There were a lot of rumors. Stories. About The Wall. I used to wonder about that myself...

There were a lot of rumors. Stories. About The Wall. I used to wonder about that myself. Thought it was a bunch of mumbo jumbo. A magical age barrier holding together beauty. Crazy thing is... it's true. All of it.

Attached: quorra.jpg (1000x1500, 482K)

Other urls found in this thread:

w-what is that thing

Something that waits us beyond The Wall.

>61 years old
How will white women ever recover?

Attached: angela-bassett.jpg (1800x2840, 1.2M)

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I want to pet a beluga

Attached: beluga-whale-stock-full-width.jpg.thumb.768.768[1].jpg (768x397, 62K)

>this photo was taken when she was 60 y/o
>now she is 61
>still the same
How can white women even compete?

Attached: image.jpg (450x803, 76K)


What is going on with her neck and the right side of her face

Attached: 1346710073585.jpg (379x413, 27K)

That's some super-fine hair
I feel better about mine now

Nothing,it's just shadows and light

Attached: HD brie larson.jpg (900x1104, 675K)

>this is what white men find attractive
Give me a beautiful choco queen instead

She looks good for 84.

Attached: emilia1.jpg (1000x1498, 472K)

Attached: 1342906715759.jpg (560x601, 67K)

She's 30
Oh nonono

Holy fuck is this Photoshoped to make her look older?

Attached: olivia wilde punch.webm (1336x720, 2.96M)

Haha,yeah....actually not. ..

no wall

Attached: 420236070-2.jpg (2667x4000, 1.62M)

Good thing based men don't have to experience anything like this if they take care of themselves and stay away from drugs and alcohol.

Attached: 4CF5b82g.jpg (728x403, 42K)

>black women don't get plastic surgery

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Attached: jump scare.jpg (2000x3000, 810K)

>implying Basett took any
Angelina,go cry for Brad

She's hit the wall bro. Are you blind?

t. lonely incel

Attached: 1328041657001.png (564x365, 328K)

cheezus h crust

a wall of plastic


edgy :J

>hey there soilders, go and take that valley
>half of them dies

Post vs pre-wall

Attached: grace and kiki.jpg (1080x1080, 142K)

Attached: brie.jpg (1499x1000, 288K)

A lot of Hollywood actresses have very masculine features (not much hips, square shaped face, etc). I still would but it makes you wonder.

Attached: 18234719823479123.jpg (1920x1080, 234K)

she's got the same texture of my sofa

[warning intensifies]

Jews age like shit especially

Attached: nice beard.jpg (3000x2039, 1018K)

Thing is, most women aren't even attractive to begin with unless they have makeup on.

Give me some Scarlett every day, please.

Attached: award speech.webm (674x996, 2.79M)

How do you go from this....

Attached: Winona-Ryder-High-Definition-Wallpapers.jpg (3000x2784, 1.42M)

>most women aren't even attractive
Jesus Christ user. Who hurt you?

>caked in makeup
>plastic surgery

Don't you fucking dare

tbf I am a bong

Don't do it. You don't have to

Why is a roastie whore like you absolutely seething at his post?

Attached: 1555377986959.jpg (750x711, 131K)

>get beat up after being mistaken for a gay boy
>turn into mega milf

Attached: mommywinona.jpg (740x987, 85K)

That explains a lot.
Aren't Welsh and Irish women good looking though?

If you're English, you have my sympathy. Your qt to munter ratio is completely fucked.

>what is makeup, botox, and plastic surgery?

>thought Jungle Fever was gone
>see this
>urge to go to /gif/ and wank to ebony ass intensifies
No this isn' right! I want white kids dammit!

She's a latina, she should be a fat goblin by now

>still faking tits' size

Attached: scarlett_johansson_street_style_out_in_new_york_city_9_26_2016_4.jpg (1280x1908, 415K)

Is the implication that racism is caused by some races superiority?

She chooses the weirdest fuckin' casual wear.

delet goy


Attached: scarlett-180121.jpg (267x517, 46K)


I don't carry ugly post wall women pics on my phone, probability that she was a white roastie so I posted this.


thats because youre only used to seeing women in makeup and you think thats the normal look, when they take it off you think they look ugly. most men cant actually even tell if a woman is not wearing makeup, case in point is all those threads where people post women "without makeup' but theyre all wearing eyeliner.

don't bully her she already feels bad enough

Attached: 11942734981234.gif (500x225, 679K)

She's a mutant, not himan

Yeah, but she's married and has kids. So who cares. At least she won't be looking a man in her 40s.

Ah okay

lip fillers are fucking disgusting

poasting in a tranny thread

Looks get worse with age yes.

Attached: 1475544190923.png (760x493, 141K)

Attached: THE WALL.jpg (500x497, 59K)

Dios mío, espíritu del Señor, espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada. Ángeles, arcángeles y santos del Paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor. Lléname de ti. Expulsa de mí todas las fuerzas del mal. Aniquílalas, destrúyelas, expulsa de mí los maleficios, la magia negra. El Ogro de Las Tinieblas. La Luz Extinguido. El Insecto. Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica. Todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia. La enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica. Destruye al Monstruo. A La Creatura. Quema este mal en el Infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí, ni a ningún ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente en nombre de Jesucristo salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a todas las presencias del Goblino, que me abandonen inmediatamente, que me abandonen definivamente y que se vayan al Infierno eterno. El Chupa-Chupacabras no puede triunfar. El Monstruo. El Abominación debe morir. Encadenado por San Miguel Arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado por el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada. Aleja a la aberración genética. Al Ogro del Este. Al negro de la Discordia.


Attached: 3748ACAB-9B15-4AF4-A6C9-4A87968652E5.jpg (445x503, 112K)

Olivia Wilde was never attractive.

is that olivia wilde?

this is my fetish

I'm not defending Larson but I think a paparazzi was doing it on purpose to sell his (her) pics, you can find such bad pics oft any women in the red carpet.

>getting older
>feel bad I don't look like a perpetual college kid anymore
>some solace that women have it 1000x worse

Attached: 1542287208808.webm (854x480, 571K)


nobody finds Larson attractive

not MY waifu goddamnit

Attached: bog.jpg (495x528, 23K)

Based dios mio poster

her skin looks like the surface of drywall

I used to have such a crush on Denise Richards back in 1997. Now she is a HAGGERED MONSTER!

the age pill is hard to swallow

Attached: DeniseR.jpg (1024x768, 316K)

Attached: 1293427349234.gif (750x375, 1.3M)

How do you avoid skin like this?

Attached: 7612835186_002aa5eaed_o.jpg (5189x4912, 1.27M)

Attached: natalie-portman-180121.jpg (269x472, 45K)

Its because western women are always pulling goofy facial expressions and excessivly tanning. They also peak at 16 then decline from there.

Attached: OvarianReserve.jpg (638x124, 17K)

*shoots you with 100x zoom and rises sharpness level*
nothin personel

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Attached: 1532019985227.jpg (683x938, 79K)

>mfw I always assumed Nigri was in her thirties, expecting her to now be in her late thirties
>she's twenty nine

what's his name?

Still would

Attached: 1543401802223.jpg (1218x1598, 285K)

I'm not too good to fuck Jnigs, I don't care if her hair falls off.

Sunscreen daily unless you're a shut-in + use humidifier creams or whatever after every shower + wash your pillowcase at least once every 3 days (ideally daily i.e. have 7 pillowcases, they're cheap) + eat a healthy diet devoid of alcoholic beverages, industry sugars, attractants (e.g. doritos), etc. Excess sugar beyond your daily recommended intake is the worst offender.
Doug Chiang is 57 years old

I'm really fucking sad now brehs

that's what I was trying to say here

Testosterone does wonders for preserving youth but I'd wager the vast majority of examples of "the wall" are literally just roasties getting invited to more parties, doing drugs/alcohol and not learning to manage stress.


Everyone looks old when you're a zoomer. That said, other than in Year One, Olivia Wilde never did it for me.


Paint splatter

Time is much kinder to men, obviously. Even if you get haggard and lose some of your hair you can still be considered attractive as long as you are in shape and generally take care of yourself. Being “rugged” is seen as a positive for men. Women, not so much.

I can actually see this. Even the adult zoomers have giant kid faces like pewdiepie. All their fucking alcoholic parents.

>90s hairdo
My one weakness

It's the reflection from her ugly clothes.

if you say so user

Attached: 1449255133163.webm (1920x1040, 2.98M)

>29 years old


>zoomers thinking you change generations by getting older

Sorry kid that's not how it works.

I work in hollywood its well known that larson only fucks hypebeast sunglass wearing niggers.

Pretty hard to hit the wall when you literally ARE the wall.

I knew dizzy was best girl

That's in black years. In human years she's 31.


People who are currently in their mid to late 20’s are Gen Y.

>How can white women even compete?
By not looking like black women

Black people are disgusting.

Attached: image.jpg (1000x1500, 116K)

That is one of He most unflattering outfits I’ve ever seen an attractive woman wear.

Time for some bangs.

He sure acts like a zoomer

Yes. However Yea Forums's intentional misappropriation of generations was always built on taste and not reflective of actual generation brackets. It was reflective of zeitgeists. Pewdiepie was significantly younger than 30 when the meme was created, his a figurehead for zoomers, and has zoomer taste. I have friends that were born in 87 that admit they art more zoomer than boomer. It's not a hard concept to wrap your mind around.


her best feature is her eyes

Attached: 1279834712934.webm (1920x1080, 2.96M)

It's not about age you fag. It's makeup + radiation + too much sex. There's many non-famous women who still look great after 40.

This pic should be used to promote the use of daily suncreen. I cant believe people who are outside more than 30 minutes dont put some on when you see what it can do to skin in a picture like this.

About what? Superior white genetics?

>Yeah, but she's married and has kids. So who cares.
Take a guess.

Holy, she should’ve stayed in the grid.

Attached: 833EDDFF-6D01-4F5C-BEC3-FAF25B88DA3A.png (851x687, 1.13M)

Her hair thinning is genuinely worrying. Was she recently pregnant?

>35 years old

Attached: natalie mars.jpg (1152x2048, 329K)

handsome fella

Jesus Christ...

Yes we all know men age more gracefully

This is actually a decent pic of her though

It's part genetics part good surgeon

Attached: big spoon.webm (1280x546, 3M)

>A magical age barrier holding together beauty. Crazy thing is... it's true.

It’s more noticeable in hot and beautiful people because they don’t look as good as when they were in their twenties, ugly people look always the same be younger or older

how do you go from this.......

Attached: f1121c65db8da631d751df7e09e02951.jpg (1010x1748, 153K)

You're probably onto something.

I swear this motherfucker has looked exactly the same for half a century.

Attached: danny-devito.jpg (3328x1698, 272K)

Based HD cameras, showing every single thing that tons of makeup couldn't hide properly.

Attached: there_is_no_end.jpg (266x324, 74K)

To be clear I still would every single one posted ITT, well except

in her defense, it was Charlie Sheen's infected cum that drained her lifeforce

I wish she was my girlfriend

Attached: emilia clarke banana phone.jpg (640x640, 76K)

Attached: oySJ-KboTvDZG_hkEBTXXcZe1v4JSAyPM_KLIrWKY3o.png (3699x1400, 3.01M)

Who /wouldstilldo2010kelly/ here

Attached: shame.jpg (700x302, 53K)

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That's a man, Whitney Houston's daughter let the cat out of the bag.

This desu.

kinda unfair to use tom cruise as a comparison

based dab bird

more like 27 now days

Because their fuckin men.

alien resurrection

worth it for winona and sigourney

Attached: 132849123948.gif (550x235, 1.73M)

this is why pedophilia is such a great thing, you get older but they always stay the same.

Mother of dragons? More like mother of goblins

Attached: do not want.gif (200x270, 1.09M)

jesus do her and megan fox share the same plastic surgeon

Or sam jackson who's looked to be pushing 60 for 30 years

dont be an alcoholic
dont smoke
dont do hard drugs 24/7 in general

>no big spoon gf

that peach fuzz is called lanugo
it's a side effect of anorexia

No you just don't spend enough time talking to real women and have unreasonable expectations. Basically you're a retard.

Lose weight.

>tfw you realize even attractive women are used up by 25 so you only date women younger than that

Attached: 1514094017391.jpg (470x470, 45K)

>spend hours applying make-up
>don't take a couple minutes to remove facial hair

>i hurt myself today

looks horrible here as well

change diet to low carb high fat
no drinking
no smoking
no drugs in general

>women balding


>mfw all these replies to this post are wrong
obviously all males (i am male) but its 100% this 100% of the time:
TOO MUCH FOUNDATION MAKEUP. clogs the pores, make your skin look shit, give you acne.
also too much sun like someone sad.
smoking is a 50/50, its a lot with genetics on how resistant they are to smoking free-radicals (smoking results in more loose, hanging skin, thinner skin, and eventual repercussions for other parts of the body due to reduced blood flow)
face bloating is always booze (mostly not women)

t. plastic surgeon son who grew up knowing way too much medical shit than he should have over the decades


yep a while back some hollywood insider user said most female celebs are actually trannys

occult shit

Cope nigger

Attached: 1552857732398.jpg (289x366, 39K)

Fucked up shit!


i'm so lonely bros

Why do women do this?

Attached: blooper question.gif (304x268, 75K)

Attached: The_.jpg (634x868, 126K)

Bros how far are we from finding a cure to The Wall?

Attached: 1555355049609.png (483x470, 184K)

have sex

based spic

I think we just found our solution to "The Wall" problem

I'm lying in bed with my gf right now, bro.

dumping your gf when she hits 31 and find a new one around 21 y/o

it seems plausible when you consider

>the prevalence of adoption and ivf among them
>the ones who do supposedly have their own kids could fake it (their job is acting)
>celebrities almost never date outside of hollywood / elite families

Attached: 128374912834791.jpg (640x427, 68K)

The cure is: not binge drinking, not using drugs and not tanning/wearing sunscreen.
Maybe 0.2% of modern women live like this.

god imagine if Olivia Wilde made you suck her dick

With many plastics, botox, pounds of make up, photoshop, lots of lighting and skin creams made of the foreskin of american baby boys.

Attached: ow hw.jpg (480x535, 51K)

To be fair she's almost 50, way past the wall.

the cure is avoiding drugs, alcohol, promiscuous sex and make up / other cosmetics and instead find a dutiful husband and produce many children in a stable nuclear family in a monogamous relationship.

Attached: 181156784.jpg (400x429, 102K)

ITT: Unfuckables judging women they'll never be within 50 miles of.

Attached: no.jpg (600x367, 18K)

Is the thing about her having an insanely high hairline real, or was that an edit?

She was in Tron, but that's it.

stay out of the sun
don't cake your face in make-up every day of your life
work out and stay at a consistent and healthy body weight

hope you're blessed with good genes

Smashed in her prime, while she was married to that comedian cuck.

/Ourguy/ is based.

Attached: Harvey-Weinstein-Olivia-Wilde.jpg (782x1024, 111K)

Smash before expiration date.

Attached: Harvey+Weinstein+Melanie+Laurent+Jennifer+Lawrence.jpg (594x396, 105K)

Thin hair is a curse