How is this even possible?

How is this even possible?

Attached: sdgdfgdfgdf.png (1728x607, 509K)

>2 years ago
>5 days ago

More like the Based Baby! Fuck nu-wars and fuck s∆yb∆ys!

>shity animated movie
>a franchise with millions of fans


based boss baby

Don't most views happen in the first 24 hours tho? At least in the first weekend? Joker also has nearly double the Star Wars views, Detective Pikachu has even more than that. The Lion King has more. Captain Marvel has more. Aquaman has more. Etc, etc...

Was anyone else surprised by how good the Boss Baby was?

it's disney derangement syndrome(see trump derangement syndrome)
people like OP and his twitter group can't help it

foreigners don't fucking like star wars

>2 years ago
Yeah and since them Youtube trailers keep getting more-and-more views. Nearly everything in the top 100 most viewed trailers came out in the last year, and most of those probably in the last six months. For a brand new trailer of what is supposed to be a massive franchise to not have as many views as an animated flop from two years ago is dismal. So fuck off with your obvious surface level argument, you coping little dipshit.

back when youtube allowed people to look at viewer stats most viewership graphs had pic related shape (found it from a random help thread but I remember seeing this trend very often). First day is usually more than next but not most of the total views after a while, no idea why retards itt seem to think people only watch youtube videos on the day they're released

Attached: 20190417_143402.png (282x140, 12K)

Joker got like 40m in it's first few days.

Attached: 1554761472089.png (299x301, 122K)

incels watched it 200 times each, so its a fake figure.

>Movie I don't like has fake figures.
>But figures of movie I like are totally real, i swear.
Plottwist - they are all made up and I don't give a shit anymore about numberposting spergs.

The Boss Baby was underrated

TROS is an average at best trailer

Fuck off.
If you value your family's well-being you will shut your fucking mouth.
Last warning.

For me? The Boss Baby

Been seeing this meme around recently where it's usually have sex. Is this a Brie thing?


You know, the navy seal copypasta has way more words than your post, so it would be objectively the better post.