Adapt Fallout into a movie or miniseries already, you fucking apes

Adapt Fallout into a movie or miniseries already, you fucking apes.

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No thanks, I don't need them fucking it up

This, I'd rather modern Hollywood stay away from the franchise.

If Minecraft is getting a movie then Fallout deserves something.


Bethesda already did. Just remember Fallout 4 and 76.

We already have plenty of post-apoc films, including A Boy and His Dog and The Road Warrior which are the two main inspirations for Fallout

There's been fan series already. It's not really a very interesting scenario, been done to death in Mad Max.

I disagree and agree with OP. It's not just post apocalyptic, it has it's own spin on the genre that would be interesting if done right. The problem is, I doubt there's anyone in this generation that could do it justice.

Also part of the problem is that it would need a solid budget to fit in everything that is Fallout. Power Armor can't just be props, it'll look dopey as fuck, kind of like how the power armor looked like shit in Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Fallout 4 actually did the look and feel perfectly, at least more in line with Fallout 1 and 2, they just fucked up how it actually works.

I do like the atompunk designs and the humor, but yeah no one could do it right.

Ok,but I’m gonna make the protag black and all about how it’s white mans’ fault for nuclear war. lol. cope.

I honestly don't give a shit what the MC's skin color is, as long as it nails down the atmosphere of Fallout, but in the age of quips and memes, it's just not feasible.

it's a serene nuclear family home and then it gets nuked, the end
pay me fools

>noooooo fallout doesn't exist in a universe where aspects of culture and technology stagnated in the early 1960s, the retro-futurism was just a pre-war fad

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The power armor looked ok in the webseries

Why did they do it? Why did they ruin my comfy childhood post apoc rpg?

Fallout 1 is prime candidate for a movie. It's story is relatively simple and linear, and it has a canon recount thanks to the Memoirs to help guide writers and producers.

A Few alterations would be necessary to keep a good flow going of course. For instance, either combining Mariposa and the Cathedral into one location, or having a dual-climax a-la The Phantom Menace with the Brotherhood storming Mariposa while the Dweller faces the Master would be necessary to keep the story flow exciting. Another nessisary sacrifice would probably be Junktown. Reducing it to a cameo in a travel montage and moving Dogmeat to the Hub would be effective enough to keep the story at pace.

It's literally just a mashup of every post apocalyptic piece of fiction and media into an alt history timeline.
Why is Yea Forums so fucking stupid?

Video game movies are literally never good. Prove me wrong.

Not really, though

There actually was a script written way back when Interplay still had the license. I vaguely remember it being terrible. Anyone have a link?

Grandma's Boy

Mad Max already exists

nukabreak was pretty good but I never watched the whole series

The Tandi sex scene would be so gud. The Vault Dweller and Ian are covered in sweat, blood, and sand and reek of gunpowder and man musk. Tandi is this tight little 16 yr old. Fuuukkkk. VD and Ian are in those tight leather clothes, Tandi is wearing a little Pajeet skirt, showing hints of her brown nips and wide hips


Tandi doesn't have sex with Ian or VD though.

The Road.

Fallout is a complete rip off the 80's movie Radioactive Dream

You forgot Fallout 3

Just watch fan films on yt

I just want to see an adaptation of Dead Money, would genuinely be fantastic.