Real talk bros: who would you seriously cast as Barbara Gordon in the inevitable and upcoming big screen Batgirl movie ?

Real talk bros: who would you seriously cast as Barbara Gordon in the inevitable and upcoming big screen Batgirl movie ?

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None of those grannies

They all look like they ____ _____ ____

do charity work

Madison Lintz (The Walking Dead, Bosch)

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Fantastic actress. Hope we see her in similar costumes this season.

Barbara is supposed to have 1940s spunk. 2019+ spunk is being a cunt to men.

Are gingers the best?



they killed her off too soon on TWD

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>Barbara Gordon

she should be odd looking , but in an attractive way.

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Anyone that doesn't say KatMac is delusional.

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cara obv.

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she was really slutting it up at Coachella
thought she was pure but she's just like her sister

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that's Saxon's influence

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are you sure?

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Do you think she's seen her sister's leaks?

Id pork her

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probably, but I'm sure she's seen it all up close

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Fuckin based


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what happened to Mackenzie? she was doing that Under the Dome show and then just disappeared

Madison is superior

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She's trying to become a lawyer.

but why did she give up acting?

Too ugly

3 2 1 4

uhh there are like 1000 actresses on tv uglier than her

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hit the wall

sisterly experimentation?

Annalise lost her arms recently

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of course not, they're good Christian girls

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Who's the third?

Far right > far left > middle left > middle right

Annalise Basso

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I'd hire a talented brunet and buy her some hair dye.

Based and red(hair)pilled

Is she okay?

I thought we already decided it's Molly Quinn

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if she go to gym to gain some muscles she's too skinny i want athletic batgirl

Is Bosch worth watching for Madison?

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she's too old for Batgirl
besides she's more of a Supergirl type anyway

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no she's barely in it

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More like Annalise Boobso, amirite?

Too bad about her face.
Was a cutie in the early Castle seasons.

Kassondra raine

God who fucking cares

She's a dancer too

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fuck hung niggers?

all these bikini pics are makin' me horny

best tv daughter

her legs are too skinny
batgirl should look more athletic
i don't want another Gal Gadot "amazon" with skinny legs
fighters should have strong legs

Goddamn I love sticc girls

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Damn she's actually not bad.
Really smooth movements, very good control.


You can't appreciate the smoothness at such a resolution

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is that samantha rone?

Every time you post these it just leaves me wanting to see the backside


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I don't like this

Batgirl is supposed to look like a girl, not a musclewoman. Lithe and dancer-like KatMac is exactly the right boy type.

What's the matter user, afraid she's stronger than you?


It's weird because she's objectively fapbait but I can't get hard because she's the little girl from the Walking Dead.

so we're all agreed it should be Madison right

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She's not even a redhead

Imagine thinking any decent-looking western girl is "pure" by the age of 15

how do you feel about Nacon?

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they killed her off too

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phenotype, jackasses

Who was she?

Based retard poster

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fuck you man

I see no reason to believe this young lady is underage

Fuggggggg giv curvy gf

That's a dude, rite?

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Finally someone got it

I would love to see either one of them in the slot !!

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sneed feed seed

I'd cast her on my dick



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no mestizos pls

It’s Batgirl, not Batgoblina

FRANNY is cute but too small I think

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