Look at what you've done


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>Eric Butts

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Mama I'm on the news!! Can I get extra bonus points to my Husband Budget for funkos please please please please (please please mama please)

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Pfffttthaha Yea Forums is retarded

>shitskins from Yea Forums and twitter fall for marketing again
>b-b-but look what you did Yea Forums!

ebaumsworld did this

>Eric Butts is a 40-year-old
Where do I begin

>britbongs pay their taxes towards this drivel being considered "news"

Hold my beer

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When are we going to get an Eric Butts General?

>90% of posts about this guy are on Yea Forums
>B-b-but it's Yea Forums guys! Really!

This is Leave Britney Alone for the nu generation.

Yeah this was shocking to me I thought he was like 28 or 30

Why didn't /ourguy/ youniverse get this much attention

Where's the clips of him reacting to the Holocaust?

Anyone that defends this subhuman should be shot

When I'm 40, I want to be childless and making reaction videos for a living just like him.

It's Yea Forums crossboard vermin shitposting on Yea Forums. Seeing you meme spouters on Yea Forums with your idiotic buzzwords like "kino" is just the new normal.
Par for the course the new Yea Forums though.

Youniverse never cried

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Because he just made some faces this faggot broke down in tears over a shitty trailer


Oh no oh wow some manchild is being excited about stuff, what a story

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>Believe women, capitalism has failed us!
>She just insulted a corporate drone and by extension a billion dollar movie franchise, get her, killer her, wrongthink, wrongthink!

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This guy is getting married and Yea Forums can't even speak to a girl. Makes you wonder what some of you all look like.

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That disgusting scab on his cheek makes me want to vomit

>"So I was thinking, hey, I'm making a few extra bucks and I can buy a video game,"

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>"There was some really horrible stuff," Eric said. "They took my reaction video and changed it so they had me react to other things.
>"Some of it was funny but there was some horrible stuff, anti-Semitism like Holocaust footage, racial stuff, people really trying to bully."


I laughed at this, am I retarded?

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Normal people with reasonable opinions are OFFENSIVE to me.

He was drunk and he liked it you douchebags.

Lol how many guys is his wife married to lmao

It is. Yea Forums has NEVER had enough locals to get anything off of this board. NEVER
like bane for example. if Yea Forums didn't get fucked over at the same time bane was happening then it would have died in 2013

This is what you get for getting this fucking obsessed over some retard doing fake reaction videos.