It’s honestly very underrated

It’s honestly very underrated

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Based and worldpilled, that was Bondkino.

Shame the Architect didn’t turn Christmas Jones into Santa Clause at the end

A lot of the Bond movies are underrated, especially from the Moore era

Good story, good characters, crap action scenes and too many explosions.

Still better than Skyfall and Spectre.

Best Bond film of the last 20 years bar none

i was pretty into nukular scientits pre-charlie sheen, rip her immune cell count.

All of the Brosnan movies were good; obviously Goldeneye is the best but they all have merit. I've even come around to Die Another Day now that I see it as an intentional over-the-top self-parody. At least it's more fun that the Craig Jason Bourne movies.

The only Bond movies I truly dislike are Diamonds Are Forever and Die Another Day.

Sophie Marceau should’ve been the main girl not the whore Denise Richards

Also this. The amount of anti-moore shitters on this board astounds me.

I take Quantum of Solace over Die Another Day any day.

The Spy Who Loved Me and The Man With The Golden Gun are the only ones to qualify in the top ten.

she was the main girl

DAF is my favorite of Connery's

Christ alive, Christmas Jones was hot.

Live and Let Die will always been in my personal top 5. Bond + the black criminal underworld is a great idea, and Yaphet had a great performance himself.

You mean The Pink Panther one? What ever floats your boat.

I bet Tomorrow Never Dies is Trump's favorite bond kino

Nah, it's too much a blaxplotation movie and lacks the Bond atmosphere,much thanks too the inappropriately funky soundtrack.

I bet it's either Goldfinger or From Russia With Love.

I love Bond going to Vegas, Jill St. John, the car chase on the strip and Mr. Went and Mr. Kidd. The story and main villain are weak and the climax is a dud but I enjoy the fuck outta that movie regardless. It's also my dad's favorite in the series and I watched it with him as a kid so there's a nostalgia factor.

The action scenes were insane but perfect for this type of Bond
>Bond driving that fucking boat through the river and the streets
>those helicopters with massive chainsaws dangling from them
>disarming that bomb going through the pipeline at 100m/h

Frankly Denise Richard's character being so retarded is the only reason people look down on this one, the tweest with Elektra having stockholm syndrome is kino.

I feel the same. Christopher Lee so good in Golden gun.

>superterrorist with a medical condition centred on pain secretly in cahoots with the heroes love interest

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Cool. My dad introduced me to Bond through The Man With The Golden Gun when I was seven years old.

>lacks the Bond atmosphere
I disagree, but I can understand the criticism about the soundtrack. It plays out exactly like how Bond/blaxploitation crossover would. They nailed it, perfectly balancing both the Bond and blaxploitation elements. Makes for a very unique Bond film.

Did I remember it correctly that Bane's painkiller makes him feel no pain at all, or is it the Mandela effect again?

Nice, that's my personal favorite.

>Nick Nack, Tabasco!

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They just say that it numbs the effect of whatever injury / medical condition he had. They don't make it clear whether this means Bane feels normal levels of pain or if he feels nothing.

Rank the pierce bond movies.

1. Golden Eye
2. World is Not enough
3 Tomorrow never Dies
99999999. die another etc


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Had the best Bond girl (judging by looks).

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DAD might be a clusterfuck but at least it isn't boring and colorless like TND

Sophie Marceau is actually the best Bond villain and her plot is ridiculously good. Great opening song too. The bald dude with the pain issues and Denise Richards brought the movie down hard though. I guarantee that it would have been considered an A+ movie by all around if it were just Bond and Elektra King.

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Goldeneye>>> Tommorow Never Dies> The World is Not Enough>>>>>> Die Another Day

She had a cute personality too, a fun dumb blonde. Also you had Maud Adams who while not as hot, she's a fine actress and her character Andrea was sympathetic and tragic.

>at the end of Goldeneye a bunch of helicopters literally just appear from the bushes or something

Never let them see you bleed...
>> Always have an escape plan.

The opening chase was good. So was the chopper attack at the refinery.

But I saw this in theaters when it was released and was bored out of my mind by the ski chase and the mine shootout. There was just no suspense to them. The pipeline sequence was also lame.

>You wouldn't kill me. You'd miss me.
>I never miss the opportunity to transform a meagre stick of clay into its full aesthetic potential.

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