
The Titan's Bastard Edition


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Other urls found in this thread:



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City or Spuds?

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A z o r

>I need this thread to be perfect, Yea Forums

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i don't even remember where half the characters are anymore, is edmure still alive? where is meera? sweetrobin?

>double dubs
o-oh shit


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King who cared

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Would dragons be at all useful in wars today? I feel like they would get fucked up even entering enemy airspace




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lmao he didnt care about anything or anyone, he was just thirsty for power since no one respected him
even his army left him

>gets raped anyway

I miss when characters had personalities


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How did Arya survive multiple knife wounds to the gut and shrug it off after a good night's sleep? There's gotta be limits to her stupid plot armor?

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Waif(u) underestimated how tough northerners are

bend the knee


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You niggers have said this for years. Think about it - that would have the show end with TWO EVIL QUEENS. Game of Thrones is feminist as fuck, you think its going to end with evil Dany? Fucking please.

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She didn't.

My aunt/wife's eyebrows are so cute...

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I remember when even the most hardcore show apologists couldn't defend this shit and started to make up elaborate fan theories like how that wasn't really Arya etc. only for it be exactly how it appeared, but then all was forgotten and forgiven by the time the BotB happened.


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will Jaime finish what he started?

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Barely noticeable torso moves so that the knife didn't hit any organs or major blood vessels. The stab wounds were superficial due to her assassin training kicking in

t. sh*wfag

bend the knee

they're like bombers but slower and less effective at wrecking shit

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ive had this as my phone wallpaper since the first time it was posted




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The only Kino thing in that episode. Hell, maybe that season.

looks like a Derry Girl

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red flag

looks absolutely better with dark hair, fits his phenotype like a glove.

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How is it not going to hit "any organs or major blood vessels"? She got hit to the side, the knife went in deeply and got twisted for further damage. Best case scenario it's going to require more than a couple stitches and some balm to be able to walk again, let alone run in a sequence Tom Cruise would be proud of


it’s so kino

Puberty can be a cruel artist.

What went so fucking wrong?

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the show is shit now but that scene was kino beyond words

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>Chad Summerchild is going to use the elephants of the Golden Company to defeat Jhiqui
It's gonna be sick

I think he's being fellatious

>I don't take quips from wolfgirls or dothraki sluts

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>you'll be able to have children again when you see Drogo again and the sun rises in the opposite direction
How will this prophecy come true?

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she is horrible

Drogo swapped with someone and is eating mangoes in Tahiti

The prophecy is a load of shit and won't matter at all in the end

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Based Harry Lloyd


scenes like this one do an excellent job depicting Dany as she should be- the Sauron of ASOIAF

more excited for those vids than season 8 desu

White walkers are an allegory for climate change and the petty, ultimately useless squabbling of the bourgies in the show is the same.

It's a bit disappointing that D&D are too stupid (or think audiences are too stupid) to do better with this.

Inb4 climate change denial with human exacerbation

she was just being a bitch to dany, not making some oracular, prophetic statement

anal sex with azor ahai(hotpie) on the back of drogon

But I like potatoes and they are useful

someone could've though she would've looked like pic related once she grew up
too bad, gentlemen. too bad.

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if that's true why is the Night King going to die in episode 3?

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whenever i'm reminded of how shit the show has become, i just find some greyjoy/lannister music and shut my eyes while listening to it and it's all okay

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>mfw they still think I'm Arya

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I think prophecy is bullshit (especially in the books) but she wasn't drinking moon tea when she was fucking Daario or Hizdahr

>I honked at this person who just sat there when the light turned green
>he started prophesying at me and making runes with his fingers
Sometimes, user... sometimes... people are just sarcastic assholes.

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Remember when Barristan beat him near to death with a stick and then he got torn to shreds by an angry mob in the books and in the show he just has a shit off-screen death?

*dies offscreen*

>i'll potato you're face off

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>not listening to Conan the Barbarian OST
what an absolute faggot

>Literal cuck Gurm
>falling for the climate change jew
checks out

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die? yes
defeated by combat? NOPE
remember what Bran said in the first trailer 'everything you did brought you here, where you belong. Home' was meant for the Night King who's name is Jon Snow

>Littlefinger was always a faceless person
>Littlefinger became Arya and sacrificed another faceless person

I keep telling you: he burned down Notre Dame and got trapped inside because of his own hubris.

yeah but on the show he has cool belly armor, so it kind of evens-out when you think about it

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I miss when sets had actual fucking color

nah, The Mouse did that in preparation for the remake

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T.B.H. you have to be a literal white nazi incel if you're not rooting for Danny. Nuff said.

The multiple year summer and winters will ultimately be ended when the white walkers are defeated and the weird magic that is held on the planet will be gone and the rotation of the planet will change.

>can’t even afford a real knife

They really spent all their budget on the cgi, didn’t they?

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anyone got some other /got/ phone wallpapers?

but i had sex and still won't root for this retarded prick

it's lit like winter, I wonder why. Not like they've been telling us winter is coming for 10 years

moderate kek

subtle, i like it

He should have more focus

prove it

I miss the real Daario, lads.

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That and paying all the actors, there's so many of them now and and they're all demanding raises that its no wonder the show's budget has ballooned without seeing any of it reflected in the actual show itself.

Can someone explain to me how this society can achieve incredible feats of engineering (including a giant wall that's the size of a skyscraper) but still hasn't discovered electricity?

Does his armour fit yet or does he still have to do that duck walk?

that's one handsome man, no homo

>the human chin
>not even a good actor

because its an allegory for ww1

But its-a-me

Westeros is a post-apocalyptic setting.

What's her redeeming trait? as far as I can tell she's just overly villainous to the point of being a caricature

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They would be very useful in skirmishes but they'd ultimately just get raped by any form anti-air or even basic rifles.

What’s he even doing these days? Running Dany’s Kingdoms that she’s just fuckin abandoned?

there's none left
she's just here to exist as the mad queen so we don't realize what a shitty candidate for the throne dany is

Magic. And George's general lack of knowledge beyond military history so he just hums and hahs over the details.

it was that everything she did was to protect her children, but now that they're gone she's pretty much in it for the lolz

her cheekbones

the night king resets their progress every 1000 years

remember that time dany spent seasons conquering in essos trying to abolish slavery and then just tucked tail and ran once she realized she doesn't know what the fuck she's doing?

how did Rome and Egypt do it?

She's really good at looking smug so the writers just keep handing her Ws so she can gurn off screen.

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Rome had flying cars. Blame the fucking Goths for sending us back to the Stone age for another two thousand years.

emilia clarke was doing her acting face again and it made me want to kill myself

undisputed fact, and without even needing electricity

Indeed. The caves under the crypts go all the way under the Wall.

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She's just the standard GoT "gratuitously evil without a single redeeming quality" character, see also Viserys, Joffrey, Ramsay Bolton etc etc. All it means is that she will die a particularly unusual and agonizing death.

>Bran is the Night King.
>Jamie is Azor Hai
>Battle is at Winterfell

The story ends where it began, by Jamie finishing the job.

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some of these edits are pretty good

Rome didn't build any giant walls the size of 5 Hoover Dams stacked side by side. Also wasn't the wall built centuries before the events of the show, when their society would presumably have been at an even lower stage of development?

woah, did their baby finally age?

the superior smirkfu

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*teleports behind you*

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But she did know what she was doing: all she needed to do was use violence to get what she wants. The entire time her advisors were telling her to reign in her itchy trigger finger and use peaceful methods such as diplomacy and politics to rectify the unstable state of Slavery's Bay, such as reopening the fighting pits and appeasing the nobles by marrying one. But it turned out that none of that mattered, because despite actually doing those things, the Sons of the Harpy still attacked her and terrorised the city, and the other cities just returned to re-establish their rule. But peace was finally restored when Dany decided to give up on politics and just resort to fire and blood. So remember kids, all you need to do is instill fear and be willing to hurt people and you can get whatever you want. The only true power is violence.

It's an interregnum planet from Gurms Thousand Worldsand the CotF are descended from the Ecological Engineering Corps

>yfw brans starts seizuring and shouting burn them all during jaimies trial

or she'll end up marrying Jon becaue Daenerys goes mad

Cersei is not an inbred baby or suffering from brain problems or raised to be a ruthless psychopath, she's just evil and gloating all the time for no discernible reason

Lads, what the fuck is Preston doing?

>superior smirkfu

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lads i think i love her

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Honestly it doesn't feel like winter actually came at all. The scene where Jon and Dany went on their date is a good example.

>tfw jamie picks up berics sword with his right hand and it burst into flame

magic my nigga

Dany turning heel would be based but they can't let Cersei survive, literally the whole series at this point has just been teasing the audience for her downfall

You guys like to bully grills who had their brains explode like Emilia or Aubrey Plaza but this smirking bitch actually ended up sexier with partial facial paralysis from brainframe malfunction.

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>went out with an old friend today
>he read the books and loves the show
>ordered beers
>found out he loves the new episode
>sees nothing wrong with seasons 5 and 6
>blackpilled him for over an hour about the decline in quality of the show and D&D's hackery
>after a while, he apologizes and says he actually lied to me about liking the show
>apparently he tried to tell his friends how shit it is but they all said they'd stop watching with him if he kept it up so he pretends to like it in front of people

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Dormer has always been a qt

You feel it too, don't you? Some drawfag please put the eyepatch and horns on him

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No but they built this 2000 years ago, which is still the largest free standing dome in the world. From the collapse of rome until the renaissance nobody in western europe even came close to making anything like that. Ancient seemingly impossible architecture is cool


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erm this

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such a pity about her pancake tits

What if young griff is actually rhaegar who was resurrected as a child (like a phoenix) by r'hllor after he was killed and jon connington is the only one who knows. Remember they never found Rhaegars body. Also what the fuck is going on with the shadow in asshai?

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Why does she need a redeeming quality?

She's the Lannister daughter, a powerful house, which suffered great losses.
Her children died, Jaime is not around, her father is not around, she has to fuck a dirty, ugly Ironborn dog to have some army. Pure vengeance is a good motivator.

None anymore, she's so cartoonisly evil that even qyburn looked like he wanted to get the fuck out of dodge.

Dany turning heel would be retarded and shit writing. Especially since we have prophecy from the house of the undying.

The funny thing is, Gurm didn't set out make the wall that large either. It was an accident. He had in mind something that was about half as tall, but he had no idea how high 700ft actually is in reality until he traveled a bit and saw some mega-structures up close, then realized he goofed. Fantasy and SciFi authors are shit at understanding scale, probably from having actually experienced very little in their actual lives (which is why they're writing fantasy genre fic in the first place)

a WW2 plane could take them down
>dragon cant keep up with it if it starts to chase
>dragon cant operate at high altitude
>cant really escape by flying away only by trying to dodge
>way lower range compared to bullets
>a single strafe would disable it or kill it outright
if you bring in modern aircraft, the dragon wont even see the jet/helicopter before it gets missiled

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Not really, it would be stupid to have her be a generic good guy especially with all the horrible shit she's dont. The entire show has been slowing building her up as an antagonist

Don't tell me you actually expected the Long Night to be like Old Nan described it instead of a winter wonderland to frolic around in?

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I saw something once about how they're trapped in medieval tier technology because of dragons. Without dragons they would have developed gunpowder and cannons, which ruined the effectiveness of just being in a city with big walls, and lead to the end of the city states and countries uniting and having larger armies and so on.
Basically dragons stunted the natural progression of technology.

>final scene is jon entering the throne room to see cersei's corpse on the steps to the throne and jaime sitting on the throne
would be kino

Hiding your power level is a lonely feel when you have normie friends

This guy is a better Euron that the current Euron is

very nice

They had literal decades/centuries to build stuff and they have no distractions. Also, for those structures you don't need modern engineering, the maths they had and empirical knowledge was enough.

I've been refreshing youtube non-stop since monday.
Where are you, sweet robin?

gilly is cute

Just roll with it

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Why would a faceless arya doppleganger exact justice on the frey

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The redeeming quality is future lesson in the perils of delusions of grandeur, and I think qyburn will deliver it as he appears most to fit the bill of a snake she let into her house because she was too easily charmed by flattery.

Or not and her character will become a tired moustache-twirling villain.

i have some people i can share my power level him but i was horrified to hear that his friends were ready to ditch him because they were too bluepilled about the show to hear its negative sides
so i offered to always listen to his got-related complaints

the bullets would bounce off just like arrows. Unless it was actually the Luftwaffe like your pic in which case they would receive an immense buff from being actually on the right side of history. But they would get that buff regardless of the weapon. A normal WWII era plane would do jack fuck to a full-grown dragon unless they hit it in the eye or kamakazi it like a filthy dishonorable jap.

nice blog bro

>it was that everything she did was to protect her children
Which hasn't even been true since Joff. Tommen was perfectly happy with his new waifu and more then content to let her shotcall but Cersei is so petty and retarded that she had to fuck it up, which killed him. She's a dog in a china shop, she exists just to destroy everything around her out of spite.

share my power level with*
anyway he said he really hated that no one reacted at all to jon riding a dragon and pointed out quite well that d&d took advantage of the audience knowing about jon's heritage to force a scene that shouldn't happen at all

She knew how to properly body spin away from the knife

I know I am late but anyone of you guys got a good stream for s8e1?

>generic good guy
She's a grey character you and characters in the show can argue against or for unlike Jon Sue, Arya and Salsa. How is that a bad thing?

The Frey had many enemies.

torrents exist faggot

>the bullets would bounce off just like arrows
Drogon got wounded by a fucking ballista
a 30mm cannon shell would blow his head clean off

the knife was theon's penis turned into a facelessmanblade

No, it didnt build her to be baddie, u are fucking retarded like rest incels. She would never help north or Jon and Co beyond the wall if the "Mad Queen" retarded theory was happening.

Just bee yourself :)

how can you find this place but not a stream

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i hope we will see the lands of always winter again, that looked kino

all of this autism only works if you first set aside all the problems with the basic setting to begin with. The problem when talking about the technology side is that GRRM is too quick to assume all tech is a product of military necessity. While war does drive innovation immensely, it's not the only factor nor is it close to being sufficient. You still need agricultural innovations.

The problem is, GRRM totally fucked his setting in that regard with his utterly pointless "winters last for years" nonsense. This -completely- throws any kind of extrapolation out the window and your worldbuilding autism is in chaos. Great job, fat man.

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>lightbringer hardened i water it breaks
jaime breaks down in the steamy bathwater as he confess why he killed the mad king
>lightbringer hardened in a lions heart it breaks
jaime sets off the incidents that leads to the death of his father by freeing tyrion
>lightbringer hardened a third time in the heart of nissa nissa
jaime leaves cersei for good causing her death and becomes the prince who was promised

and it was just a coincidence?

There is no way that D&D are smart enough to pull that off.


In his defense, this place is pretty normie accessible, just look at all the outsiders and normies here. Searching for a torrent or stream could give your computer super AIDS if you don't know what you're doing.

A ballista brought it down dude, a strafe of 30mm would fuck it up

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I am on Yea Forums for years but I just can't find a high quality stream call me retarded but help me retard

No you don't understand. That ballista had to be some dark magic infused alchemist creation. I mean, why else is it apparently the one and only fucking ballista in existence and no one has thought to maybe make a bunch more?

Sending Arya face is more convenient for doing all the other high class murders they've been paid for.

I mean everything is normie accessible on google

Happy shitting.

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why ? because she's trying to survive ?

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I was one of them

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Azor Theon

he looks more like an elf twink than the sort of chad who would fuck dany



Healing spells cast on rest until fully healed.

Lost had the balls to do something like this, but D&D are uncreative eunuchs. If any main characters are going to die, they'll go out in an """epic""" and emotional way

Because she destroyed everything around her out of paranoia and 13-year old girl spite

>just trying to survive

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Valyrian rubber is deadlier than steel

Arya acts just fucking like her now, she's not likable any more at all.

imagine how much more money they could put into this and make it better if people like you who sit around and whine about how bad it is, actually paid to watch it like the 20 million people who subsidize you

Are they any essential non-Onions based YouTube recap channels?

is there a place I can get it from MEGA or something? HBO watches torrents and my internet is under my roommate's account and he really doesn't like getting the DCMAs.

stay mad

>she's not likable any more at all.
since season 3, yes.

That's a nice meme dude.

It's already a cash cow, having an inflated budget. The real problem is the writing and the audience, which you can't fix with money.


oh you got me user, im totally mad that your only form of social outlet is illegally downloading something you pretend to dislike and then spend 24/7 crying about it

>the bullets would bounce off just like arrows.
That's why I brought this

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Get a seedbox dawg

She did not age well

more money doesn't fix the problem.

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I payed for HBO you unsufferable cunt, keep staying mad

What a chin on that lad


I miss real Mountain.

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>typical WWII fighter aircraft
>anything larger than 20mm
I suppose I would have to concede that the Scorpion throws everything off because if it's just a normal Roman scorp then full grown dragons are now significantly more vulnerable than they're supposed to be. Obviously, that scene was just D&D nerfing for plot reasons, but it is what it is.

this is more like it

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and that attitude is allowed because of people like pic related

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der uberchad

thanks for the subsidy

He is right, the target audience is plebs and mongoloids buying HBO

I did it for that sweet upload credit. I watched it through my HBOgo Amazon prime deal. :)

Is Tyrion evil too for blowing up Stannis' fleet then ?


You'll see that it's all there in the tax code.

np, user i appreciate the props i mean imagine how miserable your life would be if it werent for heros like me

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Sci-fi is fine. But you never go Full Retard.

>He doesn't have access to private torrent sites


the bf109s G10, G6 and a few others had a nose mounted 30mm canon, and could have gunpods for a total of 3

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Didn’t Preston try to calculate the speed of a raven?


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Why do all white people make this face?

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he also calculated the speeds Dany would've had to survive through while on the back of the dragon to save them in time

thicc faced handsome anglo-saxon woman built like a greek statue. why'd you have to ruin it all acting like a cheap British slag?

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Also the oldest roof in the world

preventing the enemy army from capturing a city ≠ blowing up a cathedral because the people in it don't like you

Who want wine?

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i have never seen her act cheaply. she does pretty good on GoT

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>overly villainous

What did Cersei ever do that was THAT bad? Not even shitpositng here.

She doesnt torture people for no reason like Ramsey or other truly sick fucks.
Wanting Jaime dead is a bit too much, but she suffered through a lot and he did abandon her - if she was autistic as Ned people would cheer for her integrity to demand his traitor head even though she loves him.
Hoping that she can beat the leftover of the WW vs. North-war might be stupid, but sending her army to die and turn into wights isnt much smarter either, she cant possibly know whats the better decision.
Of course her actions caused many innocent people to die, but in that regard Ned, Robb, Stannis, Renly, Danny or pretty much any lord in the entire show are the same.

All in all shes a bit of a cunt, but she had a harder life than most lords, and I dont see her doing anything worse than the majority of the cast.

Keep the wine and hand me the elephants

>Jon Snow thrusts his Valyrian Blade into the Night King
>"how does it feel to have 40 inches of steel penetrate your body. Looks like winter finally came"
>*winks into camera*

and then everyone clapped. What an epic television moment. Bravo D&D. Bravo. You've outdone yourself.

whats his powerlevel?


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>scenes like this one do an excellent job depicting Dany as she should be- the Sauron of ASOIAF

She's the hero of the story.

i like how the quality of these greentext D&D shamings get worse in tandem with the show


The wall was a magic creation, not the making of humans iirc. they just use it

You're too fat

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sam needs to stop being a bitch

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It's a secret we'll never share with the brown man.

Anyone who says they didn’t want to see Jamie nail that dragon in the neck is a liar


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A fair few types of German fighters mounted 30mms one way or another. Especially late war when they were intended to shoot down heavy bombers.

Danyfags are so cringe

you need to stop posting reddit memes

there's always this

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>later G-series variants
MK108 autocannon + ammo was heavy as fuck. Maneuverability would suffer immensely as well as speed one would assume. I think most of those german fighters with 30mm guns were meant as bomber killers. Dragons aren't exactly bombers...

The FFVII remake looks great

>blowing up a cathedral because the people in it don't like you

the sparrows were going to execute her dude

Do people just not pay attention anymore?

where do you think we are

>Hey guys nice to meet you I'm -

20mm shells would easily kill it

as long as the plane gets within the 300-600m range the dragon's dead. The dragons in the show werent shown to be able to manouvre on the spot and arent really all that fast

I just post the memes here on reddit for karma. You guys make it easy cause you're all so funny :)

4channel, duh, retard

Bow to your queen

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>no episodes leaked
this is bullshit

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>the sparrows were going to execute her
No they weren't.
You think Tommen would have allowed that? She would have been futher humiliated, but not killed.

stannis isn't a queen though

I mean we've reached the point where you can quote the actual dialogue of the show and it sounds like how /got/ would have mocked them a couple of years ago.

>funneh dwarf man and fat Mr. Clean drive together in a carriage through snow
>"You should consider yourself lucky, at least your balls won't freeze off"
>"You take great offense at dwarf jokes but love telling eunuch jokes. Why is that?"
>"Because I have balls and you don't."

also built centuries before the "peak" of the pax romana


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based autist

Yes they were, retard. Go watch the scenes leading up to it again

Someone gave a very accurate summary for the first episode here before it was released.
We can assume somebody leaked legit stuff at some point.
Have fun digging through all the bullshit to find that truth though.

Fine, I yield. WWII fighter beats dragon... :/ I just wanted them to be ridiculously OP like the fat man always said

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>also built centuries before the "peak" of the pax romana
no it wasn't, the Pantheon was built in the early 2nd century which is pretty much universally considered the height of the empire

i love her, bros

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I would pay for it if i could just paypal the funds to some website which would then give me a download link. I don't own a tv, i don't need any subscriptions, i just want to pay per episode.

before the new episode

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Dragon scales are made of Beta-keratin, the same substance avian and reptilian beaks, scales, and claws are made of. The difference is that dragon scales are up to 3-4 inches thick. The scale layout is very efficient at dispersing kinetic energy, making dragon scales extremely effective against pre-modern weapons.

Typical anti-personnel fire would likely not get you very far. Hollow point rounds would just bounce off, while AP rounds would get lodged in the scales. Enough AP rounds would cause the scales to ablate, disintegrating the scales before eventually causing them to fail and allow further rounds to penetrate. Once they've penetrated the dragon's hide, you'll start doing actual damage to the dragon, but with such small rounds, it will still take sustained and concentrated fire to bring it down.

Anti-materiel rounds (anything 12.7mm and up) would get you a lot further against a dragon. Kinetic rounds would function much the same as AP anti-personnel rounds, but would disintegrate an impacted scale with just one or two shots, and would do significantly more damage once it gets inside the dragon. Explosive or incendiary rounds (particularly if they penetrate before detonating) would be even more effective.

Sam's a fucking hypocrite. He tells Olly and Jon to set aside their feelings for the Wildlings and Roose so they can get more men, people can band together and fight the dead. The second he finds out Dany burned his brother and father he's trying to start a succession crisis that'll split them all up

There’s a whole anime that explores this concept

They are op in a world without fighter jets and reliable anti-air artillery.

you have quite shit taste

she got fat

he came back to winterfell to tell jon. he just ran into dany first and she sperged out about murdering prisoners with a smile.

Magic yields when faced against man

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He’s being loyal to his family is the simplest explanation.

>play a roll

pretty sure he has low-fantasy-AIDS

yeah doing dialogue in iambic pentameter while using words like FUCK and COCKSUCKER is so much better

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>They ARE OP you idiot
>They can just be brought down by one scorpion shot
I yielded. You're supposed to accept it and move-on like a gentleman (pic related). Saying crazy shit like that risks your side turning a fair victory into a humiliating defeat.

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>$10 per month sub
>1 month free
>7 eps

do the math user. its literally less than they would charge you per ep and while you have the sub you can watch thousands of other things. you are just looking for excuses

Not a prisoner, an enemy combatant, might as well say Ned umber and Alys Karstark were prisoners

where's the hypocrisy? dany burned alive the more men they could have used from the south. she's a threat to the war effort.

I just recently rewatched the whole series and there is not a single scene where they say that cercei would be executed. They only say she will be judged.

The man is probably responsible for super syphillis

I don't particularly like Daenerys but I wouldn't mind knocking her up.

>Not a prisoner
she and tyrion both refer to them as prisoners


So was Olly, who's parents were eaten and his village wiped out by people that included Jon's good buddy Tormund. Or jon, who's brother Roose killed

It's not about price, i'm happy to pay more. I just want to download the episode online by paying without making any accounts or subscriptions.

>season 2
>character arc of Tyrion was about how he can grow beyond his physical constraints on being a dwarf through reputation "even a small man can cast a very large shadow".
>it specifically tries to make a point about how people that reduce people like Tyrion and Varys to immutable physical traits are going to get blindsided by their cunning and scheming nature
>ever since season 5
>"cock dwarf cock dwarf cock dwarf"

Anyone that thinks the quality of this show hasn't significantly deteriorated probably watches it with their eyes closed and their ears plugged.

What do you think that means brainlet? The faith had Tommen in their pockets, and the High Sparrow was making a play for power

>You think Tommen would have allowed that?

New Thread:

>might as well say Ned umber and Alys Karstark were prisoners
They were, and they were pardoned for their House's actions.

i dont know of any service that lets you buy episodes of anything without making an account

keep trying though

Tarlys refused to bend the knee or take the black. You want her to let them go back to Cersei to just sit in the south anyway plotting how to kill everyone else?

>not in chains

But not pardoned for their own. Jon agrees death is punishment for treason, and Smalljon and the Karstark guys died

>what are prison cells

Put them in a dungeon as hostages, dumbass. Same way Aegon the Conqueror and other more successful Targaryen rulers did.

>>not in chains
Take it up with the show, they call them prisoners.

>But not pardoned for their own

that was a rebuilding after a fire, which they stuck to so well that they even put the initials of Agrippa on the new one
Agrippa being the architect who designed and built the original during the reign of Augustus

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You could create a new throne with all that valerian steel mate.

>ywn get voyeured by a dragon

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Weren't in cells either.

Hostages for what? Their men bent the knee already, who's she selling them back to and for what when Cersei won't care and they won't bend the knee even for their own lives. Treason would normally get the whole house destroyed, they're lucky if anything.

Show's stupid

Not pardoned for their own as in they did nothing wrong so nothing to forgive, unlike Randyll and Dickon who both committed treason

God I hope so

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