THE ETERNALS Adds Ma-Dong Seok And Conrad Ricamora

>Ma-Dong Seok ("Train to Busan") has joined the cast of Marvel Studios' THE ETERNALS, while Conrad Ricamora ("How to Get Away with Murder") is being eyed by the studio. While their roles are being kept under wraps, it is known that Ricamora, who is homosexual, is being sought for the studio's first openly homosexual superhero, who is described as "intellectual, emotional, and has a strong sense of family."

>Angelina Jolie ("Maleficent") and Kumail Nanjiani ("The Big Sick") are already part of the cast. Their characters are also being kept under wraps, but sources have linked them to the roles of Sersi and Makkari, respectively.

>Directed by Chloe Zao ("The Rider"), the movie introduces the Eternals, a race of superhumans created by cosmic engineers known as ''The Celestials'' and once worshipped as gods by the human race, and their lifelong enemies, the monstrous, bloodthirsty Deviants. After a centuries-long stalemate, their war is revived in modern times, with the fate of the world hanging on the balance. The Eternals are led by Ikaris, a warrior fueled by cosmic energy, and his lover Sersi, a psychic explorer who relishes moving amongst humans.

>THE ETERNALS is slated for November 1st, 2020.

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oh ok so they’re going full anime

The MCU's first flop. It was inevitable.

Based Commie Dad got added?
Shame this movie sounds like a fucking mess.

but why? another 10 years of milking this shit... why cant endgame be just end of this game?


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this movie screams "disney is now in control, fuck you". and thats a good thing. capeshit ends with ENDGAME and if you dont like the conclusion, just pretend that thanos won at the end of infinity war.

i mean, the cast of this shit is atrocious and literally NOBODY CARES about these characters.

marvel is done, marvel is star wars now.

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based and dongpilled

I wouldn't be sure about that. They managed to make people care about a solo Ant Man film and a Guardians of the Galaxy film. I'm more interested if they're going to pussyfoot around or actually make a real comic book film.

ant man and guardians of the galaxy have a cast of human beings, not a bunch of ugy indians and asians and a crazy bitch who cut her tits off and raise his own children around adopted weirdos.

pretty clear since brie larson that kevin feige is just another yes man. marvel studios is done.

They're fucking up with this casting. They used to intentionally hire hot people as leads.
Jolie is the only hot one mentioned thus far.
This will kill the chinese and asian audiences.
Thats why they dont like Star Wars, too many ugly people.

> militant niggers with black panther
>gay chinks and sandniggers in eternals
>dyke lesbians between carol and Val
>literal who’s like shang chi

I see why they sprung at buying fox for X-men and F4

I like Shang-Chi. That's the only one I'm interested in.

>Jolie is the only hot one mentioned thus far.

I'm sure Dong will appeal to some people.

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I like shang chi as well, should’ve been iron fist with that movie but oh well. But he’s below even ant man in terms of popularity. Sure so were the GOTG but rocket and groot were children magnets, shang chi will get Asians and maybe blacks cause of the martial arts aspect

What is this THE ETERNALS?

Read the OP and find out.

Nigger... the chinks are going eat shang-chi up like fucking lo mein.

So I dislike Nanjiani because he called me a racist on Twitter and sent his SJWs fans onto my account after Retweeting me... but I happen to know his Dad who I met sometime after that happened. I don’t know how to feel. I think he has an insufferable victim complex and uses his skin to get pitty points... yet his Dad is a kind man,

>Kumail Nanjiani
Fuck no. I was interested until this since it sounds like weirdo cosmic Marvel shit which would be interesting at worst. But he's awful and The Big Sick was one of the most pretentious movies I've ever seen

He's just a suppporting character/comic relief anyway.

Well I've never paid for an Angelina Jolie movie before and I ain't a bout to start now

This shit is going to be Inhumans part 2

>we want the bara audience

Chloe Zhao is a good director

I'm sure she is but this a big production and she's working under Marvel with their formulaic scripts. Movies usually end up homogenized. The last 4 DC films feels more varied than what Marvel has done in years.

Let me see until now
Disney/Marvel has not hired any THICC actress so far?
I am right?

I keep hearing this since 2013

Which is funny because nobody remembers Hulk 2008 movie, the only MCU that didn't pass 300M.

Nobody wants to acknowledge Hulk flopped and I have no idea why. It's not like it really takes away from what the MCU has become