Why was he so annoying? Even worse than the Reiben and the cowardly faggot Upham. I was happy when he died

Why was he so annoying? Even worse than the Reiben and the cowardly faggot Upham. I was happy when he died

Attached: mellish-03-large.jpg (600x325, 42K)

Because he was a jew

have sex

Why was he so cruel towards Nazi's? They just wanted to express their tranny lifestyle in other countries

Attached: gay nazis.jpg (750x1077, 203K)

have sex

What was annoying about him? The fact he mocked the enemy in a five second scene?

Most Nazi's were actually trans? Interesting. Never found this out on /pol/....

You're supposed to be buttmad he's Jewish like OP is

Anyone who's looked into Lebensborn or what they were trying to do with the Hitler Youth (force 13 year olds to impregnate other 13 year olds) doesn't need much convincing the Nazis were fucked up, 2bh. As if this somehow needs extra clarification.

Pretty sure Reiben was a Jew too but he wasn't nearly as annoying

>Give up, you don't stand a chance! Let's end this here! It will be easier for you, much easier. You'll see it will be over quickly.

Attached: NiftyWhiteBlacknorwegianelkhound-size_restricted.gif (435x250, 3.38M)

can't trust the itey. they never stay on one side during a war.

Why didn't Wade get out of the tower as soon as the Jagdpanzer started turning towards it? There were a good thirty seconds they could have fled. Was he too obsessed with sniping Germans?


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Why didn't he just wait for it to be aiming directly at him, then just snipe the tank round while it's still inside the tank and blow it up?

It was actually very common within armies in the field. They had no distraction, no women in sight, so they often organised "cabaret shows" with transvestied buddies for the lulz.
Homosexuality on the other hand was severly punished.

He killed the Czechs. The horrific deaths of Carpazo and Mellish were their punishment for this earlier crime.

No one was more annoying than Reiben. At least Mellish got the death he deserved.

Reiben was the only one to see the absurdity in throwing away what eventually turned out to be the lives of six men just to save one for the sake of sentimentality

Reiben was the only good character in this story. Good thing he survived.

Reiben was one of the best in the squad, he said what they were all thinking.

Attached: saving private ryan.jpg (1506x1000, 210K)

>Hey Nazis, I'm a Jew! Doesn't that make you seethe???
A few scenes later...
>Waah stop killing me Mr Nazi man
Really makes you think.



How can you guys remember the names of the characters ? I only rmember there was Ryan... And I liked this movie.

Most based to least


Chandler cycled him

Read the book and saw the movie like 20 times. The story isn’t Ryan’s, it’s everyone else’s.

They were cringy degenerate fags.

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Literally curls up into a ball and starts crying when he looks at the Hitler youth knife but isn't traumatized by seeing soldiers limbs blown to smithereens and heads torn off before his eyes. I feel like a lot of it is projection on the part of the director. A soldier that just went through that suicidal insanity, literally one of the most brutal sections of one of the most brutal invasions of all time, would probably not give one single shit about anything he would just be gitty that he was alive and want to gtfo of there as soon as possible.