation?

>then what other crimes were they able to pass the buck off on?
I understand what you mean. I asked you in response if you could think of any particularly suspicious murders over the course of the war that may have also been falsely attributed.

>Yes, their body count was worse then that of the soviets, but they held more of (and eventually all of) Poland for longer
No they didn't. The Soviets occupied Poland all the way until 1989.

>And as far as what I base the team effort claim on, there was a little something called Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
The Nazis split the territory of Poland with the Soviets yes but as far as your claim that the insane body count of ethnic Poles was a result of a team effort the figures just don't support it. The overwhelming majority of Poles that died was under the occupation of the Nazis.

yikes, I bet you are a holohoaxer type too.

It says anything about the Weimar policy towards Poland? No? Well they never recognized their border and made constant threats. Third Reicj was actually a small improvement at least for a while. And it all matches with what I found from that era. Surely there must be something to oppose this right? As I said there's lot of potentially contemporary sources. From the governments and journalists but also from people who just lived there. Guenther Grass maybe? There's lots to choose from and at least you know wherw it came from.

Assimilation efforts via language suppression, suppression of efforts to reunify with Germany, religious suppression, etc.

You’re such a tourist it hurts to read.

You're running out of steam, bud.

kill yourself my man

>Assimilation efforts via language suppression
I have read about this. As far as I'm aware the Poles made pretty rapid efforts to change the language of the parliament to fully Polish by 1920. I've yet to hear anything about outright oppression though.

>suppression of efforts to reunify with Germany
That's not oppression that's politics. The government of Poland refused to hand over sovereignty of its territory to an already aggressive Germany that's not equal to the oppression of the entire German minority of Poland

>religious suppression
How so?

I would concede that the ethnic Germans probably caused trouble for the Poles on both sides of the border. I think that is because the borders were drawn after WW1 with no regard for the demographic makeup of the various regions. We see many of the same kinds of problems in the middle east where arbitrarily or opportunistically drawn borders lead to civil strife based on ethnicity.

The Poles should have deported the Germans, or allowed the reunification of them into Germany. That's my sentiment anyway.

>imagine actually defending propaganda because you're an extremist that's mad when people make fun of Hitler

>The Poles should have deported the Germans
Population transfers never go peacefully

>or allowed the reunification of them into Germany.
And ceded territory to an already untrustworthy and expansionist Germany? What political sense does that make?

I meant for the duration of WW2, and technically it was a puppet communist regime they left behind rather than a hard soviet occupation, although I suppose Hungary and Czechoslovakia showed it ultimately made little difference.

Also, I didn't mean it was a literal team effort, just two murderous regimes preying upon the native populace within their respective partitions until they resumed hostilities with each other.

Fuck off you homo

>Someone compiled it into a single .png
Bless the user that did this.

>and technically it was a puppet communist regime they left behind rather than a hard soviet occupation
There were hundreds of thousands of Soviet troops still stationed there. It wasn't war time occupation but it was an occupation nonetheless

>just two murderous regimes preying upon the native populace within their respective partitions until they resumed hostilities with each other.
Nazis prayed upon the Poles in far more brutal ways. I don't really think it's comparable to the Soviets considering the length of their occupation.

Epic, bud. Good one, bud. Such a sassy sweaty, bud. Retweeted.

There were no troubles in urbanized areas. Lots of Germans in the army, many actors. There were also in the rural east but when the German army got there they were called subhumans. I have little facts about them. Now Belarussians in that area could feel antagonized by everybody. But the demographics were complicated. Emmigration would've been a sensible choice not another risky bordrr revision.

I'm saying this as it regards the principle of self-determination, not practical political decision making. It might have been entirely politically practical to oppress the ethnic Germans in Poland but I don't think that makes it the right thing to do.

Then why did he have to steal symbols? Why couldn't he come up with his own symbols for his movement.

It was far from the infinitely better situation under the soviets that you initially claimed, plus I'm sure they would have picked up the slack with more free reign given their track record in other territories and with other minority groups. There was in fact ethnic cleaning of poles by the soviets prior to WW2.

>I'm saying this as it regards the principle of self-determination, not practical political decision making.
I don't understand why bring it up as a point of oppression for the German minority if it wasn't politically feasible to begin with?

>It might have been entirely politically practical to oppress the ethnic Germans in Poland but I don't think that makes it the right thing to do.
I've seen claims of oppression made here but no evidence. Care to back up any of this

Stauffenberg only turned on Hitler once he started losing the war and tried to install a government similar to his, it's ironic that he's portrayed as a hero these days

>two murderous regimes

And one of it actually saved the world.

Ya all must be thankful to russian people.

Yea Forums btfo /pol/ always right

I sense bootlickers ITT.

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>It was far from the infinitely better situation under the soviets that you initially claimed
M8 one fifth of the Polish population died under the Nazis yes I absolutely think it was infinitely better. It's hard not to do that much better when the Nazis were such autismos

>plus I'm sure they would have picked up the slack with more free reign given their track record in other territories and with other minority groups.
Poland was a Soviet satellite

>There was in fact ethnic cleaning of poles by the soviets prior to WW2.
Never claimed otherwise

its just germans trying desperately distance themselves and downplay how popular the nazis were by propping up someone in the army who tried to kill hitler even though his motives and goals weren't exactly honorable

It is actually funny how poland sorry asses always cry about how they were occupied. Poland would not even exist by now if it werent for Soviets.

Poland is like a victim who always cries and does nothing else. So full of shit without reason

Uhh... because I think you should do the right thing even if its politically unpopular. lol.
It's very clear that the turbulent and often-challenged government of Poland was oppressing its various minorities at every turn. They did so in order to try and perpetuate the notion of a free and independent Poland, even though Poland based off the ethnography of Poles is significantly smaller than the size of the state.

Everyone was belligerent to everyone at that time, but if they had just been the bigger person and let the ethnic groups belong to their preferred nation at least they would have had a clean conscience when they were invaded. Instead, the invasion of Poland is historically a grey area. The Nazis were basically welcomed as liberating heroes to nationalist groups all over Europe which had been oppressed by their larger neighbors.


I do know what it would like, because I am from ex-communist country with no history of slavery, and you think leftshit organization are signing different tune in here. It's like wind up dolls. Imagine being forcefed this shit for decades in school and then scumbags think two decades is enough for people to again be lectured about social justice?
It took couple burned down offices to shut them up, but I am sure their big daddy can afford it.

Great movie. Also I think the point of the film was that at the end of the day they were fighting a losing battle. Politicians didn't care about their cause, and there weren't enough involved citizens to actually do anything about the Asians displacing them. What they were involved in would only amount to tit-for-tat street battles until someone wound up dead. That, and meeting a girl you like will eventually take away your desire to "belong" to a gang that replaces family. No matter how strong the cause, you'll leave it all behind for pussy.

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>muh le centrist

Attached: D4RNY3RXsAADiq9.png (599x599, 354K)

Germans, leftists and Russians are not human beings. Trannies aren't even alive since they're just walking mutilated corpses.

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>an illegal government body who strong-armed Germany and hijacked elections
you just went full retard.

based stomper

>beings "debunking" by character assassination

yeah great way to out yourself as a generic seeting redditor

Attached: hit on libtards.jpg (850x446, 193K)

Jews,gypsys Europeans?

I don’t know but they were fucking based. It always makes me really sad to think about because they were so close to securing a future that happened so soon after. The worst thing is Germany would be better off and europe would be better off. I’m curious to see how the Cold War would play out if they had succeeded.



It's still not as good as Der Untergang, the greatest film featuring Adolf and the single greatest Hitler performance.

If you unironically don’t think that genocide of any people’s is a bad thing. If you seriously support it outside of a meme, then I guess I just don’t know what to tell you. I guess it’s just that you fail to meet a lot of traits needed to correctly socialize and thus have failed human evolution in your own shitty way. Can’t really blame you for that, maybe just your family. I’m not gonna day I’m glad you can’t reproduce because literally anyone can, but I’m glad you’re gonna die seething. I just hope you don’t pass it down the evolution line. There’s still hope out there for you in the world but you’re so socially stunted I don’t think you’re gonna be able to find it or even know how to make a network of friends. I know it might seem like I care about your thoughts because I typed a thing out on the internet. By that same extension I could say you care about the guy who you replied to. Rest assured, I don’t care about you. I don’t want you dead because I rarely want people dead, but I’d prefer if you hadn’t existed in the first place.

is this copypasta?

And then when people woke up to how he was fucking crazy Germany cycled itself even worse than it did after WW1

I just wanna step out and say that OP was 100% right just in the fact that we clearly can’t discuss the movie as it stands as a movie, given how off the rails everything has gotten from the start. On both ends.

OP here if dubs i fuck your ass

Nah I actually wrote it. But feel free to use it in a mocking manner to me, I don’t give a shit either way. Pretty blackout atm


Literally treacherous scum. Deserved the rope they got.